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Innovation network for sustainable strategies.
L'Università Bocconi nasce come apertura alla modernità, come atto di fiducia nel progresso e nella sua stretta relazione con l'avanzamento della conoscenza, sempre in dialogo con il mondo esterno. Ferdinando Bocconi, precursore in Italia della grande distribuzione, decise di legare i suoi beni e il nome della sua famiglia a una prestigiosa istituzione formativa, in memoria del figlio Luigi. Leopoldo Sabbatini, autore del programma formativo, primo presidente e rettore dell'Ateneo, ricorda nei suoi scritti i meriti di Ferdinando Bocconi: l'aver impostato gli studi universitari bocconiani rispettando "l'armonia fra la scuola e la vita", e aver intuito l'importanza del ruolo della cultura e della scienza come fondamento della crescita economica e morale della nazione. Dopo un secolo dalla fondazione, i valori che hanno ispirato i fondatori dell'Università Bocconi sono rimasti intatti e continuano a vivere nelle attività dell'Ateneo. Dal 1955 l'Istituto Javotte Bocconi - Associazione Amici della Bocconi, fondazione dell'Università Bocconi è principale riferimento delle scelte strategiche e di governance dell'ateneo milanese. Dalla sua fondazione, l'Istituto sostiene economicamente l'ateneo in diverse forme e tramanda alle giovani generazioni l'impegno della famiglia Bocconi nell'esperienza educativa. Inoltre veglia affinchè tale impegno sia costantemente realizzato dal governo accademico nel modo migliore e più efficace.
rasmus University Rotterdam is a highly ranked, international research university, based in the dynamic and diverse city of Rotterdam. Education and Research Founded in 1913, it is currently one the biggest universities of the Netherlands with a student population of 29,000 and a research community of circa 1,400. Scholars and students in seven faculties and two institutions work on global social challenges in the areas of: health, wealth governance culture. As part of a large global network of academic partnerships, in strategic alliance with Leiden University and Delft University of Technology and in a unique collaboration with city and port, the dynamic city of Rotterdam serves as our laboratory. Top 100 The quality of research at Erasmus University, named after Rotterdam-born humanist and theologian Erasmus, is reflected in its consistent top-100 position in most major universities rankings. On the lively, modern campus, students and scholars of more than 100 nationalities are constantly encouraged to develop their talents and meet their ambition. Erasmus University Rotterdam. Making Minds Matter.
Korea EU Research Centre in Brussels for the enhancement of Horizon Europe Programs, ect.
The European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE) located in Brussels, Belgium, is the leading member-supported association representing organisations active across the entire energy storage value chain. EASE supports the deployment of energy storage to support the cost-effective transition to a resilient, climate-neutral, and secure energy system. EASE was established in 2011 and represents almost 60 members including utilities, technology suppliers, research institutes, distribution system operators, and transmission system operators. Together, EASE members have significant expertise across all major storage technologies and applications. This allows us to generate new ideas and policy recommendations that are essential to build a regulatory framework that is supportive of storage. Our Mission To promote a fair, future oriented, sustainable energy market design that recognises storage as an indispensable element of the energy system to build a bridge between EU policymakers and the energy storage stakeholders Our Vision To have a renewable-based carbon-neutral Europe by 2050, enabled through energy storage
I2M (UMR 5295), Institute of Mechanical Engineering, 338 peoples. Explore mosaics of small mechanisms to design the big machines of tomorrow. I2M scientific priorities are : Physical Acoustics of Materials. Fluid Mechanics and Transfers. Environmental Civil Engineering of Structures and Natural Environments. Material Durability - Damage - Assemblies and Structures. Mechanical Engineering in materials processing and Design.
The NOVA Cidade – Urban Analytics Lab is a network of people and organizations, promoted by NOVA IMS, representing the protagonists of the construction of smart cities and territories, which collaboratively develops a set of activities that aim to promote the creation and transfer of knowledge applied in the context of urban intelligence aiming to actively contribute to the construction of smart and sustainable cities and territories. Based on information management and data science and involving local government, academia and industry, we aim to actively contribute to the fulfillment of SDG 11 – Sustainable Cities and Communities of the United Nations, in particular to ensure that those who live, work or visit cities sustainability, inclusion, resilience and security in the multiple dimensions of urban intelligence , with emphasis on responding to the climate emergency, promoting decarbonisation and the energy transition in a move to the circular economy.
Eurogroup for Animals represents over eighty animal protection organisations across the EU, UK, Switzerland, Serbia, Norway, Montenegro, Kosovo, and Australia. Since its foundation in 1980, the organisation has succeeded in encouraging the EU to adopt higher legal standards for animal protection. Eurogroup for Animals reflects public opinion through its members and has both the scientific and technical expertise to provide authoritative advice on issues relating to animal protection. Eurogroup for Animals is a founding member of the World Federation for Animals which unites the animal protection movement at the global level.
SGI Europe (formerly CEEP, the European Centre of Employers and Enterprises providing Public Services and Services of general interest) represents employers and enterprises providing services of general interest (SGIs) since 1961. Our members are organisations active in fields such as: Central & local administrations, Healthcare, Education, Social services, Housing, Waste management, Energy, Transport, Water, Environment, Communications.Modern services of general interest (SGIs) serve the fundamental goals of the EU, supporting business, social and territorial cohesion, economic and social solidarity, and a better quality of life for all citizens.
Carl von Ossietzky University of Oldenburg is an academic institution or an university in Lower Saxony, Germany.
Zero Waste Europe (ZWE) is the European network of communities, organisations, local leaders, experts, and change agents working towards the elimination of waste in our society. It advocates for sustainable systems and the redesign of our relationship with resources, to accelerate a just transition towards zero waste for the benefit of people and the planet. Created in 2014, the ZWE network now includes 33 members from 28 European countries and works with topics across the whole ;
Ecommerce Europe is the sole voice of the European Digital Commerce sector. As a result of joining forces with EMOTA, Ecommerce Europe now represents, via its national associations, more than 150,000 companies selling goods and services online to consumers in Europe. Ecommerce Europe acts at European level to help legislators create a better framework for online merchants, so that their sales can grow further.
The Centre was founded by a group of scholars from various Italian universities, belonging to various fields of study, such as Literature, the Arts, Law and Philosophy. We intend to work on and encourage, comparative research on various kinds of aesthetic approaches, modes of writing and artistic expressions, particularly focusing on the discourses characterising the different Modernisms, their roots and outgrowths, up to Postmodernism, while aiming at implementing an independent field of research within the Humanities. We will also ask for submissions on related topics through calls for papers.We will probe into the following items:1. comparing and contrasting the “two cultures”, i. e., science and the humanities, the different arts, and different national cultures.2. considering key problems in the main Avant-garde and Modernist movements.3. reconsidering questions posed by recent theoretical approaches as well as the relationships connecting different arts, performances, new media, as well as literature and law, literature, science and the arts.Our journal "CoSMo | Comparative Studies in Modernism" is meant to collect the various symposiums our Research Centre “Modernity / Modernism and the Arts” has held over the year.
The Health and Environment Alliance (HEAL) is the leading not-for-profit organisation addressing how the environment affects human health in the European Union (EU) and beyond. HEAL works to shape laws and policies that promote planetary and human health and protect those most affected by pollution, and raise awareness on the benefits of environmental action for health. HEAL’s over 90 member organisations include international, European, national and local groups of health professionals, not-for-profit health insurers, patients, citizens, women, youth, and environmental experts representing over 200 million people across the 53 countries of the WHO European Region.
The Center for European Studies (CefES-DEMS) promotes research on European countries following the highest standards in economic research and with an international vocation. The Center gathers scholars from several different fields in Economics, with the objective of contributing to the empirical and theoretical debate on the European economy.
entreTime is a new entrepreneurship education service aimed at upskilling educators within higher education institutions and upgrading their pedagogical tools on this domain by providing a comprehensive training package. Following our specific philosophy which considers entrepreneurship as a holistic pedagogical teaching method (“teaching through entrepreneurship”), a unique academic platform for spreading entrepreneurial teaching and co-creation, also outside the traditional domain of business schools and economic faculties, will be set up and validated throughout three years of activity, engaging top-level educators across Europe.
Jeunes MR est une organisation de jeunesse politique sur le territoire de la communauté française de Belgique qui rassemble des jeunes âgés entre 15 et 35 ans.Les Jeunes MR partagent les valeurs du parti politique Mouvement réformateur (MR) tout en étant dans une structure indépendante. Leur objectif initial est d’intéresser les jeunes à la politique, notamment pour les sensibiliser aux projets réformateurs.
PsychedelicsEUROPE is an association for innovative mental health that brings together leading research centres, NGOs, and private companies. Our goal is to promote the EU regulatory framework that would foster the well-being of the EU citizens. Based on the latest scientific evidence, we advocate for legislation that supports cutting-edge research on psychedelic substances and their efficient use in therapies.
Creative District (CreaD) advises and promotes initiatives in the creative and cultural industries and develops entrepreneurial ecosystems and sustainable innovation for social impact. The organization acts in synergy with public, social and economic actors, in Belgium and abroad. Through its interventions, CreaD offers the following: 1- Linking theory to reality by developing projects that translate the tools and practices developed by CreaD to tangible actions on ground 2- Supporting the development of a creative economy by promoting access to entrepreneurship 3- Enhancing interactions between institutions and stakeholders from the creative and cultural industries as well as between the public and private sectors 4- Promoting sustainable development through a human and innovative approach. In order to achieve these goals, CreaD produces and supervises creative projects, providing consultancy and management support.
European Bioplastics, the association representing the interests of the thriving bioplastics industry in Europe. We encourage you to have a look around on our website, learn more about the opportunities and benefits of bioplastics and their contributions to a resource efficient and sustainable future, and discover what makes our industry grow at a rate of more than 20 percent per year. We at European Bioplastics are committed to driving the evolution of plastics by raising awareness across all relevant stakeholder groups about the benefits of bioplastics in reducing our dependency on fossil resources, reducing harmful greenhouse gas emissions, and using renewable resources more efficiently. European Bioplastics is uniquely placed in the industry with an extensive network of businesses, partners, and experts in the bioplastics sector across Europe and beyond. Our annual European Bioplastics Conference is the leading business and networking event for the entire industry. Feel free to contact us, if you would like additional information on bioplastics materials, applications, innovations, and business opportunities. We are looking forward to hearing from you!
