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I got it!

22 Mar 2011

Bio Power Generation

Sustainable large scale power generation from biomass

IntroductionIn order for the European Union to reach its renewable targets for 2020, a significant increase will be needed in biomass-based power generation.  Volatile oil and gas prices over the past few years have reinforced the continued importance of favourable regulation in sustaining the economics of biomass-fuelled power generation plants. Moving forward, the 2nd annual BioPower Generation Conference, collocated at the World Biofuels Markets Congress, aims to help electricity and power generators understand and involve themselves in shaping the regulatory framework, leverage their current portfolio to profit quickly from biomass power production, see the advantages behind CHP and construct a reliable, global supply chain.Demonstrating performance for all technologies at all scales is vital to encourage investment in biopower projects.  This is especially apparent for co-firing, advanced biopower and next-generation feedstocks.  Following on from in depth discussion on regulatory issues, hear industry specifics from across the field on CHP, plant construction, plant management, optimization of fuel and conversion technologies that enhance investor confidence.6 key reasons to attend BioPower Generation   1. Meet with utilities incorporating biomass power production into their existing power portfolio   2. Understand the latest developments in EU Biomass Legislation and hear about government incentives and requirements that help the industry move forward   3. Learn how to construct a strong supply chain that will support your biomass project   4. Hear from experienced developers how to build and profit from your biomass plant   5. Examine the variety of biomass applications and how cogeneration increases cost-competitiveness   6. Network with 2000+ professionals from the biomass economy at the joint World Biofuels Markets Congress


22 Mar 2011 @ 09:00 am

23 Mar 2011 @ 07:00 pm

Duration: 1 days, 10 hours


Beurs-World Trade Centre

Coolsingel 60




English en

Organised by

Green Power Conferences (deactivated)