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I got it!

05 Dec 2023

Towards Human-Centric AI

Join us on December 5 from 14:15 to 15:30 CET, in Brussels or online, for a stimulating discussion

In recent months, international activity on AI regulation has picked up the pace. In the EU, negotiations for the AI Act are nearing the finish line, with a political agreement expected in the coming weeks. As policymakers work towards rules for the development and deployment of these systems that are already involved in many aspects of our everyday lives, the way in which humans can interact with and interpret their decisions remains one of the key questions of AI governance.

As the EU strives for a trustworthy and human-centric AI framework, human oversight over AI systems emerges as a crucial element. How can we have effective controls over these systems? What kind of measures need to be in place for the different applications based on their risk levels? Can we challenge their decisions and what would that entail in terms of the explainability of the systems and their outputs?

Join us on December 5 from 14:15 to 15:30 CET, in Brussels or online, for a stimulating discussion with representatives from the European institutions, national regulators, and industry and civil society representatives on how human-centric AI can be fostered and what the EU AI Act can contribute to this aim.

Before the panel discussion, CERRE Research Fellow Winston Maxwell and University of Namur Professor Bruno Dumas will set the scene with a presentation of their recently published report ‘Meaningful XAI Based on User-Centric Design Methodology’ that takes stock of the different requirements of transparent and understandable algorithms present in current and upcoming EU legislation and explores what a ‘meaningful’ explainable AI might look like in different scenarios.

This event is free and open to all, but registration is required. Viewers will have the chance to submit questions for the panellists during the event.

If you cannot join us live, then the event will be available to replay on the CERRE YouTube channel afterwards.


5 Dec 2023 @ 02:15 pm

5 Dec 2023 @ 03:30 pm

Duration: 1 hours, 15 minutes


Sparks meeting

60 Rue Ravenstein

1000 Bruxelles



English en

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