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Videos (91741)

space Why do we launch rockets from the equator? 🚀 #shorts
Why do we launch rockets from the equator? 🚀 #shorts
European Space Agenc...
Europe’s new rocket Ariane 6 will take off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana, near the equator, and far from populated areas. Why did Europe choose a spaceport on the other side of the world? The main reason is the lack of space. There are hardly any places in Europe where rockets can be launched and fly over unpopulated areas during its initial launch phase. We also need a large area to build the launch pad and operations. Europe’s Spaceport is also very close to the equator. As our Earth spins itself, you can get an extra boost if you launch where Earth is widest… at the equator. 📹 ESA - European Space Agency 📸 ESA - European Space Agency #ESA #Ariane6 #Rocket
power Tackling climate change through carbon capture and storage #decarbonisation #carboncapture
Tackling climate change through carbon capture and storage #decarbonisation #carboncapture
The European Commission's 2040 strategy heavily focuses on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). But how advanced is this technology today? What are the costs involved, and what kind of support does it need? Chris Davies, director of CCS Europe, and Kristian Ruby, secretary general of Eurelectric, discuss everything you need to know about CCS.
politics Celebrate the birthday of one of the founders of the EU,Robert Schuman! 🇪🇺🎉
Celebrate the birthday of one of the founders of the EU,Robert Schuman! 🇪🇺🎉
European Parliament
On this day in 1886, the former president of the European Parliament was born in Luxembourg. He later became a French citizen and was a key participant in the resistance during WWII. After the war, Schuman dedicated his life to politics with the goal of promoting peace and unity across Europe. His declaration on 9 May 1950 laid the foundations for the birth of the EU. #shorts #europeanparliament #europeanunion
health EMCDDA-Europol Launch: EU Drug Markets – new psychoactive substances
EMCDDA-Europol Launch: EU Drug Markets – new psychoactive substances
EU Drugs Agency (EMCDDA)
Objective: This webinar provides an overview of the EU market on New psychoactive substances (NPS), from production and trafficking, to distribution and use of these substances. The speakers will discuss the continued adaptation of the NPS market and increasing integration with the market for established controlled drugs, drawing conclusions from a number of data sources, including the European Union Early Warning System on NPS. Key issues will be defined and recommendations for action at EU and Member State level will be provided. Background: This webinar is dedicated to the NPS module of the EU Drug Markets: In-depth analysis, the fourth comprehensive overview of illicit drug markets in the European Union from the EMCDDA and Europol. Speakers: Ana Gallegos, Head of sector, Action on new drugs (EMCDDA) Joanna De Morais, Scientific analyst, Action on new drugs (EMCDDA) Rita Jorge, Scientific analyst, Synthetic drugs (EMCDDA) Chairperson: Ana Gallegos, EMCDDA Format: Opening remarks, speakers’ presentations, Q&A. Speakers will present: - The state of play of the EU NPS market - Distribution, supply, and harms of NPS by category - Production of NPS: recent trends and the rise of synthetic cathinone production - Key findings and recommendations Length: 1 hour Date: 27 June 2024, 10.00–11.00 Lisbon time (WEST) 11.00–12.00 (CEST)
politics Youth Voices Matter
Youth Voices Matter
Council of Europe
Youth perspectives matter and YOU can make a difference! 📢 Hear from Oskar and Leah, participants of “Let’s get political!” - a #CouncilOfEurope youth seminar. The event put youth engagement in political life and the realisation of Reykjavik principles in centre stage. It took place in parallel with the PACE session. Learn more about youth activities to revitalise democracy at https://www.coe.int/en/web/democracy-here-now Learn more about the Council of Europe’s work with Youth: https://www.coe.int/en/web/youth
institutions Building Bridges: Ursula von der Leyen on EU-Egypt Partnership
Building Bridges: Ursula von der Leyen on EU-Egypt Partnership
European Commission
In her opening remarks at the EU-Egypt Investment Conference, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen emphasized the EU's strategic partnership with Egypt, highlighting three key commitments: increased financial assistance, enhanced investments in strategic sectors, and advanced skills development for Egyptian workers. Discover how these initiatives, along with robust public-private partnerships, are catalyzing impactful developments in both Egypt and the EU. #EU #Egypt #PartnershipOpportunities #EUpartnerships #StrategicPartnership #SkillsDevelopment #EconomicDevelopment Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-258966 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
environment Switch: An Exhibition of Queer and Trans Surfing
Switch: An Exhibition of Queer and Trans Surfing
28 Jun 2024
Surfrider Foundation
Queer Surf recently hosted the second annual SWITCH event—an expansive and non-traditional community celebration of non-binary, trans, and queer expression in the waves and on the beach. We believe the beach belongs to everyone, and everyone has a natural right to enjoy it. The Surfrider Foundation is committed to supporting the LGBTQ+ surfing community to help create a more inclusive, welcoming, and safe culture in our ocean, waves, and beaches. Learn more about this incredible event: https://www.surfrider.org/news/second-annual-switch-an-exhibition-of-queer-and-trans-surfing #TheBeachBelongsToEveryone Video credit: Phoenix Ocean Cover photo credit: Sachi Cunningham
education Online Pharma FORUM
Online Pharma FORUM "Zulassungsstrategie in Europa 2025" am 25. Juni 2024
28 Jun 2024
Am 25. Juni 2024 fand eine Sendung des Online Pharma FORUMs zum Thema „Zulassungsstrategien in Europa“ mit Dr. Ulrich Granzer, Granzer Regulatory Consulting & Services statt. Im Fokus der Sendung standen neben den Einreichungsoptionen in der EU (immer im Vergleich mit den USA) die Änderungen des regulatorischen Regelwerks in Europa. So steht die EU Pharmaceutical Legislation vor der Tür mit veränderten Schutzfristen, einer Bündelung der behördlichen Committees (mehr Fokus auf den CHMP, Abschaffung des PDCO, des CAT und des COMP) und weitere Neuerungen. EU-HTA steht mit Deadline 12.1.2025 schon direkt vor der Tür, verbunden mit der Frage, wie man künftig Scientific Advice-Meetings mit nationalen Behörden oder der EMA mit Beratungen durch die HTA-Bodies verbinden kann. Dr. Ulrich Granzers Empfehlung war, hier keine Joint Meetings der Regulatoren mit den HTA-Bodies, sondern ein sequenzielles Vorgehen zu planen. Im zweiten Teil der Sendung ging Herr Dr. Granzer noch stärker auf die spezifischen Programme der EU und der USA ein (EU: PRIME, Conditional Approval, Accelerated Approval; USA: Breakthrough, Accelerated Approval) sowie auf die neuen Möglichkeiten im Bereich von Big Data und AI. Aktuell führen Big Data und AI-Analysen (noch) nicht zu neuen Innovationen, können aber helfen das Safetyprofil von Arzneimitteln besser zu verstehen. Zum Ende adressierte Herr Dr. Granzer noch kurz den Inflation Reduction Act der USA, der das Thema „Reimbursement & Price reduction negociations“ auch dort an den Start bringen wird. Autorin: Dr. Henriette Wolf-Klein FORUM Institut für Management GmbH, Heidelberg [email protected] Möchten Sie den vollständigen Vortrag sehen? Dann schauen Sie doch mal auf unserer Website vorbei: www.online-pharma-forum.de vorbei und melden sich an. Sie haben dann Zugriff auf das komplette Archiv des Online Pharma FORUMS und sind live bei allen zukünftigen Sendungen dabei. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
education Online Medizinprodukte FORUM
Online Medizinprodukte FORUM "Technische Dokumentation: Update" am 25. Juni 2024
28 Jun 2024
Am 25. Juni 2024 fand eine Sendung des Online Medizinprodukte FORUMs zum Thema „Technische Dokumentation: Update“ mit Michael Bothe, MBA, statt. In seiner Funktion als Leiter der Benannten Stelle für Aktive Medizinprodukte der DQS Medizinprodukte GmbH ist Herr Bothe im Konformitätsbewertungsverfahren unter anderem dafür verantwortlich, als letzte Instanz die Verfahren vor Freigabe zur Zertifikatserstellung noch einmal prozedural zu überprüfen. Im Fokus dieser Sendung standen die Themen „Schnittstelle zum Qualitätsmanagement“ und die „kritischsten Rückweisungsgründe Benannter Stellen“. Durch die Verordnung (EU) 2017/745 MDR wurden umfangreiche Anforderungen eingeführt, um die Sicherheit, Leistung und Gebrauchstauglichkeit von Medizinprodukten zu gewährleisten. Da einige dieser Anforderungen unspezifisch sind, empfahl Herr Bothe die Hinzuziehung der MDCG-Papiere. Diese Dokumente sind zwar nicht rechtsverbindlich, bieten jedoch eine klare Orientierungshilfe für die Erfüllung der Anforderungen. Im zweiten Teil der Sendung skizzierte Herr Bothe den Ablauf des Konformitätsbewertungsverfahrens: von der Bewertung einer Produktakte, über die Dokumentenprüfung des QM-Systems (Stufe I Audit), die Audits vor Ort (Stufe II Audit) bis hin zum Vorliegen aller Dokumente beim Zertifizierungsausschuss. Der Prozess zwischen Antragsstellung und Zertifikatserstellung dauert erfahrungsgemäß zwischen 9 Monaten und 2,5 Jahren. Herr Bothe nannte zwei Hauptgründe für „kritischste Rückweisungen“, die eine erhebliche Verzögerung verursachen können: Lücken in der Validierung und Lücken in den klinischen Daten. Besonders die Validierung gilt als „Königsdisziplin“ der Technischen Dokumentation, die nach abgeschlossener Verifikation beginnt. Um die Unklarheiten in der klinischen Bewertung zu beseitigen, stellte Herr Bothe eine No-Go-Checkliste vor, deren Fragen eindeutig mit Ja oder Nein beantwortet werden können. Flüchtigkeits- und Konsistenzfehler treten häufig auf und lassen sich meist rasch beheben, während Defizite in den Bereichen Klinik und Validierung zu erheblichen Verzögerungen führen können. Bislang konnten diese Verzögerungen durch verlängerte Übergangsfristen ausgeglichen werden, doch diese Fristen gelten nicht mehr für die Termine Ende 2027/2028. Daher betonte Herr Bothe nachdrücklich, dass die Hersteller diese Themen jetzt systematisch angehen und die verbleibende Zeit nutzen sollten, um alle Anforderungen zu erfüllen. Autorin: Verena Planitz Institut für Management GmbH, Heidelberg [email protected] Möchten Sie den vollständigen Vortrag sehen? Dann schauen Sie doch mal auf unserer Website vorbei: www.online-medizinprodukte-forum.de vorbei und melden sich an. Sie haben dann Zugriff auf das komplette Archiv des Online Medizinprodukte FORUMS und sind live bei allen zukünftigen Sendungen dabei. Wir freuen uns auf Sie!
forests Georg Rappold at IUFRO 2024
Georg Rappold at IUFRO 2024
28 Jun 2024
IUFRO Headquarters
Dr. Georg Rappold is Head of Department “Wood Policy, Bioeconomy and Innovation“ of the Federal Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry, Regions and Water Management of the Republic of Austria. He started his professional career in 2001 as head of the secretariat “Austrian Forest Dialogue” in the Ministry. In this function he laid the foundation for an internationally recognized participatory policy formulation process – the Austrian Forest Dialogue. Georg Rappold holds an MBA (Public Management) from the University of Salzburg Business School (Austria) and a PhD (Natural Sciences) from the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences (Vienna, Austria).
humanrights Fighting on the Frontlines for Ukraine—and LGBTQ+ Rights
Fighting on the Frontlines for Ukraine—and LGBTQ+ Rights
28 Jun 2024
Open Society Foundations
Viktor Pylypenko has long been fighting for his country, Ukraine. He also has been fighting for LGBTQ+ rights. As an openly gay soldier, he and the organization he leads—Ukrainian LGBT+ Military for Equal Rights @lgbtiqmilitary—are showing other Ukrainians that they are the same as they are and are fighting against the homophobic and anti-democratic ideals of Putin’s Russia. Share if you support equality in Ukraine and everywhere! Learn more: https://lgbtmilitary.org.ua/eng #OpenSociety #Ukraine #LGBTQI #LGBT #PrideMonth #Pride #Equity
Global Gateway Strategy: EU’s Values-Based Strategy for Enhanced International Partnerships
Global Gateway Strategy: EU’s Values-Based Strategy for Enhanced International Partnerships
28 Jun 2024
Full event title 'Global Gateway Strategy: EU’s Values-Based Strategy for Enhanced International Partnerships and Sustainable Investments' In her remarks, European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Jutta Urpilainen, will present the Global Gateway investment strategy. In a time of geopolitical turmoil and subsequent global crises, which have hit the most vulnerable the hardest, Global Gateway is the European Union’s positive and holistic partnership offer to advance Sustainable Development Goals in partner countries. It reflects the new paradigm of development cooperation, stemming from the need to reset relations with the Global South and build mutually beneficial, equal partnerships to solve global challenges. About the Speaker: As European Commissioner for International Partnerships, Ms Jutta Urpilainen oversees the European Commission’s work on international cooperation and sustainable development. Before joining the Commission, Ms Urpilainen served as a Member of the Finnish Parliament from 2003 to 2019. In 2008, she became the first woman leader of the Social Democratic Party of Finland. From 2011 to 2014, she served as Finland’s Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister. During that time, she became closely involved in development issues, joining the Development Committee of the World Bank Group and IMF, and chairing the Finnish National Commission on Sustainable Development. She served as the Foreign Minister’s Special Representative on Mediation (2017-19) and chaired the Finnish National Commission for UNESCO (2015-18).
