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EU Agenda for Publishers

Reach a European audience

See how it works for Citizens

A European niche audience for your content and events

EU Agenda is primarily used by EU professionals, consultants, and stakeholders, providing a highly targeted audience for your content.

99% of contents are about Europe
80% of traffic comes from Europe
90% of venues are located in Europe

EU Agenda is ideal for

European Communication Agencies & Consultancies

Promote all your clients materials with a single account.

EU-funded project consortia

Disseminate your project's results to the right audience.

Professional event organisers / Training Centers

Attract attendees, increase RSVPs for your events and training.

EU Industry/sector Associations / Federations

Let your members voice be heard by EC officials and policy stakeholders.

Raise your organisation awareness

Dedicated company page

Your name, logo, contacts, events, videos are displayed in your dedicated company page for maximum clarity with no competition links or other distractions.

Get your company listed

Be included in our exclusive directory of event organisers, content creators and policy stakeholders -- 1614 members approved one by one.

Ongoing newsletter featuring

Your organisation is always featured in our weekly newsletter and in many online pages.

Publish Events, Training and Webinars

In-person events & online webinars

Publish up to 240 events/webinars/training per year, each with duration of up to 60 days, and custom links in the description.

Work in team

Invite colleagues and collaborators to join your team. Together you can publish more and better with one team administrator and unlimited team members.

Save time with assets repositories

Create repositories for your speakers, sponsors and venues so you can add them quickly when creating events.

Monitor your events performance

To make it easier to track the performance of your events, each Tuesday we send an email with the key metrics for each of your events.

Manage events registration and payment

Create easily tickets and receive payments directly in your Stripe account -- or add an external registration link.

EU Agenda is a unique showroom for all your PDF publications

Policy Briefs, Policy Papers, Policy Recommendation, Position Papers, etc.

Show your best policy output to a larger audience interested in your field of work.

Research Papers, Working Papers, Studies

Share your research and in-depth analysis.

Guides, Booklet, Fact-sheets, Infographic

Distribute the good practices with the wide public.

Reports, Presentations & Press Releases

Spread your results and important news.

Videos and News automatic publishing

News & announcements

Sync your website RSS with EU Agenda to publish automatically to our News directory.


Sync your YouTube channels and forget. We'll take care of presenting your videos to relevant viewers.

Get inspired for your next event's Speakers and Sponsors

Speaker Directory

Find potential speakers for your next events and webinars. Browse, search or filter by policy over 3K profiles.

Sponsor Directory

Find the organisations that sponsored events in policy of work. Get inspired by browsing, searching or filtering 2K organisations.

Join EU Agenda as Publisher

Spark attention to your events and content

Publish Events, PDF Publications, News, Videos

Raise your organisation awareness

Become visible in EU circles

588€ / year

Or monthly at 59€