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I got it!

Non-profit sector


Hess-Street 89
80797 Munich, Germany

entreTime is a new entrepreneurship education service aimed at upskilling educators within higher education institutions and upgrading their pedagogical tools on this domain by providing a comprehensive training package.

Following our specific philosophy which considers entrepreneurship as a holistic pedagogical teaching method (“teaching through entrepreneurship”), a unique academic platform for spreading entrepreneurial teaching and co-creation, also outside the traditional domain of business schools and economic faculties, will be set up and validated throughout three years of activity, engaging top-level educators across Europe.

Hess-Street 89

80797 Munich


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Mr Maria Augusta Mancini Account Admin

Featured organisers


For-profit sector, Spain, 22 events


Non-profit sector, France, 0 events

Yellow Window

For-profit sector, Belgium, 11 events

FORUM Institut für Management GmbH

For-profit sector, Germany, 5 events

Similar organisers in Germany

Center for Structural Systems Biology

Non-profit sector, Germany , 0 events

Deutsche Umwelthilfe (Environmental Action Germany)

Non-profit sector, Germany , 1 events

Berlin University Alliance

Non-profit sector, Germany , 0 events


Non-profit sector, Germany , 2 events

International Solar Energy Society

Non-profit sector, Germany , 5 events

Association of European Border Regions

Non-profit sector, Germany , 5 events

International Institute of Public Finance

Non-profit sector, Germany , 11 events

Oko-Institut e.V.

Non-profit sector, Germany , 1 events

Universität Paderborn

Non-profit sector, Germany , 0 events

Agora Energiewende

Non-profit sector, Germany , 1 events


Non-profit sector, Germany , 4 events

Comparative Research Network e. V.

Non-profit sector, Germany , 5 events

European Bioplastics e.V.

Non-profit sector, Germany , 2 events