Podcast : A Less Fractured Union? Where for the UK’s after General Election 2024
Podcast : A Less Fractured Union? Where for the UK’s after General Election 2024
28 Jun 2024
In his talk, Michael Kenny discusses the main themes of his new book, Fractured Union, which provides a comprehensive analysis of how and why the UK’s Union has, in his opinion, come near to breaking apart in recent years. He explores the policy options and cultural changes required in British politics and government to put the Union on a more stable footing. He also considers the implications of the next general election taking place in the UK for the next 10-20 years, and discusses what will be different, and what might continue, in the event of a victory for Keir Stamer’s Labour Party. About the Speaker: Michael Kenny is Professor of Public Policy, and the inaugural Director of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge where he leads the Institute’s place and public policy programme. He is a visiting Fellow at the UCL Constitution Unit, a Fellow of the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences, and holds advisory positions with the Constitution Society, the ‘Behaviour Change by Design’ project, and ‘The Science of Global Risk’ project. His research includes leading projects on left-behind communities, social infrastructure and devolution, and the future of the UK constitution. His latest book is entitled Fractured Union: Politics, Sovereignty, and the Fight to Save the UK.
A Less Fractured Union? Where Next for the UK’s Territorial Constitution after General Election 2024
A Less Fractured Union? Where Next for the UK’s Territorial Constitution after General Election 2024
28 Jun 2024
In his talk, Michael Kenny discusses the main themes of his new book, Fractured Union, which provides a comprehensive analysis of how and why the UK’s Union has, in his opinion, come near to breaking apart in recent years. He explores the policy options and cultural changes required in British politics and government to put the Union on a more stable footing. He also considers the implications of the next general election taking place in the UK for the next 10-20 years, and discusses what will be different, and what might continue, in the event of a victory for Keir Stamer’s Labour Party. About the Speaker: Michael Kenny is Professor of Public Policy, and the inaugural Director of the Bennett Institute for Public Policy at the University of Cambridge where he leads the Institute’s place and public policy programme. He is a visiting Fellow at the UCL Constitution Unit, a Fellow of the UK’s Academy of Social Sciences, and holds advisory positions with the Constitution Society, the ‘Behaviour Change by Design’ project, and ‘The Science of Global Risk’ project. His research includes leading projects on left-behind communities, social infrastructure and devolution, and the future of the UK constitution. His latest book is entitled Fractured Union: Politics, Sovereignty, and the Fight to Save the UK. Recorded on the 27th of June 2024
Europe, Women’s Rights and Migration : event in Paris in the context of the EU Elections 2024
Europe, Women’s Rights and Migration : event in Paris in the context of the EU Elections 2024
28 Jun 2024
European Network of ...
Filmed on May 18th 2024 at La Cité Audacieuse. This event brought together experts and activists to discuss important issues in the context of the EU Elections 2024 and share their experiences.
Worldplaces for Migrant Women Conference
Worldplaces for Migrant Women Conference
28 Jun 2024
European Network of ...
This event WORLDPLACES took place on 20 June 2023, the World Refugee day, to mark the completion of the WORLDPLACES project. The 1st panel in the morning session focused on the outcomes of the Worldplaces project with various speakers, including project partners, ambassadors & beneficiaries, who highlighted the project's successes & challenges. The 2nd panel featured guest speakers from the policy and research arenas, i.e. the EC DG Home, ICMPD, and ETUI, who discussed the importance of projects like Worldplaces. Finally a performance by the Ukrainian choir Do-La.
economy EIF turning #30Years(B)old
EIF turning #30Years(B)old
28 Jun 2024
European Investment Fund
30 years of boldness and trust in the European SMEs. This 2-day celebration event is about all the people who contributed to this achievement: past and current staff, partner institutions among which the European Investment Bank and the European Commission, but first and foremost about Europe‘s #entrepreneurs whom we supported with our partners through all these years! Over thirty years, the EIF has been designing and deploying financial instruments that absorb risk to make financing more accessible to small businesses across Europe. More than half a trillion worth of financing. We have meet all together on June 11th and 12th not only to celebrate the past, but to think about the future, to move to a whole new level of bold — next level bold — to rise to the challenges we are facing. Here’s to thirty more! #eif #30yearsbold #entrepreneurs #europe
culture EFAcast - Ljubljana Festival (European Festivals Association)
EFAcast - Ljubljana Festival (European Festivals Association)
28 Jun 2024
European Festivals A...
The EFAcast series explores what festivals are cooking up. In this episode, Simon Mundy meets Darko Brlek, General and Artistic Director of the Ljubljana Festival. Read more about the festival: https://www.efa-aef.eu/en/members/431/
social 🎉Congratulations to Inmaculada Placencia Porrero
🎉Congratulations to Inmaculada Placencia Porrero
28 Jun 2024
Social Europe
🇪🇺🎉Congratulations to Inmaculada Placencia Porrero, the first-ever EU expert elected to the @UN Committee on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Her expertise will significantly advance the rights of persons with disabilities.
digital Edit it yourself: A practical guide to video editing
Edit it yourself: A practical guide to video editing
28 Jun 2024
Digital Culture Network
This session was recorded live on June 26 at 11am and was presented by Dean Shaw. In this 60-minute webinar, Dean Shaw, Tech Champion for Content Creation, will present how to use a free editing tool to edit your videos. Dean will show you the whole editing journey; starting with transferring the footage from your phone to the editing tool, and ending with the creation of the final video, ready to be posted on social media. You will learn how to: Transfer video footage from your phone to the editing tool. Use the editor's timeline to cut, adjust and grade the video footage. Add closed captions to make your video accessible. Improve the quality of the audio in your video. WEBINAR RESOURCES – https://digitalculturenetwork.org.uk/?post_type=knowledge&p=410952&preview=true WHAT IS THE DIGITAL CULTURE NETWORK? The Digital Culture Network provides practical, on the ground help to the arts and culture sector. Our focus is around digital skills and leadership development. We can help you: - Explore and harness the benefits of technology to achieve your goals - Find new ways to reach and engage audiences - Develop sustainable business models. We support you in different ways: - One-to-one support from a team of Tech Champions specialising in digital content, eCommerce, data analytics, social media, digital strategy, email marketing, ticketing and CRM, websites and search engine marketing. - Practical workshops and webinars to improve skills and engage with peers. - Signposting to resources and training from us and our partners - Support with technology related funding opportunities - National and regional training days delivered with technology partners. You can get in touch on [email protected], by visiting our website digitalculturenetwork.org.uk or on Twitter @ace_dcn.
renewable Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Local Solution to Energy Challenges
Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Local Solution to Energy Challenges
28 Jun 2024
EGEC Geothermal
Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs) represent the future of affordable, permanent, and efficient energy solutions. By harnessing the Earth's natural heat, GHPs provide sustainable heating, cooling, and hot water for all types of buildings. This clean and locally-sourced technology offers a cost-effective answer to rising energy costs and climate concerns, eliminating the need for imported fuels and enhancing energy security. Join the 20 million Europeans already benefiting from geothermal energy. Discover more about Geothermal Heat Pumps on our website: https://gogeothermal.eu/projects/geoboost/.
digital BDT4Impact: Boosting Digital Skills in Ghana
BDT4Impact: Boosting Digital Skills in Ghana
28 Jun 2024
Watch this documentary to explore the impact made by the Boosting Digital Skills project delivered with the Ghana Investment Fund for Electronic Communications (GIFEC) and implemented through the ITU-CISCO Digital Transformation Centres initiative.
digital IGF 2024 Second MAG Meeting Day 1
IGF 2024 Second MAG Meeting Day 1
28 Jun 2024
Internet Governance ...
IGF 2024 Second MAG Meeting Day 1
climate Transition Finance Lunch & Learn
Transition Finance Lunch & Learn
28 Jun 2024
Climate Bonds Initiative
Join us for an engaging and insightful Lunch & Learn session focusing on Financial Crimes and Land Conversion: Uncovering Risk for Financial Institutions - Commodity Supply Chain Risks. This event is an excellent opportunity for professionals in the financial sector, sustainability advocates, and anyone interested in understanding the intricate risks associated with commodity supply chains. Guest Speakers: - Olivia Dakeyne, Associate Director, Insight at Themis - Carel Van Randwyck, Senior Advisor at Themis - John Dodsworth, Drivers Initiative Lead at WWF-UK
energy Humanising Energy: The plane with a plan
Humanising Energy: The plane with a plan
28 Jun 2024
World Energy Council
There won’t be one solution to reducing the carbon emissions from the aviation industry. This aircraft is helping ideas take flight by providing a platform to test new and innovative solutions for the industry. About Humanising Energy: Produced for the World Energy Council by BBC StoryWorks Commercial Productions, Humanising Energy is a powerful online series of films and articles displaying the technical innovation taking place across the energy sector through compelling, human-centric stories of creativity, collaboration and community. With content capturing the stories of remote communities in need of reliable sustainable energy, of innovators changing the future of energy, and of organisations striving to effectively harness the earth’s natural resources, Humanising Energy tells the human story at the heart of the energy sector. Find all the content here: https://www.worldenergy.org/world-energy-community/world-energy-stories Join the conversation: Linked In: https://bit.ly/WECLinkedin Twitter: http://bit.ly/WECtwitter #HumanisingEnergy
renewable (WEBINAR) Investment Outlook for Utility scale PV & BESS Projects in the Nordics
(WEBINAR) Investment Outlook for Utility scale PV & BESS Projects in the Nordics
28 Jun 2024
Faced with falling (and sometimes even negative) energy prices, independent power producers (IPPs) and project developers are forced to adapt their financial business models and utilize the potential of monetizing storage technologies. As the traditional forecast for standalone PV systems is being rewritten, it's crucial to re-educate yourself on the sustainable renewable energy business models of the future. This webinar provided crucial insights into how leading market players navigate the new landscape of utility-scale PV & BESS projects and investment, as Mark Augustenborg Ødum, the Chief Investment Officer of Better Energy, shared invaluable insights into the leading Danish IPP's strategy. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 🔗 For more insights and events, visit - https://bit.ly/3vYZriN
animal Managing Water Availability on Farm
Managing Water Availability on Farm
28 Jun 2024
Scotland's Farm Advi...
With extreme weather events from drought to flooding, water availability on farm is not a certainty. FAS will be hosting a webinar with Wull Dryburgh from SEPA, Abigail Teward from SAC England and Frank Dakin from Penmar Farm to discuss water scarcity on farm and what farmers can do to mitigate to try and ensure a safe, sustainable water supply to their land when needed. Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS) is funded by the Scottish Government, providing information and resources aimed at increasing the profitability and sustainability of farms and crofts. Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/FASScot/?sub_confirmation=1 Visit our website: https://www.fas.scot/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FASScot Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FASScot/
animal Integrated Crop Management
Integrated Crop Management
28 Jun 2024
Scotland's Farm Advi...
Integrated Pest Management (IPM) combines a range of tools to more efficiently target the application of plant protection products, thereby reducing the risk of pesticide resistance. Completing an IPM plan can help farmers comply with their legal requirement to take reasonable precaution to reduce risks to human health, the environment and biodiversity when using pesticides. To create a plan, you can use the free Scottish Integrated Pest Management Assessment plan. https://www.planthealthcentre.scot/scottish-ipm-assessment-plan Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS) is funded by the Scottish Government, providing information and resources aimed at increasing the profitability and sustainability of farms and crofts. Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/FASScot/?sub_confirmation=1 Visit our website: https://www.fas.scot/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FASScot Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FASScot/
animal Crop Update for Scotland's Farmers - 28th June 2024
Crop Update for Scotland's Farmers - 28th June 2024
28 Jun 2024
Scotland's Farm Advi...
SRUC's Fiona Burnett gives an update on spring barley, wheat and potatoes, what to look out for and disease management. Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS) is funded by the Scottish Government, providing information and resources aimed at increasing the profitability and sustainability of farms and crofts. Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/FASScot/?sub_confirmation=1 Visit our website: https://www.fas.scot/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FASScot Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FASScot/
economy Michael Clemens: Immigration policy in crisis
Michael Clemens: Immigration policy in crisis
28 Jun 2024
Peterson Institute f...
Speaking at a PIIE event on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s proposals to deport unauthorized workers in the United States, Michael A. Clemens argued that such mass deportations would eliminate jobs, drain public coffers, feed black markets, and invite chaos and illegality. A more sensible solution to curbing illegal entries would be to expand opportunities for lawful entry into the United States. Watch the full event here: https://www.piie.com/events/2024/migration-restrictions-and-damages-us-economy
economy Jonathan Portes: Immigration, Brexit, and the UK labor market: Lessons for the US
Jonathan Portes: Immigration, Brexit, and the UK labor market: Lessons for the US
28 Jun 2024
Peterson Institute f...