  Vista di Ancona Ancona , quale sede universitaria, è una realtà relativamente recente, conseguente ad un lungo processo di realizzazione di aspirazioni e motivazioni culturali, sociali, economiche, storiche. Ancona, già nel Medioevo sede di una Scuola di Diritto ottenne da Papa Pio V nel 1562 l'autorizzazione ad istituire uno "Studium Generale cuiuscumque Facultatis et Scientiae", con la Facoltà di Diritto Civile e Canonico e di Teologia, con la possibilità inoltre di istituire altre Facoltà. Il collegio dei dottori aveva potestà di conferire i vari gradi accademici. Ai dottori e agli studenti venivano altresì riconosciuti privilegi, prerogative, immunità propri degli altri Studi Generali, quali quelli di Bologna e Padova. Il nuovo Studium caratterizzato per un secolo da fervore di studi, subì un declino progressivo nella seconda metà del XVII secolo per l'attrazione esercitata sui giovani delle famiglie benestanti della città dai più famosi Studi di Roma e Bologna. Tale declino culminò nel 1739 con una prima chiusura dello Studium.   Rettorato Nel 1746, su delibera del Consiglio Comunale, approvata da Papa Benedetto XIV, venne nuovamente attivata la cattedra di Diritto Civile e Canonico, cattedra la cui breve vita ebbe termine con i grandi rivolgimenti politici degli anni 1797-1799. Le aspirazioni universitarie di Ancona, per lungo tempo apparentemente sopite, riemersero al termine della prima Guerra Mondiale, dapprima incerte e confuse, successivamente con contorni più precisi, inquadrata in sempre più razionale coscienza dell'intera problematica universitaria regionale. Le fasi successive, durate fino al termine degli anni 20, furono contrassegnate da proposte diverse, mai giunte alla fase di realizzazione, quali la creazione di una Confederazione universitaria regionale, con Rettorato ad Ancona, con la presenza nella stessa città del triennio clinico di medicina e di una non meglio definita Scuola Superiore di Commercio. Dall'inizio degli anni 30 il disegno di un'intesa regionale su una programmazione universitaria globale che prevedesse la realizzazione anche ad Ancona di una Università trovò illuminati e strenui propugnatori nei soci e nel presidente dell'Istituto Marchigiano di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, istituito nel capoluogo nel 1925.       Municipio Il paziente lavoro istruttivo e propositivo, interrotto dagli eventi della seconda Guerra Mondiale, venne ripreso nel dopoguerra e tra proposte, richieste, opposizioni, prese di posizione campanilistiche, silenzi e dinieghi ministeriali, si giunse nel 1969 alla istituzione della Libera Università di Ancona, nonché il relativo statuto, con l'attivazione del primo biennio della Facoltà di Ingegneria e del triennio biologico della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, da parte del  Consiglio Direttivo del Consorzio costituito costituito tra Comune, Amministrazione Provinciale, Camera di Commercio, e presieduto e stimolato dal professor Trifogli. Il consiglio Superiore della Pubblica Istruzione espresse successivamente parere favorevole, autorizzando l'attivazione della Facoltà di Ingegneria per L'Anno Accademico 1969-70 e di quella di Medicina per l'anno successivo. Era così nata ad Ancona la Libera Università, riconosciuta definitivamente come Università statale in tempi molto brevi, ed esattamente il 18 gennaio 1971.       Polo Villarey La città di Ancona divenne finalmente sede Universitaria, con due Facoltà proprie, alle quali venne in seguito aggregata anche la Facoltà di Economia e Commercio. Nell'Anno Accademico 1988-89 venne istituita la Facoltà di Agraria (corso di laurea in Scienze Agrarie) e, nell'Anno Accademico 1991- 92, la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali (corso di Laurea in Biologia Generale con indirizzi in Biologia Marina ed Oceanografica ed in Biotecnologie). Sono attivi nelle cinque Facoltà  22 corsi di Laurea triennale di primo livello, 17 corsi di Laurea Specialistica biennale di secondo livello, 3 lauree Magistrali a ciclo unico, 35 scuole di specializzazione , 20 dottorati di ricerca con sede amministrativa ad Ancona o in sede distaccata a Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto. La popolazione studentesca, dalle iniziali 290 matricole dell'anno '69-'70 è andata progressivamente aumentando fino a superare le sedicimilacinquecento unità. Il personale dell'Ateneo è attualmente costituito da un Corpo Accademico di 545 professori e ricercatori e da 610 Collaboratori tecnici e amministrativi.       Polo Monte Dago Le attività didattica e di ricerca, all'inizio ospitate in sedi diverse, spesso inadeguate ed insufficienti, trovano attualmente una sistemazione tripolare: un polo scientifico e tecnologico in località Monte Dago, in un complesso di edifici tra i quali spicca la monumentale e prestigiosa opera progettata dall'architetto italo- americano Belluschi. Tale polo ospita la Facoltà d'Ingegneria, la Facoltà di Agraria, la Facoltà di Scienze. Nella stessa località si sta completando la struttura edilizia necessaria per soddisfare le necessità didattiche e scientifiche della nuova Facoltà biologica: un polo biologico, scientifico e sanitario in località Torrette è costituito da un complesso edilizio per le esigenze didattiche e di ricerca della Facoltà di Medicina; un polo economico , nel centro storico della città, che si identifica con la Facoltà di Economia , che ha sede nello splendido edificio restaurato dell'ottocentesca caserma Villarey. L'attività amministrativa e di coordinamento trova la sua ideale collocazione logistica, nell'Ottocentesco Palazzo in Piazza Roma, sede del Rettorato e della Direzione Amministrativa, in stretta vicinanza con altri edifici in cui trovano spazi per la loro attività i rimanenti servizi ;       Polo Torrette Il patrimonio edilizio è completato dagli insediamenti ed impianti sportivi in località Posatora, nella vasta area ex sede della Facoltà di Medicina, distrutta dalla rovinosa frana nel 1982. Nella medesima area è stato progettato un moderno orto botanico, quale completamento, insieme all'Azienda Agraria, già attiva nel vicino comune di Agugliano, delle esigenze didattico-scientifiche della Facoltà di Agraria. Si prevede inoltre, in tempi medio-lunghi, la completa ristrutturazione della ex caserma Stamira, l'ultima acquisizione dell'Università dorica e si ipotizza il suo utilizzo come foresteria per studenti e studiosi di altre Università anche non italiane, che sempre più numerosi frequentano gli Istituti e Dipartimenti nell'ambito di progetti nazionali ed internazionali di aggiornamento e ricerca. In data 18 gennaio 2003 l'Università degli Studi di Ancona ha cambiato denominazione in "Università Politecnica delle Marche".
ELY Centre is the Finnish national authority for Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR).  ELY Centre oversees and supervises the implementation of EPR nationwide, with the exception of Åland.EPR in Finland applies to batteries and accumulators, vehicles, packaging, paper and paper products, tyres and electrical and electronic equipment. EPR responsibilities also extend to distance ;
Danube Adria Association For Automation & Manufacturing – DAAAMDAAAM International Vienna is an international network for scientific, academic and industrial cooperation. DAAAM International was founded and based on the idea and initiative of Professor B. Katalinic, on November 5th, 1990 at the Vienna Symposium, in order to mark the 175th anniversary of the Vienna University of Technology.The purpose of DAAAM International is to provide a world forum for engineers, scientists and industrial managers to present and discuss the current status and impact of advanced manufacturing and automation. During the last 32 years, the activities of DAAAM International have been supported by more than scientists and experts from over fifty countries all over the world.In recent years, DAAAM International has focused activities on regional and global long-term co-operation between (technical) universities. The result of this initiative is the founding of the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna and DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies.The founding document of the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna is the University Charter of Dubrovnik, signed on October 23rd 1997 in Dubrovnik, Croatia.The founding document of DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies is signed on 2002-10-25 in Vienna.Main activities and aims: To organize an annual DAAAM International Symposium each year (since 1990) To organize annual European DAAAM International Young Researchers and Scientists Conference, as an international platform to support development and networking of new generation of researchers and scientists (since 2007) To found and organize the University Network of DAAAM International Vienna as a strategic alliance and permanent international open platform for long-term co-operation and partnership in all fields of technology, research and education To organize long-term projects, initially known as Inter-university Doctoral Studies To organize a pilot project, initially known as the Virtual University To enable and promote the exchange of people, scientific, and technical information To enable and promote international co-operation among scientists and engineers To enable and promote R & D, education and industrial application To co-operate with other national and international organisations in matters of common interest International scientific and academic cooperation in the frame of DAAAM International Network for Advanced Technologies Giving possibilities to Universities to present their projects and final Thesis Giving possibilities to companies to present new products, developments and projects To publish DAAAM International Journal of Simulation Modelling (since 2001) To publish annually DAAAM International Scientific Book (since 2002) To encourage and support young researchers and scientists during their their development to high quality, recognized researchers Promotion of universal human values and wisdom in science and technology Active resistance against present misuse of technology Promoting new ethics for engineers and harmony between technology and nature Promoting social status of engineers in the society
Ngo-federatie is the Flemish federation of NGOs for Development Cooperation. We represent the sector towards the federal and other governments, we support the members in consultations with these governments, we promote cooperation within the sector and we strengthen the quality of the operations of ;
The International Music Council (IMC), founded in 1949 by UNESCO, is the world's largest network of organizations and  institutions working in the field of music. IMC promotes access to music for all and the value of music in the lives of all peoples. Through its members and their networks, IMC has direct access to over 1000 organisations in some 150 countries and to 600 million persons eager to develop and share knowledge and experience on diverse aspects of musical life.
CLARIN stands for 'Common Language Resources and Technology Infrastructure'.It is a research infrastructure that was initiated from the vision that all digital language resources and tools from all over Europe and beyond are accessible through a    online environment for the support of researchers in the humanities and social sciences.In 2012 CLARIN    was established and took up the mission to create and maintain an infrastructure to support the sharing, use and sustainability of language data and tools for research in the humanities and social sciences. Currently CLARIN provides easy and sustainable access to digital language data (in written, spoken, or multimodal form) for scholars in the social sciences and humanities, and beyond. CLARIN also offers advanced tools to discover, explore, exploit, annotate, analyse or combine such datasets, wherever they are located. This is enabled through a networked federation of centres: language data repositories, service centres and knowledge centres, with single sign-on access for all members of the academic community in all participating countries. Tools and data from different centres are interoperable, so that data collections can be combined and tools from different sources can be chained to perform complex operations to support researchers in their work.
As the umbrella and national association, the DSLV represents the interests of the 3,000 leading German forwarding and logistics companies across all modes of transport through 16 regional state associations. With a total of 595,000 employees and an annual industry turnover of 114 billion euros, they are an essential part of Germany's third-largest industry (as of July 2021). The membership structure of the DSLV ranges from globally operating logistics groups, 4PL and 3PL providers to larger, owner-operated freight forwarding companies (SMEs) with their own truck fleets as well as charterers of inland vessels and railways to sea, air freight, customs and warehouse specialists. DSLV is the political mouthpiece as well as the central contact for the federal government, for the institutions of the Bundestag and Bundesrat as well as for all relevant federal ministries and authorities in the legislative and law implementation process as far as logistics and freight transport are concerned. 
