Marcia Zidle is board certified executive coach based in Dallas Texas. Marcia Zidle, The Smart Moves Coach, helps companies target and implement their elephants – the highest pay-off activities – that will produce the results they want. In In other words, she works with business leaders and their teams to get on the right track, stay on the right track, and avoid getting side tracked in their drive for high performance – high profitability – high purpose
Marcia has over 25 years of management, business consulting and international experience in the areas of business strategy and management; personal and team leadership; talent engagement and development, As a Board Certified Business and Executive Coach, she works with savvy entrepreneurs, CEO’s, executives, and management teams to grow their companies AND make a difference in their world. They want to move up to the next level – ahead of their competition – into new areas – over and around obstacles – beyond business as usual – towards building a solid leadership foundation for growth.