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KMOP, founded in 1977 in Greece, is a leading civil society organization dedicated to providing social support services and designing and implementing various initiatives that empower and enhance the well-being of individuals and communities. Over the years, KMOP has broadened its impact to a global scale, maintaining a presence in three countries—Greece, Belgium, and North Macedonia—with permanent offices in Athens, Piraeus, Kifissia, Thessaloniki, Brussels, and Skopje.At the heart of KMOP's mission is the commitment to tackle social challenges through evidence-based solutions that foster individual and collective prosperity. Our approach focuses on creating and implementing innovative social programs designed to build self-worth, reduce inequalities, and promote inclusive and sustainable development.KMOP empowers individuals by equipping them with essential skills and competencies, training professionals who support them, and raising public awareness. Our efforts support a diverse group including people with mental health issues, children and youth with intellectual disabilities, survivors of sexual and gender-based violence, human trafficking survivors, Roma women, the elderly, single-parent families, the LGBTQI+ community, as well as migrants, refugees, and disadvantaged youths and students.
FORUM • Institut für Management GmbH is a leading training provider that has been assisting specialists, executives, managers and project leaders in all organisational areas for more than 43 years. Our training programmes address major trends and essential specialist knowledge in a modern and practical manner. Our innovative training, which lays the foundations for the successful personal and professional development of our customers, is delivered in a number formats including online, in-person, in-house and e-learning courses, and webcasts.We place our customers front and centre. In fact, all our almost 100 employees are committed to guaranteeing the best possible training experience for you. This comprises: - learning from experienced speakers,- guaranteed current and relevant topics and content,- the benefit of a broad range of training formats,- guaranteed qualified support throughout the event and- a stimulating exchange of ideas with other participants.Organising professional training has earned us an excellent reputation. In fact, we are now one of the most renowned and largest training institutes in Europe. We consistently establish contacts across national borders with the aim of strengthening international collaboration.
The META Group specialises in maximising research impact and solving societal challenges through innovative solutions.With over 30 years of experience, we have collaborated with more than 2,000 consortia and 500 companies across diverse sectors, including partnerships with the European Commission, regional governments, development agencies, investors, research organisations, and start-up. Our approach emphasises pioneering problem-solving, aiming to optimise the journey from idea to market. We offer a range of services including:• Knowledge Valorisation: Assisting in ensuring research results generate impact.• Access to Risk Capital: Helping talents prepare for early-stage funding.• Innovation Policy: Working at the intersection of research and policy to bring innovations to market.• Capacity and Competence Building: Offering training and capacity building to support knowledge-intensive growth.• Technical Assistance: Providing tailored solutions for researchers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.
he Centre for European Reform is a think-tank devoted to making the European Union work better and strengthening its role in the world. The CER is pro-European but not uncritical. We regard European integration as largely beneficial but recognise that in many respects the Union does not work well. We also think that the EU should take on more responsibilities globally, on issues ranging from climate change to security. The CER aims to promote an open, outward-looking and effective European Union.
Civil Society Europe (CSE) brings together 22 European networks of civil society organisations (CSO) working towards regenerating the European project around the shared values of Equality, Solidarity, Inclusiveness and Democracy. Our main objectives are to facilitate and enable horizontal and vertical dialogue between European civil society organisations and policymakers and help strengthen CSOs in their activities and relations with the institutions. The organisation was founded in December 2014 in Rome at the close of the European Year of citizens as an initiative of organisations that had worked together in the European Year of Citizens Alliance. Its membership has grown since then to encompass the various sectors of civil society. CSE has been established as an international not for profit organisation under Belgian law since June 2016. CSE is an independent voice promoting a space for structured civil dialogue and citizen’s participation at all levels.
The European Parliament produces translations of written documents in all 24 EU languages, enabling communication with its citizens in their mother tongue. Its in-house translation service is instrumental in this respect, meeting strict quality standards within the tight deadlines imposed by parliamentary procedures. Our mission: to make available in all official languages documents relating to Parliament's role as co-legislator and as one of the two arms of the budgetary authority, in order to ensure the legitimacy and transparency of the legislative and budgetary process of the European Union; to enable the European Parliament to meet its commitment to the policy of multilingualism, designed to ensure the equal treatment of languages, which enables all citizens of the European Union to communicate with the institutions and access EU documents in their own language; to ensure that these translation services are supplied as efficiently and effectively as possible.    
The European Network of Political Foundations serves as an umbrella network and information hub on topics related to democracy and development cooperation. As such, it provides its members a joint platform to engage into a coordinated dialogue with EU institutions, CSOs and other relevant stakeholders.