Speaking at a PIIE event on immigration issues, Jonathan Portes drew lessons for US immigration policies from the UK experience with Brexit. EU migration to the United Kingdom has fallen sharply since 2016, and the decline accelerated during the pandemic, Portes noted, whereas non-EU migration for work and study has increased. Recent UK employment and GDP growth has been primarily driven by immigration. Tighter migration restrictions make it harder to fund and staff public services, he asserted. Watch the full event here: https://www.piie.com/events/2024/migration-restrictions-and-damages-us-economy
economy Warwick J. McKibben: Mass deportations would reduce US labor and GDP
Warwick J. McKibben: Mass deportations would reduce US labor and GDP
28 Jun 2024
Peterson Institute f...
Speaking at a PIIE event on presidential candidate Donald Trump’s immigration proposals, Warwick J. McKibben said massive deportation of unauthorized workers would sharply reduce labor supply in mining, agriculture, services, and manufacturing of durable and nondurable goods. Employing a sophisticated “G-Cubed Model” to project the economic impact of two scenarios, McKibben concluded that such deportations would reduce real GDP by 12 percent if 7.5 million workers were deported and by 2.1 percent if 1.3 million were deported. Both scenarios would ignite serious inflation. Watch the full event here: https://www.piie.com/events/2024/migration-restrictions-and-damages-us-economy
economy The impact of sanctions on the Russian economy
The impact of sanctions on the Russian economy
28 Jun 2024
Peterson Institute f...
After the illegal invasion of Ukraine by Russia in February 2022, the West was quick to impose sanctions on Russia. These sanctions—in the political, cultural, trade, and economic arenas—were aimed at making a clear political statement that the invasion was unacceptable and in violation of international law but also at eroding Russia´s economic ability to pursue the war. More than two years after, the war is still going on, and Russia´s economy seems not to be very affected by the sanctions. Do sanctions not work? How can we explain the resilience of the Russian economy? What can be done and how can we continue to help Ukraine? Joining this episode of the Peterson for International Economics’ (PIIE) event series Trade Winds are: HOST Cecilia Malmström Nonresident Senior Fellow, PIIE GUESTS Sergei Guriev Dean, London Business School Elina Ribakova Director of the International Affairs Program, Kyiv School of Economics; Nonresident Senior Fellow, PIIE For more information, visit: https://www.piie.com/events/2024/impact-sanctions-russian-economy Subscribe to receive notices of upcoming PIIE events: https://www.piie.com/subscribe Follow the Peterson Institute for International Economics on social media! Twitter: https://twitter.com/piie LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/piie Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/PIIEonline/
economy Re-energising Europe’s global green reach
Re-energising Europe’s global green reach
28 Jun 2024
Re-energising Europe’s global green reach
homeaffairs Geopolitical Challenges, Security of the EU | #HungarianPPC
Geopolitical Challenges, Security of the EU | #HungarianPPC
28 Jun 2024
Trans European Polic...
On 1 July 2024, Hungary will take over the reins of the Council of the European Union, holding the Rotating Presidency for the second time since its accession to the European Union twenty years ago, in May 2004. To discuss the aims and priorities of the incoming Hungarian Presidency, as well as the crucial files needing attention in the EU, the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics co-organised the Hungarian Pre-Presidency Conference (PPC): “Changes and Challenges in the European Union”. The panel Geopolitical challenges, security of the EU featured contributions from: - Anna Molnár, Ludovika University of Public Service; - Magdalena Góra, Institute of European Studies, Jagiellonian University; - Luigi Scazzieri, Centre for European Reform; - Gunilla Herolf, Swedish Institute of International Affairs; - Moderator: Pernille Rieker, Norwegian Institute of International Affairs. This Pre-Presidency Conference was organised by the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics. The event is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme. The event was in cooperation with the Hungarian Economic Association, Videoton Holding, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Grawe Insurance. TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/ Editing: Hugh Evans Music: Alive, Wondershare Filmora X This video is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
space Europe's new rocket is on the launch pad and ready for liftoff
Europe's new rocket is on the launch pad and ready for liftoff
28 Jun 2024
European Space Agenc...
On 20 June 2024 the first Ariane 6 rocket to launch into space went through its last full ‘wet dress rehearsal’ at Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana – it provided an exciting sneak peek of what’s to come, stopping just a few seconds before engine ignition and of course, liftoff. One of the first steps was to roll back the colossal 90-m tall Ariane 6 mobile gantry building 120 m away from the launch pad – the first moment the complete rocket stood free. The first parts of Ariane 6 began arriving in French Guiana from continental Europe in February 2024 via the Canopée ‘spaceship’. In March, the main stage and upper stage were assembled, followed by the transfer of the two powerful P120C boosters in April. In May, Ariane 6’s first passengers also arrived in Kourou – a varied selection of experiments, satellites, payload deployers and reentry demonstrations that represent thousands across Europe, from students to industry and experienced space actors NASA and ArianeGroup. The payloads were integrated onto the ‘ballast’ at the end of May, and just a few days ago the ballast was fitted onto the top of the rocket and the fairing closed around it – the last time Ariane 6’s cargo would see light. From Earth observation to technology demonstrations testing wildlife tracking, 3D printing in open space, open-source software and hardware and science missions looking for the most energetic explosions in the universe, the passengers on Ariane 6’s first flight are a testament to the rocket’s adaptability, complexity, and its role for the future – launching any mission, anywhere. Credits: ESA - European Space Agency Footage: ESA/ArianeGroup/Arianespace/CNES ★ Subscribe: http://bit.ly/ESAsubscribe and click twice on the bell button to receive our notifications. Check out our full video catalog: http://bit.ly/SpaceInVideos Follow us on Twitter: http://bit.ly/ESAonTwitter On Facebook: http://bit.ly/ESAonFacebook On Instagram: http://bit.ly/ESAonInstagram On LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/ESAonLinkedIn On Pinterest: https://bit.ly/ESAonPinterest On Flickr: http://bit.ly/ESAonFlickr We are Europe's gateway to space. Our mission is to shape the development of Europe's space capability and ensure that investment in space continues to deliver benefits to the citizens of Europe and the world. Check out https://www.esa.int/ to get up to speed on everything space related. Copyright information about our videos is available here: https://www.esa.int/ESA_Multimedia/Terms_and_Conditions #ESA #Ariane6 #Rocket
air IATA Training | Emergency Planning & Response for Airlines with ERP Simulation |Student Testimonial
IATA Training | Emergency Planning & Response for Airlines with ERP Simulation |Student Testimonial
28 Jun 2024
In the dynamic world of aviation, handling emergencies effectively is paramount. Hear from Luca Rubeo, a participant who shares his experience with our comprehensive course and cutting-edge simulation tools. This intensive four-day course is meticulously designed to equip you with the critical skills and knowledge necessary for a leadership role in your airline's emergency response team. Through real-time simulations, you'll gain hands-on experience that prepares you for real-world challenges. Don’t miss this opportunity to expand your expertise and become an invaluable asset to your team. Join us in building a safer and more resilient future for aviation. Learn more about the course and secure your spot today: https://www.iata.org/training-talp04 #iatatraining #training #aviation #career #avgeek #traininglife #aviationlife #aviationtraining #learning #iata #training #course #coursecontent #coursematerial #simulation #erp #emergencyresponseplanning #airportemergency
finance T+1 Update: What have we learned from the US? What’s next for Europe?
T+1 Update: What have we learned from the US? What’s next for Europe?
28 Jun 2024
Association for Fina...
During this webinar, our expert speakers discussed the immediate “lessons learned” from the first month of T+1 in the US, and the current state of play in Europe, covering both EU and UK developments. Topics that were covered include: • How has the industry managed the expected impact on settlement fails, securities lending, and FX? • How is the work of the UK technical group progressing? • What comes next in the EU? How can European jurisdictions best coordinate their approach?
competition ECIPE Webinar: The Letta Report and How to Align Ideals and Action in Europe's Single Market
ECIPE Webinar: The Letta Report and How to Align Ideals and Action in Europe's Single Market
28 Jun 2024
The European Single Market, integral to European integration and economic prosperity, faces new challenges and opportunities in an advancing interconnected world. The recent Letta Report constitutes a pivotal call to action, underscoring the imperative to rejuvenate the EU's Single Market through decisive reforms. We will explore essential strategies and recommendations aimed at revitalising the European Single Market amidst evolving global dynamics. Join us as we delve into pressing themes, drawing on historical insights and forward-looking ideas: • Why is there an urgent need to significantly enhance the Single Market now? • How can harmonised EU laws foster innovation and economic growth within the Single Market? • What immediate opportunities exist for quick wins in strengthening the Single Market? • What transformative initiatives can we anticipate from the upcoming European Commission to drive the Single Market forward?
agriculture Food For Europe 44 - Farming and the environment: can they be reconciled?
Food For Europe 44 - Farming and the environment: can they be reconciled?
28 Jun 2024
EU Food & Farming
In the recent European election campaign, the Green Deal came under considerable scrutiny from farmers and farming organisations, highlighting the tension that sometimes exists between agriculture and the environment. We hear from Wolfgang Burtscher, Director-General of the Directorate-General for Agriculture and Rural Development, and Clara Bourgin, Friends of the Earth, an environmental advocacy group.
agriculture Nourrir l'Europe Podcast 43 - Comment réconcilier agriculture et environnement?
Nourrir l'Europe Podcast 43 - Comment réconcilier agriculture et environnement?
28 Jun 2024
EU Food & Farming
Lors de la récente campagne électorale européenne, l’initiative phare des 27 a fait l'objet de nombreuses critiques dans les rangs des agriculteurs et des organisations agricoles, mettant en évidence les tensions qui existent parfois entre agriculture et environnement. Nourrir l’Europe se penche sur la question, en compagnie de Wolfgang Burtscher, Directeur Dénéral de la Direction Générale de l'Agriculture et du Développement Rural, et de Clara Bourgin, militante au sein de l’association de défense de l’environnement « les Amis de la Terre ».
agriculture Podcast
Podcast "Nahrung für Europa" 44 - Sind Landwirtschaft und Umwelt miteinander vereinbar?
28 Jun 2024
EU Food & Farming
Im jüngsten Europawahlkampf geriet der Green Deal jedoch bei Landwirten und Agrarverbänden ins Kreuzfeuer der Kritik, was die Spannungen deutlich machte, die bisweilen zwischen Landwirtschaft und Umwelt bestehen. Wir hören Wolfgang Burtscher, den Generaldirektor der Generaldirektion Landwirtschaft und ländliche Entwicklung, und Clara Bourgin von Friends of the Earth, einer Umweltschutzorganisation.
education Artificial intelligence and ethics: the place of new technologies within university missions
Artificial intelligence and ethics: the place of new technologies within university missions
28 Jun 2024
European University ...
The exploration of artificial intelligence within universities continues to demonstrate how new technologies can enhance, transform or complement long-standing practices in learning & teaching, research and institutional management. As this culture of experimentation takes hold within institutions, excitement and appetite for innovation continue to build. But as the impact of these technological advancements become more tangible for the user, their limitations – as well as their capabilities – are increasingly exposed. Within the university sector, and across society more broadly, concerns are raised about the quality and integrity of data used in developing AI tools. The apparent threats to citizens’ privacy and other civil liberties have put ethics at the centre of the debate around the deployment of AI. With the adoption of the AI Act, Europe is emerging as a frontrunner in seeking to protect citizens’ freedoms and ensure that humans stay in control of life-impacting decisions. But how will the essence of this legislation translate to the institutional setting? As universities continue to innovate and build momentum in the rollout of AI, it is essential they look beyond the immediate application of new technologies. Universities’ responses to AI need to consider the place of artificial intelligence within the wider institutional mission and the potential impact of these technologies in society. This webinar addressed the evolution of human-machine interaction, the climate impact of AI, and (un)democratic access to new technologies as key considerations in integrating AI technologies. Speaker presentations triggered reflection among participants on the responsible adoption of new technologies and how this aligns with universities’ values and broader mission to society. Speakers - Hallvard Fossheim, Leader, National Committee for Research Ethics in Science and Technology (NENT), University of Bergen, Norway - Gerolf Nauwerck, Business Architect, Uppsala University, Sweden - James Mackay, Associate Professor, Literature and Digital Cultures, European University Cyprus Connect with EUA Online: Visit EUA Website: http://bit.ly/EUAWebsite Like EUA on Facebook: http://bit.ly/EUAFacebook Follow @euatweets on Twitter: http://bit.ly/EUATwitter Follow EUA on Linkedin: http://bit.ly/EUALinkedin © European University Association
science Defunct Russian satellite breaks apart forcing ISS astronauts to react
Defunct Russian satellite breaks apart forcing ISS astronauts to react
28 Jun 2024
Euronews Next
Nearly 200 pieces of space junk from a Russian satellite forced seven astronauts aboard the International Space Station to briefly take shelter. READ MORE : https://www.euronews.com/2024/06/28/defunct-russian-satellite-breaks-apart-forcing-iss-astronauts-to-react Euronews Next is a future-focused news section covering global innovation, science and technology with a European perspective. Our dedicated team of journalists aims to educate and inspire today’s leaders by providing them with analysis and insights into the people and organisations shaping our future #NextSpace
development Trillions or billions? The Future of European Institutional Investment in Emerging Markets...
