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I got it!

07 Oct 2014

Renewable Smart Cooling for Urban Europe

The IEE-funded Rescue project provides local authorities, utilities, policy-makers and many more with valuable insights and planning support for the roll-out of sustainable District Cooling for Europe's cities.

Cooling demands in European cities are on an all-time high and will continue to increase in the future. Temperatures rise as well as comfort demands, more and more electric applications radiate heat while building insulation levels increase. District Cooling is an efficient and sustainable way to satisfy heating demands using domestic resources for the benefit of all. District Cooling can increase the quality of living of citizens in urban Europe while decreasing pollution in our cities.The project REnewable Smart Cooling for Urban Europe (RESCUE) is an IEE-funded project aiming at the development of sustainable cooling markets in Europe. The project aims to address the key challenges for the further development and implementation of District Cooling using low and zero carbon emitting sources. Rescue equips regional authorities and other stakeholders with best practice examples, guidelines and tools to assess District Cooling opportunities and expert knowledge on the implementation of District Cooling networks. Transferring knowledge from more experienced regions to less experienced ones and building on the know-how gained is key to a successful shift to a low-carbon Europe.This workshop will provide participants with valuable insights and a broad and deep knowledge in the field, and will provide practical guidance for policy makers, energy planners and technical staff which has been developed and pilot implemented alongside a number of cities and local governments.Participation is free of charge.


7 Oct 2014 @ 01:30 pm

7 Oct 2014 @ 06:00 pm

Duration: 4 hours, 30 minutes


Silken Berlaymont

Boulevard Charlemagne 11



English en

Organised by

Euroheat & Power