BRGM is the public scientific and technical research establishment competent in France in the field of geology and its applications, placed under the main supervision of the Ministry of Research and Innovation. It is a public industrial and commercial establishment (EPIC) with a staff of about 1000, including 700 engineers and researchers, and a turnover of about 140 M€, of which one third is dedicated to R&; Its scientific activity is structured around 6 issues, including 4 major priorities of socio-economic significance, which are :- Groundwater and global change: activities focused on the understanding of physical and biogeochemical processes in aquifers and the development of tools to help manage the resource, particularly under extreme climatic conditions or based on nature-based solutions and new modes of ;- Risk management and land-use planning: Activities focus on natural risks (land-based or linked to climatic events) by providing knowledge and developing tools for prevention, crisis management and territorial resilience. They also focus on the impact of mining and industrial activities on the soil and subsoil with the aim of guiding management choices and proposing integrated solutions for sustainable ;  - Mineral resources and the circular economy: the actions cover most of the value chain of mineral materials from the identification of deposits (exploration) to the implementation of their recycling (transformation and valorization of primary and secondary materials).This global vision of the life cycle of the material also allows the integration of the economic and environmental impacts of the choices associated with the use of metals and materials.- The energy transition and underground space: The action is built around the production and storage of carbon-free heat (and / or cold) and the evaluation of the potential of the underground for the technical and environmental performance of energy systems, covering the entire geothermal sector. The actions also aim at developing geological storage solutions (underground storage of energy carriers and CO2 capture and storage) in the ecological transition schemes.The 4 priorities are based on 2 cross-cutting scientific issues that are :- Geology and knowledge of the subsoil, which responds to the need to constantly acquire a geological knowledge of the subsoil, particularly through its imaging and modeling.- Data, services and digital infrastructures aiming to accelerate the capitalization and dissemination of environmental data, to develop tools and methods from data science to develop predictive geoscience capabilities and offer digital services.Its scientific and technical center is located in Orléans and is supported by its 24 regional offices in metropolitan France and the French overseas territories.BRGM is certified to the international standard ISO 9001 for all its activities and facilities, and ISO 14001 for all its activities and the Orléans site.BRGM has been receiving European funding for more than 25 years, which constitutes a very significant part of its own research ;
Since 2013, Bpifrance has become the one stop shop for entrepreneurs with a vastly comprehensive toolbox offered in the field to customers through 50 local branches. Our mission is simple: we believe in serving the future, by being entrepreneur-centric and heavily decentralized. Bpifrance’s goal is to favour the growth of the French economy by helping entrepreneurs thrive. We are the trusted partner of entrepreneurs and champion the interests of those who are visionaries; those who dare to take risks in order to take their businesses further. We have many resources at our disposal to help entrepreneurs, the champions of the 21st century, succeed. We mainly support micro-businesses, SMEs and mid-caps but we also accompany large caps that are considered important to the interests of France in terms of national economy, the territories or employment. We offer a continuum of solutions adapted to every key step in a business’ growth such as: business creation, financing, guarantees or equity investment. We are also the French agency for innovation, delivering massive programs to innovative entrepreneurs. To put it simply: Bpifrance is a financial institution, with private culture, serving the collective interest. Our values are determination / optimism / proximity / simplicity and also performance: we generate significant returns to our shareholders.
EEMA is the leading independent, not for profit, European Think Tank  focusing on various topics, including identification, authentication, privacy, risk management, cyber security, the Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligence and mobile applications.Through world class events, projects, collaboration, education, engagement, communication, participation and facilitating networking with companies, public sector and individuals, EEMA helps build enduring and mutually beneficial working relationships empowering our members to maintain a competitive edge.
WCS EU, based in Brussels, Belgium, is a non-governmental organization affiliated with the Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS). WCS EU draws upon WCS’s global field, scientific, and policy expertise and experience to identify, formulate, and articulate policy positions and technical briefings on issues such as biodiversity, intact forests, wildlife trade, and integrating wildlife conservation into European Union's development aid programmes, and sharing this information with decision-makers and other relevant stakeholders.
On the 16th of September 2019, the Lithuanian Customs Practitioners Association started its activities that were defined in the initial meeting by seven companies, which represent various business sectors: customs and excise warehouses, rail and road transport, technical maintenance services, lawyers, customs brokers. The activities: Legislation There are situations, when changes to customs legislation are unexpected for businesses, both in terms of the content changes and in terms of new releases or elimination. The Customs Practitioners Association aims to minimize such situations, maximize business awareness of customs law and make the application of legislation as clear as possible. The Association participates in the work of the Customs Consultative Committee. The Committee examines customs legislation, its practical application, projects of legal acts and questions relevant to businesses. Conferences Legislation is constantly changing at both European Union and national level, and the courts are providing new interpretations of the appliacation in practice. The Customs Practitioners Association holds conferences twice a year (early December and June) to inform participants about current developments, to discuss business issues and to provide the opportunity to make new and maintain current contacts among customs practitioners. Customs broker course The profession of customs broker is not only interesting but also in demand, due to the growing volume of customs procedures (due to Brexit, changes in VAT and other reasons). The Lithuanian Customs Practitioners Association, in cooperation with Vytautas Magnus University and the University of Applied Social Sciences, invites to acquire the qualification of a customs representative by studying at a distance (in Lithuanian). More information    
The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies (in French : INSEE "Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques) is a directorate in the Ministry of Economics and Finance in France in charge of the production of statistics for France and of the conduct of economics ;
EUROCAM is a European platform for organisations representing patients, medical doctors, veterinarians, and practitioners in the sector of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine (TCIM). EUROCAM aims to promote the contribution of Traditional, Complementary, and Integrative Medicine to better health in Europe. EUROCAM is an independent non-profit and non-governmental European umbrella ;EUROCAM has a legal status as a foundation, registered at the Netherlands Chamber of Commerce, under business register extract number ;EUROCAM is registered in the EU Transparency Register under number 659086014916-83.
For the past 800 years, the University of Montpellier (UM) has strived to address scientific and societal challenges.With 16 schools and institutes, and 78 research structures, UM brings together a vast community of knowledge ranging from science, technology, medicine, pharmacy, physical and sports activities, to law, political science, economics and management.UM is a research-intensive university that plays a leading role in the Occitanie region's dynamism and is resolutely open towards the world. It receives international recognition in numerous scientific fields such as biology and health, agri-environment, chemistry, information and communication sciences and technologies, law and management. Today, with its partners, it leads an ambitious internationally oriented program to further promote Montpellier as a "University of Excellence" acting as a true European portal towards the southern countries.[From the University website - About  us] (April 2022)
JfM is an non-governmental organization, with office in Iasi, Romania, whose multidisciplinary team and members are based in Europe. The NGO is focused on improving the judicial system for minors in Romania and at EU level in accordance to international ; Our mission is to contribute to a substantial improvement in judicial system related to child victims and to safeguard the rights and best interest of the ; We pay special attention to resolving crossborder family conflicts and to protect children that assist helplessly at the separation or divorce of their parents who may become victims of international parental ; The focus will be on resolving the conflict through specialist litigation or crossborder mediation. The Justice for Minors NGO wishes through the expertise of its team to limit the psycho-emotional trauma of children and to guarantee the realization of his best interest. The voice of the child is important and we make sure that through our projects and through the work of the specialists in our team, the children's thoughts and feelings are being appreciated.  Our Activities mainly are dedicated to: Act as a main point of contact for many families with children and with high value stakeholders; Liaise with other NGO’s and EU institutions and other agencies; Publish articles on our platforms, organise working groups that debate relevant judicial and law issues and raise awareness on important gaps in child judicial system; Listen to Youth voice, empower young members’ decisions and consider their opinions inside the Youth Department within its activities and work; As a multidisciplinary center, we offer legal representation in Court and legal advice, crossborder and family mediation, social expertise, counselling and child psychological support, humanitarian aid including legal advice for ; Our experts represent parents and minors in Courts in litigation and mediation cases in Romania, UK and European Union Member States. Humanitarian activities. Recently, we got actively involved in helping refugees with legal, social, psychological support, ensuring accommodation, food and basic necessities, medical consultation if needed and finding transportation to reach families in other countries. Participate in meetings of the International NGOs we are member and on national platforms we are registered. Research in the field of children’s rights and international cooperation of authorities in the case of child abduction. Organisation of working groups meetings, boarding meetings and conferences. Workshops and seminars on international child abduction, litigation and crossborder mediation in child abduction ases.   In detail, our activities are: Legal Assistance & Mediation in family law, children’s rights and any cases which involves minors One of our recent case involved a Romanian family settled in UK. The parents were accused with parental negligence, following the unfortunate incident of their 1 year child that fall over the bed in a moment of parents’ lack of attention.   Webinars, Training & Conferences - educational courses on children's rights and civil and criminal judicial proceedings involving minors, both at national and European level; - training for specialists working in the field of juvenile justice on child abduction cases (mediation, litigation, cooperation between Central Authorities and others);   C. Publications Articles and studies published on our website;   D. Research - elaboration of research documents, strategies and improvement of juvenile justice system - supporting research activities for juvenile justice specialists;   E. Working Groups Family mediators Group Social Experts and Child .Psychologists Group Youth Department   Each group is elaborating a plan in order to improve the justice system in these field with particular interest on children’s rights, including the administration of evidence in cases involving minors, the terms of which are often disregarded; monitoring the execution of sentences, but also regulating alternatives to custodial measures for minors.   F. Cooperation  Particularly, we have built partnerships with authorities, institutions, associations and other specialists at national and international level aiming to improving the situation of minors - victims or witnesses of crimes, involved in legal proceedings, as parents separation, divorce or child abduction. In the light of international cooperation, we have built an online platform for professionals for exchanging information and best practices.   National Partnerships : Ombudsman (Avocatul Poporului) Psychologist College (Colegiul Psihologilor) The Forum for Civil Society for a better justice, which is the national platform of High Council of Magistrates (platforma "Forumul societății civile pentru o justiție în slujba cetățeanului", CSM) Educational Inspectorate (Inspectoratul Scolar) General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC)   International Memberships: Eurochild EPAPFR European Platform for Access to Personal and Family FRA   Organisations for children rights reached: Children for Children Environmental Rights (;) European Bauhaus (link: ) Youth Press 5. Dijuf, Child Support           G. Activities dedicated to Youth and involving Youth  We have established inside the NGO the Youth Department that includes young professionals and students under 30 years old that are actively engaged in the NGOs activities, including decision-making process and weekly ; The Department is run by our young expert and international legal advisor, a member of NGO’s Board, Madalina ; The activities include mentorship, debates, webinars on children’s rights, writing articles and establishing partnerships with other Youth NGOs.  