Trillions or billions? The Future of European Institutional Investment in Emerging Markets...
28 Jun 2024
Trillions or billions? The Future of European Institutional Investment in Emerging Markets...
forests Siebe Briers, EFI at #IUFRO2024
Siebe Briers, EFI at #IUFRO2024
28 Jun 2024
European Forest Institute
Our expert Siebe Briers provides insights to the results of the bioeconomy perceptions survey. Learn more about the survey here: https://bioregions.efi.int/our-work/government-and-industry-bioeconomy/
forests Cleo Orfanidou, EFI at #IUFRO2024
Cleo Orfanidou, EFI at #IUFRO2024
28 Jun 2024
European Forest Institute
Cleo Orfanidou talks about her work with @forestpaths_eu. Her poster on wood flows in the EU: towards a strengthened contribution of wood use to climate change mitigation” was on the agenda yesterday at #IUFRO2024. More about the project: forestpaths.eu
forests Sara Uzquiano, EFI at #IUFRO2024
Sara Uzquiano, EFI at #IUFRO2024
28 Jun 2024
European Forest Institute
Do you know what is climate and biodiversity smart forestry? Sara Uzquiano tells about her work with @forestpaths_eu which she presented at #IUFRO2024. More: https://forestpaths.eu
renewable Bird’s Eye View: Ornithology for a nature-friendly energy transition
Bird’s Eye View: Ornithology for a nature-friendly energy transition
28 Jun 2024
Renewables Grid Init...
This webinar dives deep into the science of avian morphology and its relevance for mitigation of collision risk with power lines, as well as the role academia and civil society can play in supporting a nature-friendly energy transition. The webinar was moderated by Liam Innis, RGI's Manager - Energy Ecosystems and co-hosted with Rhiannon Niven - BirdLife International's Coordinator - Global Climate Change Policy & Energy Task Force of the Convention on Migratory Species (convened by BirdLife International) The speakers were: - Professor Graham Martin – Emeritus Professor, Avian Sensory Science - University of Birmingham: Graham is an ornithologist with an international reputation built upon his research into the sensory worlds of birds. Parts of his research focus on why some bird species are particularly vulnerable to collisions with human artifacts, such as wind turbines, power lines and fishing nets. His work brings key insights for the design of collision-mitigation measures. - Christin Osadnik – Nature Conservation Officer at Amprion (German TSO): Christin discusses how grid operators take account of scientific knowledge on bird perception to inform their strategies to mitigate the risk of bird collision around power lines, and what other factors are important. - Francisco Moreira – Principal researcher at Portuguese Biodiversity Research Centre (CIBIO) and chair holder of the REN Invited Research Chair in Biodiversity: Francisco leads a scientific research programme and knowledge transfer centre between the University of Porto and the Portuguese TSO, REN, on biodiversity impacts caused by electric grids, evaluation of the effectiveness of mitigation and compensatory measures, and the identification of good management practices that maximise potential positive impacts. 00:00 - 05:05 - Introduction by Liam Innis 05:06 - 09:54 - Introduction by Rhiannon Niven 09:55 - 24:12 - Presentation by Liam Innis 24:13 - 44:17 - Presentation by Professor Graham Martin 44:18 - 59:56 - Presentation by Christin Osadnik 59:57- 01:15:33 - Presentation by Francisco Moreira 01:15:34 - 01:31:40 - Open Discussion
media 'Stories from the Use Case Observatory - Volume 2' data.europa academy
'Stories from the Use Case Observatory - Volume 2' data.europa academy
28 Jun 2024
Publications Office ...
Are you interested in exploring the potential of open data reuse? watch this webinar, ‘Stories from the Use Case Observatory - Volume 2’, to delve into the impact of open data across various sectors. This event will showcase key insights from the second volume of the Use Case Observatory, which tracks reuse cases over three years. This webinar will highlight the progress and success of open data initiatives in economic, governmental, social, and environmental spheres. Additionally, two guest speakers will present their use cases, offering firsthand insights into the practical benefits and challenges of open data reuse.
economy One Week, One Minute: Cohesion policies and green cities
One Week, One Minute: Cohesion policies and green cities
28 Jun 2024
European Investment Bank
This week, we welcomed ambassadors from African, Caribbean, and Pacific States to deepen our partnership and discuss investments in key areas like food security, and critical raw materials. In Brussels, Commissioner for Cohesion and Reforms Elisa Ferreira and the president of the European Investment Bank Group Nadia Calviño joined local authorities from across the EU to discuss the future of Cohesion Policy and innovative financing in our regions and cities. A fair and orderly green transition and support for new technologies was the focus of the president's meetiongs with meetings with Commissioners for Climate Action Wopke Hoekstra and Iliana Ivanova, Commissioner for Innovation, Research, Culture, Education and Youth. At the Smart Cities Mission Conference in Valencia, we announced new investments for clean energy, transport and social infrastructure. And at the “Foro Mediterráneo” event we discussed cooperation to tackle the region’s shared challenges. President Calviño also visited an EIB-financed social housing project as well as a technological institute doing valuable research for companies in the transport sector. We announced new investments: in Denmark, to build the country’s largest offshore wind farm powering more than a million homes… and a seaport expansion to accommodate NATO operations…in Lithuania support for social businesses and the creative sectors, in Romania for small businesses, and for electric trains in France. And we inaugurated a water navigation lock in Belgium. And, in Cyprus we will be opening our first EIB Group office. Finally, the president of the EIB Group Nadia Calviño had the chance to thank EIB Group staff at our Townhall for their dedication and hard work shaping the Group’s Strategic Roadmap, now approved by EU ministers. --------------------------------- Visit our website: https://www.eib.org Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanInvestmentBank Twitter: https://twitter.com/eib LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-investment-bank Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeaninvestmentbank/
banking Ensuring fair play in the crypto market? The EU is on it!
Ensuring fair play in the crypto market? The EU is on it!
28 Jun 2024
EU Finance
#EUdelivers #crypto #MiCA #EU
banking Preventing cyber-attacks? The EU is on it!
Preventing cyber-attacks? The EU is on it!
28 Jun 2024
EU Finance
Find out more: https://europa.eu/!TR3fGX #EUdelivers #DORA #DigitalFinanceEU
medicine Joint HMA/EMA Big Data Steering Group Workshop on RWE Methods
Joint HMA/EMA Big Data Steering Group Workshop on RWE Methods
28 Jun 2024
European Medicines Agency
Joint HMA/EMA Big Data Steering Group Workshop on RWE Methods
regions Conversation with Ninon and Simon, Youth4Cooperation Ambassadors, on Cross-Border Public Transport
Conversation with Ninon and Simon, Youth4Cooperation Ambassadors, on Cross-Border Public Transport
28 Jun 2024
Youth4Cooperation Cross-Border Ambassadors Ninon Paulissen, from Lille, France, focusing on the cross-border regions between France, Belgium, and Luxembourg, and Simon Erik Jyrkäs, from the border regions between Sweden and Finland, share their experiences and recommendations on cross-border public transport. Ninon, Simon, and the other Ambassadors are working with the BFPN to promote cross-border collaboration and address challenges in their regions. Find out more on the BFPN Border Focal Point Network | https://futurium.ec.europa.eu/en/border-focal-point-network For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
regions Breakfast Debate #19: “How to enhance cross-border public transport for a more integrated EU”
Breakfast Debate #19: “How to enhance cross-border public transport for a more integrated EU”
28 Jun 2024
On Thursday, 27 June 2024, the Border Focal Point Network hosted the 19th episode of the 'Beyond Borders' Breakfast Debates series, focusing on “How to enhance cross-border public transport for a more integrated EU” This edition delved into how to facilitate cross-border travel between cross-border regions. Our main objective was to explore how the public sector can establish and guarantee a reliable and efficient cross-border public transport service, especially for road transport such as buses or tram lines. We discussed strategies to encourage cross-border commuters to choose public transport over private vehicles. Throughout the session, we shared real experiences, as well as new suggestions to create reliable cross-border transport services in the EU. Featured Speakers: 🎙️ Marlies Peeters, Programme Manager, DG REGIO, Unit Interreg, Cross-border Cooperation and Internal Borders, European Commission 🎙️ Marcin Wójcik, Policy Officer, DG MOVE 🎙️ Paolo Dileno, Project Manager, Central European Initiative - Executive Secretariat (CEI-ES) 🎙️ Hanna Kroll, Project Manager, Aachen Transport Association 🎙️ Sandra Sodini, Director of the Office for International relations, Friuli Venezia Giulia Region Moderator: Andrew Lansley, Member of the UK House of Lords and LOW Associates Strategic Counsel For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
regions #17 European Citizens Ask - What can be done to have bike-friendly cities? w/ Arianna Censi
#17 European Citizens Ask - What can be done to have bike-friendly cities? w/ Arianna Censi
28 Jun 2024
European Committee o...
What can be done to have bike-friendly cities? Listen to the answer from Arianna Censi, Councillor for mobility of Milan, in this episode. Hosted by Ausha. See ausha.co/privacy-policy for more information.
environment Water Matters Crash Course: Ep01 Water Pollution
Water Matters Crash Course: Ep01 Water Pollution
28 Jun 2024
EU Environment
Europeans are concerned about pollution, with 69% considering it the main threat to their water supply. 💧🥛 What's the EU doing to protect our waters? Watch this crash course to find out #WaterWiseEU
environment Water Matters Crash Course: Ep02 Transboundary Cooperation
Water Matters Crash Course: Ep02 Transboundary Cooperation
28 Jun 2024
EU Environment
New Crash Course is out: How can we ensure water is shared fairly? Here’s more about how the EU manages shared rivers and water resources: https://bit.ly/3zfexlM You too can help us become #WaterWiseEU See how to join here: europa.eu/!p6hkwy
institutions Celebrating EU Achievements: From Green Deal to Ukraine Support and Defence Strategy
Celebrating EU Achievements: From Green Deal to Ukraine Support and Defence Strategy
28 Jun 2024
European Commission
Explore the EU achievements: the European Green Deal, digitalisation, the Pact on Migration and Asylum, and EUR 50 billion support for Ukraine. Learn about defence strategies, sanctions against Russia, and future goals from the new Strategic Agenda. Don't miss this overview of the EU's major milestones and future directions. Watch on the Audiovisual Portal of the European Commission: https://audiovisual.ec.europa.eu/en/video/I-259172 Subscribe to our channel: https://bit.ly/2X56Ju6 Follow us on: -X: https://twitter.com/EU_Commission -Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/europeancommission/ -Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EuropeanCommission -LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/european-commission/ -Medium: https://medium.com/@EuropeanCommission Check our website: http://ec.europa.eu/
power Tackling climate change through carbon capture and storage #CCS #decarbonisation
Tackling climate change through carbon capture and storage #CCS #decarbonisation
27 Jun 2024
The European Commission's 2040 strategy heavily focuses on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). But how advanced is this technology today? What are the costs involved, and what kind of support does it need? Chris Davies, director of CCS Europe, and Kristian Ruby, secretary general of Eurelectric, discuss everything you need to know about CCS.
forests David Lytle at IUFRO 2024
David Lytle at IUFRO 2024
27 Jun 2024
IUFRO Headquarters
David Lytle is the Deputy Chief for Research and Development of the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Forest Service. Dave directs, coordinates, and integrates the vast network of all research activities, working with regions, stations, and others on a variety of activities. Those include work related to scientific information and innovation of technologies that support management of the nation’s diverse forests and rangelands. Dave helps to ensure the agency’s data and information support forest and rangeland conservation and management.
forests Angela Coleman at IUFRO 2024
Angela Coleman at IUFRO 2024
27 Jun 2024
IUFRO Headquarters
Angela Coleman serves as the Forest Service’s Associate Chief. During her 33-year career, Angela has served in numerous leadership roles, including Washington Office roles as associate deputy chief of Business Operations, and associate deputy chief of Research and Development. Before that, she served as deputy regional forester for the Pacific Southwest Region for national forests located in California and parts of Nevada, and as regional communications director for the Southern Region in Atlanta.
foreignaffairs Taiwan’s Trajectory under a New Administration and the Future of EU-Taiwan Relations
Taiwan’s Trajectory under a New Administration and the Future of EU-Taiwan Relations
27 Jun 2024
Institut français d...
