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Access MBA matches candidates with international business schools through one-to-one meetings. Our events are completely free for the candidates that participate in them and we do not profit from the people at our events.
SHURE Initiative: To improve student lives and enhance the built environment in university neighbourhoods.SHURE Initiative is a divisision of CAPRE Omnimedia, LLC 
About usStudio Europa Maastricht is a centre of expertise for Europe-related debate and research.Founded in 2018 and supported by the partners of the Maastricht, Working on Europe programme: Maastricht University, the Province of Limburg and the City of Maastricht. Together we aim to position Maastricht, the capital of Limburg as a meeting place for citizen dialogue and debate and establish a centre of excellence for research on Europe and European integration.Our team examines, explores, and engages. We are #WorkingonEurope.Our organisation consists of three pillars:Academic researchWe are a leading centre for multi-disciplinary Europe-focused research with societal impact.European heritageWe bring the legacy of the Maastricht Treaty, since 2018 proud holder of the European Heritage Label, to life.Public debateWe stimulate active, critical debate with engagement at its core and capture and share the stories of Europe. Why Maastricht?Since 1992 the city has been inextricably linked with Europe as the Maastricht Treaty sealed Europeans’ commitment to develop our collective identity. The signing of this milestone for European integration started a great, dynamic experiment, which carries on to this day.While the Treaty may be the city’s claim to fame, Maastricht’s European character is more than just symbolic. The city is the place for Europeans to come together to work on that experiment. To think, debate and discuss Europe.This is not a coincidence. Maastricht has always been a city defined by (crossing) borders. For centuries it’s been a melting pot of cultures where different peoples meet, trade, cooperate and, from time to time, wholeheartedly disagree.To this day, it remains a forum for culture and commerce, and the impact of the surrounding Dutch-, French- and German-speaking industrial and cultural hubs is felt everywhere. At work, in leisure time and in education. This confluence continually gives rise to new opportunities, new questions and new ideas. 
The Bridge Theatre is an inclusive, sustainable and locally-integrated theatre, connecting multilingual Brussels to English-language talent.We use the power of high quality, accessible and enriching theatre to promote social cohesion, progressive values and sustainability.
Toute l’Europe is the leading francophone website dedicated to European topics. It provides educational content regarding the politics and operation of the European Union and offers an in-depth analysis of European news (political, economical, social, historical and cultural). Touteleurope.eu broadcasts educational information in many forms such as articles, videos, charts, comparative maps, podcasts and fact checking.
The European Parliament produces translations of written documents in all 24 EU languages, enabling communication with its citizens in their mother tongue. Its in-house translation service is instrumental in this respect, meeting strict quality standards within the tight deadlines imposed by parliamentary procedures. Our mission: to make available in all official languages documents relating to Parliament's role as co-legislator and as one of the two arms of the budgetary authority, in order to ensure the legitimacy and transparency of the legislative and budgetary process of the European Union; to enable the European Parliament to meet its commitment to the policy of multilingualism, designed to ensure the equal treatment of languages, which enables all citizens of the European Union to communicate with the institutions and access EU documents in their own language; to ensure that these translation services are supplied as efficiently and effectively as possible.    
NIPAI provides special educational programs, equipping current and future directors, movement directors, actors coaches, choreographers, arts managers and creative leaders with special knowledge and skills necessary to bring positive results in their careers and in the modern Performing Arts ;
ECIT Foundation (on European Citizens’ Rights, Involvement and Trust) was established as a public foundation under Belgian law on 3 June 2015. In the world of European think-tanks, it fills a gap being the only one to concentrate solely on European Citizenship. ECIT is becoming a resource of know-how, research, and contacts, but also one of support for civil society organisations, academics and policy makers when they work on this ;
VKI is a non-profit international educational and scientific organisation, hosting three departments (aeronautics and aerospace, environmental and applied fluid dynamics, and turbomachinery & propulsion). It provides post-graduate education in fluid dynamics (Research Master in Fluid Dynamics (Master-after-master level), former "VKI Diploma Course", Doctoral Programme, Short Training Program and lecture series) and encourages "training in research through research". The von Karman Institute undertakes and promotes research in the field of fluid dynamics. Extensive research on experimental, computational and theoretical aspects of gas and liquid flows is carried out at the VKI under the direction of the faculty and research engineers, sponsored mainly by governmental and international agencies as well as industries.
entreTime is a new entrepreneurship education service aimed at upskilling educators within higher education institutions and upgrading their pedagogical tools on this domain by providing a comprehensive training package. Following our specific philosophy which considers entrepreneurship as a holistic pedagogical teaching method (“teaching through entrepreneurship”), a unique academic platform for spreading entrepreneurial teaching and co-creation, also outside the traditional domain of business schools and economic faculties, will be set up and validated throughout three years of activity, engaging top-level educators across Europe.
  Vista di Ancona Ancona , quale sede universitaria, è una realtà relativamente recente, conseguente ad un lungo processo di realizzazione di aspirazioni e motivazioni culturali, sociali, economiche, storiche. Ancona, già nel Medioevo sede di una Scuola di Diritto ottenne da Papa Pio V nel 1562 l'autorizzazione ad istituire uno "Studium Generale cuiuscumque Facultatis et Scientiae", con la Facoltà di Diritto Civile e Canonico e di Teologia, con la possibilità inoltre di istituire altre Facoltà. Il collegio dei dottori aveva potestà di conferire i vari gradi accademici. Ai dottori e agli studenti venivano altresì riconosciuti privilegi, prerogative, immunità propri degli altri Studi Generali, quali quelli di Bologna e Padova. Il nuovo Studium caratterizzato per un secolo da fervore di studi, subì un declino progressivo nella seconda metà del XVII secolo per l'attrazione esercitata sui giovani delle famiglie benestanti della città dai più famosi Studi di Roma e Bologna. Tale declino culminò nel 1739 con una prima chiusura dello Studium.   Rettorato Nel 1746, su delibera del Consiglio Comunale, approvata da Papa Benedetto XIV, venne nuovamente attivata la cattedra di Diritto Civile e Canonico, cattedra la cui breve vita ebbe termine con i grandi rivolgimenti politici degli anni 1797-1799. Le aspirazioni universitarie di Ancona, per lungo tempo apparentemente sopite, riemersero al termine della prima Guerra Mondiale, dapprima incerte e confuse, successivamente con contorni più precisi, inquadrata in sempre più razionale coscienza dell'intera problematica universitaria regionale. Le fasi successive, durate fino al termine degli anni 20, furono contrassegnate da proposte diverse, mai giunte alla fase di realizzazione, quali la creazione di una Confederazione universitaria regionale, con Rettorato ad Ancona, con la presenza nella stessa città del triennio clinico di medicina e di una non meglio definita Scuola Superiore di Commercio. Dall'inizio degli anni 30 il disegno di un'intesa regionale su una programmazione universitaria globale che prevedesse la realizzazione anche ad Ancona di una Università trovò illuminati e strenui propugnatori nei soci e nel presidente dell'Istituto Marchigiano di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, istituito nel capoluogo nel 1925.       Municipio Il paziente lavoro istruttivo e propositivo, interrotto dagli eventi della seconda Guerra Mondiale, venne ripreso nel dopoguerra e tra proposte, richieste, opposizioni, prese di posizione campanilistiche, silenzi e dinieghi ministeriali, si giunse nel 1969 alla istituzione della Libera Università di Ancona, nonché il relativo statuto, con l'attivazione del primo biennio della Facoltà di Ingegneria e del triennio biologico della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, da parte del  Consiglio Direttivo del Consorzio costituito costituito tra Comune, Amministrazione Provinciale, Camera di Commercio, e presieduto e stimolato dal professor Trifogli. Il consiglio Superiore della Pubblica Istruzione espresse successivamente parere favorevole, autorizzando l'attivazione della Facoltà di Ingegneria per L'Anno Accademico 1969-70 e di quella di Medicina per l'anno successivo. Era così nata ad Ancona la Libera Università, riconosciuta definitivamente come Università statale in tempi molto brevi, ed esattamente il 18 gennaio 1971.       Polo Villarey La città di Ancona divenne finalmente sede Universitaria, con due Facoltà proprie, alle quali venne in seguito aggregata anche la Facoltà di Economia e Commercio. Nell'Anno Accademico 1988-89 venne istituita la Facoltà di Agraria (corso di laurea in Scienze Agrarie) e, nell'Anno Accademico 1991- 92, la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali (corso di Laurea in Biologia Generale con indirizzi in Biologia Marina ed Oceanografica ed in Biotecnologie). Sono attivi nelle cinque Facoltà  22 corsi di Laurea triennale di primo livello, 17 corsi di Laurea Specialistica biennale di secondo livello, 3 lauree Magistrali a ciclo unico, 35 scuole di specializzazione , 20 dottorati di ricerca con sede amministrativa ad Ancona o in sede distaccata a Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto. La popolazione studentesca, dalle iniziali 290 matricole dell'anno '69-'70 è andata progressivamente aumentando fino a superare le sedicimilacinquecento unità. Il personale dell'Ateneo è attualmente costituito da un Corpo Accademico di 545 professori e ricercatori e da 610 Collaboratori tecnici e amministrativi.       Polo Monte Dago Le attività didattica e di ricerca, all'inizio ospitate in sedi diverse, spesso inadeguate ed insufficienti, trovano attualmente una sistemazione tripolare: un polo scientifico e tecnologico in località Monte Dago, in un complesso di edifici tra i quali spicca la monumentale e prestigiosa opera progettata dall'architetto italo- americano Belluschi. Tale polo ospita la Facoltà d'Ingegneria, la Facoltà di Agraria, la Facoltà di Scienze. Nella stessa località si sta completando la struttura edilizia necessaria per soddisfare le necessità didattiche e scientifiche della nuova Facoltà biologica: un polo biologico, scientifico e sanitario in località Torrette è costituito da un complesso edilizio per le esigenze didattiche e di ricerca della Facoltà di Medicina; un polo economico , nel centro storico della città, che si identifica con la Facoltà di Economia , che ha sede nello splendido edificio restaurato dell'ottocentesca caserma Villarey. L'attività amministrativa e di coordinamento trova la sua ideale collocazione logistica, nell'Ottocentesco Palazzo in Piazza Roma, sede del Rettorato e della Direzione Amministrativa, in stretta vicinanza con altri edifici in cui trovano spazi per la loro attività i rimanenti servizi ;       Polo Torrette Il patrimonio edilizio è completato dagli insediamenti ed impianti sportivi in località Posatora, nella vasta area ex sede della Facoltà di Medicina, distrutta dalla rovinosa frana nel 1982. Nella medesima area è stato progettato un moderno orto botanico, quale completamento, insieme all'Azienda Agraria, già attiva nel vicino comune di Agugliano, delle esigenze didattico-scientifiche della Facoltà di Agraria. Si prevede inoltre, in tempi medio-lunghi, la completa ristrutturazione della ex caserma Stamira, l'ultima acquisizione dell'Università dorica e si ipotizza il suo utilizzo come foresteria per studenti e studiosi di altre Università anche non italiane, che sempre più numerosi frequentano gli Istituti e Dipartimenti nell'ambito di progetti nazionali ed internazionali di aggiornamento e ricerca. In data 18 gennaio 2003 l'Università degli Studi di Ancona ha cambiato denominazione in "Università Politecnica delle Marche".
