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I got it!


Mr Luka Colaric



Luka is an experienced trainer and an avid supported of critical thinking and development trough discourse. He spent 12 years as a debating coach in Europe training national teams and professionals, more than a decade in the NGO sector covering activities from working with elementary school children, marginal groups, students all the way to supporting energy transition policy on a EU level. Luka finished his B.A. in International Development at UEA in the UK, where his was also the sitting President of the Debating Union, Student Ambassador and local freelance expert on sustainable policy development. After finishing his studies he went on to spend a year in India working for UWC as a teacher and experiential outdoor educator. In his roles he also organised a TedX talk on campus, led integration activities with the local community and spearheaded expeditions to the Hymalaias. Following his return to European soil he studied his MSc in Social and Environmental Economics and Policy at WU, Austria. For the last 3 years he has been a consultant in different organisations, including KPMG. Now starting to be fed up with everyday corporate life, Luka has again returned to the training life, eager to incorporate his wast experience into lessons to further the personal and professional development of others.

In Luka you will always find a person yearning to discuss every topic, from global politics, teaching methodology, science breakthroughs, new MTB parts, SF and philosophy and anything and everything you might think of.


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