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Non-profit sector

iProcureSecurity PCP

Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5
1060 Vienna, Austria

Project Background: The iProcureSecurity PCP project is based on a preceding EU-funded Coordination and Support Action (CSA), which identified main capability gaps and innovation needs of the EMS Ecosystem in Europe and created a pan-European network of practitioners. Especially triage management used during mass casualty incidents was identified as a domain with high potential for innovation.

The consortium involves 12 leading research organisations, government bodies and emergency medical service practitioners, who are procuring solutions that improve triage scenarios through a flexible triage management system.

Project Goals: The scope of the project is to innovate and digitalise the Triage Management System during Mass Casualty Incidents in order to optimise the response, interoperability, decision-making process and data & communication sharing among the Emergency Medical Services (EMS).  

Otto-Bauer-Gasse 5

1060 Vienna


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Mr Serena Bianchi Account Admin

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