FRH is an organisation dedicated to the safeguarding of Europe’s diverse and unique religious heritage. It is the only independent, non-faith, and non-profit network of charities and conservation departments of governmental, religious and university institutions, and other professionals working to protect religious heritage buildings across Europe, with over 170 members in over 35 countries.
European Fund Management Consulting – EFMC – is one of the leading organisations in Europe that specialised in the financial management of European Union Research & Innovation projects (FP7 & H2020). Established in January 2014, EFMC has its headquarters in Tallinn, Estonia and back-office in Paris, France. Our organisation supports beneficiaries of European Grants in all financial issues concerning European projects. The main specialization is research grants such as FP7 and H2020.Our clientele includes SMEs, Universities, laboratories, private and public companies, NGOs and research centres from all over Europe and our partners are mainly Financial and Project Managers who are in charge of EU research projects (mainly FP7 & H2020).
The Media & Learning Association (MLA) or to give it its full name the MEDEA: MEDIA & LEARNING ivzw is an international, not-for-profit association set up in 2012 under Belgian law to promote and stimulate the use of media as a way to enhance innovation and creativity in teaching and learning across all levels of education in Europe. Members include national and regional agencies charged with the promotion of innovation in teaching and learning as well as universities, ministries of education and schools’ networks.
TCBL is a community of like-minded individuals, labs and companies who are working together on the many elements that will contribute to creating a more circular and sustainable European Fashion, Textile & Clothing sector.TCBL Association is the non-profit that carries forth the Horizon 2020 TCBL Project that ended in 2019.
This Action encompasses the creation of a European-led multidisciplinary network from countries showing higher NEET youth rates in rural areas. Rural NEETs’ Youth Network (RNYN) aims at developing a model of comprehension for rural NEETs’ social exclusion risk and protective factors based on the bioecological model. It focuses on three specific goals: (1) upholding future research capability, with an emphasis on Early Career Investigators (ECI) and Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITC); (2) creating a rural NEETs’ online observatory; (3) fostering knowledge use by policy makers and practitioners. The RNYN work plan will be produced by 3 working groups; it will contribute to define a coherent model for future research, based on an intensive survey of national and cross-national trends regarding rural NEETs’ profile and support systems, as well as methodological and intervention best-practices in the field. RNYN added value stems from an eclectic theoretical, disciplinary, institutional and international approach and in upskilling ECI in ITC that are more affected by high rural NEET rates. In the long run, RNYN’s scientific impact will lead to the creation of a rural NEETs’ observatory, integrating ECI in a broad multidisciplinary community and strengthening the COST Inclusiveness Policy. Long-term socio-economic impact is expected to be translated into (in)ternational legislation to tackle rural NEETs’ needs and promote sectoral innovations. RNYN is a timely proposal by creating networks/platforms to organize findings, connect critical mass dealing with rural NEETs and build up research capacity. It is also socially relevant, by aiming at informing policies and on-the-ground practices.
ALL DIGITAL is a Brussels-based network of organisations working to enhance digital skills of Europeans. We were established in 2007 on the initiative of digital inclusion leaders with support from Microsoft first as an informal thematic network, and in 2010 – as a formal international non-profit association. Thirteen years later, we are a major European Association in the field of digital inclusion and empowerment, but also a family united by one purpose: empower Europe through digital skills. Our vision is that every European should be able to exploit the benefits and opportunities created by digital transformation. We are ALL ; Our members are organisations leading the networks of digital competence centres – low threshold community centres, NGOs, libraries, other public places where people get access to technology and the Internet and learn digital skills.
MERAKI is a non-profit organisation located in Valencia (Spain). It was constituted in 2017 by a group of committed professionals in the fields of education, digitalisation and technology and learning processes. The organsiation was created in 2018 by professionals with more than 15 years of experience in the field of education, tecnhnology adapted to education, European projects and entrepreneurship.   WHAT WE DO Our main strength is to facilitate learning processes and the transition from the face-to-face to the on-line environment, in a smooth and friendly way. Our experience in organisation and project management and in learning processes are two key points, essentials in this field.   OUR VALUES We believe that education should be accessible for everyone, since it is the tool enabling personal and social transformation and scientific and technological advances. From that perspective, we povide individual support for those organisations willing to change to the digital environment and to education centres that need to adapt their teaching methodologies. We also provide high-quality trainining mainly in the fields of digital tools for education, learning methodologies and European cooperation. Social innovation is embedded in our NGO, since it was created to solve an existing problem in the field of education. We want to enhance and improve education and society by facilitating contact networks with other European schools, associations, sport clubs and other organisations. Meraki also provides its expertise in various fields to improve education systems and society in general.
Interteam Project Management is providing an extensive range of expertise in the management of large EU-funded ;
About the Finnova Foundation FINNOVA is a European not-for-profit foundation whose main purpose is to seek international funding related to new technology transfer, modernisation, training and innovation. It also seeks to promote international and interregional cooperation through networks and events, its main fields of work being innovation and the financing of innovative projects with resources; FINNOVA's objectives are to promote public-private cooperation through innovation to address social challenges such as employment, training, entrepreneurship, the UN SDGs, the circular economy, etc. In its commitment to innovation, Finnova has been organising the StartupEuropeAwards since 2016, an initiative of the European Commission's DG Connect. Finnova, headquartered in Belgium and Spain, has its own delegations in Chile and Panama. In Spain, it is present in the Comunidad Valenciana, País Vasco, Andalucía, Madrid , and Islas Canarias. Head office: Avenue des Arts, 56, 1000 Brussles (Belgium). Comunidad Valenciana:  Plaza del Ayuntamiento, Nº 5, planta 5, puerta 15. E-46002 Valencia (Spain). Sevilla: Torneo Parque Empresarial. Calle Biología, 12. Edificio Vilamar II. 2ª planta, módulo 11-D. E-41015. Sevilla (Spain).   About Startup Europe Awards Startup Europe Awards is a methodology of DG CONNECT of the European Commission, implemented by Finnova Foundation since 2016. The SEUAs are an open innovation tool to identify disruptive startups that promotes public-private collaboration and raises awareness of the importance of self-entrepreneurship as a driver of employment. In addition to generating alliances that help to meet the SDGs of the United Nations and the actions of the European Green Pact, thus contributing to the circular economy, the fight against climate change and sustainable tourism. About StartupEuropeAccelerathon Startup Europe Accelerathon () aims to identify innovative ideas eligible for funding from the European Union, such as LIFE, Green Deal, Horizon 2020 or NextGenerationEU. StartupEuropeAccelerathon follows the indications of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, contributing from each challenge to the proposed SDGs; in the framework of the StartupEuropeAwards methodology of DG CONNECT of the European Commission, which was born from DG Research and Development in 2020 with the pan-European campaign Hackthevirus. It has been successfully carried out with governments such as that of the Valencian Community with the challenge of industrial polluting waters or the Andalusian Regional Government with the challenge of the fight against climate change, forest management and innovation in the prevention, fight against fires and regeneration of burnt areas.
Bantani Education is a non-profit based in Belgium, working collaboratively to drive entrepreneurial and creative learning. By bringing together extensive policy and practical experience, working with public, community and private sector partners to embed entrepreneurial skills into all type of learning. The co-founders and network of associates, working from across Europe work to build collaborations and initiatives involving policy makers, educators, community and the private sector, to embed high quality entrepreneurial and creative learning practice and policy into formal and non-formal learning
The British Council builds connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and other countries through arts and culture, education and the English language. We work in two ways – directly with individuals to transform their lives, and with governments and partners to make a bigger difference for the longer term, creating benefit for millions of people all over the world. We help young people to gain the skills, confidence and connections they are looking for to realise their potential and to participate in strong and inclusive communities. We support them to learn English, to get a high-quality education and to gain internationally recognised qualifications. Our work in arts and culture stimulates creative expression and exchange and nurtures creative enterprise. We connect the best of the UK with the world and the best of the world with the UK. These connections lead to an understanding of each other's strengths and of the challenges and values that we share. This builds trust between people in the UK and other nations which endures even when official relations may be strained. We work on the ground in more than 100 countries. In 2019-20 we connected with 80 million people directly and with 791 million overall, including online and through our broadcasts and publications.
ECOPNET (European Cooperation & Partnership Network) is a Brussels-based, politically independent nonprofit network focusing on cooperations and international partnerships, gathering individuals, institutions, universities, academics, scientists, local authorities and companies interested in EU affairs and global cooperation. ECOPNET is also aimed at supporting its members to tackle challenges with the EU policies, as well as promoting the EU values across the ;
The European Association for Practitioner Research on Improving Learning (EAPRIL) promotes practice-based research on learning issues in the context of initial, formal, lifelong and organisational ;EAPRIL is unique in bringing together those interested in the crossroads between research and practice but also between education and professional learning. EAPRIL brings together two unique sub networks that focus on learning in two specific contexts: Education and Learning in Schools and Corporate ; Both parallel streams have their own activities but share the same goal. Our annual Conference  offers activities allowing to interconnect and exchange research and experience with fellow researchers and practitioners across this variety of fields.