The Institute for European Energy and Climate Policy (IEECP) is a non-for-profit, independent research foundation working, since 2015, on science-based climate change mitigation, energy efficiency and renewable energy policy, with an international interdisciplinary team of experts generating and disseminating scientific knowledge.
French grande ecole, political science, international relations
We lead research in materials and systems for thermal and electrochemical energy storage, applying the results in the market and contributing to the competitiveness of companies.
Hydrogen Europe is the leading organization representing European based companies and stakeholders that are committed to moving towards a (circular) carbon neutral economy. With more than 300 companies and 30 national associations as members, we encompass the entire value chain of the European hydrogen and fuel cell ecosystem. Our vision is to propel global carbon neutrality by accelerating European hydrogen industry and we are the industrial key partner of the Clean Hydrogen partnership.
The European Compost Network (ECN) is a European non-profit membership organisation promoting sustainable recycling practices in composting, anaerobic digestion and other biological treatment processes of organic resources.ECN represents 65 members from 27 European Countries. Members include all European bio-waste organisations and their operating plants producing bio-based products (organic fertilisers, soil improvers, growing media and, biodegradable plastics).Via the member organisations, ECN represents more than 4500 experts and plant operators with more than 48 million tonnes of biological waste treatment capacity.
At Pronovea we focus on delivering industry leading business conferences for our clients. Drawing on more than 20+ years of industry experience, we bring together the leading experts to provide best-in-class knowledge sharing events.
Our mission Our vision of a "Next Economy" is an economy of tomorrow that gives all people access to global prosperity and helps ecosystems to return to equilibrium. What does that mean in concrete terms? We empower people to take responsibility for their social and ecological actions and enable change on a very concrete and practical growth-independent level: in companies, communities and organisations. Labs of the future. This is where we start. At the same time, through these "labs of the future", we develop concepts for the political framework conditions that are needed to make sustainable changes possible for the entire ;By doing this, we want to contribute to making the word "future" a promise and a cause for hope again for all children and grandchildren.
The purpose of the non-profit association Eurovent is to advocate the common interests of manufacturers, importers, distributors and related organisations based or active in Europe, which operate in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, refrigeration, process cooling, building automation, or related equipment industries. Eurovent has 16 national associations in Europe as a member 88 companies and 6 associate members.
Copa and Cogeca are the united voice of farmers and agri-cooperatives in the EU. Together, we ensure that EU agriculture is sustainable, innovative and competitive, while guaranteeing food security for 500 million people throughout ;
Not for profit, impartial global think tank through corporate subscription
FRH is an organisation dedicated to the safeguarding of Europe’s diverse and unique religious heritage. It is the only independent, non-faith, and non-profit network of charities and conservation departments of governmental, religious and university institutions, and other professionals working to protect religious heritage buildings across Europe, with over 170 members in over 35 countries.
The Association for Stroke and Aphasia(ASA) was found on 25th September 2020 in Sofia, Bulgaria. Main goals of ASA:- to reduce the absolurte number of strokes in Bulgaria by 10%- to assure 90% of patients with accute stroke get proper medical tratment in certified stroke unit- to assure that all stroke survivers get equal right and access to all necessary services like rehabilitation and  other therapies in the recovery process- to control and assure the access to facilities and all establishments and public buildings is user friendly for disabled people- to make sure all necessary preventive measures are taken to get proper primary and secondary prevention aginst stroke- work for healthier lifestyle and educate the population- create a full guideline for life after stroke 
The aim of the university is the ambassador of Italian language and culture in the world
European Fund Management Consulting – EFMC – is one of the leading organisations in Europe that specialised in the financial management of European Union Research & Innovation projects (FP7 & H2020). Established in January 2014, EFMC has its headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia and back-office in Paris, France. Our organisation supports beneficiaries of European Grants in all financial issues concerning European projects. The main specialization is research grants such as FP7 and H2020.Our clientele includes SMEs, Universities, laboratories, private and public companies, NGOs and research centres from all over Europe and our partners are mainly Financial and Project Managers who are in charge of EU research projects (mainly FP7 & H2020).
CECOP is the European Confederation of Industrial and Service Cooperatives.It represents the voices of worker cooperatives, social cooperatives, and independent workers’ cooperatives. CECOP works to create a supportive environment for cooperatives, so that they can operate to their full strength and fulfil their mission of providing sustainable jobs and high-quality services to communities. Our aim is to build a fairer Europe and contribute to sustainable economic growth, to bring democracy and solidarity to the workplace.
At the School of European Studies, students: learn about the foundations of Europe, by studying how major events in history, politics and cultures have shaped the European continent; learn about the European institutions, policy making and culture and the impact it had and has on national and local governments, society and companies; develop their intercultural communication skills and knowledge of English and French, German or Spanish; develop practical skills that will prepare them for their job after graduation. The study programme is based on the types of jobs you can fulfil after they graduate. They gain theoretical knowledge, which they will also apply into practice. In each study block, they work on a task that they could come across in the professional field. These tasks entail providing strategic communication and policy advice, developing the associated plans, organising events and representing an organisation.
our mission is to help private sector to scaling up in climate change topics 
Equipo Europa is a Spanish pro-European and non-partisan youth association, whose objectives are to bring the European Union closer to young people and to encourage the participation of young people in the European arena. It emerged in 2019 from the #ThisTimeImVoting campaign, launched by the European Parliament to promote participation in the European elections. Since then, Team Europe has carried out multiple initiatives and projects, such as #ATreeForEurope, Europe in the Classroom, Forum for the Future of EU. The association is currently composed of more than 3000 members and has 600 ;
Polish Liquid Gas Association is the authoritative voice of LPG market in Poland. Established in Warsaw, 1996. POGP main goals: Promoting LPG compliance with health, safety and environment standards and good business practices. Demonstrating the benefits of LPG and position it as clean energy for a low carbon world. Representing LPG industry as a permanent partner of governmental institutions in establishing the law. Promoting free enterpreneurship, fair and ethical competition Representing ethical and economic interests of our members.
Governments should serve their citizens, not themselves. This is why in 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates came together to create a unique partnership – one that combines these powerful forces to promote accountable, responsive, and inclusive governance.Seventy-eight countries and a growing number of local governments — representing more than two billion people – along with thousands of civil society organizations are members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency (BFTA) is a public institution, which is an incorporated body, founded under the Cooperation Agreement of 24 May 2002 agreed between the Federal Authority and the Regions: Flanders Investment & Trade (FIT), the Wallonia Export-Investment Agency (AWEX) and The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency is managed by a Board of Directors whose Honorary President is His Majesty the King. The Belgian Foreign Trade Agency is at the disposal of these three Regional authorities that promote exports, and also collaborates with the Federal Public Service Foreign Affairs. That is how the Agency acts as a vast platform in which the Federal competence of international relations and the Regional competence of foreign trade meet.
The Institute for Ecology of Industrial Areas (IETU) is a research institute acting under the Minister of Climate and Environment. The research and services offered by IETU focus on environmental challenges posed by industrialised and urbanised areas in the context of circular economy, resource efficiency, adaptation to climate change and mitigation of its effects.
The Publications Office of the European Union is the official provider of publishing services to all EU institutions, bodies, and agencies. As such, it is a central point of access to EU law, publications, open data, research results, procurement notices and other official information. Its mission is to support EU policies and ensure that this broad range of information is available to the public as accessible and reusable data to facilitate transparency, economic activity and the diffusion of knowledge.
We hellp entrepreneurs in LATAm, Africa and Europe with a virtual aceleration programe
EASL, The European Association for the Study of the Liver, is a medical association dedicated to pursuing excellence in liver research, to the clinical practice of liver disorders, and to providing education to all those interested in hepatology. While the roots of the association were founded in Europe in 1966, EASL continues to engage globally with all stakeholders in the liver field wherever they are based. Our aim is to spread knowledge and expertise in best practices and the latest scientific breakthroughs in hepatology.
ESINE is an engineering school based in Charleville-Mézières, part of the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA) in France.
Our Cooperative now has 380 producer members and covers 80% of the country's produced and marketed plant material. It supplies florists, garden centers, private and public works throughout Greece and exports plants to countries inside and outside the European Union.Together we envision the modernization and consolidation of Greek floriculture internationally, with superior quality plants, high strength, plant health, in a wide range of varieties and sizes.And all this while taking care of the environment, raising awareness of all the links in the production, storage, handling chain, promoting the industry to the forefront of the development of the agricultural sector and Greek production as a whole.
Founded in 1970, the International Union for Road-Rail Combined Transport (UIRR) represents the interests of European road-rail Combined Transport Operators and Transhipment Terminal ;Road-Rail Combined Transport (CT) is a system of freight forwarding which is based on efficiently and economically inserting electric rail into long-distance (road) transport-chains through the use of intermodal loading units (ILU).UIRR advances the development and actively promotes competitive zero-carbon emission Combined Transport for Europe
In the heart of Brussels, the capital of Europe, the Korean Cultural Center strives since its opening in November 2013 to promote cultural exchanges between Korea & Belgium and Korea & the EU by diverse traditional and contemporary cultural activities.
EucoLight is The European association of collection and recycling organisations for WEEE lamps and lighting. On behalf of its members, EucoLight engages with everything related to the WEEE Directive, legislations and standards affecting the collection and recycling of WEEE lighting. Its members collect and recycle, in aggregate, 80% of the lamp waste collected in the 19 countries in which they operate. EucoLight is the voice of European WEEE compliance schemes specialised in managing the collection and recycling of WEEE lighting; working to make the circular economy a reality for lighting products. EucoLight has 19 producer responsiblity organisations as full members and one affiliate member, LightingEurope. Founded mid-2015, EucoLight has quickly embarked into constructive dialogue with relevant stakeholders to provide expertise in the field of management and treatment of WEEE lighting and to promote the positive role of Extended Producer Responsibility schemes on the environment and society.