ECIT Foundation (on European Citizens’ Rights, Involvement and Trust) was established as a public foundation under Belgian law on 3 June 2015. In the world of European think-tanks, it fills a gap being the only one to concentrate solely on European Citizenship. ECIT is becoming a resource of know-how, research, and contacts, but also one of support for civil society organisations, academics and policy makers when they work on this ;
The Political Festival of Europe is a yearly democracy festival that aims to gather citizens of Europe over the course of four days to discuss politics and embrace Europe’s rich history and cultural heritage. The Political Festival of Europe takes place in a town called Mariager – also known as the city of roses – an old, idyllic medieval town with crooked houses, cobblestoned streets and timber framed houses. With a modest population of just over 2,500 inhabitants, Mariager town will soon become the place where European democracy will come to life gathering hundreds of thousands of Europeans who want in on the future of Europe. Our mission is to be a place of: Courage – where we dare discuss the future of Europe “Peoplelization” – where we build communities as well as celebrate, showcase, and spread insights to local, regional, and national cultures Inspiration – where we establish debates, dialogues, hearings, and citizen involvement Accessibility – where we create an informal environment for citizens, politicians, and business leaders to meet Anchoring – where we anchor and raise the importance of our democracy for the future of Europe at a local level  In line with our missions, our vision is to “peoplelize” European politics and become a platform, where we strengthen democracy and unity in Europe. We aspire to become the political Olympic Games, where everyone has the possibility of participating in creating the future of Europe. The COVID-19 pandemic has given us all the more reason to create a platform, where we together can discuss European politics and its future. A platform, where people actively can get involved in developing European democracy. The inspiration behind Political Festival of Europe comes from the Nordic tradition of folkemøder –  a concept we want to take to the next level and raise from national settings to a pan-European setting in order to discuss matters that influence everyone in Europe. What is a Folkemøde?  The Danish tradition of Folkemøde [Folk – people; møde – meeting] is a public meeting that dates back to 1839. It is a political event that gathers people with different political views and positions in the interest of democracy. A Folkemøde takes form of informal discussions and speeches across opinions and hierarchy that strengthens active involvement of all participants – every one has a say, every one is heard. After the concept faded away in the 1940s, neighboring Sweden’s own form of folkemøde – Almedalsveckan introduced in 1968 – became the inspiration and groundwork for Denmark to revive the concept on the island of Bornholm in 2011 with their very own annual Folkemøde. It took on popularity fairly fast and has generated thousands of national visitors ever since. So far held at national levels, we aim to expand this concept to the whole of Europe. Here is why. What the purpose of a Folkemøde? The Danish model of Folkemøde is the cornerstone for democracy and pays tribute to the community. The foundation of a Folkemøde lies in dismantling barriers between citizens, politicians and decision-makers in order to bring politics closer to the people and to make society a better place for everybody.  The aim is to lead discussions about how to improve the future of the society and have citizens participate in shaping change. A “folkemøde” aims to: o   Inspire and challenge political views and visions o   Let people meet and listen to politicians they voted for o   Let people have a say and be heard o   Increase trust between citizens and decision-makers and hold politicians accountable o   “Peoplelize”, ;build a community where culture is showcased and celebrated o   Facilitate meaningful debates and anchor them in the political agenda  As cultural heritage is also celebrated in a Folkemøde, entertainment and good food are an integral part of such an event. Hence, at the Political Festival of Europe, you will be able to find arts and crafts, music and gastronomy, alongside the political debates, speeches, workshops, hearings etc.
Jeunes MR est une organisation de jeunesse politique sur le territoire de la communauté française de Belgique qui rassemble des jeunes âgés entre 15 et 35 ans.Les Jeunes MR partagent les valeurs du parti politique Mouvement réformateur (MR) tout en étant dans une structure indépendante. Leur objectif initial est d’intéresser les jeunes à la politique, notamment pour les sensibiliser aux projets réformateurs.
JfM is an non-governmental organization, with office in Iasi, Romania, whose multidisciplinary team and members are based in Europe. The NGO is focused on improving the judicial system for minors in Romania and at EU level in accordance to international ; Our mission is to contribute to a substantial improvement in judicial system related to child victims and to safeguard the rights and best interest of the ; We pay special attention to resolving crossborder family conflicts and to protect children that assist helplessly at the separation or divorce of their parents who may become victims of international parental ; The focus will be on resolving the conflict through specialist litigation or crossborder mediation. The Justice for Minors NGO wishes through the expertise of its team to limit the psycho-emotional trauma of children and to guarantee the realization of his best interest. The voice of the child is important and we make sure that through our projects and through the work of the specialists in our team, the children's thoughts and feelings are being appreciated.  Our Activities mainly are dedicated to: Act as a main point of contact for many families with children and with high value stakeholders; Liaise with other NGO’s and EU institutions and other agencies; Publish articles on our platforms, organise working groups that debate relevant judicial and law issues and raise awareness on important gaps in child judicial system; Listen to Youth voice, empower young members’ decisions and consider their opinions inside the Youth Department within its activities and work; As a multidisciplinary center, we offer legal representation in Court and legal advice, crossborder and family mediation, social expertise, counselling and child psychological support, humanitarian aid including legal advice for ; Our experts represent parents and minors in Courts in litigation and mediation cases in Romania, UK and European Union Member States. Humanitarian activities. Recently, we got actively involved in helping refugees with legal, social, psychological support, ensuring accommodation, food and basic necessities, medical consultation if needed and finding transportation to reach families in other countries. Participate in meetings of the International NGOs we are member and on national platforms we are registered. Research in the field of children’s rights and international cooperation of authorities in the case of child abduction. Organisation of working groups meetings, boarding meetings and conferences. Workshops and seminars on international child abduction, litigation and crossborder mediation in child abduction ases.   In detail, our activities are: Legal Assistance & Mediation in family law, children’s rights and any cases which involves minors One of our recent case involved a Romanian family settled in UK. The parents were accused with parental negligence, following the unfortunate incident of their 1 year child that fall over the bed in a moment of parents’ lack of attention.   Webinars, Training & Conferences - educational courses on children's rights and civil and criminal judicial proceedings involving minors, both at national and European level; - training for specialists working in the field of juvenile justice on child abduction cases (mediation, litigation, cooperation between Central Authorities and others);   C. Publications Articles and studies published on our website;   D. Research - elaboration of research documents, strategies and improvement of juvenile justice system - supporting research activities for juvenile justice specialists;   E. Working Groups Family mediators Group Social Experts and Child .Psychologists Group Youth Department   Each group is elaborating a plan in order to improve the justice system in these field with particular interest on children’s rights, including the administration of evidence in cases involving minors, the terms of which are often disregarded; monitoring the execution of sentences, but also regulating alternatives to custodial measures for minors.   F. Cooperation  Particularly, we have built partnerships with authorities, institutions, associations and other specialists at national and international level aiming to improving the situation of minors - victims or witnesses of crimes, involved in legal proceedings, as parents separation, divorce or child abduction. In the light of international cooperation, we have built an online platform for professionals for exchanging information and best practices.   National Partnerships : Ombudsman (Avocatul Poporului) Psychologist College (Colegiul Psihologilor) The Forum for Civil Society for a better justice, which is the national platform of High Council of Magistrates (platforma "Forumul societății civile pentru o justiție în slujba cetățeanului", CSM) Educational Inspectorate (Inspectoratul Scolar) General Directorate of Social Assistance and Child Protection (DGASPC)   International Memberships: Eurochild EPAPFR European Platform for Access to Personal and Family FRA   Organisations for children rights reached: Children for Children Environmental Rights (;) European Bauhaus (link: ) Youth Press 5. Dijuf, Child Support           G. Activities dedicated to Youth and involving Youth  We have established inside the NGO the Youth Department that includes young professionals and students under 30 years old that are actively engaged in the NGOs activities, including decision-making process and weekly ; The Department is run by our young expert and international legal advisor, a member of NGO’s Board, Madalina ; The activities include mentorship, debates, webinars on children’s rights, writing articles and establishing partnerships with other Youth NGOs.  