Museums of the City of Linz The LENTOS Kunstmuseum Linz has been operational, together with the Municipal Museum NORDICO, since its opening in 2003 within the framework of the Museen der Stadt Linz, the museums of the City of Linz. Since 1 January 2018, the museums of the City of Linz have been given the form of an autonomous LLC as a 100 % subsidiary of the Kreativität, Kultur & Veranstaltungen der Stadt Linz Holding GmbH. With their different institutions – the LENTOS Kunstmuseum, the NORDICO Stadtmuseum and the VALIE EXPORT Center Linz (a cooperation with the University of Arts and Industrial Design Linz) – the museums of the City of Linz are among the city’s most potent cultural driving forces and see themselves as meeting places designed for dialogue. They are committed above all to the focus Linz places on its character as a centre for contemporary art and media art and on open access to art and culture. In addition to the organisation of exhibitions, outreach programmes, the edition of collection and exhibition catalogues and an active participation in loan processes form the core of the museums’ agenda. Other important business units include the operation of the museum shops and renting out space as event venues.
ALDA is a key stakeholder in the field of local democracy, active citizenship, and cooperation between local authorities and civil society in Europe, its neighborhood and in the World, mainly acting through participative methods and decentralized cooperation. As a core element, ALDA supports citizens and groups of citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving their local context, building bridges with local authorities in order to make this change real. ALDA was established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self- sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government, with which ALDA collaborates in many activities. ALDA is a membership-based organisation gathering today more than 350 members, including local authorities, associations of local authorities, and civil society organisations, coming from more than 45 countries in the enlarged Europe. ALDA is funded through membership fees, as well as project funding from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and other public and private donors.
Acavent is a worldwide organizer of scientific conferences, workshops, and exhibitions. Our international company headquarters is based in Vilnius, Lithuania and we already have 10 years of experience in the events industry. Acavent is specialized in creating an academic environment for those who seek new ideas, new achievements, highly skilled academic people, and colleagues all over the world. As a Professional Conference Organizer, Acavent creates, organizes and plans conferences and events in various fields of science. Acavent also offers a thorough list of services required in organizing and holding in-person and online conferences for organizations, companies, and academic institutions. At Acavent, we gather professors, scholars, students, scientists, profit and non-profit organizations, research centers, fast-growing startups, and policymakers, to share ideas, knowledge and skills, to network and foster collaborative interdisciplinary research.
The University of Vienna is a public university located in Vienna, Austria. It was founded by Duke Rudolph IV in 1365 and is the oldest university in the German-speaking world.
ICONS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to bridge the gap between science and society through science communication, social and business innovation. ICONS supports researchers and innovators in maximising their impacts on society through impactful strategies involving citizens, scientists, investors, policy makers and the media.
Located in Lisbon's center, Lusófona University is a unique space for higher education .
Eurochild is a network of organisations and individuals working in and across Europe to promote the rights and well-being of children and young people. Our vision is of a society where children and young people grow up happy, healthy and confident and respected as individuals in their own right. Our mission is to promote the rights and well-being of children in policy and practice through advocacy, membership exchange and research. Our work is underpinned by the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC). An international human rights treaty that grants all children and young people a comprehensive set of rights. The network is co-funded by the European Union’s programme for Employment and Social Innovation (EaSI). A financing instrument at EU level which promotes, amongst others, combating social exclusion & poverty.
VISION The House of European History aims to become the leading museum about transnational phenomena which have shaped our continent. By interpreting history from a European perspective, it connects and compares shared experiences and their diverse interpretations. It aims to initiate learning on transnational perspectives across Europe. MISSION STATEMENT The House of European History is a forum for learning, reflection and debate, open to audiences from all generations and backgrounds. Our primary mission is to enhance understanding of European history in all its complexity, to encourage the exchange of ideas and to question assumptions. The House presents Europe's history in a way that raises awareness about the multiplicity of perspectives and interpretations. It preserves shared and dividing memories. It exhibits and collects the history of European integration and its foundations. A project of the European Parliament and part of its visitor offer, the House of European History is academically independent. Our transnational collection, our exhibitions and our programmes provide unexpected and inspiring experiences. Through outreach and partnerships, we aim to strengthen the European dimension in debating, exhibiting and learning about history. A place for encounters and exchange, the House's multi-faceted interpretation of the past builds bridges to questions relevant for today's Europe.
Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa (FENICE), Naples, Italy – a non-profit professional association founded in 1981 with a different name. During 38 years of activity, its aim has been to increase the European dimension in education, to highlight the educational and formative value of state schools, favouring and promoting initiatives which may help to meet the growing demand for education and training; to promote and plan initiatives, training projects, refresher courses, the cultural improvement of teachers as well as research and experimentation in the teaching field, it has designed and carried out more than 30 seminars and public conferences, 135 in-service courses and training courses for teachers both initial and in-service, most of which had been authorised by our local educational Authorities. It has been involved, as coordinator or partner, in 23 European projects in the field of education and training within Erasmus +, LLP and Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Programme. FENICE publishes a periodical called «Scuol@Europa» sent to 3500 researchers, professors and experts in Italy and a newsletter sent out in three languages (IT, EN, FR) all over Europe to about 7500 professors, teachers, institutions and policy makers with information on its activities in trans-national partnerships in EU Projects. It aims at promoting the products and the methods developed by trans-national partnerships to a wider audience, and to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences. FENICE has also been the recipient of two international funding awards. FENICE’s website () includes, in 3 languages (IT-EN-FR), the details of its activities, all the issues of the newsletter and the periodical, the presentations of the European projects on foreign language learning in which it has participated as promoter or partner so acquiring a wide experience. FENICE is linked to Schools, Universities, Adult Education Services, who work with us in the projects.
Arts & Disability Ireland (ADI) is the national development and resource organisation for arts and disability. We promote engagement with the arts at all levels – as professional artists, audience members and arts workers – for people of all ages with disabilities of all kinds. We work towards arts programmes and arts venues becoming fully accessible experiences for all audiences. We advocate for inclusive policy and practice which provides real access to all aspects of the arts for people with disabilities, and for everyone.
The World Institute for Advanced Research and Science (WIARS) is an entity with international scopus, devoted to conduct research and developments around the world, providing professional services for the best and wide distribution of scientific knowledge. Our Mission is to serve society with initiatives and promote, in broader sense, the Social Sciences fields such as Psychology, Education, Sociology and Management. Our main goals reside in the reinforcement of science education by promotion and cooperation, to increase public engagement with important science fields for the community and corporations. WIARS is open to all who seek knowledge through activities and quality publications, for those who wish to actively participate in our conferences and integrate our community worldwide.
La nostra associazione è nata nel 1991 per dare voce alla community nazionale dei meeting professionals, quale Capitolo italiano della community internazionale MPI ;Formazione, Supporto e Networking gli assi portanti della nostra attività al servizio dei soci italiani. Il nostro scopo è tutelare e valorizzare la professione dei soci sia attraverso la formazione, l'aggiornamento e la certificazione professionale, sia grazie alle connessioni con i colleghi del settore e lo scambio di informazioni e buone pratiche. Alla nostra Community appartengono i professionisti che pianificano, organizzano e gestiscono eventi e convegni o che collaborano alla loro realizzazione o che forniscono strutture e servizi a livello nazionale e internazionale, ma anche studenti interessati alla meeting industry e che si candidano ad essere futuri ;
ARCI IS A WIDE NETWORK of local associations present trough Italian territory and it involves more than one million of ; Women and men that chose freely to engage themselves in promotion of emancipation, self-organization and participation. WE ARE HEIRS of an ancient mutual aid tradition and of a long association history made by popular and antifascism movements that have contributed to make and consolidate Italian democracy based on Constitution Chart. WE WORK TO PROMOTE the right of making free association, voluntary work, and empowerment of third sector and of civic economy, subsidiary and full realization of participative democracy.
The Federation of the European Sporting Goods Industry (FESI) is the pre-competitive platform representing the interests of the sporting goods industry in Europe, advancing its members’ priorities and promoting initiatives that benefit the sector, EU citizens and the society as a whole.
Bax is a sustainable innovation consultancy, working on international solutions to global challenges in fields like climate adaptation, mobility, smart cities and energy efficiency.
Créé en février 2015 à Bruxelles, FIDA est une fédération des association de la diaspora Afar. la fédération regroupe une dizaine des associations internationales de la diaspora Afar en Europe et au Canada. Elle est active dans le domaine de la coopération au développement (accès à l’eau potable, développement de l’agriculture familiale, de l’éducation et de la santé), de la solidarité internationale et de l’aide humanitaire dans la Corne de l’Afrique. FIDA réalise des activités socio-éducatives et culturelles en Belgique.
The city Council is the collegiate executive organ of each of the Portuguese municipalities. The term "City Council" also applies to all departments and services of the municipal ;As an executive organ of the municipality, the city Council is responsible for the daily management and planning of the Council's direction.   
The Centre for Sustainability and Excellence (CSE) is a multi-awarded global boutique company, specialized in global sustainability consulting, coaching and training to help organizations grow, innovate and maximize their impact through Sustainability. Through advanced certified onsite and online training programs and integrated consulting services, CSE supports organizations to createSustainability Plans to increase stakeholder engagement and branding, increase their social impact and improve their environmental footprint, report their Sustainability achievements and improve ESG ratings to gain a competitive advantage. With global accreditations and affiliations, CSE has trained over 6,000 professionals, many from the Fortune500.    
The Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) is a non-profit international association, established to promote research, education and facilitate communication among academics and professionals, from all around the world. Its mission is to create a forum for academics, researchers, and professionals, where they can meet and exchange experiences and ideas about the development of their discipline. The organization of International Events, Publication and the establishment of collaborations that promote the purposes of the association are our main activities.
The Zaragoza InstituteThe Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza (IAMZ) is one of the four Institutes of the International Centre for Advanced Agronomic Mediterranean Studies (CIHEAM), together with Bari in Italy, Montpellier in France and Chania in Greece. IAMZ was founded in 1969, offering complementary quality and excellence in international training and cooperation through research project management based on IAMZ’s five fields of expertise: Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Animal Production, Plant Production and Food Technology and Agro-food Marketing. IAMZ has become consolidated as a point of reference for specialized international training in the agro-food sector. It is located on the Campus of Aula Dei, one of the largest and prestigious agricultural science complexes in Spain, strengthening synergies between the scientific community, firms and students.Who we areWe are a global and committed team of professionals with solid experience in postgraduate training, scientific research and international cooperation in matters related to IAMZ's areas of expertise: Plant Production, Animal Production, Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture, and Food Science, Technology & Marketing.What we doTraining is a core activity at IAMZ and our approach is international and multidisciplinary. IAMZ offers two lines of training: Master programmes and advanced courses. IAMZ’s training activities have great international repercussion, and each year more than 450 university graduates attend our programmes delivered by over 250 guest lecturers from approximately 80 countries. This is an enriching multicultural experience and a unique opportunity to build international professional and collaborational networks. We currently have a portfolio of 8 MSc programmes (we hold 4 each year). We organize between 10 and 12 short courses every year on cutting-edge scientific and technical issues targeted to professionals.We are also excellent partners in training, collaborating with universities, companies and other international organisations (OECD, FAO, UN, WTO, EFSA, EC, ICARDA, EEAP, etc.) through research projects and networks to design and tailor courses and training activities according to the needs and objectives of our partners, but mainly to help them disseminate the outcome of their projects and network activities.
