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I got it!

Online Webinar
02 Mar 2017

How to Attain a Halal Certification

This online seminar provides a road map and practical advice on how-to attain a Halal certification for your products and services.

This online seminar provides a roadmap and practical advice on how-to attain a Halal certification for your products and services by covering:

  • Overview of relevant Halal products & services
  • Guiding through the certification process of JAKIM
  • Common challenges for foreign firms

The 20 minutes expert presentation concludes in an interactive Q&A session. You are given the opportunity to raise questions either through the registration form or during the live session.

Your attendance requires no special hard- or software and is free-of-charge. Please follow this link for further instructions on the software. Fill out the registration form and feel free to propose questions in advance for further information.

Background: Malaysia

Much has been said and written about Asian markets, but predominantly on China, Japan and Singapore. Often only marginally mentioned are their intense competition, market saturation or weakening growth rates. However, Asia has far more to offer than these countries.

While proving their solid economy through several external crises, Malaysia is straight on its way to become the third and largest industrialised nation in Southeast Asia.

Background: Why Halal?

The continuous 4% growth p.a. reached in 2016 a Halal food market volume of nearly € 800 billion. As a trusted country of origin for 1.8 billion Muslims worldwide, Malaysia became with € 9 billion export revenue the largest exporter for Halal F&B. In doing so, the country itself is a potential Halal market with its liberal Muslim majority and 76% Halal certified food and beverages.


2 Mar 2017 @ 10:00 am

2 Mar 2017 @ 10:45 am

Duration: 0 hours, 45 minutes

Timezone: GMT +1:00


Online Webinar


English en

Organised by

EUMCCI (deactivated)