Governments should serve their citizens, not themselves. This is why in 2011, government leaders and civil society advocates came together to create a unique partnership – one that combines these powerful forces to promote accountable, responsive, and inclusive governance.Seventy-eight countries and a growing number of local governments — representing more than two billion people – along with thousands of civil society organizations are members of the Open Government Partnership (OGP).
is the umbrella organisation of Dutch-speaking humanist and freethinking associations in Belgium
The MiRI Project (co-funded by the European Union Justice Programme 2014-2020, JUST-JCOO-AG-2018, under Grant Agreement No 831608​) aims at identifying national current practices regarding the right of the child to be informed in civil proceedings, so as to identify common best practices and create guidelines that might or should be applied in all EU Member States, also with the objective of harmonizing and integrating their national systems, both form a procedural and substantive perspective, as much as possible. The most innovative aspect of the project is the elaboration of common best practices on the child’s information in proceedings: even if the need has been highlighted by numerous studies on children’s fundamental rights in civil proceedings, a consensus on the content of such practices still seems not to have been reached in domestic MSs legislation, as the necessary pre-emptive research to find possible common grounds is still lacking. Participants: University of Genoa, Coordinator (Scientific Responsible Prof. Ilaria Queirolo); Universitat De Valencia; Institute of Private International Law Sofia; Sia Biznesa Augstskola Turiba (Latvia); Defence for Children International Italy; European Association For Family And Succession Law. Duration: – (24 months)
ILEAnet is an H2020 project, aiming to build a sustainable organisational Law Enforcement Agency (LEA) practitioners network focused on research & innovation addressing LEA challenges, together with a community of individuals interested to exchange and collaborate in this area. By encouraging such discussion between practitioners and experts from academia and industry, the project will stimulate LEA capabilities to influence, develop and take up research, development and innovation (RDI) that is useful and usable for LEAs, and thus help them to tackle the major challenges they face. Scientists are crucial to answer LEAS' needs, and they are involved throughout the ILEAnet project.
The Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD) is a European public policy think-tank fostering the reform process in Europe through research excellence and policy advocacy. CSD is a non-partisan, independent organisation with a regional focus on Central and Eastern Europe and Western Balkan countries. CSD is widely known in Europe and internationally for its work in a number of areas, notably good governance and anti-corruption, organised and conventional crime, informal economy, energy governance/security, justice, human rights and migration, (de)radicalisation, foreign influence and disinformation. CSD is the National Focal Point of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, and Knowledge and Outreach Secretariat to SELDI – the Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity (www.seldi.net).
ECOPNET (European Cooperation & Partnership Network) is a Brussels-based, politically independent nonprofit network focusing on cooperations and international partnerships, gathering individuals, institutions, universities, academics, scientists, local authorities and companies interested in EU affairs and global cooperation. ECOPNET is also aimed at supporting its members to tackle challenges with the EU policies, as well as promoting the EU values across the ;
Századvég Group has been an important player in the Hungarian consulting market for many years, with its macroeconomic analyzes, forecasts of its economic activity and sectoral analyzes. You can rely on experts with extensive knowledge and experience in our macroeconomic, energy, digital and healthcare divisions, and in the planning and drawing up funds from the European Union. The employees, with external experts took part in several sectoral strategy and development policy making and planning in the field of digital economy, healthcare, SME development, energy, financial instruments and development policy coordination.
The Esade Center for Global Economy and Geopolitics (EsadeGeo) performs research on economic globalization and its interactions with geopolitics and global governance, creating knowledge on the links between business, economic and social leadership, social realities, and global governance. Its staff, including expert researchers, also provides an interdisciplinary forum where scholars and political, business, and social leaders actively debate international matters and their local impact.
ALDA is a key stakeholder in the field of local democracy, active citizenship, and cooperation between local authorities and civil society in Europe, its neighborhood and in the World, mainly acting through participative methods and decentralized cooperation. As a core element, ALDA supports citizens and groups of citizens in their initiatives aimed at improving their local context, building bridges with local authorities in order to make this change real. ALDA was established in 1999 at the initiative of the Council of Europe to coordinate and support the network of Local Democracy Agencies (LDAs), which are self- sustainable, locally registered NGOs acting as promoters of good governance and local self-government, with which ALDA collaborates in many activities. ALDA is a membership-based organisation gathering today more than 350 members, including local authorities, associations of local authorities, and civil society organisations, coming from more than 45 countries in the enlarged Europe. ALDA is funded through membership fees, as well as project funding from the European Commission, the Council of Europe and other public and private donors.
