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12 Nov 2014

Regional Integration Worldwide and the New Global Governance

What Role for the European Union?

In cooperation with the World Federalist Movement-Institute for Global Policy (WFM-IGP), the Union of European Federalists (UEF) is organising a joint conference entitled 'Regional Integration Worldwide: What Role for the European Union?' to be held at the European Parliament on 12 November 2014. The aim of this joint conference is to bring together MEPs and experts, including from the ASEAN/Mercosur region, to exchange ideas and discuss the current debate on such emerging regional blocs, the role of the EU to foster their further development and their impact on the changing architectures of global governance. Although difficulties remain, the further integration of regional blocs and the interregional approach between the EU and other regional blocs represent an important way of dealing with future global challenges.This conference will consist of three panels:Session I: TOWARDS AN ASEAN ECONOMIC COMMUNITYWhat lessons from the EU as a model of regional integration?Session II: EU-MERCOSUR RELATIONS, CHALLENGES OF THE INTERREGIONAL APPROACHHow can the EU support the development of Mercosur as a more economically and politically integrated regional bloc?Session III: THE EVOLVING EU-US PARTNERSHIP AND ITS ROLE FOR A NEW GLOBAL GOVERNANCE


12 Nov 2014 @ 02:00 pm

12 Nov 2014 @ 07:30 pm

Duration: 5 hours, 30 minutes


Bureau d'Information du Parlement européen en Belgique

Rue de Trèves 3



English en

Organised by

Union of European Feder...