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Non-profit sector

APGI - International Society of Pharmaceutical Technology

5 rue JB Clement
92290 Chatenay-Malabry, France

The APGI (Association de Pharmacie Galénique Industrielle/international Society of Drug Delivery Sciences and Thechnology) was created in 1964 in Paris, and is an association accessible to all, academics and individuals in industry, who are concerned with pharmaceutical technology and the design, formulation and pharmacotechnical, biopharmaceutical and pharmacokinetic assessment of dosage forms and delivery systems, whether pharmaceutical or dermopharmaceutical. The APGI has members covering more than thirty different nationalities and counts contacts and friends in over fifty countries.
The APGI is publishing the newsletter La Gazette. JDDST (Journal of Drug Delivery Science and Technology) is the official journal of the APGI, the ADRITELF (Italy) and the APSTJ (Japan). Past presidents of APGI have been Prof. Dominique Duchene, Dr. Jean Yves Legendre and Prof. Elias Fattal. Since 2010, the President is Prof. Juergen Siepmann.

5 rue JB Clement

92290 Chatenay-Malabry



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Mrs Catharina Kroling Account Admin
Ms Nishat Naaz Team Member

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