On 20 May 2024, William Lai was sworn in as Taiwan’s new president, marking the third consecutive mandate for the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP). While Mr. Lai’s election suggests a degree of continuity, relations with Beijing have notably worsened in recent years and his inauguration was met with a show of force from China, with the People's Liberation Army conducting a new round of military exercises around Taiwan. How will the new administration in Taipei cope with these structural changes and chart a course for Taiwan in the years to come? What role can the European Union play to contribute to maintaining peace and stability in East Asia and how can it pursue peaceful and constructive cooperation with Taiwan, particularly in the wake of the latest European parliamentary elections? Speakers: Hung-jen Wang, Director, Institute for National Policy Research (INPR), Taiwan Zsuzsa Anna Ferenczy, Assistant Professor, National Dong Hwa University, Associate Research Fellow, Institute for Security and Defense Policy (ISDP) Chair: Marc Julienne, Director, Center for Asian Studies, Ifri Follow Ifri on the web: - Website: https://www.ifri.org - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IfriParis - X: https://twitter.com/IFRI_ - LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/ifri - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ifri_paris/
justice Cooperation with Third Countries | Eurojust
Cooperation with Third Countries | Eurojust
27 Jun 2024
Judicial cooperation cannot stop at the borders of Europe. Stronger ties between judicial actors inside and outside the EU make life more difficult for organised crime groups, terrorists and other criminals operating across borders As a facilitator of cross-border judicial cooperation, Eurojust plays an important role in promoting effective working relationships between the national authorities of Member States and third countries. _____ Eurojust, the European Union Agency for Criminal Justice Cooperation, supports the fight against serious cross-border crime in all its shapes and forms, strengthening the coordination and cooperation between national investigating and judicial authorities. Discover our website: 👉 http://www.eurojust.europa.eu/ Follow Eurojust on social media: LinkedIn 👉 https://www.linkedin.com/company/eurojust/ Twitter 👉 https://twitter.com/eurojust 00:00 Eurojust & Third Countries 01:00 Agreements on Cooperation & Liaison Prosecutors 02:22 Contact Points 03:37 Working arrangements 04:07 Networks & International Organisations 04:31 EuroMed Justice 05:13 Western Balkans Criminal Justice
environment Towards a new ecological and social contract: lessons from the past
Towards a new ecological and social contract: lessons from the past
27 Jun 2024
In this webinar organised in 27 June 2024, we presented the results of our first report as part of a joint project on the social contract, entitled: How did we get here? A short history of the 19th and 20th centuries social contracts in France and in the UK. (available here: https://www.iddri.org/en/publications-and-events/report/towards-21st-century-social-contract-how-did-we-get-here) We discussed the implications of the report for future work on a new social contract, and how a new social contract can help us advance towards a sustainable society. Experts from IDDRI and the Hot or Cool Institute have been joined by panellists including Jo Swinson (Director, Partners for the New Economy and former leader of the UK Liberal Democrat party), Professor Julia Steinberger (University of Lausanne), Professor Philippe Pochet (Fellow, Green European Foundation, and former General Director of the European Trade Union Institute), Claire Bulger (Director of Strategic Foresight, European Climate Foundation), Oliver Greenfield (Convener, Green Economy Coalition) and Magalí Brosio (Economist and Project manager, ZOE – Institute for future-fit economies).
culture EAF Outreach event June 2024
EAF Outreach event June 2024
27 Jun 2024
EAF Outreach event June 2024
social Introduction to legal frameworks and social impact measurement practices in social economy policy
Introduction to legal frameworks and social impact measurement practices in social economy policy
27 Jun 2024
Social Europe
Presentation by the independent expert Eva Varga on legal frameworks and social impact measurement practices in social economy policy at a mutual learning workshop organised for public officials on 13 June 2024.
social Legal frameworks for the social economy
Legal frameworks for the social economy
27 Jun 2024
Social Europe
Presentation by the OECD expert Amal Crevreau on legal frameworks for the social economy at a mutual learning workshop organised for public officials on 13 June 2024.
social How to develop a national strategy for the social economy?
How to develop a national strategy for the social economy?
27 Jun 2024
Social Europe
Presentation by the independent expert Eva Varga on social economy strategies at a mutual learning workshop organised for public officials on 6 March 2024.
science #UEGWeek poster accepted? Here are your next steps!
#UEGWeek poster accepted? Here are your next steps!
27 Jun 2024
UEG - United Europea...
Here's your short overview of the next steps surrounding uploading your poster! Access even more helpful info at https://ueg.eu/week/programme/information-for-presenters #UEGWeek #myUEGcommunity #IngestTheBest
science Keynote Lecture at EMBO | EMBL SymposiumInnate immunity in host-pathogen interactions
Keynote Lecture at EMBO | EMBL SymposiumInnate immunity in host-pathogen interactions
27 Jun 2024
European Molecular B...
Visha Dixit, Genentech, USA 'Why so many ways to die?' From the EMBO | EMBL Symposium Innate immunity in host-pathogen interactions Location: EMBL Heidelberg and Virtual Dates: 18 - 21 Jun 2024
renewable Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Local Solution to Energy Challenges
Geothermal Heat Pumps: A Local Solution to Energy Challenges
27 Jun 2024
EGEC Geothermal
Geothermal Heat Pumps (GHPs) represent the future of affordable, permanent, and efficient energy solutions. By harnessing the Earth's natural heat, GHPs provide sustainable heating, cooling, and hot water for all types of buildings. This clean and locally-sourced technology offers a cost-effective answer to rising energy costs and climate concerns, eliminating the need for imported fuels and enhancing energy security. Join the 20 million Europeans already benefiting from geothermal energy. Discover more about Geothermal Heat Pumps on our website: https://gogeothermal.eu/projects/geoboost/.
digital IGF 2024 Second Open Consultations
IGF 2024 Second Open Consultations
27 Jun 2024
Internet Governance ...
IGF 2024 Second Open Consultations
digital CDT Europe Hosts DSA Civil Society Roundtable - Participant Interviews
CDT Europe Hosts DSA Civil Society Roundtable - Participant Interviews
27 Jun 2024
Center for Democracy...
On the 17th of April, CDT Europe and Open Government Partnership held the Fifth #DSA Civil Society Roundtable Series event in Brussels. As the #DigitalServicesAct (DSA) finally comes into full force, this was a unique opportunity for more than 90 participants from national regulatory bodies, the European institutions, academia and #CivilSociety to come together and have detailed discussions on various aspects of DSA implementation in practice. More from CDT Europe on the event: https://cdt.org/insights/cdt-eu-hosts-dsa-civil-society-roundtable/ More from Open Government Partnership: https://medium.com/ogp-horizons/from-policy-to-practice-three-ways-open-government-can-help-implement-the-dsa-b952f4b5ce47 Twitter: @CenDemTech (http://bit.ly/cdttweeter) Facebook: Center for Democracy and Technology (http://bit.ly/cdtbook) LinkedIn: https://bit.ly/cdtli Website: https://cdt.org CDT's podcast, Tech Talks, can be found on Soundcloud (http://bit.ly/scloudCDT), as well as on Spotify, iTunes, Stitcher, and TuneIn.
medicine Marina Zapparoli Manzoni on the power of finding and building a community
Marina Zapparoli Manzoni on the power of finding and building a community
27 Jun 2024
In this episode of Rare on Air, host Julien Poulain interviews Marina Zapparoli-Manzoni, President of Euro-HSP (https://www.eurohsp.eu/) and Treasurer of AIVI.PS (https://www.aivips.it/) , organisations dedicated to supporting those affected by Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia (HSP). Marina shares her family's journey with HSP, discussing the emotional challenges they faced in securing a diagnosis for her son, Edoardo. She highlights the importance of forming a supportive community for individuals undergoing similar struggles. Marina also delves into her advocacy work, the evolution of HSP research, and the potential for drug repurposing. Inspired by her participation at the EURORDIS Open Academy in Barcelona earlier this month, Marina emphasises the critical role of patient advocacy in advancing treatments for rare diseases. She expresses her hopes for guiding and informing HSP research to ensure that scientific efforts are truly aimed at enhancing the quality of life for HSP patients. Contact the podcast by emailing [email protected], and join the conversation on social media using the hashtag #EurordisRareOnAir.
environment Dose Report-As Gaelgie
Dose Report-As Gaelgie
27 Jun 2024
EPA Ireland
Dose Report-As Gaelgie
renewable SAIL chairman, Amarendu Prakash talks about joining LeadIT
SAIL chairman, Amarendu Prakash talks about joining LeadIT
27 Jun 2024
Stockholm Environmen...
Speaking at Almedalen, SAIL chairman, Amarendu Prakash explains why the company wanted to join LeadIT and the challenges that lie ahead to achieve steel decarbonization.
renewable Cemvision & SAIL are announced as LeadIT members at Almedalen
Cemvision & SAIL are announced as LeadIT members at Almedalen
27 Jun 2024
Stockholm Environmen...
Speaking at the Engaging India at Almedalen event, Indian Ambassador to Sweden and Latvia, Tanmaya Lal, and Swedish State Secretary for Climate and Environment, Daniel Westlén announce two new LeadIT members - the Steel Authority of India Ltd (SAIL) and Cemvision.
renewable Electrifying Europe's industry: Future prospects for process heat decarbonisation
Electrifying Europe's industry: Future prospects for process heat decarbonisation
27 Jun 2024
Leonardo ENERGY
The industrial transition to electrification in Europe has become a top priority and is set to dominate the next EU policy debate (2024–2029) following elections in June. Achieving a climate-neutral industry will require the efficient decarbonisation of industrial heat. Process heating is the largest energy use in the industrial sector, responsible for 47% of industrial energy demand and roughly three-quarters of industrial CO2 emissions. If left unaddressed, existing barriers could affect the exploitation of future potentials, and the diffusion of direct electrification technologies will remain low. Watch this webinar and learn about the potential of direct electrification to replace 90% of fossil fuels in supplying process heat to European industry. Speakers & Panellists Alexandra Langenheld, Lead Industrial Electrification and Efficiency Policy (Agora Industry) Dr. Matthias Rehfeldt, Researcher (Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research ISI) Marco Giuli, Project Manager Climate-Neutral Industry EU (Agora Industry) 0:00:00 Introduction to the topic (Alexandra Langenheld) 0:03:06 Overview direct electrification potential 0:05:30 Introduction to the study (Matthias Rehfeldt) 0:07:44 Overview of industrial applications 0:14:52 Potential technologies for process heat electrification 0:24:34 Main barriers to diffusion 0:28:05 Main conclusions from the study 0:28:22 Policy recommendations (Alexandra Langenheld) 0:31:42 Key findings 0:32:00 Next steps
power EUSEW2024 The role of Net Zero Academies in developing renewable energy skills
EUSEW2024 The role of Net Zero Academies in developing renewable energy skills
27 Jun 2024
During the European Year of Skills, the Renewable Energy Skills Large Partnership identified policy priorities for successful European Net-Zero Industry Academies. They will be presented with specific lessons from sub-sectors, all to better frame future EU action. How can the European Net-Zero Industry Academies help address the skills gap in the renewable energy sector? In the aftermath of the European Year of Skills, the Renewable Energy Skills Large Partnership will present best-practices and share policy recommendations for successful action. About EUSEW: https://sustainable-energy-week.ec.europa.eu/index_en Policy Conference programme: https://interactive.eusew.eu/eusew-2024/programme/ Join the EUSEW community: https://ec.europa.eu/newsroom/cinea/user-subscriptions/2798/create ______________________________________ Facebook: / euenergyweek Twitter: / euenergyweek Linkedin: / 4197341 ______________________________________ The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the biggest annual event dedicated to renewables and efficient energy use in Europe. It is organised by the European Climate, Infrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA) and the Directorate-General for Energy.
renewable Energy Poverty Indicators Dashboard
Energy Poverty Indicators Dashboard
27 Jun 2024
EU Energy
This video features Pedro Palma and Joao Pedro Gouveia, Center for Environmental and Sustainability Research, CENSE - FCT NOVA, EPAH Team, presenting the EPAH national indicators dashboard. More information: https://energy-poverty.ec.europa.eu/ #energypoverty #epah
renewable Analysing Collected Data for Energy Poverty Diagnosis - EPAH Technical Assistance in Sitges, Spain
Analysing Collected Data for Energy Poverty Diagnosis - EPAH Technical Assistance in Sitges, Spain
27 Jun 2024
EU Energy
Cecilia Foronda Diez, Head of the Energy and People Department at ECODES, presents the case of Sitges, Spain. She discusses the technical assistance provided by the Energy Poverty Advisory Hub to diagnose energy poverty in the area, the potential for developing inclusive energy communities, and the roadmap created for taking action against this issue. More information: https://energy-poverty.ec.europa.eu/ #energypoverty #epah
water Live now: ARSINOE #7 Online Seminar: The future of Water
Live now: ARSINOE #7 Online Seminar: The future of Water
27 Jun 2024
Water Europe
The seventh edition of the ARSINOE Online Seminar explores sustainable solutions across policy, technology, and community engagement to build resilience amid climatic uncertainties.Organised together with projects TransformAr, Climate Impetus and REGILIENCE, the seminar aims to dissect current challenges, spotlight potential technological breakthroughs, and foster collaborative efforts necessary for developing a robust water management framework.
homeaffairs Convergence, EU Finance and Budget, Development | #HungarianPPC
Convergence, EU Finance and Budget, Development | #HungarianPPC
27 Jun 2024
Trans European Polic...