"Tahadhari Centerfor Climate and Migration in the Euro Med"(Tahadhari Center/TCCMEM ) is aimed to be a hotbed for policy research and resources in the field of Climate and Migration in Euro-Med region.'Tahadhari'in the Swahili language, which is considered the most widely spoken language in the region of the Sahara -countries that are exposed to acute climate crisis followed by forced displacement -means Alert!! The need to put attention and not anymore ignoring, which exactly defines the Center vision for activities.Tahadhari Center focuses on developing knowledge on climate induced migration, and works for shape the international climate migration policy, via research, stakeholders' meetings, working papers, media and more. The EU's Green Deal will be one of the strategic frame of the long term activities in vulnerable areas in Southern and Eastern Europe and in Africa -aimed to create a regional climate economy partnership that takes into account the weakest links and energy poverty, so that adaptation programs are not only targeting the environmental objectives but socially, economically, culturally adaptation oriented and lead to regional climate resilience and regional climate governance that includes clear reference to cross-continent situation.That is, the Tahadhari Center will work to reduce socio-economic disparities in environmental and climate issues -in an action model designed to achieve a dual goal of both risk reduction and poverty eradication, and both reducing gaps and empowering to implement energy innovation among disadvantaged population groups, with an emphasis on geographical areas of action in Africa and Southeast Europe.Tahadhari Center's action models are based on models from the start-up field of innovation, with a strong emphasis on establishing collaboration with business sector actors, applied science researchers, representatives of local organizations and local authorities. This model was developed by us in order to implement projects in the field of energy innovation, or for example innovative knowledge-based waste management, tools development for techno-climatic training of local populations in accordance with the capacity of population groups in the field as of agriculture and economic ventures, and to achieve UN 'SDGs and EU Green Deal objectives.The center 'activities includes Think-Tanks with diverse background and expertise, focusing on research, policy, media and communication, holding workshops, conferences, publications, and public events. 
JCP Srl, Italy, is a specialised Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building company providing specialist consulting services in all spheres of international, donor-funded contracts, particularly but not limited to the field of Management of Technical Assistance Development Projects including Grant Scheme components, as well as International Cooperation and Development Communication Projects within framework contracts implemented in European Union, Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood Regions and beyond with a special emphasis on EU Funded ; Knowledge Transfer, Capacity Building and Consultancy Services are provided directly to the European Commission Staff working at Headquarters, EC staff in Delegations; Beneficiaries of EU funded projects in the Authorities of the Beneficiary Countries and Territories, following procedural guidelines, integrations and updates; Public Administrators; Cooperation and Development Authorities; Public and Private Non-profit Organisations;  Civil Society Organisations; Non-Governmental Organisations, Ministerial Staff, Project Managers, individual experts, as well as Private businesses, and Trade Associations. CP is currently implementing the EEA and Norway Global Fund for Regional Cooperation as the Fund Operator which includes the customised web-based component for the 95M€ Grant Scheme Management and Monitoring Tool (EGREG).
Do you want to commit to new markets in a sustainable way or are already actively involved? As a central point-of-contact, the international team at the Agency for Business & Economic Development (AWE) advises small and medium-sized companies and associations on development cooperation opportunities, including investments and sustainable projects. Mandated by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development and powwered by GIZ and DEGm the epert advisors of AWE procide information, orientation and act as an experienced sounding board to your investment project in a developping ;
department focused on the study of the environment and prevention, with particular reference to the climate, territory and well-being of the economy, for a sustainable system
The Institut Pasteur is an internationally renowned center for biomedical research that stands out in many disciplines. By deciphering the fundamental mechanisms of living organisms, its researchers contribute to the advancement of knowledge that leads to cutting-edge medical applications, ultimately improving public health.
University of Thessaly (UTH) was founded in 1984. UTH is a prominent institution of Higher Education aiming to promote scientific knowledge through teaching and research, and to contribute to the cultural and economic development of the local community, and the society at ; It promotes scientific and academic excellence in all fields of expertise and rewards outstanding individual performances, establishing new scientific research units and fostering an environment that supports innovative actions. Today, University of Thessaly, with 37 Departments and 8 schools, is the third biggest University in Greece, with its own identity and with a prominent position in our national educational system. University of Thessaly provides 105 undergraduate and postgraduate programs, and extra-curricular modules in specific research and business fields. It has more than undergraduate students, about 4300 postgraduate students and about 1500 PhD students. It also has 1000 members of teaching and research staff and 450 members of administrative personnel. It is known for its excellent research performance and outstanding scientific achievements, in accordance with the international standards. The excellent equipped Laboratories of the different Departments and Research Units have a number of well-trained researchers to support them. As part of its future goals, University of Thessaly intends to strengthen its cooperation’s abroad, increase its human resources, upgrade and utilize existing human resources, attract young scientists and encourage research through the creation of modern research structures, increase infrastructure and utilize its assets and funds from the EU with the research programmes Horizon 2020, RFSR, FP6, FP7, Erasmus+, INTERREG, and LIFE. The members of the academic and research staff participate in European research networks and numerous innovative research projects in the EC. Currently, UTH has more than 600 Erasmus Bilateral Agreements with more than 40 different countries, and works in partnership with European and overseas institutions to facilitate academic exchanges, research collaborations and jointly organized academic programs (intensive courses, summer schools etc.) with other higher education institutions. Schools and Departments: School of Humanities and Social Sciences: Departments of Primary Education, Early Childhood Education, Special Education, History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, Culture, Creative Media and Industries, Language and Intercultural Studies. School of Engineering: Department of Architecture Engineering, Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Planning and Regional Development, Electrical and Computer Engineering. School of Agricultural Sciences: Departments of Agriculture Crop Production and Rural Environment, Ichthyology and Aquatic Environment, Agrotechnology, Animal Science, Food Science and Human Nutrition. School of Health Sciences: Departments of Medicine, Biochemistry and Biotechnology, Nursing, Public and Integrated Health, Physiotherapy, and Veterinary Science. School of Technology: Departments of Energy Systems, Environmental Sciences, Digital Systems, Forestry, Wood Science and Design. School of Economics and Business: Departments of Economics, Accounting and Finance, and Business Administration. School οf Physical Education and Sport Science: Departments of Physical Education and Sport Science, Nutrition and Dietetics. School of Science: Departments of Computer Science and Biomedical Informatics, Computer Science, Physics, and Mathematics.
The Centre for East European and International Studies (ZOiS) is an independent, international, publicly funded research institute. It focuses on foundational and socially relevant academic research on Eastern Europe and shares the results with policymakers, the media, and the broader public.
Founded in 1983,  RECETOX is an independent department of Masaryk University’s Faculty of ;We are engaged in research and education in the fields of environmental and ; Our main activities comprise of monitoring toxic compounds in the environment, various products and human tissues, and evaluating the risks they pose, as well as their associated toxicological and ecotoxicological health effects; developing new sampling and analytical methods; developing new chemical tools and methodologies, biotechnologies and software ; We are equipt to rapidly respond to new challenges concerning environmental contamination monitoring and exposure of the population to toxic compounds and their mixtures, and propose preventive and legislative measures, and offer appropriate interventions for chemicals ;   We work closely with various industrial partners to safeguard human health and ecosystems from the effects of toxic compounds,. Furthermore, through hosting of the National Center for Toxic Compounds, and the Stockholm Convention Regional Center (SCRC) for capacity building and transfer of technology, we support countries in Europe and Africa, as well as international institutions in the ;   RECETOX’s Research Infrastructure, is a centralized facility for the implementation of interdisciplinary research projects, and is divided into individual core facilities that analyze a wide range of anthropogenic natural substances and toxins in environmental or biological matrices, conduct long-term environmental and population studies, and develop sophisticated software tools for management, analysis, interpretation, and visualization of ;   RECETOX provides multidisciplinary education in bachelor's, master's, and doctoral degree programs in the fields of environmental health, mathematical biology, and ;
We are the largest engineering university in the Czech Republic. We have more than 19 000 proud talents.
1) La promotion de la langue et de la culture catalanes en particulier, ainsi que la promotion et soutien de toutes les langues européennes minoritaires ou minorisées. 2) La promotion du modèle éducatif catalan, qui contribue à construire une société plus solidaire, démocratique et libre. 3) Promotion de la cohésion sociale en Catalogne afin que personne ne puise subir des discriminations fondées sur son origine, langue, sexe, orientation religieuse ou laïque, race ou disparités socio-économiques. 4) La défense des droits humains, politiques et civiques, en mettant l’accent sur la liberté d'expression, la liberté d'information, les libertés de réunion et d'association pacifiques, le droit à un procès judiciaire équitable et le droit de manifester.
IDF Europe is the European chapter of the International Diabetes Federation (IDF). We are an umbrella organization representing 70 national diabetes organisations in 44 countries across Europe. We are a diverse and inclusive multicultural network of national diabetes associations, representing both people living with diabetes and healthcare professionals.Our vision is to improve the lives of people with diabetes and our mission, in Europe, is to unite the voice of people with diabetes and to engage all stakeholders in creating a person-centered diabetes ecosystem.Our priority objectives are:- Improving access to care and quality of life for people with diabetes- Increasing the voice of people with diabetes on all levels (#nothingAboutUsWithoutUs)- Reducing diabetes incidence and preventing complications
Lisboa E-Nova – Energy and Environment Agency of Lisbon is a private non-profit association whose purpose is to promote the sustainable development of Lisbon and its metropolitan area.By incorporating measures to adapt to climate change and actions to mitigate it, as well as supporting innovation and the development of projects that enable greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions to be reduced, Lisboa E-Nova is working towards achieving a low carbon city and one that is less vulnerable to the effects of the future climate.
The French Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation (MESRI) prepares and implements the policy of the Government in the field of higher education, research and innovation. The Ministry prepares the governmental decisions related to the allocation of State resources in the framework of the civil budget for research and innovation. Consultative committees, general inspection committees and a range of departments, services and offices help ministers draw up and implement this policy. The European and International department for Higher Education Research and Innovation (DAEI) implements the policy of the ministry in the field of EU research and takes part in the European negotiations (preparation of the Competitiveness Council, COREPER, and Research Working Party participation in the HORIZON Europe programme committees (PC) and negotiations. The European and International department for Higher Education Research and Innovation is responsible for the French NCP Network. Starting with Horizon Europe, all the NCP coordinators will be hosted within the MESRI and work closely with PC delegates, a significant team (+ 20 persons) fully dedicated to informing and facilitating access to the HE-calls to various French beneficiaries. 
Non profit organisation based on LEADER approach.
The Faculty of Organisation Studies in Novo mesto, Slovenia (FOS) was established in 2008 as an independent faculty under Slovenian law. To date, it has accredited study degree programmes at the bachelor's, master's, and doctoral levels in Quality Management. A total of about 200 students are enrolled annually. In addition to the accredited study programmes, the Faculty also pays attention to its business processes, which are monitored by the standards ISO 9001 and ISO 27001. The Office of the Slovenian Information Commissioner has also rewarded the Faculty's efforts in relation to ISO 27001. FOS continuously improves the requirements of the EFQM Model of Excellence to exceed student expectations. FOS is aware of its mission in education and knowledge transfer, where quality is the strong foundation for excellence in all areas. To fulfil this mission and contribute to a knowledge-based society, FOS has integrated the principles of the contemporary paradigms of quality and excellence into daily work. Active integration into the European Research Area and the European Higher Education Area is one of the main development priorities of FOS.
