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I got it!

Non-profit sector

VoteWatch Europe

Avenue de Tervueren 32-34
1040 Brussels, Belgium

VoteWatch Europe is an independent organisation set up to promote better debates and greater transparency in EU decision-making, by providing easy access to, and analysis of, the votes and other activities of the European Parliament (EP) and the EU Council of Ministers (Council). VoteWatch uses the EU Institutions' own attendance, voting and activity data - available through their websites - to give a full overview of MEP and Member State activities.Using sophisticated statistical methods developed by political scientists from the London School of Economics and New York University, the website covers the activities of Parliament and Council since 2009. (Parliament statistics dating back to 2004 are also available on the website). Information on the EP is updated daily following each voting session. Council votes are updated as and when voting data is made available by the Council secretariat. Follow us on Twitter if you are interested in receiving immediate updates.VoteWatch Europe is supported by Burson-Marsteller, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the Open Society Foundations and White&Case.

Avenue de Tervueren 32-34

1040 Brussels



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Joan Manuel Lanfranco Pari Policy and events officer Account Admin

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Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE)

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For-profit sector, Italy, 1 events


For-profit sector, Spain, 22 events

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European Movement International (EMI)

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European Alliance to Save Energy

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Chemelot Circular Hub

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Heart Failure Policy Network

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Mental Health Europe

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Non-profit sector, Belgium , 1 events