Brussels-based non-profit media and civil society hub for the exchange of expertise between Ukraine and the EU
The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung is a German political foundation affiliated with the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens). Its primary task is political education and advocacy in Germany and abroad. Our main tenets are ecology and sustainability, democracy and human rights, non-violence and justice. In our work, we place particular emphasis on gender democracy, equal rights for minorities and the political and social participation of migrants.Our namesake, the writer and Nobel Prize laureate Heinrich Böll, personifies the fundamental principles we stand for: defence of freedom and human dignity, civic courage, open debate and the acknowledgement of art and culture as independent spheres of thought and action. As a think tank for green visions and ideas, we are part of an international network with 33 offices worldwide and with partner projects in more than 60 countries.The Heinrich-Böll-Stiftung European Union represents the foundation vis-à-vis European and international institutions, associations, non-governmental organisations and media based in Brussels. The office is a main point of contact for individuals, groups and organisations from around the world interested in EU politics and policies. The future of the European project and the role of the European Union in the world is at the centre of our activities and efforts.
Acavent is a worldwide organizer of scientific conferences, workshops, and exhibitions. Our international company headquarters is based in Vilnius, Lithuania and we already have 10 years of experience in the events industry. Acavent is specialized in creating an academic environment for those who seek new ideas, new achievements, highly skilled academic people, and colleagues all over the world. As a Professional Conference Organizer, Acavent creates, organizes and plans conferences and events in various fields of science. Acavent also offers a thorough list of services required in organizing and holding in-person and online conferences for organizations, companies, and academic institutions. At Acavent, we gather professors, scholars, students, scientists, profit and non-profit organizations, research centers, fast-growing startups, and policymakers, to share ideas, knowledge and skills, to network and foster collaborative interdisciplinary research.
Law and Internet Foundation is a Bulgarian NGO & Research centre which supports and performs applied studies, scientific researches, programmes and projects in the field of legal, technological, economic and social issues related to the fast penetration of information and communication technologies both in public and private sectors. The mission of the organisation is to contribute towards the transformation of the society to meet the challenges of the digital world. The main pillars of the values the Foundation rest upon are development of legislation regarding digital environment through legal analyses and ethical reviews, promotion of quality education and lifelong learning, gender equality, protection of children from violence and abuse. To achieve its mission, Law and Internet Foundation initiates innovative and rigorous research projects, education activities, transfer of knowledge and best practices, as well as strong partnerships with national and international institutions.
The Centre for Social Sciences (Hungarian Academy of Sciences Centre of Excellence) is a research institution where 200 Hungarian and international researchers engage in exploratory and innovative national and international research projects in the Social Sciences. Founded by the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and part of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, the Centre’s charter established its freedom to research without political influence. Comprising four institutes—Political Science, Minority Studies, Legal Studies, Sociology, and other research units—, the Centre has greatly contributed to understanding and addressing far-reaching societal issues that pertain to Hungarian and European societies.The Centre’s research activities focus on sociology, political science, computational social science, network science, minority studies, and law. Researchers take an interdisciplinary approach in their scientific work. The Centre’s main goals are to extend the quality of Hungarian research to Europe and beyond, to take a prominent regional lead in social science research, and to serve as a point of scientific reference in Hungary. The Centre currently operates over 70 local and international research projects, it manages an open access repository for research data, and provides consultations for its researchers on GDPR and data management.Publishing six journals—two of them ranked by SCOPUS—, the Centre’s ambition has also been to expand its international publication portfolio in highly ranked international journals and publishing companies. A state-of-the-art research performance evaluating system has been used since 2013 with a focus on internal publications. Between 2017 and 2018, the efforts led to a 50% increase in the number of published works. Researchers at the Centre have actively engaged in international projects with EU’s H2020 research funding scheme. The Centre has worked on managing and participating in several of these projects. In 2018, the H2020 Research and Innovation Action project proposal DEMOS, which the Centre coordinates, won a €3 million grant from the European Commission. The Centre acts as work package and task leader of several ongoing H2020 projects such as BRIDGES, OPTED, RED-WELL, ESS-SUSTAIN-2, and RURALIZATION. The Centre also took part in a variety of other H2020 and FP7 projects (such as MIME, MOPACT, FAMILIES & SOCIETIES), COST actions, and Visegrad grants.A professional research administration team constantly sharpens its expertise in proposal writing, research communication and impact, and management of international grants. Besides receiving domestic and international training, the members of the Centre’s administration play active roles in international research management networks, such as EARMA and BESTPRAC.
The Institute of European Democrats (IED) - ASBL, is a non-profit association based in Brussels and has been established in September 2007 as an independent Research Institute. The Institute of European Democrats is an innovative European political and cultural Research Institute that offers fresh political ideas as well as a strong and respected cultural background to the European Democratic Party (EDP) to which it is formally affiliated.As the political foundation formally affiliated to the European Democratic Party (EDP), the Institute of European Democrats is formally recognised and directly funded by the European Parliament through annual grants. Like all political foundations at the European level formally recognised by the European Parliament, the IED was established with the support of the European institutions in order to be a political think tank.
The European Organisation for Security (EOS) is the voice of the European security industry and research community. Operating in 15 different countries, EOS Members provide security research, solutions and services across many security domains, including border, cyber, transport and crisis management.
The Center for Security Studies (KEMEA) is a think tank on homeland security policies and an established research center  since  2005 within  the  Hellenic Ministry of Citizen Protection aiming  to  support  security  policy  implementations  in Greece at a strategic level. KEMEA  is  actively  involved  in: (a)  Research  and  development  in  the  context  of  implementation  of  National  and European  projects    under  the  topics  of  physical  and  cyber  security  and  civil  protection,  in  close  cooperation  with LEAs, working under the auspices of the Ministry of Citizen Protection, civil protection national, regional and local authorities;(b) Training of practitioners in new systems and technologies;(c) Certification of practitioners in private security  professions  at  national  level; (d)  Organization  of  table-top  and  field  exercises  to  test  and  evaluate preparedness and response of public services, organizations and authorities to emergencies and crises. KEMEA also provides advisory and consulting services to the Ministry of Citizen Protection, as well as other Public and Private authorities, on safety and security issues.  
