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I got it!

12 Oct 2017

EEARTO High-Level Debate: “Cohesion Policy Post-2020: inter-regional collaboration of innovation hubs”

European Week of Regions and Cities - EARTO Session: “Cohesion Policy Post-2020: inter-regional collaboration of innovation hubs”

This high-level debate will explore the means to strengthen research and innovation in the future Cohesion Policy post-2020. The European Institutions have already started to look at ways to simplify and improve how the regional funds can be used more efficiently. So, what future can be imagined for the RIS3 and a proper implementation of synergies of funds supporting the implementation of R&I strategies at regional levels? A new framework boosting interregional collaboration, coupling DG REGIO and DG R&I instruments, could help to develop the synergies, improve to reduce the gap between EU-13 and EU-15 and benefit the R&I landscape at all levels.


12 Oct 2017 @ 09:00 am

12 Oct 2017 @ 10:45 am

Duration: 1 hours, 45 minutes


Committee of the Regions

99 Rue Belliard

1000 Bruxelles



English en

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