Club Alpbach Brussels is linked to European Forum Alpbach, an international forum of ideas started in 1947 where hundreds of international speakers discuss topical societal issues. As the Belgian branch of the forum, we organise events with individuals active in politics, law, business, etc. and grant scholarships to young people in order for them to attend the forum. Previous speakers have been Commissioners, one Vice-President of the European Parliament, academics, civil society representatives, and others.
Toastmasters International is a world leader in communication and leadership development. Our organization has more than 357,000 memberships. Members improve their speaking and leadership skills by attending one of the 16,600 clubs in 143 countries that make up our global network of meeting locations. The world needs leaders. Leaders head families, coach teams, run businesses and mentor others. These leaders must not only accomplish, they must communicate. By regularly giving speeches, gaining feedback, leading teams and guiding others to achieve their goals in a supportive atmosphere, leaders emerge from the Toastmasters program. Every Toastmasters journey begins with a single speech. During their journey, they learn to tell their stories. They listen and answer. They plan and lead. They give feedback—and accept it. Through our community of learners, they find their path to leadership.
The Global Campus of Human Rights is a unique network of one hundred participating universities around the world, coordinated by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), seeking to advance human rights and democracy through regional and global cooperation for education and research. This global network, co-funded by the European Union, is promoted through seven Regional Programmes which are based in Venice for Europe, in Sarajevo/Bologna for South East Europe, in Yerevan for the Caucasus, in Pretoria for Africa, in Bangkok for Asia-Pacific, in Buenos Aires for Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Beirut for the Arab World.
Autism-Europe aisbl is an international association whose main objective is to advance the rights of autistic people and their families and to help them improve their quality of life. It ensures effective liaison among almost 90 member autism organisations from 38 European countries, including 26 Member States of the European Union, governments and European and international institutions. Autism-Europe plays a key role in raising public awareness, and in influencing the European decision-makers on all issues relating to the rights of autistic people. Self-advocates and parents play a central role in our organisation to ensure that the views and interests of persons with autism are adequately reflected in our work. We are recognised by the European institutions as the voice of autistic people and their families in Europe. To maximise our impact on the European Union’s policies, Autism-Europe also works in strategic coalitionswith organisations that share the same concerns and goals. We are also regularly consulted by the World Health Organisation (WHO) and cooperate with the United Nations (UN). Autism-Europe also enjoys a participative status (for non-governmental organisations) with the Council of Europe and in July 2002 lodged a collective complaint with the European Committee of Social Rights, becoming the first disability NGO to undertake such action.
Sport and Citizenship is the leading European think tank in the field of sport. It aims to support the development of the European dimension of sport. Sport and Citizenship is dedicated to the study of European public policies in the field of sport, and the promotion of sport’s societal impact. Ultimately, Sport and Citizenshippromotes sport and physical activity as elements of a European identity. Therefore Sport and Citizenship has been committed since its very beginning to the launch of a European civic dialogue in the field of sport thanks to multidisciplinary and transverse reflections aiming at putting European sport stakeholders in relation with each other: governments, sport movement, as well as civil society, academics and the private sector. Reflections produced are then brought to the attention of policy makers with the objective that is recognized at European level a certain specificity of sport based on its social, educational and civic dimensions. Sport and Citizenshipis an apolitical and independent platform for innovative thinking on the role of ;
UnILiON is an informal network of 51 liaison offices representing 153 excellent universities based in Europe, Japan and Russia. The network represents an arena of exchange where the participants share information, nurture collaboration and act as information multipliers towards the represented organisations.UnILiON offers a single entry point to a world of excellent universities. Thanks to UnILiON you can easily access some of the most active Research, Higher Education and Innovation players in Europe and beyond.For the universities participating in UnILiON it offers a door to European Institutions and other external partners.UnILiON is not a formal lobbying entity or a formal interests representation initiative and does not get together to express joint positions.
Based in the Heart of Europe – Brussels – REDSCOPE assists the European institutions, the corporate sector and international non-profit organizations to develop the Leaders they want and the Talents they wish to groom.
Science on Stage Europe is a network for science teachers focusing on the exchange of best practice teaching ideas. The ultimate goal is to improve STEM teaching by supporting educators in their professional development and growth. By spreading innovative STEM teaching concepts among Europe’s science teachers we enable more students to gain the affordable skills they need for a challenging future and encourage them to consider a career in science, ICT or engineering.Since its launch in 2000, Science on Stage has reached about 100,000 teachers and teacher trainers in over 30 countries. A network of National Steering Committees in these countries provides the interface to their national STEM teacher communities. Moreover non-European countries have the possibility to join the network as 'Associate Members', spreading best practice STEM teaching ideas around the ;Science on Stage Europe is the umbrella organisation that supports its member countries with the realisation of their activities and helps with coordination of the national festivals. The broadening of the network, the acquisition of new members and various administrative tasks are carried out by the headquarters in Berlin.
  Science on Stage - The European Network for Science Teachers …is a network of and for STEM teachers of all school levels. …provides a European platform for the exchange of teaching ideas. …highlights the importance of science and technology in schools and among the public. ...offers teacher trainings, teachers exchanges and national and international STEM festivals. The ultimate goal is to improve STEM teaching by supporting educators in their professional development and growth. By spreading innovative STEM teaching concepts among Europe’s science teachers we enable more students to gain the affordable skills they need for a challenging future and encourage them to consider a career in science, ICT or engineering. Science on Stage Europe is the umbrella organisation that supports over 30 member countries with the realisation of their activities and helps with coordination of the national.
Fundación Galicia Europa is a non-profit-making institution created to promote all the actions that favour a closer relationship between Galicia and Europe. It was established in 1988 and it is made up of several public and private Galician entities, being now part of the Galicia public sector. It is open to collaboration with all the institutions representing the economic and social Galician life and pursuing the same aims. Since its creation, the directorship of Fundación Galicia Europa has been functionally linked to the Xunta de Galicia. Nowadays, the department of the regional administration in charge of Fundación Galicia Europa has been the General Directory of Foreign Affairs and EU Relations from the Regional Ministry of Presidency, Civil Service and Justice of the Galician Government. The Galician President is the Director of the Fundación and the General Director of External Affairs is the Managing Director. The reason of this bond is to achieve a better coordination of all the European related actions undertaken by the different Galician sectors.
This is ESHAESHA, the European School Heads Association, is a professional organization for European School Heads. Members of ESHA are national organisations for school heads and deputy school heads within (pre-) primary, secondary and vocational education. Nearly all European countries (both EU and non-EU) are represented within ESHA by one or more organisations.ESHA is an international community in which experiences, visions and views between members are exchanged and in which new ideas are born. ESHA connects school leaders, researchers and policy makers with the collective aim to learn from each other and improve education.
The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy, is a scientific non-governmental organisation, founded in Athens in March 2017, and is the only proponent of Cultural Diplomacy in Greece. Working closely with private and public governmental bodies, academic and scientific organisations both at home and around the world, the Institute has branches in different Greek cities and abroad. Each branch is responsible for the development and delivery of a range of cultural activities, under the guidance of the Athens headquarters. By engaging in research and developing the different fields of Cultural Diplomacy, the HICD aims to shape foreign perceptions of Greece to highlight the unique cultural characteristics of our country. This contributes to strengthens Greece’s bilateral, regional and multilateral diplomatic bonds, improves relations between nations and communicates universal values and principles that only culture can convey. The Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy was founded in 25th March 2017 in Athens, Greece and is the first and only proposer of that idea in Greece. It aims to develop activities related to certain fields of Cultural Diplomacy such as: • the creation and promotion of Hellenic culture in Greece and abroad. • the enhancement of the image and public perception of the Cultural Diplomacy’s role • the education and training of executives serving Cultural Diplomacy in every way. • the research, documentation and public disclosure of cultural growth matters. • the support and global promotion of the Hellenic cultural heritage. • the organisation of conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions and other events, as well as the publication of theses and research projects. • the collection and protection of historic documents, artefacts or other traces of Hellenic culture. • the establishment and financial support of the promotion of creators and their works as well as other academic publications, in harmony with the Institute’s objectives. • the establishment of prize and scholarships awards to persons and groups distinguished by their work in the fields of the Institute. Some of the activities of the Hellenic Institute of Cultural Diplomacy developing include inter alia: • The creation of the Cultural Diplomacy Archives. • The publication of academic papers, essays, researches and journals concerning the field of Cultural Diplomacy. • The cultural documentation. • The cultural education. • The research on the structure and the propagation of the Hellenic cultural heritage, focusing on Diplomacy. • The formation of research committees, working independently or in co-operation with other individuals or legal persons. • The organisation of conferences, seminars, discussions, exhibitions and other events, and development of new ways of contact with the intellectual society and its representatives. • The publication and distribution of leaflets, journals, books etc. • The production and projection of films, videos, DVDs, and other audio-visual media.  
EUROPEUM is a think-tank that undertakes programme, project,  publishing and training activities related to the European integration ;   EVENTS We organize regular seminars and debates focused on the current European topics, which are open to the academic community as well as the general public. Furthermore, we organize a number of conferences, workshops and roundtables on specific selected European issues. PROJECTS We participate in the organization of various long-term projects focused on increasing awareness about the European Union and strengthening of the international cooperation. Among our main projects are the Prague European Summit, an educational competition Europa Secura, a national identity conference CEE Identity and the European Summer School. ARTICLES Our team of research fellows publishes regular articles responding to some of the most pressing issues related to European integration and more. In the articles section you can thus find the most up-to-date blogs, analyses, reports and policy briefs by our experts.
The European DIGITAL SME Alliance is the largest network of the ICT small and medium sized enterprises in Europe, representing about digital SMEs across the EU. The alliance is the joint effort of 28 national and regional SME associations from EU member states and neighboring countries to put digital SME at the center of the EU agenda.  
Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group is a non-partisan, independent, and non-profit think tank. The mission of Beyond the Horizon is to promote global peace and security by empowering decision- and policy-makers with knowledge and advocating paths to prevent, mitigate or end crises and conflicts. Beyond the Horizon is unique in its focus on realistic policies and in-depth analyses to offer comprehensive solutions on topics related to international politics and security, peace and conflict studies. As an independent voice, Beyond the Horizon aims to translate applied and basic research in its focus areas into a language that is understandable, reliable and accessible for a wide audience. Based on its expertise areas, Beyond the Horizon also provides training and consultancy services in defense and security. Beyond the Horizon’s vision is to be recognized as a center of excellence for the delivery of vocational, professional and skill development qualifications to learners and clients across the globe. Beyond the Horizon collaborates globally with selected partners and networks to work on both for-profit and non-profit projects in the field of peace and security.
ISES is a non-profit organization founded on 2008 to spread European culture in Italy getting closer public agencies, businesses and the third sector to the EU institutions through the development of funded projects following their whole bureaucratic, administrative and managerial path in accordance with the rules laid down by the European Commission. ISES writes, coordinates and manages projects in partnership with Italian and European universities and research centers, associations and public and private bodies, so to disseminate in Italy the added value created by the exchange of good practices and innovative methodologies developed by European projects. Since, 2011 ISES staff is supporting the Italian Competition Authority and since 2012, collaborates with the Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (Italian ) in the management of its European projects.ISES, with its members, develops projects with high social and cultural values for the territorial growth by participating in EU and national call for proposals. The projects presented by our Association, both as a main applicant/coordinator and as co-beneficiary partners, range from public health to culture, from education to social justice and R&D, participating in the calls launched by the Directorates General of the European Commission.ISES has a strong partnership with more than 50 bodies in Europe that operate in all economic sectors.
EURASHE is the European Association of Institutions in Higher Education that offer professionally orientated programmes and are engaged in applied research within the Bologna cycles. EURASHE represents universities of applied sciences and university colleges; other members of EURASHE are national and sectorial associations of higher education institutions, and other individual institutions, such as universities.
The Czech Centre Brussels is a cultural institute of the Czech Republic based in Belgium. Our aim is to actively promote the Czech culture in Belgium. In order to reach the wider audience the Czech Centre collaborates with Belgian institutions such as cinemas, concert halls, festivals, galleries etc. - each of our events is thus held in different place. Our program covers film screenings, plays, concerts, exhibitions, conferences and others.
OUR VISIONWe see in the future a new and better way of being citizens, workers, and especially human beings, built over time with the will and efforts of all the people who inhabits this land we call Europe.If we walk in the same direction, we’ll all meet there.OUR MISSIONEUTOPIA will facilitate and support its members to identify, investigate and seize the many opportunities (educational, work, business, financial, etc.) promoted by the European Commission.
EMERGENCY provides free, high quality healthcare for victims of war, poverty, and landmines. We do this by building and running hospitals, and training local doctors and nurses. Since 1994, we have treated over 7 million people around the world. That’s one patient, every two minutes, for over 23 years. In that time we have worked in 16 countries, and currently operate in Afghanistan, Iraq, Sierra Leone, Central African Republic, Sudan, and Italy.In accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, EMERGENCY recognises the right to be cured as a basic and inalienable human right belonging to every human being without distinction of any kind - opinion, sex, race, ethnic, political or religious background, social status.On the 60th anniversary of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights in 2008, EMERGENCY issued its Manifesto for a Human Rights Based Medicine, which calls for healthcare based on the principles of equality, quality and social responsibility. The Ministers of Health of 13 African countries have signed the Manifesto, giving birth to the African Network of Medical Excellence (ANME).EMERGENCY provides medical treatment to those who would have little or no access to it otherwise. We believe that life-saving facilities must be permanently available to all: this is why we offer our healthcare free-of-charge and why we offer treatments of the highest standard. EMERGENCY doesn’t only provide surgical and medical care. We run vocational training programmes for  individuals who have been maimed (deprived of the use of a limb or other part of the body) or left without social and financial support due to war. We build hospitals, and train local staff so that they can continue to provide a free, high quality service after we leave. We want to foster public healthcare systems, handing over our centres to local authorities as soon as they become self-sustaining.EMERGENCY Belgium was founded in 2013 by a group of volunteers, to promote EMERGENCY’s valuesand actions, to collect funds and to recruit staff for the projects. We also help establish contacts towards the EU institutions, but these relations are managed by EMERGENCY’s Head office in Italy, given that this requires full time follow-up and that we are all volunteers with limited time availabilities. In Belgium, we have so far participated in public cultural and sports events (concerts, theatre plays, fairs, festivals, marathons). From time to time we organise film screenings, photo exhibitions and information sessions on EMERGENCY’s work, where we bring senior representatives of our field activities in contact with a Belgian and expat public. December is the month of our annual event for donors and goodwill ambassadors. The event is generally dedicated to a theme (Afghanistan 2016, Ebola in 2014, migration in 2015) and it offers a live link with a related project (respectively in Sierra Leone and in Iraqi Kurdistan and Italy), as well as lives music and a buffet from the regions concerned. For donations, we can offer fiscal advantages thanks to the support of the Fondation Roi Baudouin and we offer professional advise to persons who would like to mention EMERGENCY in their will.EMERGENCY is a highly specialised NGO that highly values the quality of its work. Therefore, the independence of our financial resources is fundamental, as well as the fact that we dedicate our budgets mainly to our projects in the field. This is reflected in our activities in Belgium where we privilege gradual in depth actions in networks of excellence, rather then flashy expensive events.
EPSI is a networking organisation in Europe that strives for a more innovationfriendly environment for the upstream and downstream EU’s sports industry. EPSI has embraced a cross-sectoral approach, which covers many fields such as the health, economic, ICT, social, transport, tourism and cultural dimensions of sport, with a growing number of partners, including universities, research institutes, clusters, industries and any type of other organisations that operate in the field of sport innovation.  EPSI operates within the well-known quadruple helix: Business; academia; government and end consumers
Ranked as one of the world’s top comprehensive universities with 180 years of history, the VUB combines award-winning research and accredited English and Dutch-taught study programmes (BSc, MSc and PhD) with high impact on social, economic and cultural innovation. We are linked to the world from within our international capital Brussels. At the same time we continue to advance our very personal and democratic approach that enables all the members of the VUB-community to grow, so they can successfully take up their roles in the world of today and tomorrow.
Inter Alia is a civic organization and think-tank that was established in 2013 and is based in Athens. Its mission is to contribute to the creation of an assertive and inclusive European demos by raising awareness of the EU and prospective EU citizens on available channels for acting, participating and shaping Europe. Inter Alia pursues its agenda through different educational, cultural and academic projects. 
Sport and Citizenship is a Think tank created in Brussels in September 2007, a few weeks after the adoption of the European Commission’s White Paper on sport. Today, it is the only Think tank in Europe, whose social objective is the analysis of sporting politics and the study of sport’s societal impact. Independent and apolitical, Sport and Citizenship has ten years of expertise and benefits from a recognition by public authorities and stakeholders of European sport. It is therefore regularly consulted by international and European institutions, the Member States, the sports movement and civil society which recognise it as a privileged interlocutor in this field.
Established in 1992, ENCATC is a network of more than 100 member institutions and professionals in over 40 countries active in education, training and research within the broad field of cultural management and policy. ENCATC members have an impact on the education of thousands of cultural managers worldwide. ENCATC represents, advocates, and promotes cultural management and cultural policy education, professionalizes the cultural sector to make it sustainable, and creates a platform for discussion and exchange at European and international level.
L’ARC, Action et Recherche Culturelles, est une asbl d’éducation permanente qui participe à la construction d’une société plus humaine, démocratique, solidaire et conviviale à laquelle des personnes autonomes, critiques et responsables prennent une part active.L’ARC contribue à la lutte contre les inégalités et les exclusions sociales, culturelles et économiques  et œuvre à la promotion et à la défense des droits culturels, en : identifiant et analysant des enjeux de société ; sensibilisant aux facteurs d’inégalités et d’exclusions ; suscitant l’engagement citoyen et la réalisation d’actions collectives ; organisant des activités accessibles à toutes et à tous, connectées aux réalités de terrain.L’ARC s’adresse et agit avec tous les types de publics et porte une attention particulière aux « oubliés », aux exclus, aux personnes en situation d’isolement et de précarité.L’association, née en 1978, est composée d’un Secrétariat général, de secrétariats régionaux et de groupes-projets répartis sur tout le territoire de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles.Le Secrétariat général élabore et développe en synergie avec ces groupes locaux divers projets d’éducation permanente. Le champ des possibilités est très vaste et chaque entité organise ses activités de manière autonome dans le cadre de la réalisation du projet commun.L’ARC propose également au grand public le fruit de ses réflexions en produisant des analyses, études et articles sur des sujets en lien avec sa mission.L’ARC décline ses actions et réflexions autour de quatre thématiques : Diversité des expressions, Mémoire collective et patrimoine, Culture et société, Société numérique.Mission :
Pixel is an international education and training institution based in Florence (Italy), having as its main aim the provision of support to internationalization and European Cooperation. In the past 18 years, Pixel successfully planned and managed over 85 projects funded by the European Commission.The main target groups Pixel work with are: Higher Education Institutions, Schools, VET Organizations, Adult Education Institutions, Public Authorities (Ministries, Regional bodies), Research centres, Cultural institutions, Hospitals etc. based all over the world.Pixel was established in Florence (Italy) in 1999 and has significant experience in the following areas:  Direct submission as coordinator or partner of European Projects. In the past 18 years, Pixel successfully coordinated and managed over 85 European projects. The European programmes that funded the projects in which Pixel was involved are: Socrates ODL; Socrates Minerva, Socrates Grundtvig, Socrates Lingua, eLearning, Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning - Sub Programmes: Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and KA1, KA2, KA3, KA4 Transversal Programmes, Justice Programme, Safer Internet Programme, Erasmus+ Programme - KA2-Strategic Partnerships. The European projects in which Pixel was involved focused on the following subject areas: Innovation in Education; Language Teaching and Learning; Research; Science Education; History Education and Research; Fine Arts; Promotion of Employment and Entrepreneurship; Social Inclusion; Health; Safety, Justice and Human Rights; Support and Innovation Services for SMEs. Many among the European projects coordinated by Pixel were given an "Excellent" rating and identified as "Best Practice" by the European Commission. Pixel also coordinated and managed over 30 projects funded by the European Social Fund. These projects focused on: in-company training; training for youth to support their access to the labor market; equal opportunities. Organization of international education and training initiatives Pixel organizes and delivers international in-service training courses on different topics such as: European cooperation, new technologies for education, innovative educational methodologies, language learning etc. Some of these courses have been delivered in over 40 editions so far. An average of 300 participants, from all over Europe, attend Pixel international courses every year. The international courses organized are addressed to: university lecturers, researchers, public officers, school directors, administrative staff, trainers etc. Since 2011, Pixel also organizes the international Master on European Project Planning and Management that has now reached its 6th edition. Organization of international conferences in the field of education Pixel organizes international conferences. Three of them are organized on a yearly basis. The first one is entitled: The Future of Education and it is held in Florence, every year, in June. The second international conference is entitled: ICT for language Learning and it is held in Florence, yearly, in November. The third international conference is entitled: New Perspectives in higher Education and it is held in Florence, yearly, in March. About 250 participants attend each of the events representing over 50 countries in the five continents.  Pixel has developed international partnerships with over 500 organizations worldwide. Pixel's transnational partners are: Higher Education Institutions, Schools, VET Organizations, Adult Education Institutions, Public Authorities (Ministries, Regional bodies), Research centres, Cultural institutions Hospitals etc. based all over the world.Pixel is engaged in a constant improvement in the quality of the services performed. Pixel obtained quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001. Pixel is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and by the Tuscany Regional Government.
