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I got it!

13 Oct 2015

Focus on eye care in the 21st century


Early diagnosis and effective treatment, is often key to preventing blindness from many conditions. Through a series of panel-sessions, this conference will consider 21st century innovations in eye care treatment and prevention. At one end, the creation of a dynamic environment, around which R&D can prosper and where the value of innovation is recognized, whilst at the other end, a requirement by EU and national policy-makers, to ensure preventative mechanisms are in-place and where necessary, adequate, timely treatment. All this, at a time when retirement ages are rising along with the humanitarian impact and where, preventing blindness increasingly becomes an economic necessity.This conference shall consider how to build the capability, capacity and joint engagement between the ageing and vision sectors, policy makers, patients and industry and how to support them in effectively representing the interests of the ageing population globally, who face eye diseases such as glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa or macular degeneration. The three panels shall concentrate on:Glaucoma - early prevention and new treatment options;Retinitis pigmentosa - Rare disease and eye-care;Macular degeneration and early intervention.


13 Oct 2015 @ 01:30 pm

13 Oct 2015 @ 05:30 pm

Duration: 4 hours


Thon Hotel EU (room Belgium)

Rue de la Loi 75



English en

Organised by

Interel Group (deactivated)