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I got it!

Non-profit sector

The Foundation for Lifelong Learning PERITIA

ul. Grottgera 16/1
60-758 Poznań, Poland

Our motto: Unleash your awareness, educate yourself and act!

Our passion is to give and share knowledge and we spread this passion all over the world.
By this we change the way people think and thus the world is changing!

About 4000 participants in the period 03/2010-11/2019

The main aim of the Foundation is to carry out comprehensive activity towards the concept of lifelong learning through:
• additional education for children and the youth
• the lifelong learning of adults
• conducting training and educational activities
relating to the improvement of professional qualifications, full social presence and the individual personal development and supporting the development and growth of NGOs in Wielkopolska region and Poland.

Activity Fields:
• Self-development, Self-education of youth/adults, Promotion of pro-entrepreneurial and pro-active attitude of youth/students (among others Academy of Technology, Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Humanism , 21 Books for XXI Century)
• NGO/CSO education, support and development (among others Europa Café Network, Poznan NGO Centre)

The Foundation is a nonprofit organization.

Since November 2014, the Foundation PERITIA is registered as a Public Good Organization (OPP status).

ul. Grottgera 16/1

60-758 Poznań


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Ms Monika Łagodzińska Account Admin

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