The Leibniz IPHT pursues the vision of using light to find solutions to questions and urgent problems in the areas of health, the environment, medicine and safety to make life safer, healthier and cleaner. This vision can be succinctly summarised by the slogan “Photonics for Life”. The Leibniz IPHT explores photonic and biophotonic processes and systems for issues and applications in medicine as well as life and environmental sciences and pharmacy. This research takes place in the three programme areas of Biophotonics, Fiber Optics and Photonic Detection based on key photonic technologies and other enabling technologies. The application-oriented area of Biophotonics is the connecting link for all research activities at the institute and aligns this focus of research towards optical health technologies. The institute’s mission is focussed on exploring and translating biophotonic methods and technologies, whose resolution, sensitivity, specificity, speed, accuracy and automation advance into new dimensions. This lays the foundation for faster and more precise medical diagnostics, for new therapies, for safer medications, for a new quality of food and environmental analysis as well as for innovative safety technology. The Leibniz IPHT is focussed on ensuring that its research activities are used in the public interest and for the benefit of society and it therefore actively promotes technology as well as knowledge transfer across the board. The institute, together with its partners, maps the entire process from the basic technological research through to the translation to customised solutions for various applications in line with the motto “From Ideas to Instruments”. The translation of the knowledge gained for the benefit of users is a fixed part of the institute’s mission. In both its research and transfer activities, the Leibniz IPHT utilises research infrastructure, recognised as “outstanding” by the German Council of Science, which it manages independently as well as together with partners, or makes available to partners, and ensures that it is kept up to date.  
The Lithuanian Consumers Alliance (LCA) unites several consumer organisations active in Lithuania. LCA participates in both national and European debate levels on various consumer related issues.LCA is a recognised opinion-maker on consumer related issues for the mass media in Lithuania and has considerable standing among national policy makers.
AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) is a Science Foundation Ireland funded centre that provides a partnership between leading researchers in materials science and industry. We are researching materials that will transform everyday products of the future, from mobile phones to knee implants, batteries to plastics. AMBER brings together Ireland’s leading material science researchers working across the disciplines of Physics, Chemistry, Bioengineering and Medicine; with an international network of collaborators and companies. AMBER has a track record in delivering excellent science with 24 ERC awards since 2013 and over €55 million secured in EU and International research funding.The clustering of material science research expertise, state of the art infrastructure and a team of professional support staff has enhanced Ireland’s international reputation in materials science research and driven increased investment from industry. AMBER has over 40 industry partners working on collaborative research projects.AMBER is hosted in Trinity College Dublin , in collaboration with eight other academic institutions across Ireland.
Our mission is to build the digitally successful future of our customers in medium-sized businesses or banks and insurances, now. Vertical Change (the full name of our VC GmbH) offers services from: ⦁ Strategy and Business Design ⦁ Organizational Development ⦁ Personnel development, change ⦁ process optimization and automation, and ⦁ digital implementation of application scenarios or ⦁ SW programming We focus on holistic digitization across all company levels (means: 'Vertical') with experienced experts (and not horizontally arbitrarily broad). We deliver results by combining our strength of business consulting with systems integration.
The Media & Learning Association (MLA) or to give it its full name the MEDEA: MEDIA & LEARNING ivzw is an international, not-for-profit association set up in 2012 under Belgian law to promote and stimulate the use of media as a way to enhance innovation and creativity in teaching and learning across all levels of education in Europe. Members include national and regional agencies charged with the promotion of innovation in teaching and learning as well as universities, ministries of education and schools’ networks.
SAPEA is part of the European Commission's Scientific Advice Mechanism. Together with the Group of Chief Scientific Advisors, we provide independent scientific advice to European Commissioners to support their decision-making. SAPEA brings together outstanding expertise from natural, applied, and social sciences and humanities, from over a hundred academies, young academies and learned societies in more than 40 countries across Europe. We also work to raise awareness of scientific advice and evidence in policymaking, and to stimulate debate in Europe about these issues.
The 3R (Recycle-Recover-Reuse) is a technology-intensive company playing a leading international role in commercial up-cycling of agricultural and food industrial by-products by unique zero emission pyrolysis and other advanced/innovative integrated technologies for high added value material recovery in economical industrial scale and performance.CORE COMPETENCES: Industrialisation of innovative Refined Carbon and Graphene products. Nutrient recovery for organic and low input farming applications in line with the circular economy. Development and implementation of Phosphorus recovery technologies and products, Phosphorus reuse applications, LCA and CBA, market evaluations in the EU, USA and Australia; Advanced water treatment adsorbents and biochar processing; 3R zero emission pyrolysis technology and recovered nutrients combined formulations, incl. all elements from science into full industrialization value chain under market competitive conditions; EU policy knowledge and policy support, including Circular Economy, Green Deal, EU Fertilising Products Regulation (EU 1009/2019), EU Critical Raw Materials, REACH and Authority permitting of processing technologies & bio-based products. Standardization and EU law harmonization of innovative fertilizer products in economically important European dimensions.
Lodz University of Technology (TUL) was created in 1945 and has developed into one of the biggest technical universities in Poland. Originally located in an old factory building, today covering nearly 200,000 sq. meters in over 70 separate buildings, the majority of them situated in the main University area. Almost 15,000 students are currently studying at the University.
Founded in 1875, the Université Catholique de Lille is a multidisciplinary institution unique in France. From its very beginnings, what is now France’s largest private, not-for-profit university has distinguished itself within the fields of higher education, research, and health, through its commitment to mutual care as a central value. The institution both supports and is supported by the local region and community, and is open to diversity, and to the world.
IES Santiago Apóstol is a school situated in the region of Extremadura. Founded in 1950 it consists of about 900 students and 100 teachers and staff. It runs different programmes: Compulsory Secondary Education, Upper Secondary, Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education. The students ages range from 12 to youung ;
April 6, 1913 is a significant date in the history of Romanian economic higher education, as it is the date when the Academy of High Commercial and Industrial Studies was established in Bucharest by Royal Decree no. 2972. In the year 1967, the University was renamed as Bucharest University of Economic Studies. Bucharest University of Economic Studies has 13 Faculties, whose activity is supported by various administrative structures (non-teaching divisions, research centers and committees). Over time, Bucharest University of Economic Studies has conferred the degree of Doctor Honoris Causa to a series of great national and international scientific and political personalities, who have significantly contributed to the development of economic sciences and economic higher education.
Activities of the Faculty of Teacher Education include: higher education activity carried out through organization and execution of the university study programmes in the area of primary education and early and preschool education scientific activity and professional work organization and execution of professional training and development programmes in the area of primary education and early and preschool education
GAPP  is a 45 month Joint Action funded by the EU Health programme aiming at facilitating the development of a common and optimal approach to assess and authorize preparation processes in blood and tissues establishments (BEs and TEs), adapting requirements as prescribed by Article 29 of Directive 2002/98/EC and Article 28 of Directive 2004/23/EC .   This Joint Action will clearly contribute to the implementation of Union legislation in the fields of human tissues and cells, blood, providing tools and training to increase harmonisation of those MS activities that regulate the areas of blood transfusion, transplantation of tissues and cells and assisted reproduction, in strong abidance with art of Annex I of Regulation 282/2014. These are fields of healthcare that involve a considerable amount of movement of donated substances of human origin between MS and also movement of citizens between MS for treatment, particularly in the field of assisted ; Since the directives for these fields were adopted, significant technical developments have taken place and the complexity of preparation processes has greatly increased. Increasing complexity of processing can bring significant quality and functionality improvements for patients, and/or more efficient use of donations, but it can also bring increased risk, particularly as the level of complexity brings the final product towards the borderline with medicinal products. GAPP will ensure that any possible advantage or outcome is taken into account from two ongoing Public Health Programme projects focused on tissues and cells (EuroGTP II and ECCTR) incorporating a need for clinical follow-up data as part of a comprehensive process authorization. GAPP durable output is that a concept of a knowledge sharing platform on PPAs will be developed and fed in order to facilitate sharing of information among European Union, Competent Authorities and all EU CA inspectors and assessors will be trained specifically to assess and authorize preparation processes of tissues, cells, reproductive cells and blood products. Please visit GAPP website to download available documents.
FEMA represents European motorcyclists.FEMA’s purpose is to promote, protect and preserve motorcycling.FEMA’s mission is to promote riders’ interests and defend riders’ rights throughout Europe and globally.
University of Mediterrenean
Kazimieras Simonavičius University (KSU), founded in 2003, is an accredited private higher education institution functioning in Vilnius and Klaipėda. The studies cover major areas of Social Sciences – Business and Management, Public Administration, Law, Communication, Political Sciences. The University offers 11 Bachelor’s, 5 Master’s and 1 Integrated programmes, as well as life-long learning studies and courses.
Group of Public Interest helping project holders (in the Hainaut) to develop their projects thanks to European funds and programs.
EuroHealthNet is a non-profit partnership of organisations, agencies and statutory bodies working to contribute to a healthier Europe by promoting health and health equity between and within European countries.
The University of Messina was founded in 1548 and has an ancient tradition going back more than 500 ; But today it is a particularly young university that is constantly projecting itself into the future. In the most recent national evaluation of research quality, UniME was voted as having demonstrated the best ; Additionally, the number of enrolments has been constantly increasing since 2015. Furthermore, UniME currently ranks as the second Southern University for its quality of teaching. Internationalization programmes are at the centre of the UniME development ; Today the University welcomes students from 27 foreign countries as well as numerous visiting professors and visiting researchers. This is a  natural vocation for UniME because of its location. Messina, a city of 240,000 inhabitants at the centre of the Mediterranean, facing the Strait of Messina, has always been a place of meeting and interaction between diverse ; Here hospitality is an important cultural ; It is a modern city that takes its energy from the sea that surrounds ; Today, it is one of the most popular Italian cruise ship stops. The union of these elements makes studying at the University of Messina a unique ;  Facilities, services and an ample educational offering allow students to follow paths of excellence  (some of which are entirely in English) in a context where cultural enrichment and entertainment are assured. Tradition and innovation intermingle in the four different areas where the 12 departments of UniME are located: one can find libraries that contain ancient texts, and at the same time find cutting edge libraries and a sports center that takes up 135,000 square ; We never get tired of growing, so for this reason we are ready to welcome you in the very best way.
Over Liebregts MetalsLiebregts Metals Trading & Recycling heeft ruim 30 jaar ervaring in de vermarkting en verwerking van grondstoffen, ferro en non-ferro metalen uit de recycling industrie.Wij bieden service en advies bij metaal- en afvalverwijdering voor de industrie, schroothandel en schrootverwerkers en zorgen voor een zorgvuldige afvoer van metaal bij de industrie conform wet- en regelgeving. Wij ontlasten u door het verkrijgen van het maximale rendement op uw metaalschroot en elektronika residuen.