The main body representing EU affairs professionals before the institutions. Created in ;
Coordinated from our offices in Brussels, Madrid and Prague we actively encourage the political debate and develop innovative liberal approaches and solutions. A lively dialogue is based on tolerance and mutual understanding. Our activities aim at promoting these basic values through intercultural exchange. Our projects act as liberal platforms for the Foundation’s worldwide partners to debate issues of the European agenda.
The China IP SME Helpdesk supports European Union (EU) Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) to both protect and enforce their Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) in or relating to Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan through the provision of free information and services. These take the form of jargon-free, first-line, confidential advice on intellectual property and related issues, plus training, materials and online resources. The Helpdesk's free services for European SMEs include: Helpdesk Enquiry Service – Confidential Advice Individual SMEs and SME intermediaries can submit IPR enquiries directly to the Helpdesk via phone, email or in person, getting access to a panel of experts to receive free and confidential first-line advice. Send your queries to [email protected] to receive and expert reply within three working days. Training The Helpdesk arranges training on China IPR protection and enforcement in Europe and China, tailored to the needs of SMEs: General IPR issues, including IP registration and establishing an IP protection strategy. Practical business challenges such as choosing a Chinese business partner, attending a trade fair, licensing. Helpdesk IPR Clinics offering SMEs free 20-minute one-on-one consultations with an IP expert are available at many training events. Train-the-trainer resources for SME service providers and intermediary bodies to improve the awareness of intermediary representatives about the scope and tools offered by the China IPR SME Helpdesk. Materials Browse the Helpdesk industry and business-focused guides and training materials that address China IPR issues by: IP Factsheets for Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. IP topic, including patents, trade marks, copyrights, licensing, dealing with counterfeiting. Business focus, including IP as a business asset, technology transfer, finding the right lawyer. Industry, including textiles, medical devices, ceramics etc. How to guide for step-by-step guidance to complete IP protection or registration processes in China Online Services The multi-lingual online portal () provides easy access for all EU SMEs to Helpdesk information and services, including Helpdesk guides, E-learning modules, event information, live webinars, infographics, podcasts and the Serious Game.
Born in 1952 thanks to the collaboration between the University of Turin, the Municipality and the Province, the IUSE is a non-profit association. Its main objectives are research and teaching in fields concerning Europe as a whole and, through them, the preparation of experts and cadres of international life. IUSE is recognised by the Italian Foreign MInistry as official training insitutte for EU recruitment competitions (EPSO).  In particular, as official Documentation Center of the European Union, it carries out an important specialized information activity aimed at public and private entities. The Institute also deals with the evaluation of European policies and the measurement of the performance of Community actions, including European. The University Institute of European Studies is the only recognized Italian hub of the European Law. The IUSE is included in the Transparency Register of the European Commission. The data relating to activities and accounting data are updated annually.
Victim Support Europe (VSE) is the leading European umbrella organisation advocating on behalf of all victims of crime, no matter what the crime, no matter who the victim is. VSE represents 58 national member organisations, providing support and information services to more than 2 million people affected by crime every year in 30 countries. Founded in 1990, VSE has been working for almost 30 years for a Europe, and a world, where all victims have strong victims’ rights and services, whether they report the crime or not. We work towards this mission through advocacy to improve EU and international laws, through research and knowledge development and through capacity building at the national and local level.
VISION The House of European History aims to become the leading museum about transnational phenomena which have shaped our continent. By interpreting history from a European perspective, it connects and compares shared experiences and their diverse interpretations. It aims to initiate learning on transnational perspectives across Europe. MISSION STATEMENT The House of European History is a forum for learning, reflection and debate, open to audiences from all generations and backgrounds. Our primary mission is to enhance understanding of European history in all its complexity, to encourage the exchange of ideas and to question assumptions. The House presents Europe's history in a way that raises awareness about the multiplicity of perspectives and interpretations. It preserves shared and dividing memories. It exhibits and collects the history of European integration and its foundations. A project of the European Parliament and part of its visitor offer, the House of European History is academically independent. Our transnational collection, our exhibitions and our programmes provide unexpected and inspiring experiences. Through outreach and partnerships, we aim to strengthen the European dimension in debating, exhibiting and learning about history. A place for encounters and exchange, the House's multi-faceted interpretation of the past builds bridges to questions relevant for today's Europe.
Russian Centre for Science and Culture was established to support international cooperation between Russia and Belgium, and Europe generally. Our goal is to ensure dialogue between our societies. We tell about Russia, its culture, history, science, technology, land and people. We organise different concerts, exhibitions, forums, seminars, workshops. The main goal of the Centre is to support and promote the Russian Language and Russian education. Everybody is welcomed at our Language ;We cooperate with our compatriots living in Belgium and implement youth programmes.
Our motto: Unleash your awareness, educate yourself and act! Our passion is to give and share knowledge and we spread this passion all over the world. By this we change the way people think and thus the world is changing! About 4000 participants in the period 03/2010-11/2019 The main aim of the Foundation is to carry out comprehensive activity towards the concept of lifelong learning through: • additional education for children and the youth • the lifelong learning of adults • conducting training and educational activities relating to the improvement of professional qualifications, full social presence and the individual personal development and supporting the development and growth of NGOs in Wielkopolska region and Poland. Activity Fields: • Self-development, Self-education of youth/adults, Promotion of pro-entrepreneurial and pro-active attitude of youth/students (among others Academy of Technology, Digitalisation, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Humanism , 21 Books for XXI Century) • NGO/CSO education, support and development (among others Europa Café Network, Poznan NGO Centre) The Foundation is a nonprofit organization. Since November 2014, the Foundation PERITIA is registered as a Public Good Organization (OPP status).  
