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11 Mar 2021

The New Cohesion Policy Regulations 2021-2027

and Implementing New Structural Funds Programmes

The New Regulations are expected to be agreed by the end of 2020 and in place in 2021. What changes have been made to the Draft Regulations (proposal)? What are the resulting key changes, compared to the 2014-2020 period? New Operational Programmes for 2021-2027 have been prepared and are being negotiated and agreed. How have the Programmes changed? How have they selected priorities and planned finances and how do they measure performance?

This online course will address these questions and examine the new 2021-2027 regulations in detail. We will refer to the new Programme and Reporting templates. We will see how Programmes have been simplified and we will consider the impact of the health crisis on Programmes – current and new.

We will help you address the following questions:

  • How far do new programmes contribute to Member State National Reform Programmes and reflect Country-specific recommendations, Country Reports?
  • What will financial planning and management look like in 2021-2027?
  • Where have programmes been simplified most? And how are simplified cost options being developed and used?
  • How will the new Performance framework work and how do we measure success?
  • How will real-time reporting work?
  • How you can “ensure that selected operations present the best relationship between the amount of support, the activities undertaken and the achievement of objectives”? (Article (c), draft CPR)

Remote simultaneous interpretation
Remote simultaneous interpretation can be offered in Spanish, French and Italian on request. Contact the Programme Organiser for more information and conditions


11 Mar 2021 @ 08:40 am

15 Mar 2021 @ 05:20 pm

Duration: 4 days, 8 hours



English en

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