The University of Pécs with its 20 000 students, with more than 4 500 international students, with 1 400 lecturers and researchers, with its 10 faculties is one of the largest higher education institutions in Hungary and the centre of knowledge within the Transdanubian region. Its roots date back to ;  
The Ministry of  Home Affairs deals with the management of all the internal problems of the country of Italy. The prefects on the terrirorio present in every province represent the internal government on the territory and therefore also all the Ministers, not only that of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior has particular expertise in safety and security, immigration, inter-institutional cooperation between different government entities and local agencies.  
The European Flavour Association (EFFA) is the voice of flavour in Europe, leading a Europe-wide strategy to the benefit of the flavour industry, its customers and consumers alike. We represent European national associations and companies active in the flavour industry. EFFA has been active for more than half a century, the original association was established in 1961.
ECIIA is the European Confederation of Institutes of Internal Auditing, representing internal auditors in Europe. The Association intends to be the consolidated voice for the profession of internal auditing in Europe and to promote the role of internal audit and good corporate governance by dealing with the European Union, its Parliament, and Commission, and any other European regulators and associations representing key stakeholders. It has a non-profit-making purpose.
The Hellenic Clothing Industry Association (HCIA) is a non profit industrial association established in Athens in 1962. It represents Greek companies from all sub-sectors of the clothing industry (men, women and children’s clothing, underwear, swimwear, shirts and fashion accessories).
The SRB is the central resolution authority within the Banking ;Its role is to protect the public interest and act as a safety net to ensure that the price to pay when a bank fails does not fall first on the taxpayer; and to  ensure an orderly resolution of failing banks with minimum impact on the real economy, the financial system, and the public finances of the participating MS and ; The SRB works closely with the NRAs, the European Commission (EC), the European Central Bank (ECB), the European Banking Authority (EBA) and national competent authorities (NCAs).  The role of the SRB is proactive: rather than waiting for resolution cases to manage, the SRB focuses on resolution planning and enhancing resolvability, to avoid the potential negative impacts of a bank failure on the economy and financial stability.
BETTER FINANCE is a non-profit international NGO with its office in Brussels acting as an independent financial expertise centre to the direct benefit of European financial services users (individual shareholders, investors, savers, life insurance policyholders, pension fund participants, mortgage borrowers, etc.) and other stakeholders of European financial services who are independent of the financial industry. At present, we count more than forty national and international member and sub- member organisations. In turn those count more than four million individual members. The European Union supports BETTER FINANCE activities since 2012. For more information, please consult our website,
TCBL is a community of like-minded individuals, labs and companies who are working together on the many elements that will contribute to creating a more circular and sustainable European Fashion, Textile & Clothing sector.TCBL Association is the non-profit that carries forth the Horizon 2020 TCBL Project that ended in 2019.
This Action encompasses the creation of a European-led multidisciplinary network from countries showing higher NEET youth rates in rural areas. Rural NEETs’ Youth Network (RNYN) aims at developing a model of comprehension for rural NEETs’ social exclusion risk and protective factors based on the bioecological model. It focuses on three specific goals: (1) upholding future research capability, with an emphasis on Early Career Investigators (ECI) and Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC); (2) creating a rural NEETs’ online observatory; (3) fostering knowledge use by policy makers and practitioners. The RNYN work plan will be produced by 3 working groups; it will contribute to define a coherent model for future research, based on an intensive survey of national and cross-national trends regarding rural NEETs’ profile and support systems, as well as methodological and intervention best-practices in the field. RNYN added value stems from an eclectic theoretical, disciplinary, institutional and international approach and in upskilling ECI in ITC that are more affected by high rural NEET rates. In the long run, RNYN’s scientific impact will lead to the creation of a rural NEETs’ observatory, integrating ECI in a broad multidisciplinary community and strengthening the COST Inclusiveness Policy. Long-term socio-economic impact is expected to be translated into (in)ternational legislation to tackle rural NEETs’ needs and promote sectoral innovations. RNYN is a timely proposal by creating networks/platforms to organize findings, connect critical mass dealing with rural NEETs and build up research capacity. It is also socially relevant, by aiming at informing policies and on-the-ground practices.
The main aim of the Lithuanian Research Development and Innovation Liaison Office in Brussels (LINO) is to strengthen European research cooperation facilitating the successful integration of Lithuanian researchers into international research projects and to monitor, analyze and report on developments in EU research and innovation policy.
IFLA Europe is the European Region of the International Federation of Landscape Architects formed by 34 professional Landscape Architects' Associations with landscape architects across Europe. It aims not only to promote the landscape architecture profession, recognising excellence in educational courses and promoting the best practice operations, but also striving to enhance the quality of landsc ape planning, monitoring and management, provide nature -based solutions in climate change mitigation and adaptation and ensure transformational changes in landscape, urban and rural areas
STICA is a platform for accountability and leadership to drive industry change. STICA’s aim is to support apparel and textiles companies, as well as the entire apparel and textile industry, to reduce its climate impacts in line with the 1.5°C degree warming pathway while strengthening its global competitiveness. STICA is led by the Sustainable Fashion Academy (SFA), an independent non-profit organization. This ensures the initiative’s neutrality and integrity.
The Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programme is a free programme that is designed to meet the specific needs of senior professionals in the public sector, the media, and civil society. The programme aims at fostering dialogue between senior professionals from different sectors and researchers from research institutions in Frankfurt, Darmstadt, and Mainz.
CEPOL is an agency of the European Union dedicated to develop, implement and coordinate training for law enforcement officials. Since 1 July 2016, the date of its new legal mandate1, CEPOL's official name is “The European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training”.
ALL DIGITAL is a Brussels-based network of organisations working to enhance digital skills of Europeans. We were established in 2007 on the initiative of digital inclusion leaders with support from Microsoft first as an informal thematic network, and in 2010 – as a formal international non-profit association. Thirteen years later, we are a major European Association in the field of digital inclusion and empowerment, but also a family united by one purpose: empower Europe through digital skills. Our vision is that every European should be able to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by digital transformation. We are ALL ; Our members are organisations leading the networks of digital competence centres – low threshold community centres, NGOs, libraries, other public places where people get access to technology and the Internet and learn digital skills.
The Kosice Region Brussels Office, opened in 2004, is a specialised support service which acts as a bridge between regional government of Kosice Region and the European Union, explaining and guiding its stakeholders through the Brussels scene and promoting Kosice Region interests and best practices at the European level. The office is run by Mr. Michal Rohac, MA.
INTER PARES | Parliaments in Partnership – EU Global Project to Strengthen the Capacity of Parliaments is the first global parliamentary project of its kind. Funded by the EU and implemented by International IDEA, its purpose is to strengthen the capacity of parliaments in partner countries, by enhancing their legislative, oversight, representative, budgetary and administrative ; It focuses both on elected Members of Parliament (MPs), particularly in their capacity as members of parliamentary committees and on the staff of parliaments' secretariats.
FEUGA is a private, non-profit Foundation based in Galicia, Spain, with a permanent office in Brussels. With more than 35 years of experience, FEUGA has established itself as a flagship organization in the field of knowledge-transfer acting as a catalyst to strengthen ties and foster technology and innovation transfer between universities, industry players and society in general. We put our extensive experience at the service of our clients with a multidisciplinary, inclusive and cross-cutting approach. FEUGA has become an expert and a benchmark organization in the areas of communication, dissemination, Intellectual Property (IP) and exploitation of R&D results, with a special focus on Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) and multi-actor approach methodologies. FEUGA holds a Knowledge Transfer Office recognized by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation developing its work at a regional, national and EU level, from boosting the Galician University System and participating in several initiatives related to innovation and entrepreneurship (such as the BFFood accelerator programme, Datalife and InfabHub Digital Innovation Hubs) to partnering in more than 25 EU funded projects. Our success as an organization is driven by the quality and excellence of our services endorsed by two key factors: the high level of commitment and expertise of our multidisciplinary staff and our strategic positioning in Europe. We take a special pride in our team, comprised of more than 20 highly skilled professionals with complementary profiles including engineers, physicists, mathematicians, journalists, psychologists, political scientists and economic, financial and IPR experts. Our offices are located in Spain (Santiago de Compostela, Vigo and A Coruña) and Brussels
EBRAINS is a digital research infrastructure developed by the multidisciplinary teams of the EU-funded Human Brain ; It provides the scientific community with a wide collection of brain data sets, atlases, computing models and analytics ; EBRAINS' ambition is to enable major advances in brain ;
IASP is the leading association of innovation ecosystems worldwide. Our mission is to be the global network for science parks, innovation districts and other areas of innovation, driving growth, internationalisation and effectiveness for our members, increasing their visibility and multiplying their global connections. An independent non-profit NGO, IASP is managed by experts in science and technology parks and areas of innovation.
Visegrad for Sustainability or V4SDG was created to become the organisation that paves the way towards the achievement of the SDGs in Central Eastern Europe. Our founders, four young professionals, realised that the region's sustainability actors are not connected enough, especially across sectors, and are not well-integrated into the global mainstream of sustainability affairs. Established in 2018, we have grown into a non-profit organisation of over 30 young professionals working on these objectives. We are starting with the Visegrad Countries but will soon expand to the rest of Central Eastern Europe.
is the umbrella organisation of Dutch-speaking humanist and freethinking associations in Belgium
After ten years of patronage, Maisons du Monde pledged its long-term commitment to the protection of forests and biodiversity by creating the Maisons du Monde Foundation in late 2015. As of 2021, it becomes the endowment fund Maisons du Monde ; The MDM Foundation contributes to the protection of forests and trees all over the world, by providing financial support and assistance for NGOs in implementing holistic preservation or restoration projects.
Digestive Cancers Europe (DiCE) is the European umbrella organisation of a large group of national Members representing patients with digestive cancer – colorectal, gastric, liver, oesophageal, pancreatic and rare cancers. Our mission is to contribute to early diagnosis and decreased mortality from digestive cancers and to increase overall survival and quality of life.
Developed in the framework of the Dialogue on Mediterranean Transit Migration (MTM), MC2CM is anchored in a network of 20 Euro-Mediterranean cities. It is funded by the EU and co-financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and is implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) and the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat). MC2CM contributes to improved migration governance at local level in cities in Europe and in the Southern Mediterranean, with a specific focus on integration and inclusion, and migrants’ access to rights and services, enhancing their positive contribution to both host and home societies.  Activities are clustered under three axes: Dialogue, facilitating cooperation between migration governance stakeholders at different levels; Knowledge, contributing to improved information and knowledge on urban migration; and Action, supporting the implementation of policy recommendations and development of pilot initiatives. At the same time, MC2CM promotes a balanced discourse on migration in a cross-cutting manner, notably encouraging intercultural dialogue.
