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I got it!


Ms Dorottya Priskin

Youth and Education Officer at the UN Environment Programme


Empowering through global educational programmes | Youth and Education Officer at UN Environment Programme.

"I believe that education is a solution to many challenges the world is facing. My aim is to contribute to creating a positive change by using the power of education – this is why I work on programmes and projects related to education and youth engagement currently at an international level at the United Nations and previously at the European Commission.

In the past, I worked in the academic sector as a research trainer at university, a teacher and an educational assistant at secondary school. I studied and wrote masters thesis on languages, translation and linguistics. My studies on different languages allowed me to also understand the social, political and cultural interactions and challenges, which has led me to international and European studies. This is how I came to Brussels and started to work in an international context, always in the field of education.

My travels in different continents including a 6 months hitchhiking and camping across Latin America taught me that life is about learning and that I would like to find a way to help, to empower others to learn and to create better conditions. I lived with the local community, I did volunteering and worked with children in the prison of Quito. I think it was the first big inspiration to start the path I am on."

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