The Austrian Study Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) was founded in September 1982 as an independent, non-profit and non-partisan organisation. The ASPR aims to contribute to the promotion of peace and peaceful conflict resolution and to the dissemination of practical ideas for peace, including its developmental and environmental aspects.In order to carry out these tasks, the ASPR conducts and evaluates research in line with its objectives, engages in training and education, and conducts scientific courses. It also publishes several periodicals (Dialog, Friedensforum, Friedensbericht) dealing with peace issues.Several major conferences are organised each year, including a summer academy and an annual international meeting of peace researchers on „The State of Peace“.ASPR was the founder of the European University Center for Peace Studies (EPU), which has been renamed as European Peace University (EPU) - Private University.A Peace Museum in Schlaining Castle has been established. In order to help to facilitate ASPR activities, ASPR set up an unique infrastructure including the Peace Library in a former synagogue, a Conference Center in Schlaining Castle, the Hotel Burg Schlaining, and Haus International, which is a student hostel.For these and other efforts, the ASPR was awarded the UN "Peace Messenger" status in 1987, and, together with the EPU, the UNESCO-Prize for Peace Education 1995.
ECLAN is a network of researchers and academics engaging in EU criminal law across 32 ; It aims at developing academic research and training in the field of EU criminal law by facilitating collaborations and synergies between universities and research ; ECLAN organises conferences and edits publications, hosts a summer school and a PhD seminar dedicated to the EU area of criminal justice, and publishes a quarterly newsletter dedicated to recent developments in the field.
The Leuven Centre for Global Governance Studies is an interdisciplinary research centre of the Humanities and Social Sciences at the University of Leuven (KU Leuven), Belgium. It has been founded in 2007 and was recognized as a KU Leuven Centre of Excellence in 2010. In 2016 GGS was recognized by the European Commission as a “Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence on Human Rights and the Rule of Law in Europe and the World”, a tremendous honour and European recognition of our work. In 2018 GGS kicked off RECONNECT, a large-scale Horizon 2020 project on ‘Reconciling Europe with its Citizens through Democracy and the Rule of Law’, as well as CONNECTIVITY, a six-year research programme on ‘Connectivity, Contestation and Cooperation in Global Governance’. GGS aims to make high-quality, fundamental and policy-relevant contributions to the study of globalization, global governance processes and multilateralism, with a particular focus on the role of the European Union. In full recognition of the complex issues involved, GGS approaches global governance from a multi-level and multi-actor perspective. GGS considers non-European perspectives to global governance of great importance. It hosts the EU-China Focus and the Leuven India Focus, organizes regularly transatlantic conferences and events focusing on Latin America and Asia, and takes a keen interest in the Global South. In addition to its fundamental research, GGS carries out independent applied research and advises policy-makers on multilateral governance and global public policy issues. It regularly organizes conferences, seminars and debates on these issues, including a Euro-Asia Summer School and the International Law and Global Governance Summer School. GGS works with academic and policy partners from all over the world, including the European Parliament, the European Commission, the European External Action Service, the Committee of the Regions, the OECD, UNIDO, UNCTAD, the World Bank and the WTO. GGS also publishes the Leuven Global Governance Series with Edward Elgar Publishers and makes its research available through working papers, policy briefs and global governance opinions.  
PLANET project "Planning and Operational Tools for Optimising Energy Flows and Synergies Between Energy Networks" is a research and innovation project. It aims at facilitating the full integration of renewable energy in the electricity grid, and the integration of electricity, gas and heat networks to allow full decarbonisation of the whole energy system. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773839. The three-year project started in Nov 2017 and is coordinated by Politecnico di Torino. The other European partners are CERTH, FGH , Hypertech, Iren, ITM Power, Links/ISMB, Sorea, VaasaETT and VTT.
The Communication Institute of Greece (COMinG) is a non-profit international association, established to promote research, education and facilitate communication among academics and professionals, from all around the world. Its mission is to create a forum for academics, researchers, and professionals, where they can meet and exchange experiences and ideas about the development of their discipline. The organization of International Events, Publication and the establishment of collaborations that promote the purposes of the association are our main activities.
In 2015 the EU and China celebrated the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations. Both parties have started to engage with each other on a higher level and deepened multi-lateral co-operation to improve diplomatic, political, economic, educational, technological and cultural ties, as well as local governance and tourism. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute is designed to encourage, improve and strengthen EU-China relations, and to extend communication and cooperation in the field of education and research. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute is based on the EU-China Weapon Embargo Research Project (6th July 2010), which was designed to update and analyse the EU’s policy of placing an embargo on weapons sales to China. This research project was the precursor of the EU-China Economics and Politics Institute. Currently, 17 professional scholars research at the EU-China Economics and Politics Institute, and their research fields mostly relate to EU-China Relations, NATO, Political Economy, and International Security. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute values research contribution by efforts with EU-China Economics and Politics Journal (on-line)”, and “Issues and Studies Textbook”. The EU-China Economics and Politics Institute share a common goal: to encourage and improve mutual understanding and communication between the EU and China.
Since its establishment, the European Endowment for Democracy (EED) has been promoting the values of freedom and democracy in the European neighbourhood and beyond. A joint effort of European states and EU institutions, the EED is an independent private law foundation based in Brussels. EED’s activities focus primarily on the European Neighbourhood (Eastern Partnership, Middle East and North Africa regions; since 2015 EED also considers supporting partners in the "neighbours of EU neighbours") and the Western Balkans, aiming to ensure, as far as possible, a geographical balance of engagement and funding between the Eastern and Southern neighbourhood.
The Market Access Support Program for EU Businesses in Canada in the CETA Context is an EU-Canada business facilitation project funded by the European Union. The CETA Market Access Program for EU Businesses was launched in January 2017 by the EU with the threefold objectives to: 1. Help EU business, and particularly small and medium sized enterprises, to gain comprehensive, sector-specific information about the new opportunities that CETA will bring. 2. Identify existing market access barriers in Canada on both federal and provincial levels, and to provide recommendations to the EU Institutions, EU business associations, networks and chambers for defining adequate mitigating strategies. 3. Create a sustainable channel of communication between EU businesses in or seeking to enter Canada and institutional stakeholders.
