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17 Oct 2017

'The State of Housing in the EU 2017' | Launch of the report

The Housing Europe Observatory presents the 2017 edition of its flagship report ‘The State of Housing in the EU’.

What is the State of Housing in the European Union? Is the housing crisis over? Which countries have the most pressing needs? What are the latest policy initiatives that are trying to change the landscape? How do cities collaborate with housing associations? Is there a role for the European Institutions even if housing is a national competence? The Housing Europe Observatory presents the 2017 edition of its flagship report ‘The State of Housing in the EU’.

Save the date for the launch: October 17th. Tune in with us on our website and on our social media channels #housingEU to get access to…

  • detailed statistics per EU Member State
  • the latest housing trends in a cross-country observation
  • a compilation of the most significant policy updates since 2015
  • analysis of the interaction of housing policies and EU policies
  • the effect that challenges at local level have on housing

The Observatory of Housing Europe, as an established point of reference when it comes to facts and figures around housing in the continent will provide with the evidence on which policies of the future shall be based.

The report will be presented at an event in the European Parliament. More details will be announced soon…

On October 17th the EU starts… at ;

Impact of the 2015 report

  • More than  reads online

  • Presented in more than 30 conferences & workshops

  • Quoted in 10 publications of key institutions, including the OECD, Eurostat & the UNECE

  • Picked up by major European Media such as Le Monde, Politico, Kathimerini etc.

The launch event

Housing Europe will use the occasion of the launch of the report to bring the housing debate to the EU Institutions putting particular focus on investment as a response to Europe’s housing challenge. The two-part event will take place in the European Parliament and in the Committee of the Regions.

11:00-13:00 Morning Session | European Parliament, Room ASP1E1

An investment in housing pays the best interest

This first session that will be hosted by MEP Simona Bonafè (S & D, Italy) will explore Europe's potential to support projects with high social impact. The event takes place under the auspices of the European Parliament Long-term Investment Intergroup.

Draft agenda

The session is moderated by Laurent Ghekiere, Chair of Housing Europe Observatory & Head of EU Affairs of Union Sociale pour l’ Habitat

11:00-11:05 Welcome remarks by hosting MEP, Simona Bonafè

11:05-11:10 It's the housing | Opening statement by Housing Europe President, Cédric Van Styvendael

11:10-11:45 Presentation of main findings of the report Alice Pittini, Housing Europe Research Coordinator

11:45-12:45 Round table discussion with

-Housing Europe President, Cédric Van Styvendael, Board Members and MEPs (to be announced)

-Benjamin Angel, Director, DG ECFIN, European Commission and EFSI Board member

-Laia Ortiz, Vice-Mayor of Barcelona (tbc)

-Laurent Zylberberg, President of European Long-Term Investors Association

12:45 What’s next? Closing remarks by the Chair of Housing Europe Economic and Financial Affairs Committee, Gene Clayton (tbc)


14:00-17:00 Afternoon Session | Committee of the Regions, Room JDE 70

Europe's housing challenge: cutting a modern Gordian Knot

The second session of the day will be focused on the reality on the ground. What has been the impact of the crisis and the regional responses? An open conversation will aim to deliver the crucial elements for a much needed more efficient cross-sectoral cooperation.

Draft agenda

Welcome from Cédric Van Styvendael, President of Housing Europe

14:00-14:30 Presentation of the main findings of the report by Alice Pittini, Housing Europe Research Coordinator

14:30-14:45 Reaction by Hicham Imane, Member of the CoR, Rapporteur of the CoR Opinion on housing policy

14:45-15:30 The regional responses to a European challenge

Moderated by Dr. Christian Lieberknecht, Vice-President of Housing Europe

Mediterranean Countries: Housing Europe Member Representatives from Portugal and Italy

Ireland: solving all possible housing related problems one country could have | Dr. Donal McManus, CEO of the Irish Council for Social Housing

Central-Eastern Europe: József Hegedüs, Director of Metropolitan Research Institute (MRI)

15:30-16:15 The sectoral cooperation

Round-table discussion moderated by Julien Dijol, Deputy Secretary General of Housing Europe:

  • Marina Monaco, ETUC Advisor on Social protection policy
  • Ruth Owen, FEANTSA Policy Coordinator
  • Clémentine Moyart, European Youth Forum Policy Office (tbc)
  • Finance Watch (representative to be announced)
  • Sabrina Ferraina, EASPD Policy Officer
  • 16:15 Closing remarks

    Sorcha Edwards, Secretary General of Housing Europe

* Stay up-to-date with the agenda here ;


17 Oct 2017 @ 11:00 am

17 Oct 2017 @ 05:00 pm

Duration: 6 hours


European Parliament

60 Rue Wiertz

1047 Ixelles



English en

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Housing Europe

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