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I got it!

20 Jan 2012

VoteWatch.eu post-Strasbourg debriefing

post-Strasbourg debriefing: this week

VoteWatch.eu, the independent, non-partisan organisation that tracks the voting records of Members of the European Parliament, is pleased to invite you to its post-Strasbourg plenary session debriefing. Doru Frantescu, VoteWatch.eu policy director, will present an analysis of the outcome of key votes being held in Strasbourg this week. He will show which coalitions of MEPs, national delegations and political groups were instrumental in passing - or blocking (elements of) these proposals, and how this relates to earlier votes on the same or similar topics. The debriefing will be chaired by Michiel van Hulten, VoteWatch.eu managing director.This event will take place on Friday 20 January from 10.00 to 11.00 at the Brussels Press Club, 95 Rue Froissart, 1040 Brussels.  Please RSVP by Thursday 19 January to events (at) votewatch (dot) eu. For more information please contact Doru Frantescu, VoteWatch.eu policy director on +32 472 657924 or Michiel van Hulten, VoteWatch.eu managing director on +32 483 204158. VoteWatch.eu is funded by grants from the Open Society Institute and the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust. It is supported by Burson-Marsteller, CEPS, Electionmall.com and White and Case. 


20 Jan 2012 @ 10:00 am

20 Jan 2012 @ 11:00 am

Duration: 1 hours


Press Club Europe

Rue Froissart 95




English en

Organised by

VoteWatch Europe