The World Youth Alliance works to understand and speak about the idea of the human person. We work with young people around the world to build a culture that supports and nurtures the dignity of each human person. Our work can be divided into three program areas: Advocacy, Education and Culture.MissionTo promote the dignity of the person by building a global coalition of young people able to articulate, defend and live the dignity of the person in their lives and influence the communities and world in which they live.VisionA world in which the dignity of the person is the foundation for policy and program implementation; in which we understand that progress entails a commitment to the dignity of each human person and the adoption of person-centered solutions.
In essence, protocol has always been about optimising relationships by maximising personal attention and systemising logistics. Protocol enables the staging of the personal encounter. In a world where personal attention has become scarce and technology a facilitator for rules and procedures, protocol management provides us with a unique vision in which personal time is the greatest good we can give to someone. It is the modern currency of relationships. Protocol is the modern currency of relationships Protocolbureau provides support for the (further) development of a professional relationship management. Our expertise guarantees that the relationship with the most valued stakeholders is strengthened. Our vision on building relationships is described in our books Protocol to Manage Relationships Today: Modern Relationship Management Based Upon Traditional Values and Managing Authentic Relationships; Facing New Challenges in a Changing Context, published by Amsterdam University Press. This vision is also a topic at our training programmes in Amsterdam, Brussels, Doha and The Hague; learn how to use protocol to strengthen professional relationships and become the relationship management expert of your organisation.
TED is a nonprofit devoted to spreading ideas, usually in the form of short, powerful talks. From its start in 1984 TED grew into a  global community, welcoming people from every discipline and culture who seek a deeper understanding of the world.TEDx are independently organized events endorsed by TED that help share ideas in communities around the world. ‘The Elephant In The Room’ will be the third TEDx event organized by Vlerick Business School students.
The European University Institute (EUI), is the leading institute in Europe dedicated to social sciences and humanities. Founded in 1972 by the six original members of the then European Communities, the EUI has earned a reputation as a transnational hub of research and higher learning. The EUI’s outstanding doctoral, postdoctoral, master and executive education programmes, combined with our vibrant community of more than 1000 scholars from over 60 countries, create an empowering, intellectual climate where students and researchers can contribute to the betterment of society.
The University of Kent's Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) was established in 1998. BSIS is a multidisciplinary School offering master and PhD courses in politics and law, providing in-depth analysis of contemporary issues including conflict, security, development, migration, the political economy and the legal basis of a changing world order.
visit.brussels is the Brussels tourism and promotion organisation. Its mission is to bolster and spread the image of the Brussels-Capital Region. The Association Bureau is an expert resource providing support to international associations in the key areas for running and developing of an organisation in Brussels.    
European Tourism Academy is the academic, training and research arm of world tourism institution of European Council on Tourism and Trade.
Halcyon group facilitates the platforms for professionals and experts from all levels of value chain to network, enjoy maximum knowledge transfer and professional exchange. We provide unique and creative solutions that meet our clients’ business expectations and objectives. We accomplish this by our strict adherence to the ethical principles of business, team work based on the implementation of progressive communications, discipline, courage and professional quality of services provided by a highly motivated team. Vision: Focused on providing the best services for maximal satisfaction of customers. Mission: To provide innovative and best value platforms for our clients so as to encourage development and improvement of business in the modern world.
AEDE-France is a non-profit organization, founded in 1957. It aims at developing quality education for all in Europe and at promoting European Literacy and Citizenship Education.
The China Arts Festival in the EU is an innovative initiative, aiming to develop and strenghten the relationship between China and the EU through cultural-oriented events. A series of events are taking place in Europe, mainly in its capital Brussels, during the months of October, November and December 2016. Exhibitions, movie screenings and performances will take over the European cultural agenda and offer a diversified program of enchanting discoveries to the local public.
The European University Association (EUA) is the representative organisation of universities and national rectors’ conferences in 47 European countries. EUA plays a crucial role in the Bologna Process and in influencing EU policies on higher education, research and innovation. Thanks to its interaction with a range of other European and international organisations EUA ensures that the independent voice of European universities is heard, wherever decisions are being taken that will impact on their activities.
IETM is a network of over 500 performing arts organisations and individual members working in the contemporary performing arts worldwide. IETM advocates for the value of the arts and culture in a changing world and empowers performing arts professionals through access to international connections, knowledge and a dynamic forum for exchange.
The EFRJ aims to help establish and develop victim-offender mediation and other restorative justice practices throughout Europe. The EFRJ is a non-governmental organisation launched in 2000 and composed by individual and organizational members. Its main objectives are: Stimulating (and coordinating) research Networking, building cooperation and awareness raising amongst restorative justice practitioners, policy makers, legal practitioners (prosecutors, judges and lawyers), researchers, students Lobbying Activities include research, organisation of events (conferences, summer schools, seminars, awareness campaigns, etc.), the maintainance of our memebrship, communication and awareness.
The European IPR Helpdesk is a project funded by the European Commission under the current Horizon 2020 programme. It supports cross-border SME and research activities to manage, disseminate and valorise technologies and other Intellectual Property (IP) Rights and IP assets at an EU level. Offering a broad range of informative material, a Helpline service for direct IP support and on-site and online training, the European IPR Helpdesk's main goal is to support IP capacity building along the full scale of IP practices: from awareness to strategic use and successful exploitation. Strengthening the IP competencies of EU SMEs as well as participants and candidates in EU-funded projects, the Helpdesk targets an increased translation of IP into the EU innovation ecosystem. All services are provided free of charge.
EPHA is a change agent – Europe’s leading NGO advocating for better health. A member-led organisation made up of public health NGOs, patient groups, health professionals and disease groups, we work to improve health and strengthen the voice of public health in Europe. Our mission is to bring together the public health community to provide thought leadership and facilitate change; to build public health capacity to deliver equitable solutions to European public health challenges, to improve health and reduce health inequalities.
The University of Craiova was founded in accordance with the Decision of the Council of Ministers 894 of 27 August 1965 (published in the Official Bulletin of the Socialist Republic of Romania, issue no. 2 of 10 September 1965). Its establishment was justified by the need for the economic and cultural development of the Oltenia region, as well as the demand for higher education in the area. The Ministry decision stipulated that the University of Craiova would consist of: the Faculty of Mathematics, the Faculty of Chemistry, the Faculty of Philology, the Faculty of Economic Sciences, the Faculty of Electrotechnics, the Faculty of Agriculture and the Faculty of Horticulture. The decision also mentioned that the Institute of Agronomy would cease its activity and its faculties would transfer to the University of Craiova, whereas the Three-year Institute of Pedagogy would continue to function with the Faculty of History and Geography and the Faculty of Natural Sciences, as a structure which was administratively integrated to the new institution. Under these circumstances, in September 1966, the University of Craiova is officially open with seven faculties - agronomical, technical and economic specialisations - and two pedagogical faculties
Established in 1983 in Toulouse on the initiative of André Turcat, the aims of the National Air and Space Academy are the following: "To encourage the development of high quality scientific, technical, cultural and human actions in the realms of Air and Space, promote knowledge in these areas and constitute a focal point for activities." Its members, who come from all walks of aerospace life – pilots, astronauts, scientists, engineers, doctors, manufacturers, economists, lawyers, artists ... – all work together to achieve these essential goals.In order to reflect the realities of the European environment, whilst at the same time maintaining the progress realised thanks to its French roots, the general assembly, in its session of 19 June 2006, decided that the Academy's official name would change to: Air & Space Academy.
The European University Foundation aims to accelerate the modernisation of the European Higher Education Area. The Foundation focuses its action on five pillars (Quality Mobility, Employability, Digital Higher Education, Policy Innovation and Active Citizenship) and it stands for diversity and social fairness in Higher Education.
How can you ensure success in achieving your professional career with EU? With training and coaching from the most experienced person in Brussels. Set yourself a new, exciting and achievable EU career strategy and with Carmen, you will reach your targets.
JA Europe is Europe’s largest provider of education programmes for entrepreneurship, work readiness and financial literacy. In 2015 we equipped 3.5 million students in 39 countries with the knowledge, skills and attitude they require to start a business or get a job. 
The Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) is the first transeuropean research network. It consists of leading research institutes in the field of European affairs throughout Europe, with an office in Brussels. 
The American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium (AmCham Belgium) is one of the largest and most influential business organizations in the country. Founded in 1948, it has more than 500 members who together strive for a more competitive and prosperous Belgium. AmCham Belgium is an independent non-profit organization. In addition to US companies in Belgium, our members include local and other international businesses operating in the country.
As the largest developing country and the biggest grouping of developed countries, China and the EU have been working together to build a thriving and strong relationship, which is instrumental to world peace and development. Ever since the establishment of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership in 2003, we have witnessed tremendous progress in our ties, culminating in the China-EU 2020 Strategic Agenda for Cooperation issued at the 16th China-EU Summit. This important document has charted the course for our future relations. I am confident that with concerted efforts, China and the EU will embrace an even more rewarding decade in bilateral relations and contribute more to world peace, development and prosperity.The Chinese Mission to the EU is committed to advancing China-EU relations and promoting mutual understanding and exchanges between our peoples.