On 1 July 2024, Hungary will take over the reins of the Council of the European Union, holding the Rotating Presidency for the second time since its accession to the European Union twenty years ago, in May 2004. To discuss the aims and priorities of the incoming Hungarian Presidency, as well as the crucial files needing attention in the EU, the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics co-organised the Hungarian Pre-Presidency Conference (PPC): “Changes and Challenges in the European Union”. The panel Convergence, EU-finance and budget, development featured contributions from: - István Benczes, Institute for World Economics HUN-REN CERS & Corvinus University; - Louise van Schaik, Clingendael Institute; - Ákos Kengyel, Corvinus University; - Miklós Losoncz, Budapest Business University; - Moderator: Zsolt Becsey, former Member of the European Parliament; State Secretary in the Ministry for National Economy. This Pre-Presidency Conference was organised by the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics. The event is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme. The event was in cooperation with the Hungarian Economic Association, Videoton Holding, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Grawe Insurance. TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/ Editing: Hugh Evans Music: Alive, Wondershare Filmora X This video is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
media IAB Europe's DE&I in Programmatic Webinar: Best Practices and Actionable Insights
IAB Europe's DE&I in Programmatic Webinar: Best Practices and Actionable Insights
27 Jun 2024
Interactive Advertis...
In an industry that thrives on innovation and connectivity, fostering a culture of diversity and inclusion is not just a moral imperative but a strategic advantage, creating a workplace that is attractive to people from across the digital advertising industry.  This webinar brought industry experts from IAB Europe's Programmatic Trading Committee together to explore best practices and actionable strategies for promoting DE&I in programmatic advertising. Panelists shared their experiences, challenges, and successes to help us all drive meaningful change. Speakers: Wayne Tassie, Group Director, Integrated Solutions, DoubleVerify & Chair of IAB Europe's Programmatic Trading Committee Simone Payne - Powell, Director, People and Global Head of DE & I, Index Exchange Nadia Koski, Global Head of Content, ShowHeroes  Dana Zehavi, Sr Director HRBP, DoubleVerify Tamara Pavlović, Data Reporting Analyst, Coinis
media Interact 2024 Highlights
Interact 2024 Highlights
27 Jun 2024
Interactive Advertis...
IAB Europe's annual flagship conference ‘Interact’ welcomed industry leaders from across Europe and beyond on the 21st - 22nd of May 2024 in Milan! Set against the backdrop of the vibrant city of Milan, this two-day conference brought together industry leaders, innovators, and experts to answer the big questions needed to shape the future of the digital advertising and marketing industry.  Going beyond those standard keynote presentations and panel discussions, we brought the ‘interactive’ back to Interact this year, with each session framed around a key question that our elite, expert speakers endeavoured to answer. No beating around the bush. It was all about the smart answers that you’re after. Plus we addressed additional questions live on stage through our engaging polls and audience Q&As.  From the demise of third-party cookies and Retail Media to sustainability, policy, measurement, and more, we had the smart, sharp answers to our industry's biggest questions of today.
energy Unlocking System Savings With Flexible EV Charging: Lessons From Colorado
Unlocking System Savings With Flexible EV Charging: Lessons From Colorado
27 Jun 2024
Regulatory Assistanc...
In an interactive webinar on June 26, 2024, Camille Kadoch of RAP, Amy Wagner and Jamil Farbes of Evolved Energy Research and Hussein Basma of the International Council on Clean Transportation discussed a new report showing how enhanced demand flexibility from vehicle charging can unlock a significant amount of value to the power system. Read the report: https://www.raponline.org/event/unlocking-system-savings-with-flexible-ev-charging-lessons-from-colorado/
energy The surprising technology powering the energy transition in Georgia #woodstove #energytransition
The surprising technology powering the energy transition in Georgia #woodstove #energytransition
27 Jun 2024
International Energy...
Watch the full video now! #energy #energytransitions #georgia #forestry #woodstove
social WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge sends a message to 11th EPSU Congress
WHO Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge sends a message to 11th EPSU Congress
27 Jun 2024
Public Service
@who Regional Director for Europe Hans Kluge sends a message to the 11th EPSU Congress which was held on 18-20 June 2024 in Bucharest, Romania.
social EPSU celebrates its 45th year!
EPSU celebrates its 45th year!
27 Jun 2024
Public Service
At #EPSUcongress45, we're not only discussing the future path of public service workers but also celebrating a combative history, with 45 years behind us! Happy birthday, EPSU! Here's a retrospective journey through EPSU's history — from its establishment to becoming the united voice of public service workers across Europe and beyond. These milestones have shaped our fight for workers' rights and social justice, and our commitment to the future. We're proud of our members who have built EPSU over these 45 years!
research EU Missions to address climate change in cities and regions
EU Missions to address climate change in cities and regions
27 Jun 2024
CORDIS: Innovate wit...
This new Projects Info Pack from CORDIS highlights 14 European-funded Mission projects that show the collaborative spirit, innovation and commitment required to address the pressing issues of climate change. The EU Mission on Adaptation to Climate Change recognises the urgency of enhancing Europe’s resilience to the impacts of climate change at regional and local levels. The featured projects delve into diverse aspects of adaptation, ranging from leveraging nature as an ally in building green and sustainable solutions to using the most advanced technological solutions to assess and monitor climate risks and impacts. Equally pivotal to Europe’s future is the EU Mission on Climate-Neutral and Smart Cities, which envisions a future where urban environments are at the forefront of sustainability and innovation. The projects highlighted in this brochure are pioneering solutions that integrate cutting-edge technologies, citizen engagement and sustainable practices to foster climate-neutral and smart cities. These projects not only contribute to scientific knowledge but also provide tangible, actionable solutions that can be replicated across the continent, in the cities, the regions and at local level. The European Union’s commitment to these Missions reflects the understanding that addressing climate change requires a holistic and interdisciplinary approach – not just about mitigating the impacts, but also being prepared for the changes that are already underway. Find out more at: https://data.europa.eu/doi/10.2830/947472 Background music: © BeardMusicStock, Motion Array
renewable #SolarSaves: Living off-grid on the outskirts of Athens, Greece
#SolarSaves: Living off-grid on the outskirts of Athens, Greece
27 Jun 2024
SolarPower Europe
Embarking a new energy era for Europe 🇪🇺, powered by the sun ☀️ In Greece 🇬🇷, the obvious way to power your house is with solar, says David Davis. Solar is redefining homes as power stations, driving our transition away from fossil fuels. Discover more #SolarSaves stories 👇 https://www.solarpowereurope.org/advocacy/solar-saves
space Does my phone use Galileo?
Does my phone use Galileo?
27 Jun 2024
EU Space
Does my phone use Galileo?
space Is Galileo free?
Is Galileo free?
27 Jun 2024
EU Space
Is Galileo free?
space Do I have to install or update anything to activate Galileo in my phone?
Do I have to install or update anything to activate Galileo in my phone?
27 Jun 2024
EU Space
Do I have to install or update anything to activate Galileo in my phone?
space What other devices use Galileo?
What other devices use Galileo?
27 Jun 2024
EU Space
What other devices use Galileo?
space Will Galileo satellites track my phone?
Will Galileo satellites track my phone?
27 Jun 2024
EU Space
Will Galileo satellites track my phone?
space Which apps use Galileo?
Which apps use Galileo?
27 Jun 2024
EU Space
Which apps use Galileo?
science How is the EU performing on Science, Research and Innovation?
How is the EU performing on Science, Research and Innovation?
27 Jun 2024
EU Science & Innovation
Discover what is the EU’s Research and Innovation performance in the 2024 edition of the Science, Research and Innovation Performance (SRIP) report and in this video, which presents the key findings. The SRIP 2024 analyses the EU's innovation performance in a global context, providing insights into how research and innovation policies can help build an inclusive, sustainable, competitive and resilient Europe by leveraging the essential role of research and innovation as a source of prosperity and as a catalyst for change. More information: https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/strategy/support-policy-making/support-national-research-and-innovation-policy-making/srip-report_en
science AI and other digital techs: a revolution in knowledge valorisation?
AI and other digital techs: a revolution in knowledge valorisation?
27 Jun 2024
EU Science & Innovation
How will artificial intelligence (AI) and other digital technologies change the way we valorise scientific knowledge? How to use them to make it more accessible for businesses, public administration, education, or other areas of public life? These are the main questions we will discuss during the webinar: ‘AI and other digital techs: a revolution in knowledge valorisation?’ More information: https://research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/events/upcoming-events/ai-and-other-digital-techs-revolution-knowledge-valorisation-2024-06-27_en
education 24 May | Sala Buonsanti – Badia Fiesolana | #SOU2024
24 May | Sala Buonsanti – Badia Fiesolana | #SOU2024
27 Jun 2024
Join us for the sessions of The State of the Union 2024 (#SOU2024) conference, held on May 24, 2024, at the historic Badia Fiesolana in Florence. Hosted in the Buonsanti room, these sessions feature a lineup of high-level speakers, journalists, researchers and more, discussing the latest developments and insights on key global issues. Topics include Tech diplomacy, European Macroeconomic Governance and the 2024 European elections. Don't miss this engaging and informative event, packed with expert analysis and thought-provoking discussions. 00:00 Tech diplomacy: International cooperation for sustainable digital transition - Speakers: Francesca Bria, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, Anne-Marie Slaughter, Peter Sorensen - Moderator: Andrea Calderaro - Co-Moderator: Martina Ferracane 01:07:28 New modes of European Macroeconomic Governance - Opening: Pierre Gramegna - Speakers: Laurence Boone, Declan Costello, Atanas Pekanov - Moderator: Benedicta Marzinotto 02:17:22 The 2024 European elections: A crossroads for democracy – European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS) - Speakers: Pascale Joannin, Silvia Kotanidis, Micaela del Monte, Alexander Trechsel - Moderator: Etienne Bassot
digital Coming Soon: EIT Water
Coming Soon: EIT Water
27 Jun 2024
EIT European Institu...
We say it all the time: water is one our most precious resources. Not just for ourselves but for all life on Earth. Our newest EIT Knowledge and Innovation Community will bring together innovators and entrepreneurs across our continent to create a more sustainable relationship to water and water-based ecosystems.
development Master your emotions in the workplace with Flourish app
Master your emotions in the workplace with Flourish app
27 Jun 2024
European Bank for Re...
Meet Jasna Pejović, CEO and Co-Founder of Flourish, our EBRD Star Venture backed, Montenegro based, start-up. Developed by a team of psychologists, Flourish offers engaging exercises for; communication, collaboration, leadership, and conflict resolution, delivered through a gamified mobile app which can enhance your emotional intelligence, soft skills and productivity in the workplace. The EBRD’s Star Venture programme identifies high-potential, innovative start-ups like Sand to Green and supports them with access to finance, class-leading tailored business advice, mentoring, and market development strategies. Find out more here: https://www.ebrd.com/starventure/overview
security OSCE-UNHCR Regional Conference on Statelessness in South-Eastern Europe
OSCE-UNHCR Regional Conference on Statelessness in South-Eastern Europe
27 Jun 2024
The Organization for...
The OSCE-UNHCR Regional Conference on Access to Civil Documentation and Prevention of Statelessness in South-Eastern Europe took place in Skopje on 17 October 2023. The Conference was co-organized by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (HCNM) and the OSCE Mission to Skopje (OMSk), under the auspices of the 2023 OSCE Chairpersonship of North Macedonia.
security Gent: Corruption disproportionately affects youth.
Gent: Corruption disproportionately affects youth.
27 Jun 2024
The Organization for...
Corruption hinders economic growth and access to education and health care, disproportionately affecting youth. Through this forum, Gent gained valuable insights into innovative strategies for combating organized crime and corruption.
security Ada: Youth perspectives are vital in youth crime prevention.
Ada: Youth perspectives are vital in youth crime prevention.
27 Jun 2024
The Organization for...
Youth crime stems from complex issues like economic vulnerabilities and peer pressure. Youth perspectives are vital for prevention. This forum allowed me to share and learn from my peers, helping us work together to tackle these challenges and build safer communities.
security Alketa: 40% of top songs in South-Eastern Europe glorify crime and drugs.
Alketa: 40% of top songs in South-Eastern Europe glorify crime and drugs.
27 Jun 2024
The Organization for...
40% of the top songs in South-Eastern Europe glorify crime and drugs, tempting youth with false promises of luxury. With skills from this workshop, Alketa is now motivated to promote critical thinking and positive role models among her peers on social media.
security Mina: Youth crime is on the rise in South-Eastern Europe
Mina: Youth crime is on the rise in South-Eastern Europe
27 Jun 2024
The Organization for...
Youth crime and violence are on the rise in South-Eastern Europe due to socio-economic risks and the allure of quick money. This forum helped Mina better understand these risks and how she can help create prevention strategies that tackle the root causes of youth recruitment into crime.
security Jovan: Financial literacy could provide alternatives to youth crime.
Jovan: Financial literacy could provide alternatives to youth crime.
27 Jun 2024
The Organization for...