Brussels National Contact Point (NCP Brussels) is a regional initiative whose aim is to help companies, universities, research centres, and other stakeholders of the Brussels Capital Region to access EU funding for Research and Innovation.hub.brussels has been nominated by the Brussels Capital Region to deliver the services of National Contact Point. Today, it hosts the NCP Brussels team.NCP Brussels is an active member of several thematic NCP networks gathering major EU National Contact Points on Horizon Europe. We can facilitate access of Brussels-based stakeholders to the services provided by these networks.NCP Brussels is trained and informed by the European Commission on upcoming topics and events, legal and financial matters. Under Horizon Europe, we cover all parts of the programme except the European Research Council (ERC) and Marie-Slodowska Curie Actions (MSCA) under the 1st pillar.We work in collaboration with Enterprise Europe Brussels and Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs. Do not hesitate to watch our video in the media section to discover our services and understand better our collaboration.  Enterprise Europe Network - Brussels -  aide les entreprises européennes à innover et à s’internationaliser.Le réseau est présent dans plus de 60 pays à travers le monde. Il regroupe 3000 experts de plus de 600 organisations membres.Vous voulez innover ? Vous voulez vous développer à l’international ?Les experts d’Enterprise Europe Network Brussels fournissent:– du conseil et des services pour se développer à l’international et faire face aux défis du marché unique– aide à trouver des partenaires– et donne du support pour l’innovationLes sociétés bruxelloises peuvent contacter les experts d’Enterprise Europe Network Brussels chez hub.brussels et à la Chambre de Commerce de Bruxelles. 
Connecting people and powerThe Democratic Society (Demsoc) works for more and better democracy, where people and institutions have the desire, opportunity and confidence to participate together.We work to create opportunities for people to become involved in the decisions that affect their lives and for them to have the skills to do this effectively. We support governments, parliaments and any organisation that wants to involve citizens in decision making to be transparent, open and welcoming of participation. We actively support spaces, places and processes to make this happen.We achieve our aims by: Promoting a culture of openness and participation in public services. Delivering practical, empowering participatory projects, products and services that enhance and support collaboration between citizens and public services. Advocating for new and innovative methods of participation, the culture change that organisations need to make this happen and the skills citizens need to become active participants. Promoting an evidence-based approach that demonstrates good practice, effective use and clear, strategic benefits. Producing and publishing resources that support learning and effective participation. Providing sectoral and thought leadership around democracy, democratic strengthening and effective participation.With offices in Brussels, Pisa, Manchester and Edinburgh, our work is undertaken by a talented and experienced team who are passionate about democracy and finding ways to make it work better.
UANI is a non-profit organisation which was founded in 2008 by Ambassador Mark D. Wallace, the late Ambassador Richard Holbrooke, former CIA Director Jim Woolsey and Middle East expert Ambassador Dennis Ross.
EUROPEUM is a think-tank that undertakes programme, project,  publishing and training activities related to the European integration ;   EVENTS We organize regular seminars and debates focused on the current European topics, which are open to the academic community as well as the general public. Furthermore, we organize a number of conferences, workshops and roundtables on specific selected European issues. PROJECTS We participate in the organization of various long-term projects focused on increasing awareness about the European Union and strengthening of the international cooperation. Among our main projects are the Prague European Summit, an educational competition Europa Secura, a national identity conference CEE Identity and the European Summer School. ARTICLES Our team of research fellows publishes regular articles responding to some of the most pressing issues related to European integration and more. In the articles section you can thus find the most up-to-date blogs, analyses, reports and policy briefs by our experts.
The platform fteval was founded in 1996 with the aim to contribute to more evidence in technology policy. The overall aim is to achieve “a better common understanding between administrators, funders and evaluators." This included the discussion and development of best practices and a discussion of methods, an exchange of experience with other European countries on expert level as well as the discussion on the importance of standards of the European Union for Austria.In order to further support the evaluation culture in Austria and to inform about new developments in the RTI system, which are relevant for evaluation, the platform has developed a broad portfolio of activities and support offers. Within the framework of regular events - such as the country series organised in cooperation with the BMWFW and the WWTF - national and international experts in the area of RTI policy and evaluation are invited for an exchange of ideas. With irregular intervals, international conferences are held on the evaluation of RTI policies, which support an exchange between science and practice. The latest one was the Open Evaluation Conference, for which we were able to win 60 presenters and 250 participants from all five continents. The ‘fteval inside: fteval insight’ event series is a particularity within the portfolio, as member organizations invite each other to present their activities with a self-selected thematic focus and discuss them in an informal framework. This is the Platform’s only internal event format.The Platform’s most long-standing product is the fteval Journal for Research and Technology Policy Evaluation, which arose from the earlier so-called "Newsletter". The journal contains both practical and academic contributions to the topic of RTI policy evaluation and contributes to supporting and safeguarding this discourse across the various stakeholder groups. In more than 40 editions of the journal more than 200 articles were published, predominantly in English. Thematic special editions as well as open editions provide a broad thematic framework.The fteval standards of evaluation in research and technology policy form an important building block for the further development of the evaluation culture. These serve to provide a reference framework for the evaluators, the commissioning bodies and those who are evaluated. The standards aim also to achieve a higher degree of commitment and security for all stakeholders. The standards were developed by the member organisations in a joint process, which started with the institutionalisation of fteval in 2002. The current version of the standards is from 2012. They have been revised in a collaborative process.A further central activity of the platform is the collection and publication of the Austrian evaluation reports in a specially designed repository. The availability of some 300 evaluation reports, studies and strategic documents on the website of the platform contributes to the transparency and visibility of the activities in this policy area. In addition, the platform regularly organises trainings, is available for specific consultation and participates in national and international exchange of knowledge through participation in relevant events of other organisations.
