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Non-profit sector

Conference of Atlantic Arc Cities

10, rue des Dames
35000 Rennes, France

CAAC is a network of territorial cooperation, based on the particular identity and challenges of the cities of the Atlantic Arc in the European Union. After nearly fourteen years of experience, the Conference of the Atlantic Arc Cities has asserted its position as an Atlantic Urban Forum, facilitating both the cooperation among its members and with other European and Atlantic Arc actors, creating awareness in the European institutions about issues concerning the Atlantic Cities.Thus, the work within the network can be defined as a transversal dimension to the thematic actions, divided into six axis:CAAC as a Club of the Atlantic Cities: the Urban Forum of the European Atlantic façade. The Atlantic territorial marketing is a key issue.CAAC as a Community that includes both cities and other actors, such as, above all, the citizens.Campaigns: Make the lobby not only a political issue, but also an instrument for raising awareness of citizens in European Affairs and defence of the interests of the Atlantic cities and their citizens.Cooperation: Through European projects as well as informal exchanges.Coaching: CAAC acknowledged as a resource centre for the Atlantic cities, ensuring that its activities contribute to the information, training and strengthening of the European activities of the members.Communication: Convert the CAAC cities, its activities and experiences in

10, rue des Dames

35000 Rennes


+ 33 (0) 2 99 35 46 33

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Tamara Guirao-espineira Coordinator Account Admin
General Secretariat Team Member
Ms Atlantic Cities Team Member
Ms Pamela Rugen Team Member
Ms Aliza Stone Team Member

Featured organisers

Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE)

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Non-profit sector, France, 0 events

Academy of European Law (ERA)

Non-profit sector, Germany, 708 events


For-profit sector, Italy, 1 events


For-profit sector, Italy, 15 events

Similar organisers in France

Bureau de recherches géologiques et minières

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Vision PACA Durable

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IAE Business School, Université de Nice Sophia Antipolis

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Académie Esthétique et Fonction

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EPIC - European Photonics Industry Consortium

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European Forum for Urban Security

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R.E.FO.R.MED aisbl

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European Rural Poultry Association (ERPA)

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Université de Montpellier

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Equilibre des Energies

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Ifri - Institut français des relations internationales

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International Chamber of Commerce

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Ars Identitatis

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Université Côte d'Azur

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