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22 Jun 2021

New approaches to mitigate aviation noise impact

This ANIMA project hybrid event will reveal new approaches to mitigate the impact that aviation noise has on local communities.

Aircraft noise is considered the most significant local environmental impact related to airport operations that affects people on the ground. This event will reveal new approaches to mitigate the impact that aviation noise has on local communities, such as understanding how aircraft noise exposure troubles residents and ultimately engaging with them to achieve win-win ;

To better understand the annoyance and to improve quality of life, ANIMA carried out several pilot studies, which led to new ways to mitigate aviation noise impact. For example, ANIMA developed a virtual reality tool that helps evaluate aircraft flyovers in different environments and examines how visual perception influences noise annoyance. ANIMA also built a mobile application, called AnimApp, which purpose is to engage with local residents in order to estimate aircraft noise levels based on their time and position, in accordance with data protection regulations, as well as to measure the effect that noise has on residents’ daily activities. In addition, ANIMA studied social media discussions in relation to noise annoyance and quality of life around airports. Moreover, ANIMA incorporates dynamic noise mapping approach to demonstrate how population’s daily movements influence the noise exposure and estimated noise annoyance around an airport.

The ANIMA hybrid workshop will provide more information about the outcomes of the pilot studies carried out in the project. It will present more in detail the innovative ways developed by ANIMA, that can potentially improve the relation between communities and airports, while mitigating impact and enhancing quality of ;

This event is primarily addressed to public authorities, local communities, airports and policymakers. To secure your spot, please register in advance on this page.

A draft agenda will be published shortly. The exact venue of the event will also be communicated in the upcoming period.

Please note that this is a hybrid event, meaning that participation is possible both physically and online. Optimal sanitary safety conditions will be put in place to ensure that the organisation of the live event is adapted to answer any concerns arising from the health crisis linked to COVID-19. More information about the extraordinary measures and arrangements will be communicated soon. In case of restrictions imposed by COVID-19 cases surge, this event will be moved completely

Please also note that videos and photos will be taken during this event, which may be further used for the communication and dissemination purposes of the ANIMA

Should you need more information or assistance to register for this event, or you would like to update your presence (online or in-person) please contact the ANIMA communication partner, Airport Regions Council, at (Alena Maximova, Communication Officer) and (Alexandra Covrig, Senior Project Officer).


22 Jun 2021 @ 09:00 am

22 Jun 2021 @ 03:30 pm

Duration: 6 hours, 30 minutes


Vienna International Airport

1300 Schwechat, Austria

1300 Schwechat



English en

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