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I got it!

22 Feb 2018

PRIDE - A New Platform for Drugs Trafficking Control

The PRIDE web-based system will be presented and discussed with high level national and European authorities, including EC-DG HOME, Europol, the EMCDDA, the Belgian Ministry of Justice and the Italian National Antimafia and Antiterrorism Direction.

The Conference is organised as a conclusion to the PRIDE project, co-funded by Drugs Policy Initiatives, Justice Programme of the European Union. This project aimed to create a web-based platform, that law enforcement institutions can use to better fight drugs trafficking in Europe.

The PRIDE platform has been designed to support cross-border investigations and police intelligence operations with data on chemical profiles and characteristics of drug seizures. This allows law enforcement agencies to better understand drug trafficking trends and better coordinate their actions.

During this conference, the results achieved over two years of intensive work will be presented. We are also pleased to welcome high-level speakers from the European Commission– DG HOME, the Europol, the European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction, the Belgian Ministry of Justice and the National Antimafia and Antiterrorism Direction.


Fidelia Cascini, PRIDE Coordinator, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

Floriana Sipala, Head of Unit Organised Crime and Drugs Policy, European Commission, DG Home Affairs

Christina Naneva, Programme Coordinator – EU Policies, European Commission, DG Home Affairs 

Claude Gillard, Legal Counsellor, Belgian Ministry of Justice, Department of Criminal Law

Francesco Curcio, National Antimafia and Antiterrorism Direction

Andrew Cunningham, Head of Sector Market, Crime and Supply Reduction Sector, EMCDDA

Angelo Longo, Director of International Relations Section, Central Directorate for Antidrug Services

Sascha Strupp, Strategic Analyst, Horizontal Operational Services Department, Europol

Loukas Georgiadis, University of Ioannina

Luigi Laura, University of Rome


22 Feb 2018 @ 02:00 pm

22 Feb 2018 @ 06:00 pm

Duration: 4 hours


Residence Palace

155 Rue de la Loi

1000 Bruxelles



English en

Organised by

Università Cattolica d...