Partenalia was created with the aim of becoming a platform that would represent the interests of local intermediate authorities in the European Union.Today, as an International association with legal personality, Partenalia has a key role in the construction of a more integrated Europe, as it is the voice of intermediate local administrations and offers them a privileged working platform in order to promote innovative initiatives and the exchange of best practices on a transnational scale. With more than sixteen years of experience, Partenalia has become a frame of reference for the involvement of local collectivities in the European arena and for the development and implementation of innovative policies at local level
CSR Europe is the leading European business network for corporate social responsibility (CSR), comprised of more than 40 national corporate social responsibility associations that work with more than 10,000 companies across Europe, and over 60 multinational companies. Our Enterprise 2020 initiative brings together the European corporate social responsibility movement to encourage businesses to contribute to achieving the Europe 2020 goals by delivering high levels of employment, productivity and social cohesion.We also have campaigns and projects on various aspects of corporate social responsibility including sustainable living in cities; business-city collaboration; circular economy; responsible supply chains; business and human rights; non-financial reporting; workplace innovation; internships and apprenticeships; entrepreneurship; lifelong employability; and STEM and e-skills.
Non-political association of public affairs professionals, the largest in the world with 700 companies and 8000 individuals to advance the field of public affairs
We manage an ongoing communication platform between Belgium and Romania. Our activities aim at offering support to various initiatives that benefit the needy in Romania. Our primary target is the young and vulnerable population in Romania. We regularly collect clothes and funds for schools and orphanages. We also organise punctual campaigns for occasions such as Easter or Christmas holidays, as well as the beginning of school.
The Committee of the Regions is the voice of regions and cities in the European Union.353 members - regional and locally elected representatives from the 28 EU countries.6 commissions covering competences in the following policy areas based on the EU Treaties:
P.A.R. Ltd, i.e. Business Academy Rijeka (Croatian abbreviation: PAR) was founded in 2007 with the goal of developing top educational programs and business consulting based on experience, realistic appreciations of economic needs and continuous searches for new professional and scientific innovations and trends. PAR has become known for initiating new ideas that respond to the market as well as providing professional knowledge and skills in the field of business management. This is done with the help of qualified faculty who have experience in organizing educational seminars and mediating applications for international higher education institutions. These efforts are evident in client satisfaction and are confirmed through successful realization of major international projects and conferences recognized worldwide, e.g. PILC (PAR Intenational Ladership Conference) and SenZations Summer School.
The Brussels Office of Antall József Knowledge Centre represent the political, economic, and cultural philosophy of József Antall (1939 – 1993), Hungary’s first democratically-elected Prime Minister after the fall of Communism, who served from 1990 to 1993. During his tenure, Hungary went through a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy. PM Antall was the initiator of the Visegrád Cooperation together with Presidents Havel and Wałęsa in 1991. As soon as Hungary regained its full sovereignty, he started the EU accession talks. On 16 December 1991, he signed the Association Agreements of European Communities. On 18 July 1990, he visited for the first time the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. With this visit he paved the way for Hungary’s full membership in NATO.The Brussels Office of the Antall József Knowledge Centre is dedicated to following in the footsteps of PM József Antall, whose vision of Hungary and its place in Europe and the wider world made him a remarkable statesman. Our aims include the preservation of his pro-European and pro-Transatlantic legacy, his true belief in participatory democracy and freedom, and his commitment to safeguarding the rights of citizens, especially the liberty of citizens. PM Antall was a conservative, Christian democratic Hungarian statesman who not only talked about but also fought for human rights. He believed in further enlargement and a stable neighbourhood policy in Europe.The Brussels Office of the Antall József Knowledge Centre is dedicated to preserving the Antall heritage, and believes that it is important to learn the lessons from history and to promote future progress. 
Founded in 1951, ISB is an independent, non-profit school offering international education for students from age 3 to 19. Today, with more than 1500 students from 70 countries, the ISB learning experience is driven by a powerful Mission of inclusion, challenge, and success for all students. It was recently described by the National Association of Independent School in the US as a
The Confederation of Swedish Enterprise (Svenskt Näringsliv) is Sweden’s largest and most influential business federation representing 49 member organizations and 60 000 member companies with over 1.6 million employees. It was founded in 2001 through the merger between the Swedish Employers’ Confederation (SAF, founded in 1902) and the Federation of Swedish Industry (SI, founded in 1910).
Experience the European Parliament in Brussels like never before. At our Visitors' Centre, children and adults alike get to discover what the European institutions that represent them are all about in a refreshingly new way: the Parlamentarium. Our Portable Media Guides take our visitors through an interactive journey of European integration, revealing the impact this process has had on the everyday lives of Europeans. As the first ever citizens' exhibition to do so, the Parlamentarium caters to all 24 official languages of the European Union, and is completely free! Our facilities and multimedia guides have been designed to be fully accessible to those with special needs.
ECSA represents over 23,000 professional composers and songwriters in 23 European countries. With 44 member organisations all across Europe, the Alliance represents the interests of music writers of art & classical music, film & audiovisual music and popular music. ECSA
FENS is the voice of European neuroscience. With 42 neuroscience member societies across 32 European countries, FENS as an organisation represents close to 23.000 European neuroscientists with a clear mission to advance European neuroscience education and research.FENS and its activities are organised under the following main pillars:- Meetings- Higher Education & Training- Outreach & Advocacy- Publications- Member societies
Institute for Learning in Higher Education (LiHE) is an international academic not-for-profit association founded in 2007 for the advancement of learning-centred higher education (HE). We explicitly work as a network organisation to bring together international researchers and practitioners within HE, to further advance international research and publication of ways in which to successfully design and implement learning-centred HE. LiHE is run voluntarily by a group of co-directors all serving as professors at top-universities and business schools.As a network organisation LiHE brings together scholars who support a move from a traditional paradigm with content-based syllabus-driven didactic teaching to a learning-centred paradigm with focus on the relationship between curriculum development, teaching and study methods, and students
This organisation aims to bring together the educational scientists, administers, councilors, education experts, teachers, graduate students and civil society organization and representatives to share and to discuss theoretical and practical knowledge in the scientific environment. This conference aims to bring together academicians, researchers, engineers, system analysts, software developers, graduate and undergraduate students with government and non-government organizations to share and discuss both theoretical and practical knowledge about innovation and Computer Sciences in the scientific environment. So, we invite all colleagues, researchers, academicians, engineers and project leaders around the world to submit their outstanding and valuable original research articles and review papers to this leading international conference.
EUROPEAN AUDIOVISUAL OBSERVATORY, Strasbourg, FranceSet up in December 1992, the European Audiovisual Observatory's mission is to gather and diffuse information on the audiovisual industry in Europe. The Observatory is a European public service body comprised of 40 member states and the European Community, represented by the European Commission. It operates within the legal framework of the Council of Europe and works alongside a number of partner and professional organisations from within the industry and with a network of correspondents. In addition to contributions to conferences, other major activities are the publication of a Yearbook, newsletters and reports, the compilation and management of databases and the provision of information through the Observatory
EASPD is a non-profit NGO in the disability sector and promotes the views of over 10, 000 social service providers for persons with disabilities and their umbrella associations. There are over 80 million people with a disability throughout Europe. The main objective of EASPD is to promote equal opportunities for people with disabilities through effective and high-quality service systems.
The oldest university from Eastern Romania.Universitatea
Transparency International Lithuania was established on 6 June 2000 by the Open Society Fund Lithuania. TI Lithuania is a fully-accredited member of the global Transparency International network.TI Lithuania is a non-governmental non-for-profit organisation ("Viešoji įstaiga" according to Lithuanian law) that promotes transparency, accountability and anti-corruption initiatives in Lithuania and abroad.OUR GOAL:To develop and promote civic accoutability and anti-corruption initiatives in Lithuania.OUR OBJECTIVES:To ensure greater accountability and transparency in public life and to enable others to do that same;To contribute to the eradication of corruption in the Lithuanian society;To conduct research on the phenomenon of corruption;To create learning and engagement accountability and anti-corruption tools.
Founded in 1991 at the Peace Palace in The Hague, UNPO is a unique international organization built entirely by its Members. These Members are composed of indigenous peoples, minority groups and occupied or unrecognized territories. Although the aspirations of UNPO Members differ greatly, they are all united by one shared condition
Pro Europa is passionate about the UK
The Academy of European Law (ERA) enables judges, lawyers in private practice, business and public administration, academics and others who encounter legal issues in their work to gain a wider and deeper knowledge of the diverse aspects of European law. Through conferences, seminars, study visits, language courses, training projects and publications, it serves as an interface between the European legal profession and the decision-making centres of Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg.
JCI is one of the world largest volunteering organisations, which consists of 200.000 young professionals and entrepreneurs. JCI The Heart Of Europe (THOE) is the International Chapter of JCI in Brussels.JCI is all about involvement, entrepreneurship, passion, learning and making a better world by just being better. It is about making positive change to economic, social and spiritual well being. JCI is a worldwide federation of young leaders and entrepreneurs. It
ThinkYoung is the first think tank that focuses on young people. It was founded in 2009 and has expanded to have offices in Brussels, Geneva, Hong Kong, and Nairobi. It is a not-for-profit organization, with the aim of making the world a better place for young people, by involving them in decision-making processes and by providing decision-makers with high-quality research on youth’s conditions. ThinkYoung conducts studies and surveys, makes advocacy campaigns, writes policy proposals, and develops education programmes: up to date, ThinkYoung projects have reached over 800,000 young people.
UM Campus Brussels aims to function as a Maastricht University establishment in Brussels where individuals and groups can work, meet colleagues, exchange experiences, and organise events. To do so UM Campus Brussels provides a wide range of facilities for both internal and external parties interested in developing new opportunities in Brussels or to expand existing operations in the capital of Europe. UM Campus Brussels also hosts courses for professionals and offers unique part-time PhD programmes. Visit our website to learn more about these opportunities.
About the campaign and the Federation of European PublishersThe Federation of European Publishers is an independent, non-commercial umbrella association of book publishers associations in the European Union. FEP represents 28 national associations of book publishers of the European Union and of the European Economic Area.
