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Online Webinar
01 Oct 2019

Learning Sustainability

Learning Sustainability: Call for papers

Call for Papers (CfP).  You are invited to submit an article to a special issue of a Springer Nature journal on the theme:


Learning Sustainability


The CfP is here:  biomedcentral . com / collections / ls

The issue brings together four main areas :

- sustainability of the Earth and humanity, including the SDGs & climate change,

- experience (of all kinds),

- learning, including experiential learning, and

Articles need to be clear, but not necessarily high-brow; The journal aims to bridge lay community and science.


Please feel free to contact the lead guest ed here:  e4l dot jrnl at gmail com

We look forward to hearing from you.

Please forward this CfP to interested friends and colleagues.


1 Oct 2019

2 Oct 2019

Timezone: GMT +1:00


Online Webinar


English en

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