When we speak about factors that help raise youth out of criminal recruitment, Jovan learned how financial literacy and economic empowerment are crucial for young people to have alternatives, and what countries can do to help them achieve it.
banking ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024
ECB Forum on Central Banking 2024
27 Jun 2024
European Central Bank
The ECB Forum on Central Banking – the Sintra Forum – is an annual event organised by the European Central Bank and is held in Sintra, Portugal. It brings together central bank governors, academics, financial market representatives, journalists and others to exchange views on current policy issues and discuss the Forum’s key topic from a longer-term perspective.
banking The ECB Podcast - The road ahead: is there room for optimism?
The ECB Podcast - The road ahead: is there room for optimism?
27 Jun 2024
European Central Bank
We just lowered our interest rates, as inflation is falling. But what was behind this decision? What is the state of our economy? And more importantly, what comes next? Our new co-host Paul Gordon discusses these questions with our Chief Economist Philip R. Lane. The views expressed are those of the speakers and not necessarily those of the European Central Bank. Published on 27 June 2024 and recorded on 18 June 2024.
energy InnoEnergy Masters+
InnoEnergy Masters+
27 Jun 2024
EIT InnoEnergy
Are you ready to fast-track your career in sustainable energy? InnoEnergy offers a master's with a plus! Check it out.
climate Community Insights: Net Zero Cities Programme
Community Insights: Net Zero Cities Programme
27 Jun 2024
Explore NetZeroCities with Thomas Osdoba as he shares the programme's mission and impact. In this insightful interview, we examine the services and practical tools we provide, our influence on policy, collaborations with key partners, and how you can get involved with the Community.
sme 2024-2025 EU WIP Launch Video
2024-2025 EU WIP Launch Video
27 Jun 2024
EU Innovation Counci...
Since the 2023 – 2024 edition, the European Innovation Council and the European Institute for Innovation & Technology have teamed up to create a bigger and bolder European Prize for Women Innovators, with no fewer than 9 prizes to be awarded. #EUeic #WiPrizeEU
energy FSR 20th Anniversary | Simone Borghesi | #FSR20more
FSR 20th Anniversary | Simone Borghesi | #FSR20more
27 Jun 2024
Florence School of R...
Simone Borghesi tells you the story of the Climate area of the Florence School of Regulation which he has been leading since 2017, and shares his vision for the future.
dataprotection Summer is coming, relax (for parents) is over | Activities for children
Summer is coming, relax (for parents) is over | Activities for children
27 Jun 2024
The school holidays are here (or almost). A time for joy and fun for the kids. And of survival for some parents 😉 We know. We feel you. But worry not, we are here to help you. Thanks to the IP in education programme, we have tons of activities to develop creativity. And to keep your kids entertained (and alive) during summertime. From a creative diary to an IP trivia. Find them all here https://ideaspowered.eu/our-projects/ideas-powered-school/ip-teaching-materials
medicine Patient safety first! Assessing antimicrobial use and resistance in European hospitals
Patient safety first! Assessing antimicrobial use and resistance in European hospitals
27 Jun 2024
We asked three experts about antimicrobial resistance and antimicrobial use in European hospitals. Check the video to see what they said about the current situation! Our findings, tools and indicators are available as part of the 3rd ECDC point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals 2022-2023. Visit our dedicated page for more information here: https://bit.ly/3wnOhEC
medicine Patient safety first! Assessing healthcare-associated infections in European hospitals
Patient safety first! Assessing healthcare-associated infections in European hospitals
27 Jun 2024
We asked three experts about healthcare-associated infections burden in European hospitals. Check the video to see what they said about the current situation! Our findings, tools and indicators are available as part of the 3rd ECDC point prevalence survey of healthcare-associated infections and antimicrobial use in European acute care hospitals 2022-2023. Visit our dedicated page for more information here: https://bit.ly/3wnOhEC
medicine S4 Biomarkers and companion diagnostics
S4 Biomarkers and companion diagnostics
27 Jun 2024
European Medicines Agency
S4 Biomarkers and companion diagnostics
food Find out what a #microbiome is and how you #FeedYourMicrobes ! #WorldMicrobiomeDay #Microbiomes4Life
Find out what a #microbiome is and how you #FeedYourMicrobes ! #WorldMicrobiomeDay #Microbiomes4Life
27 Jun 2024
Did you celebrate #WorldMicrobiomeDay by feeding your friendly microbes? 🌱🦠 Though invisible, microorganisms are the unsung heroes of our health and environment. At EFSA, we're diving deep into research to uncover their vital roles and prepare for future risk assessments! Let us know in the comments how you keep your microbiome healthy! Want to find out more? Check out our latest contributions to this field with two comprehensive external scientific reports that pave the way for including microbiomes in future food risk assessments. https://efsa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.2903/sp.efsa.2024.EN-8597 Discover more about EFSA on our channels: ▪ Website: https://www.efsa.europa.eu/en ▪ Twitter: https://twitter.com/efsa_eu ▪ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/efsa ▪ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/one_healthenv_eu/
regions Stories from the Regions: A new campus to create community at the University of Western Macedonia
Stories from the Regions: A new campus to create community at the University of Western Macedonia
27 Jun 2024
In this episode of the Stories from the Regions series, we head to the outskirts of Kozani, Greece. In this so-called active urban planning zone, a modern campus is now home to three engineering departments of the University of Western Macedonia. This new infrastructure does not only provide researchers, teachers, and students of these departments with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment, but also creates spaces for interdisciplinary collaboration and encounters. With the academic community now thriving, the university is increasing their recruitment and retaining of talent in the area, contributing to the overall social and sustainable development of the region. For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
regions Cross-Border Ambassador #7 - Maria-Parthena Moula
Cross-Border Ambassador #7 - Maria-Parthena Moula
27 Jun 2024
Get to know our Youth4Cooperation: Cross-Border Ambassadors and their particular cross-border interests! Maria-Parthena Moula, 24 Cross-Border Region: Greece/Balkan Region Cross-border interest: Youth cooperation in the Balkan Region Don't miss Maria's article on youth cooperation between Greece and North Macedonia on the BFPN: Balkan Cross-Border Youth Cooperation: The case of Greece & North Macedonia | https://futurium.ec.europa.eu/en/border-focal-point-network/library/balkan-cross-border-youth-cooperation-case-greece-north-macedonia For more information on EU regional policy, please visit our website: https://europa.eu/!Yy67HF Follow us on: - Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EUinmyregion - Twitter: https://twitter.com/euinmyregion - Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/euinmyregion/
security Hovercraft makes amphibious landing on Latvian beach #shorts
Hovercraft makes amphibious landing on Latvian beach #shorts
27 Jun 2024
Epic touchdown 🤩 A hovercraft makes amphibious landing on Latvian beach 🇱🇻 #Baltops24 #latvia
food What do consumers know about food? Results from EUFIC’s food literacy survey in 7 European countries
What do consumers know about food? Results from EUFIC’s food literacy survey in 7 European countries
27 Jun 2024
European Food Inform...
In 2023-2024, EUFIC, along with our collaborators Nutrition Institute (NUTRIS) and Sabri Ülker Foundation, conducted a large-scale consumer survey in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Slovenia, Turkey and the UK to examine consumers’ knowledge about food, nutrition, and their food-related science literacy. This allowed us to discover which food myths are the most popular, where consumers have knowledge and literacy gaps, and to examine cultural differences. The results aim to inform those who work in the areas of food and science literacy to understand consumers’ mindsets better and prioritise their communication topics. This 1-hour webinar is of interest to NGOs and civil society groups, policymakers, health professionals, and researchers working in the fields of food, nutrition, and science literacy. The Q&A starts at 36:40.
animal Faecal Egg Counts
Faecal Egg Counts
26 Jun 2024
Scotland's Farm Advi...
Faecal egg counting (FEC) in both cattle and sheep is important because high worm burdens can lead to reduced efficiency and poor performance, or death of stock. Worms can affect the guts, liver or lungs, and therefore the clinical signs seen will vary. Funding towards faecal egg counting is currently available under preparing for sustainable farming – Animal Health and Welfare Interventions. Preparing for Sustainable Farming (PSF) (ruralpayments.org) Watch the full video about why FEC counting in cattle is important here: Faecal egg counts for cattle - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PLjdKPv_iEo and FEC in sheep here: Faecal egg counts for sheep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y4gnrSqkXxk PSF Animal Health & Welfare - Cattle https://youtu.be/Bc5jc1gvskU PSF Animal Health & Welfare - Sheep https://youtu.be/yLYvgRNK8a8 Scotland’s Farm Advisory Service (FAS) is funded by the Scottish Government, providing information and resources aimed at increasing the profitability and sustainability of farms and crofts. Subscribe to our channel! https://www.youtube.com/c/FASScot/?sub_confirmation=1 Visit our website: https://www.fas.scot/ Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FASScot Follow us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/FASScot/
power Tackling climate change through carbon capture and storage #CCS #climatechange
Tackling climate change through carbon capture and storage #CCS #climatechange
26 Jun 2024
The European Commission's 2040 strategy heavily focuses on Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS). But how advanced is this technology today? What are the costs involved, and what kind of support does it need? Chris Davies, director of CCS Europe, and Kristian Ruby, secretary general of Eurelectric, discuss everything you need to know about CCS.
security HR/VP Josep Borrell | Foreign Affairs Council 24/06/2004| Doorstep #2 Ukraine
HR/VP Josep Borrell | Foreign Affairs Council 24/06/2004| Doorstep #2 Ukraine
26 Jun 2024
European External Ac...
“Ukraine needs more help and it needs it now. Revenues from the frozen assets cannot be stuck. The first tranche will come next week.” – full transcript of FAC doorstep by HR/VP Josep Borrell. Full transcript: https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/foreign-affairs-council-press-remarks-high-representative-josep-borrell-upon-arrival-19_en
foreignaffairs Ukraine-Australia relations | Ukraine’s global partnerships #2
Ukraine-Australia relations | Ukraine’s global partnerships #2
26 Jun 2024
Ukraine and Australia - two geographically distant nations with shared values. But what was the tragedy that initiated real cooperation between these states? Why is supporting Ukraine important not just for Kyiv but for Canberra as well? And what prospects lie ahead for this partnership? In this episode, Deputy editor-in-chief Anastasiia Hersymchuk spoke with: - Mick Ryan, top-resident Fellow at Lowy Institute (Sydney) and Adjunct Fellow at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (Washington DC), and - Yuliia Shaipova, Affiliated Expert at the Foreign Policy Council Ukrainian Prism This episode is part of a joint series “Ukraine’s global partnerships” made as a partnership between UkraineWorld and the Foreign Policy Council “Ukrainian Prism”. UkraineWorld (ukraineworld.org) is brought to you by Internews Ukraine, one of the largest Ukrainian media NGOs. SUPPORT us at www.patreon.com/ukraineworld. We provide exclusive content for our patrons. You can also support our volunteer trips to the frontlines at PayPal: [email protected]. This podcast series was created with the support of the International Renaissance Foundation. Its content is the exclusive responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily reflect the views of the International Renaissance Foundation.
research GenEERAtion net zero: Inside EERA Joint Programme Photovoltaic Solar Energy
GenEERAtion net zero: Inside EERA Joint Programme Photovoltaic Solar Energy
26 Jun 2024
EERA aisbl
GenEERAtion net zero: Inside EERA Joint Programme Photovoltaic Solar Energy
Podcast: Addressing Myths and Misconceptions amidst the Rise of right-wing Populism
Podcast: Addressing Myths and Misconceptions amidst the Rise of right-wing Populism
26 Jun 2024
In his presentation, Gerald Knaus argues that migration fears drive populist leaders like Viktor Orban and Donald Trump to undermine post-war liberal democracies. Using examples from Austria, France, Italy, and Germany, Dr Knaus will demonstrate how these fears have enabled the far-right to achieve their strongest results in recent European elections. He offers suggestions on how to improve migration management in Europe by moving towards a more humane legal system which balances border control and human rights by introducing fast and fair asylum procedures, strategic deportations, and legal mobility for migrants. He also discusses partnership agreements and other options to deter illegal migration. About the Speaker: Gerald Knaus is an Austrian migration expert and a well-known advisor on migration policy. He is the founding chairman of the European Stability Initiative (ESI) think tank and a founding member of the European Council on Foreign Relations. An accomplished author, in 2020, he published the award-winning SPIEGEL bestseller “What Borders Do We Need?” and prior to that he wrote a book in 2011 with the British writer and then politician Rory Stewart entitled: “Can Intervention Work? He was an Associate Fellow at the Kennedy School in Harvard University for five years and has lectured at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, at the State University of Ukraine and at the NATO College in Rome. Apart from refugee issues, his expertise covers economics, southern Europe and the Balkans, rule of law in Europe, and corruption.
