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20 Mar 2012

EU 2050: Europe's tech revolution

Debating Europe live debate on what our future might look like in 2050 as technology is revolutionising life, work and play. Could ubiquitous computing and smart energy lead to sustainable growth and a golden age of democracy?

12.30-13.00 Welcome and registration of participants13.00-14.00 DebateTechnology today is revolutionising the way Europeans live, work and play; but what might our future look like in 2050? Will smart energy grids and an “internet of things” help us conserve resources and secure sustainable growth? Could ubiquitous free wifi, resiliant distributed networks and open data lead to a golden age of democracy and freedom of speech? Might personalised medicine help us slash healthcare costs and save the “European social model”? Or do new technologies deliver as many dangers as opportunities? What are some of the ethical challenges around civil liberties, privacy and human rights that we may face in 2050, and what can Europe do today to plan for the future? In the run-up to the debate, which will be streamed online at debatingeurope.eu, we will be collecting ideas, comments and questions from citizens to be asked of the panellists.Speakers:Anne Glover, Chief Scientific Advisor to the European Commission PresidentDan Reed, Corporate Vice President of the Technology Policy Group at Microsoft Research Chaired by Giles Merritt, Secretary General of Friends of Europe Moderated by Robert McLeod, Editor-in-Chief and Founder of MLex Market Intelligence14.00-14.30 Networking coffee


20 Mar 2012 @ 01:00 pm

20 Mar 2012 @ 02:30 pm

Duration: 1 hours, 30 minutes


Bibliothèque Solvay

Rue Belliard 137




English en

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Friends of Europe

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