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I got it!


Mr Andrea Caragliu

Main Speaker


Born in Rome, Italy; 22.05.1978.


Associate Professor of Regional and Urban Economics, Politecnico di Milano.

Executive Director, Regional Science Association International (Jan. 1, 2019-).

Guest researcher in Regional and Urban Economics at VU University Amsterdam.

PhD in Spatial Economics, VU University Amsterdam, 2015.

PhD in Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering, Politecnico di Milano, 2010. The dissertation has been awarded the Merit Prize of the EU Committee of the Regions Prize for the Best Doctoral Dissertation and Diploma d’Onore AISRe for the best doctoral dissertation in Regional Science “Giorgio Leonardi” 2010.

Master’s degree and Bachelor’s Degree both in Economics at Bocconi University in Milan (2005 and 2003, respectively).

Member and Auditor (2013-2016) of the Italian Regional Science Association (AISRe), member of the European Regional Science Association (ERSA) and American Economic Association (AEA).

Book Review Editor, Papers in Regional Science.

He has published on various international refereed Journals.

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