The EU-Ukraine Business Council is an independent CEO-level forum for European and Ukrainian business leaders that is set up as a non-profit making organisation in order to promote trade and investment between the EU and Ukraine, to assist companies to develop business opportunities, to promote dialogue between governments and companies to help solve market access difficulties and overcome regulatory obstacles both for Ukrainian businesses in the EU and EU businesses in Ukraine.
CISAC, the International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers, works towards increased recognition and protection of creators
DOREA is the largest training provider of Erasmus+ courses in Cyprus, based in Limassol, and in the last 5 years alone DOREA has delivered more than 50 courses under LLP & Grundtvig IST (the predecessors of Erasmus+) and about 60 courses around Europe (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Ireland, United Kingdom) under Erasmus+ programme. DOREA courses combine the most effective and fastest-growing models of applied psychology such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis (AT), Enneagram and Gestalt among others.  We pride ourselves in making a real difference in professional and personal lives of the participants of our courses. We use active learning methods in order to maximize benefits for the students and enable them to start using the new skills straight ahead.  DOREA also provides personal development courses that help adult learners develop and express their potential and gain practical skills that help to cope with life challenges and restore life balance. We offer lectures and workshops on topics such as emotional intelligence, creative thinking skills, self awareness and self acceptance, interpersonal communication, stress management, body-mind connection, finding life purpose, NLP, Enneagram among others.  
Understanding EU law is essential for anyone dealing with the transposition, application and enforcement of rules and legislation in national administrations and legal systems.EIPA's European Centre for Judges and Lawyers in Luxembourg (ECJL) provides services in the fields of European law and the administration and quality of justice for those working in the European legal professions, as well as for civil servants, corporate counsels, academics and others with an interest in EU legislation and law.
CESGI is a non-profit Pisa- based organisation, mainly engaged the analysis of European policies regarding the areas of research, innovation and post-graduate training. Our association brings its experience and knowledge at the disposal of public and private organisations, research institutes and enterprises in order to suppport their involvement in the procesess of the euroean funding programmes .
Excellence in Talent Management Seminar
ADPIOS is the outcome of 10 year of co-operation with Espace Mendès France in the field of knowledge economy, learning territories, organisations and technologies. Born in the 70s from the idea that science should go to the people, demonstrating how scientific activities can be accessible to all
The Fundación Secretariado Gitano (FSG) is an intercultural social non-profit organisation that provides services for the development of the Roma community in Spain and in Europe.One Mission, the integral promotion of the Roma communityThe mission of the FSG is the integral promotion of the Roma community on the basis of respect and support for their cultural identity.Our mission is to promote the access of Roma to rights, services, goods and social resources on an equal footing with the rest of the citizenry. To this end, the FSG develops all kinds of actions that contribute to achieving the full citizenship of Roma, to improving their living conditions, to promoting equal treatment and to preventing any form of discrimination, while promoting the recognition of the cultural identity of the Roma community. The diversity of our society renders interculturalism increasingly relevant, so we must project adequately the intercultural character of our organisation, both as our hallmark and as a proposal for society as a whole.The FSG advocates an intercultural society where Roma persons freely and fully exercise their citizenship and contribute to the enrichment of universal culture. Therefore, the values that guide its actions are: Human dignity Justice Solidarity Inter-culturalism
Regional Office of the Lodzkie Region is responsible for creating a positive image of the region in Europe and the acquisition of information, which are relevant to the interests of the region and are often available only in Brussels. Among the specific tasks facing our representation and ways of their implementation and expected results we should highlight: Functions of the Office:
Our organisation is the event organizer of all Technical Conferences: all the best conferences in Italy.In the past we have organized the follow conferences:Windows Developer Conference Windows Server ConferenceSharePoint & Office Conference SQL Server & Business Intelligence Conference Unified Communications & Collaborations ConferenceVirtualization & Private Cloud ConferenceSharePoint Future
An independent, non-governmental, privately-organised institution representing the interest of national and international companies doing business in Europe (50 countries), improving the business environment they are active in.Objectives
The Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) is situated in the medieval town of Stadtschlaining/Austria.It was founded in 1982 as an independent, non-profit and non-partisan organisation. It aims to contribute to the promotion of peace and peaceful conflict transformation and to the dissemination of practical ideas for peace. In order to carry out these tasks, the ASPR conducts and evaluates research in line with its objectives, engages in training and education, and conucts scientific courses. For these and other efforts, the ASPR was awarded the UN "Peace Messenger" status in 1987, and, together with the EPU, the UNESCO-Price for Peace Education 1995.
youris.com is an independent non-profit media agency promoting leading-edge European innovation via TV media and the web. youris.com designs and implements media communication strategies for large research organisations and EU-funded projects and is able to establish permanent links between research communities and the media. The youris.com web platform is one of main primary information sources for European science and technology. youris.com produces and distributes to European TV channels original video news releases and articles featuring most prominent leading-edge S&T innovation of European research.
The Local Committee for the College of Europe's objective is to promote the integration of the College's students within the Bruges community by means of cultural ans social events. The Students' Fund of the College of Europe is used to provide a scholarship for a Belgian student to study at the College. This fund is financed through ticket sales and sponsorship of the yearly European Concert on the 9th of May.President: B. van Outryve d'Ydewalle
Funded in 1923, our university is the most important profile higher education institution, in the area of physical education, sports and kinetotherapy. UNEFS organizes studies for the licence, master and doctoral levels for more than 1200 students each year. Most of our world and olympic champions are or were our students, as well as most of our famous coaches or trainers.
eDIGIREGION is a unique collaborative project that brings together four high-potential research-driven clusters in diverse European regions (South East Ireland, Central Hungary, Castilla-La Mancha, Spain and Bucharest-Ilfov, Romania). The aim of eDIGIREGION is to use the triple helix partnership to plan, design and implement an ecosystem of research, innovation, creativity and commercialisation that supports the implementation of the EU Digital Agenda in each region.
The Fundación Comunidad Valenciana-Región Europea strengthens the participation of the Valencian Region in the European Union’s policies and actions. It also promotes a better knowledge of these actions and policies. The Fundación Comunidad Valenciana-Región Europea is a non-profit foundation with an indefinite duration under the protection of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Valencian Regional Government, according to the current legislation.
VKI is a non-profit international educational and scientific organisation, hosting three departments (aeronautics and aerospace, environmental and applied fluid dynamics, and turbomachinery & propulsion). It provides post-graduate education in fluid dynamics (research master in fluid dynamics, former "VKI Diploma Course", doctoral program, stagiaire program and lecture series) and encourages "training in research through research". The von Karman Institute undertakes and promotes research in the field of fluid dynamics. It possesses about fifty different wind tunnels, turbomachinery and other specialized test facilities, some of which are unique or the largest in the world. Extensive research on experimental, computational and theoretical aspects of gas and liquid flows is carried out at the VKI under the direction of the faculty and research engineers, sponsored mainly by governmental and international agencies as well as industries.The von Karman Institute organizes each year 8 to 12 one-week Lecture Series on specialized topics in the field of aerodynamics, fluid mechanics and heat transfer with application to aeronautics, space, turbomachinery, the environment and industrial fluid dynamics.
World Youth Student & Educational Travel Confederation (WYSE Travel Confederation) is a global not-for-profit trade association dedicated to promoting and developing opportunities for the youth, student and education travel industry.
ALAIPO :: Asociación Latina Interacción Persona-Ordenador :: Latin Association (non profit) of Human-Computer InteractionIn the era of qualitative communication, this virtual space intends to become the meeting point for all those individuals in the XXI century aiming to reinforce and improve interaction between human being and new technologies.Is a place where every research project related to the Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) may be enhanced in a great way through the crossroads of knowledge belonging to formal and factual sciences, independently of their organization or development place.Thus, in ALAIPO exists freedom to act and a formal researching spirit, spirit that is present in each one of all of its contents. The main goal is to make communicability easier and the usage of the new technologies to be a more enjoyable experience. To all members of the non profit association and also to all those who intend to reach this goal with modesty and honesty, please accept a special thank you.
 The Polytechnic Institute of Guarda (IPG) is an Institution of Higher Education oriented to student’s formation, research and investigations activities, services to the community and cultural, scientific and technical exchange.The IPG is a higher education establishment based on quality educative aims, new technologies and modern languages. We have four Superior Schools that offer studies in several areas: Education; Health; Tourism; Technology and Management.In the current academic year, this institution has about 3500 and over 250 teachers.The Polytechnic Institute of Guarda has been developing academic, scientific and cultural cooperation activities with other institutions. This cooperation is not only at a national level, but also at an international level. Agreements were made with some institutions to cooperate with IPG in several activities, like mobility programmes or development of specific projects.IPG is a higher education institution located in the inland of Portugal in a medium size city where students have a strong academic tradition. Due to the increase both of the incoming Erasmus students and teaching or staff mobility these last years, all academic community is already familiarized with foreign people, and are always willing to help them in every occasions. 
Based education and training anytime, anywhere access to educational resources and knowledge in digital form in accordance with standard criteria for quality management
University of Tartu Library (UTL) was founded in 1802.
A Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação foi criada em 5 de Novembro de 1980, sendo pois uma das mais jovens Faculdades da Universidade de Coimbra. Encontra-se actualmente instalada no Colégio de S.to Agostinho, bem como no edifício da Farmácia dos Ex- HUC enquanto aguarda pela construção de instalações próprias e definitivas no Pólo II da UC.Acolhe neste ano cerca de 1800 alunos distribuídos por um Mestrado Integrado (Psicologia), duas licenciaturas (Ciências da Educação e Serviço Social), diversos cursos de Pós-Graduação, Mestrado e Doutoramento.O sucesso educativo e os bons índices de empregabilidade resultantes do empenho do corpo docente e do apoio incondicional de trabalhadores não docentes contribuem decisivamente para o numero cada vez mais elevado de alunos que a procuram sobretudo para realizar a sua formação avançada, representando os estudantes do 3º Ciclo cerca de 10% do total.
ENCUENTROS PARIS 2012The 6th version of Encuentros, the most important event that brings together Chilean researchers working at high-impact centers around the world, will be held in Paris, France, on July 4th-6th, 2012.
The Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) carries out interdisciplinary research, organises fully accredited higher education programmes and delivers a broad range of academic services in various policy-relevant fields, including energy & environment, security & diplomacy, migration & diversity, and digitalisation & democracy. The School is an alliance between the Institute for European Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), which has a long-standing reputation in postgraduate education & research, and Vesalius College, which has a solid undergraduate & graduate education offering.