We say it clearly in our mission statement: Our Mission is to create a trusted space where visual artists are valued and have access to supports and knowledge that supports and allows them to develop at all stages of their professional career. What you may call social capital, we call daily life…  working with artists to enable them to have access to supports when they need them most; upskilling them so that they can develop in their careers, and providing them with the information and knowledge that they need to fully participate in their local and national communities. We are dedicated to the advocacy and representation of Visual Artists in Ireland at EU, National, Local, and Community ;We take on the key issues that concern professional artists in relation to their status, rights and careers. We monitor policies and undertake research into issues that have an effect on the life and career of visual artists. We represent the interests of individual artists on a one to one basis in relation to specific, once-off, or on-going issues with a critically acknowledged confidential service that is provided through our Help Desk. This is available to all visual artists and is supported by industry specialists working in the area of law, finance, or mediation. We operate a programme of regional and international representation through appointed artist representatives and have a policy of building strategic partnerships with other organisations so as to be able to represent the broad ranging needs of individual visual artists in a comprehensive manner. We operate a series of special interest groups who take on key issues that directly affect the Status of the Visual Artist in ;
Habitat for Humanity is a nonprofit housing organization working to empower people in the world’s poorest communities to overcome the chronic lack of decent housing. Our vision is a world where everyone has a decent place to live. We are therefore constantly looking for new solutions that would make adequate housing accessible and affordable for all.
Founded in 2018, Friends of Smart Specialisation is an initiative from an independent group of experts and practitioners concerned for the future directions of smart specialisation. The group’s goal is to support the mainstreaming of Smart Specialisation as an instrument for strengthening the multi-level European innovation system.
BCRG biomedical center was established in 2015 as a joint project of the Medical Faculty, the University of Ostrava and the Hematooncology Department, University Hospital Ostrava. BCRG teams focus on both basic and pre-clinical research with the main aim to develop novel therapeutical approaches in the field of monoclonal gammopathies and other hematological disorders
Lie Detectors works to improve news literacy, increase awareness of misinformation and further the general public's understanding of the mainstream media industry. It promotes positive and non-political contact between young people and journalists. Its long-term position is that news literacy should become an integral part of teacher-training colleges across Europe, so that news literacy can become one of the basic literacies of children in Europe.
UNOPS Brussels Liaison Office supports and strengthens partnerships between UNOPS and the European Union and its Member States, managing relationships with a wide variety of EU institutions, select development banks and other agencies. As a key partner of the EU, UNOPS supports a broad range of EU-funded projects and programmes – bringing peace and security, humanitarian and development solutions in some of the world’s most challenging environments.
DERlab is an association of leading laboratories and research institutes in the field of distributed energy resources equipment and systems, developing joint requirements and quality criteria for the connection and operation of distributed energy resources (DER) and supporting consistent development of DER technologies. DERlab offers testing and consulting services for distributed generation (DG) to support the transition towards more decentralised power ;
MERAKI is a non-profit organisation located in Valencia (Spain). It was constituted in 2017 by a group of committed professionals in the fields of education, digitalisation and technology and learning processes. The organsiation was created in 2018 by professionals with more than 15 years of experience in the field of education, tecnhnology adapted to education, European projects and entrepreneurship.   WHAT WE DO Our main strength is to facilitate learning processes and the transition from the face-to-face to the on-line environment, in a smooth and friendly way. Our experience in organisation and project management and in learning processes are two key points, essentials in this field.   OUR VALUES We believe that education should be accessible for everyone, since it is the tool enabling personal and social transformation and scientific and technological advances. From that perspective, we povide individual support for those organisations willing to change to the digital environment and to education centres that need to adapt their teaching methodologies. We also provide high-quality trainining mainly in the fields of digital tools for education, learning methodologies and European cooperation. Social innovation is embedded in our NGO, since it was created to solve an existing problem in the field of education. We want to enhance and improve education and society by facilitating contact networks with other European schools, associations, sport clubs and other organisations. Meraki also provides its expertise in various fields to improve education systems and society in general.
TRG (The Research Gate) creates a platform for exchanging ideas and sharing best practices; welcome all participants from around the world to attend the Nursing Practice & Healthcare 2021 Conference to be held in Orlando, USA during Orlando October 7-8, 2021. Theme: Strategies to handle emerging challenges in healthcare during pandemic & next new normal: A road map to the evolution of nursing practices in health care industry NPHC2021 provides quantitative, qualitative, and mixed-method research presentations on various topics related to nursing and health ; This conference is aimed at providing evidence-based strategies, collaborative action-plans to empower us to make the necessary changes in order to manage the stress, protect our health and well-being.
Centre for European Perspective is Slovenian governmental organisation operating from 2006 at the initiative of the Slovenian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Integradde is a H2020 project that aims to develop an end-to-end Digital Additive Manufacturing (AM) solution, based on DED technologies [ Laser Metal Deposition (LMD) for manufacturing of complex geometries in medium-sized components with higher accuracy, and Wire-Arc Additive Manufacturing (WAAM) for simpler geometries with higher deposition rates] enabling a cybersecured bidirectional dataflow for a seamless integration across the entire AM chain.
The NiPS Lab (Noise in Physical Systems Laboratory) is a research group of the Physics and Geology Department of the University of Perugia (Italy). Our laboratory has a long-standing tradition in studying physical systems in the presence of noise. Our interest ranges from stochastic nonlinear dynamics modelling to thermal noise measurements, from designing nanoscale devices for ICT to probing the fundamental limits in energy ;We are interested in approaching both theoretical and experimental aspects of the research activity.
EICT is the leading innovation platform for mobility. We combine our technological expertise in Intelligent Transport Systems with methodological know-how for excellent project results: as coordinator, communicator and innovation consultant by your side. With us, you shape your profile as an innovator and enhance your visibility as a pioneer of future technologies.  
Europa Esperanto-Unio is the organization of Esperanto associations in the European Union, including in EU candidate countries. Eŭropa Esperanto-Unio estas organizo de landaj Esperanto-asocioj en Eŭropa Unio kio inkluzivas ankaŭ kandidatajn landojn.
The MiRI Project (co-funded by the European Union Justice Programme 2014-2020, JUST-JCOO-AG-2018, under Grant Agreement No 831608​) aims at identifying national current practices regarding the right of the child to be informed in civil proceedings, so as to identify common best practices and create guidelines that might or should be applied in all EU Member States, also with the objective of harmonizing and integrating their national systems, both form a procedural and substantive perspective, as much as possible. The most innovative aspect of the project is the elaboration of common best practices on the child’s information in proceedings: even if the need has been highlighted by numerous studies on children’s fundamental rights in civil proceedings, a consensus on the content of such practices still seems not to have been reached in domestic MSs legislation, as the necessary pre-emptive research to find possible common grounds is still lacking. Participants: University of Genoa, Coordinator (Scientific Responsible Prof. Ilaria Queirolo); Universitat De Valencia; Institute of Private International Law Sofia; Sia Biznesa Augstskola Turiba (Latvia); Defence for Children International Italy; European Association For Family And Succession Law. Duration: – (24 months)
University of Ferrara (Unife) established in 1391 by the Marquis Alberto V d’Este, is one of the oldest universities in Italy. Unife has about 23000 undergraduate students in all areas of sciences, 596 permanent academic staff and 336 PhD ;
Food & Bio Cluster Denmark is a non-profit cluster management organisation, incubator and project organisation with nationwide coverage and headquarters located in the Central Denmark Region. The organisation was founded in 2020, by a merger between four Danish clusters to form a new “supercluster”, one of the largest of its kind in Europe with 250+ members ranging from small start-ups to some of the largest companies in the world. The merger was formed in collaboration with the Danish Agriculture & Food Council and Danish Food and Drink Federation and with additional support from Aarhus University, Technical University of Denmark, University of Copenhagen, and Danish Technological Institute. Food & Bio Cluster Denmark is a team of 40 specialists with different skills and backgrounds and manages on average about 40 regional, national, and international projects – all centred around innovation, financing, and internationalisation within the agriculture, bioresources, energy, environmental technology, and food sectors. The cluster has five physical locations across Denmark, and is therefore well-connected with stakeholders in Denmark, as well as private companies and research institutions. The aim of Food & Bio Cluster Denmark is to create synergies and initiate sustainable solutions for the future, maintaining the country’s internationally recognised leading position within food innovation and ensuring that Denmark continues to be the centre of development for future solutions within food and bioresources. By sharing resources from the four organisations, Food & Bio Cluster Denmark gains new resources and skills, enabling it to further support the food and bioresources sectors in the country.
YPFP works to build the next generation of diverse foreign policy leaders. We do this by providing YPFP members with capacity building programs, engaging events, a global community of peers, and opportunities to elevate their voices through writing and publication.
Interteam Project Management is providing an extensive range of expertise in the management of large EU-funded ;
Our Business Priorities We believe in the importance of having a clear set of priorities to guide us through a turbulent and ever-changing environment. Our aim is to achieve long term sustainable growth and deliver value to all our stakeholders. Focus on patients We focus on developing innovative medicines and diagnostic tests that help patients live longer, better lives. Two-thirds of all diseases are either still not treated adequately or not treated at all. This medical need is enormous and better diagnostics and medicines can make a huge difference to the lives of millions of patients and their families. Excellence in science We strive to address unmet medical needs through excellence in science. Breakthroughs in science and technology increasingly allow us to find out precisely what is malfunctioning in the body and develop drugs to counter the problem. We focus on oncology, immunology, ophthalmology, infectious diseases and neuroscience, however we remain flexible and follow the science as new insights become available. Personalised Healthcare We combine our strengths in pharmaceuticals and diagnostics to better fit treatments to patients. When genetic differences can be identified, the efficacy and safety of medicines can be improved enormously. To this end we have a companion diagnostic strategy for every molecule we develop. Access to healthcare We aim to bring our medicines and diagnostic tests to as many people in need as possible. Every healthcare system comes with different challenges and we customise solutions for individual markets. We work with many different local partners to reduce barriers to accessing healthcare and establish innovative, sustainable ways to bring effective and affordable healthcare to patients. Great workplace We are committed to constantly strengthening and maintaining an excellent workplace where every person feels valued and respected and can grow to his or her full potential. Our people make our business. They discover, develop and manufacture our products and ensure they reach the patients who need them. We believe that the key to our success lies in our ability to attract, retain and motivate a highly skilled and diverse workforce. Sustainable value We run our business in a way that is ethical and aims to create long-term value for all stakeholders. We want to create value through developing medical solutions and we aim for as many people to benefit from them as possible. We believe that our success lies in our ability to develop strategies where both industry and society benefit in a sustainable way. Roche Pharma AG was founded 1897 as a pharmaceutical company in Grenzach, Germany, near Basel, where the headquarters, F. Hoffmann-La Roche AG, is located.