Addressing Myths and Misconceptions amidst the Rise of right-wing Populism
Addressing Myths and Misconceptions amidst the Rise of right-wing Populism
26 Jun 2024
In his presentation, Gerald Knaus argues that migration fears drive populist leaders like Viktor Orban and Donald Trump to undermine post-war liberal democracies. Using examples from Austria, France, Italy, and Germany, Dr Knaus will demonstrate how these fears have enabled the far-right to achieve their strongest results in recent European elections. He offers suggestions on how to improve migration management in Europe by moving towards a more humane legal system which balances border control and human rights by introducing fast and fair asylum procedures, strategic deportations, and legal mobility for migrants. He also discusses partnership agreements and other options to deter illegal migration. About the Speaker: Gerald Knaus is an Austrian migration expert and a well-known advisor on migration policy. He is the founding chairman of the European Stability Initiative (ESI) think tank and a founding member of the European Council on Foreign Relations. An accomplished author, in 2020, he published the award-winning SPIEGEL bestseller “What Borders Do We Need?” and prior to that he wrote a book in 2011 with the British writer and then politician Rory Stewart entitled: “Can Intervention Work? He was an Associate Fellow at the Kennedy School in Harvard University for five years and has lectured at the Institute for Human Sciences (IWM) in Vienna, at the State University of Ukraine and at the NATO College in Rome. Apart from refugee issues, his expertise covers economics, southern Europe and the Balkans, rule of law in Europe, and corruption. Recorded on the 26th of June 2024
trade CECIMO Interviews on Skills - Antonio Ranieri
CECIMO Interviews on Skills - Antonio Ranieri
26 Jun 2024
CECIMO Interviews on Skills - Antonio Ranieri
cities #MSMEDay 2024
#MSMEDay 2024
26 Jun 2024
OECD SMEs, Regions a...
Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises are key to the green transition. There can be no net zero without SMEs. Today is #MSME day 2024 and we are exploring OECD angles on digitalisation, sustainable finance and more... Visit our website: www.oecd.org/cfeFollow us on Twitter: @OECD_local
science Virtual Reality Explained in 20 Seconds | What is Virtual Reality?
Virtual Reality Explained in 20 Seconds | What is Virtual Reality?
26 Jun 2024
ESCI - European Scie...
Virtual Reality (VR) refers to a technology that creates a simulated environment or experience using various hardware and software components. What is Virtual Reality used for? VR is used to provide users with a sense of presence and immersion in a virtual world that feels realistic and interactive. SOCIAL MEDIA ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Website: https://www.master-xr.eu/ Zenodo: https://zenodo.org/communities/master_xr?page=1&size=20 https://twitter.com/MasterXR_EU https://www.linkedin.com/company/master-xr/ DISCLAIMER ▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀ Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
science Malvern Panalytical
Malvern Panalytical
26 Jun 2024
European Society for...
Malvern Panalytical
renewable Renewable Cooling: Solar and Geothermal Solutions
Renewable Cooling: Solar and Geothermal Solutions
26 Jun 2024
EGEC Geothermal
As our world faces more frequent and intense heat waves, the demand for sustainable cooling solutions is skyrocketing in Europe. It has become a challenge to our environment and energy resources, and neither the people nor the planet can afford inaction on sustainable cooling. We can lower the temperatures, and renewable cooling is at the centre of the revolution! Geothermal and Solar energy can provide solutions to keep our spaces cool and satisfy the demand all over Europe. Become a supporter of the Cooling Down Revolution and encourage governments, organisations and communities to adopt sustainable cooling solutions. Check our website: https://gogeothermal.eu/projects/cooling-down-project/ #CoolingDown #KeepyourCool #geothermal #solar #energy
science Global Perspectives on Supporting Research Translation - Webinar
Global Perspectives on Supporting Research Translation - Webinar
26 Jun 2024
Co-organised by the European Infrastructure of Translational Medicine (EATRIS), European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities (EASSH), and Taylor & Francis, we brought research funding and performing organisations across continents (EU, UK, US) to share how they support effective knowledge translation and how we could do it better globally. Speakers: ● Dr Joni Rutter, Director of National Centre for Advancing Translational Sciences (NCATS), NIH ● Dr Anji Miller, Senior Business Manager, LifeArc ● Dr Alicia Greated, Executive Director, Campaign for Science & Engineering (CaSE) ● Dr Nikos Kastrinos, former European Commission official for Foresight in the Directorate General for Research and Innovation The session was chaired by Anton Ussi, Operations and Finance Director at EATRIS. Find out more at https://eatris.eu/events/global-perspectives-on-supporting-research-translation/
science BIA Webinar: The General Election
BIA Webinar: The General Election
26 Jun 2024
BioIndustry Associat...
The UK general election has been called for Thursday 4 July.  As parliament shuts down and the government goes quiet, each party will set out its economic vision for the country. The week before polling day, this webinar takes a look at what we’ve learned from the campaign and considers what various election outcomes could mean for the sector and its stakeholders.  Watch the webinar to get the latest and to ask questions of the BIA team, and watch out for the post-election readout the week after for an analysis of the results and implications.
digital AIntuition: Unlocking Efficiency for Public Sector with Retrieval Augmented Generation Applications
AIntuition: Unlocking Efficiency for Public Sector with Retrieval Augmented Generation Applications
26 Jun 2024
AI for Good
In today’s digital age, public sector institutions face increasing demands for efficient and effective service delivery. From managing administrative tasks to ensuring regulatory compliance, the challenges are multifaceted. The integration of AI virtual assistants powered by Large Language Model (LLM) applications presents a promising solution to streamline these processes. These assistants can interact seamlessly with dispersed data, provide guidance on complex procedures, and enable automated workflows, enhancing the quality of public services. A pivotal element in enhancing LLM-powered virtual assistants is Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG). RAG optimizes the capabilities of LLMs by enabling efficient querying of vast volumes of administrative documents and delivering contextually relevant responses. However, despite its potential, RAG in public administration remains a nascent field with challenges such as document complexity, data privacy concerns, and cost implications. This webinar aims to shed light on the role of RAG in transforming public administration, exploring its potential use cases, and discussing the challenges and opportunities for its adoption. Join us to discover how open-source RAG tools can revolutionize public administration and support the delivery of high-quality public services. Moderators: David Manset Senior Project Coordinator of the EC-funded OSEE project International Telecommunication Union (ITU) The AI for Good Global Summit is the leading action-oriented United Nations platform promoting AI to advance health, climate, gender, inclusive prosperity, sustainable infrastructure, and other global development priorities. AI for Good is organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the UN specialized agency for information and communication technology – in partnership with 40 UN sister agencies and co-convened with the government of Switzerland. Join the Neural Network! 👉https://aiforgood.itu.int/neural-network/ The AI for Good networking community platform powered by AI. Designed to help users build connections with innovators and experts, link innovative ideas with social impact opportunities, and bring the community together to advance the SDGs using AI. 🔴 Watch the latest #AIforGood videos! https://www.youtube.com/c/AIforGood/videos 📩 Stay updated and join our weekly AI for Good newsletter: http://eepurl.com/gI2kJ5 🗞Check out the latest AI for Good news: https://aiforgood.itu.int/newsroom/ 📱Explore the AI for Good blog: https://aiforgood.itu.int/ai-for-good-blog/ 🌎 Connect on our social media: Website: https://aiforgood.itu.int/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/AIforGood LinkedIn Page: https://www.linkedin.com/company/26511907 LinkedIn Group: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/8567748 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/aiforgood Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AIforGood Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed are those of the panelists and do not reflect the official policy of the ITU.
digital 'DIGITAL SME ISAC: A new centre to protect SMEs from cyber threats' launch event
'DIGITAL SME ISAC: A new centre to protect SMEs from cyber threats' launch event
26 Jun 2024
European DIGITAL SME...
'DIGITAL SME ISAC: A new centre to protect SMEs from cyber threats' launch event
medicine Como escrever e enviar um manuscrito de investigação científica
Como escrever e enviar um manuscrito de investigação científica
26 Jun 2024
IAS – the Internat...
Neste webinar organizado pelo IAS Educational Fund e pelo Journal of the International AIDS Society, o Editor-Chefe Alberto Rossi e a Editora Associada Brooke Nichols descrevem as principais partes de um artigo científico e as modalidades de publicação, o processo de revisão por pares e os principais motivos de rejeição de artigos. O webinar tem como objetivo reforçar as competências de escrita científica e fornece informações práticas para ajudar os investigadores do VIH em início de carreira, bem como os investigadores mais experientes, a submeterem com êxito os seus manuscritos a revistas com revisão por pares.
medicine Cómo redactar y presentar un manuscrito científico
Cómo redactar y presentar un manuscrito científico
26 Jun 2024
IAS – the Internat...
En este seminario web organizado por el Educational Fund de la IAS y el Journal of International AIDS Society, el Editor Jefe Alberto Rossi y la Editora Edjunta Brooke Nichols describen las partes principales de un artículo científico y las modalidades de publicación, el proceso de revisión por pares y los principales motivos de rechazo de artículos. Principales. El seminario web tiene como objetivo desarrollar habilidades en la redacción científica y proporcionar información práctica para apoyar a los investigadores nuevos y en etapas tempranas del VIH, así como a investigadores más experimentados, en la presentación exitosa de sus manuscritos a revistas revisadas por pares.
medicine Comment rédiger et soumettre un art scientifique
Comment rédiger et soumettre un art scientifique
26 Jun 2024
IAS – the Internat...
Dans ce webinaire organisé par l'IAS Educational Fund et le Journal of the International AIDS Society, le rédacteur en chef Alberto Rossi et le rédacteur adjoint Brooke Nichols décrivent les principales parties d'un article scientifique et les modalités de publication, le processus d'évaluation par les pairs et les principales raisons de rejet d'un article. Le webinaire vise à renforcer les compétences en matière de rédaction scientifique et fournit des informations pratiques pour aider les chercheurs en VIH en début de carrière, ainsi que les chercheurs plus expérimentés, à soumettre avec succès leurs articles à des journaux académiques évalués par les paires.
medicine How to write and submit a scientific manuscript
How to write and submit a scientific manuscript
26 Jun 2024
IAS – the Internat...
In this webinar organized by the IAS Educational Fund and the Journal of the International AIDS Society, Managing Editor Alberto Rossi and Deputy Editor Brooke Nichols describe the main parts of a scientific article and the modalities of publication, the process of peer review and the main reasons for article rejection. The webinar aims to build skills in scientific writing and provided practical information to support new- and early-career HIV researchers, as well as more experienced researchers, in successfully submitting their manuscripts to peer-reviewed journals.
medicine Webinar on Approaches to Evaluate Evidence on Rare Disease Guidelines
Webinar on Approaches to Evaluate Evidence on Rare Disease Guidelines
26 Jun 2024
EURORDIS Webinar on Approaches to Evaluate Evidence on Rare Disease Guidelines
renewable Cemvision CEO, Oscar Hållen talks about joining LeadIT
Cemvision CEO, Oscar Hållen talks about joining LeadIT
26 Jun 2024
Stockholm Environmen...
Cemvision CEO, Oscar Hållen talks about joining LeadIT
26 Jun 2024
EU Energy
10th edition of the Energy Infrastructure Forum organised in Copenhagen by the European Commission, in collaboration with the Danish Ministry of Climate, Energy and Utilities
economy Through taxes to tech: using fiscal policies to promote innovation
Through taxes to tech: using fiscal policies to promote innovation
26 Jun 2024
Global growth and innovation are slowing, and reversing this trend is critical. At this event we discussed the role of fiscal policies in promoting innovation. What strategies can governments employ to foster technological advancements and their widespread adoption? The event featured the presentation of the 2nd chapter of IMF’s latest Fiscal Monitor, titled “Expanding Frontiers: Fiscal Policies for Innovation and Technology Diffusion”.
homeaffairs 20 Years in the EU | #HungarianPPC
20 Years in the EU | #HungarianPPC
26 Jun 2024
Trans European Polic...
On 1 July 2024, Hungary will take over the reins of the Council of the European Union, holding the Rotating Presidency for the second time since its accession to the European Union twenty years ago, in May 2004. To discuss the aims and priorities of the incoming Hungarian Presidency, as well as the crucial files needing attention in the EU, the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics co-organised the Hungarian Pre-Presidency Conference (PPC): “Changes and Challenges in the European Union”. The panel 20 Years in the EU featured contributions from: - Merili Arjakas, International Centre for Defence and Security; - Boštjan Udovič, Centre of International Relations, University of Ljubljana; - Lucia Mokrá, Chairperson of the TEPSA Board; Comenius University in Bratislava; - Éva Palócz, Kopint Tárki Institute, General Director; Hungarian Economic Association; - Moderator: Boglárka Koller, Ludovika University of Public Service. This Pre-Presidency Conference was organised by the Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) and the HUN-REN Centre for Economics and Regional Studies – Institute of World Economics. The event is co-funded by the European Union in the framework of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme. The event was in cooperation with the Hungarian Economic Association, Videoton Holding, Budapest Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Grawe Insurance. TEPSA Website: https://www.tepsa.eu/ TEPSA Twitter: https://twitter.com/tepsaeu TEPSA Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tepsa.eu TEPSA LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/tepsabrussels TEPSA Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tepsaeu/ Editing: Hugh Evans Music: Alive, Wondershare Filmora X This video is co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values programme of the European Union Co-funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.