Beyond the Horizon International Strategic Studies Group is a non-partisan, independent, and non-profit think tank. The mission of Beyond the Horizon is to promote global peace and security by empowering decision- and policy-makers with knowledge and advocating paths to prevent, mitigate or end crises and conflicts. Beyond the Horizon is unique in its focus on realistic policies and in-depth analyses to offer comprehensive solutions on topics related to international politics and security, peace and conflict studies. As an independent voice, Beyond the Horizon aims to translate applied and basic research in its focus areas into a language that is understandable, reliable and accessible for a wide audience. Based on its expertise areas, Beyond the Horizon also provides training and consultancy services in defense and security. Beyond the Horizon’s vision is to be recognized as a center of excellence for the delivery of vocational, professional and skill development qualifications to learners and clients across the globe. Beyond the Horizon collaborates globally with selected partners and networks to work on both for-profit and non-profit projects in the field of peace and security.
ISES is a non-profit organization founded on 2008 to spread European culture in Italy getting closer public agencies, businesses and the third sector to the EU institutions through the development of funded projects following their whole bureaucratic, administrative and managerial path in accordance with the rules laid down by the European Commission. ISES writes, coordinates and manages projects in partnership with Italian and European universities and research centers, associations and public and private bodies, so to disseminate in Italy the added value created by the exchange of good practices and innovative methodologies developed by European projects. Since, 2011 ISES staff is supporting the Italian Competition Authority and since 2012, collaborates with the Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (Italian ) in the management of its European projects.ISES, with its members, develops projects with high social and cultural values for the territorial growth by participating in EU and national call for proposals. The projects presented by our Association, both as a main applicant/coordinator and as co-beneficiary partners, range from public health to culture, from education to social justice and R&D, participating in the calls launched by the Directorates General of the European Commission.ISES has a strong partnership with more than 50 bodies in Europe that operate in all economic sectors.
European Conservatives and Reformists (ECR) Party is Europe’s leading Conservative movement. Since our foundation in 2009, we have become on of Europe’s most important political movements. With more than 40 political parties and active representation in the European Parliament, Council of Europe, Committee of Regions and NATO Parliamentary Assembly. We are united by our centre-right values, as expressed in the Reykjavik Declaration. The ECR Party is dedicated to individual liberty, national sovereignty, parliamentary democracy, private property, limited government, free trade, family values and the devolution of power. These values underpin our politics, including our vision for a reformed European Union. Europe stands at a crossroads and the ECR Party’s agenda for reform has never been more relevant than it is today. Join our movement, and help us advance a Europe – and a world – of free peoples, free nations and free markets.
Founded in Milan in 1921 by Father Agostino Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is Europe's most important Catholic university. It is also the only university in Italy with campuses all over the country: in Milan, Piacenza, Cremona, Brescia and Rome – which is also home to the Agostino Gemelli General Hospital. Academic excellence, a commitment to charting the frontiers of research, and high standards of services are the strengths of an institution long recognised for its openness to innovation and change. Università Cattolica holds a place in European tradition as a seat of cultural development; the strong and essential focus on a comprehensive, unifying building of knowledge facilitates an understanding and interpretation of the complexities of life today. The university’s mission translates into the offer of an education focused on development of the person as a whole. Based on these ideals and this commitment, Università Cattolica has educated many of the individuals in past and present positions of leadership in Italy. The thousands of graduates since the institution's foundation include eminent scholars, politicians, lawyers, educators, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, journalists, writers, publishers, and Church leaders. And there are so many other graduates, some better known than others, who have contributed to building Università Cattolica's reputation in Italy and around the world.
ABOUT EBCGWe think about you as unique human beings, not just as customers. We want you to learn what you want to learn, to meet people who will enrich you and we will always listen to your needs and opinions. Our office lives and breathes conferences, we celebrate every single new speaker and delegate and are never satisfied with status quo.Our Story of ImprobabilityThe world certainly had enough of conference organizers back in 2010, when EBCG was founded by two experienced guys whose mantra was and still is: things can be done differently. From EBCG’s humble beginnings, they have always put personal, “human” approach first.Success is a Choice!After dozens of setbacks and lessons learned, we have more than 60 like-minded employees in both Bratislava and Nepal. And our story of “improbable” successes continues. We still have a small company mindset and a simple goal: creating events you’ll think about with smile even years after.Conferences for PeopleOur meetings are designed as a mix of practical case studies combined with tons of interactivity. If you want to be heard, you will. Your questions will be answered.We promise you – you won’t be someone insignificant lost in a crowd. We see you.
EENA, the European Emergency Number Association, is a non-governmental organisation based in Brussels, with the mission to contribute to improving the safety and security of people. Our vision is that every citizen can access emergency services and receive the appropriate information and care during an emergency or a disaster. To that end, we want to be the organisation in the sector driving change and making an impact. What we do, we do it for the people we serve, and we never forget it. We intend to be a highly effective, efficient and fast-moving organisation, trusted and credible for our actions, intentions and results. We want the people working for and with us to be inspired to drive change, and to effectively do it. We want anyone in this field to know that they can rely on us, we want them to feel they are part of a community that looks forward and gets things done. We don’t settle for anything less than excellence in what we do.
Inter Alia is a civic organization and think-tank that was established in 2013 and is based in Athens. Its mission is to contribute to the creation of an assertive and inclusive European demos by raising awareness of the EU and prospective EU citizens on available channels for acting, participating and shaping Europe. Inter Alia pursues its agenda through different educational, cultural and academic projects. 
CERRE is a Brussels-based, independent, not-for-profit think tank that advances the understanding and development of regulation in Europe’s network and digital industries.
DiEM25 is a pan-European, cross-border movement of democrats.We believe that the European Union is disintegrating. Europeans are losing their faith in the possibility of European solutions to European problems. At the same time as faith in the EU is waning, we see a rise of misanthropy, xenophobia and toxic nationalism.If this development is not stopped, we fear a return to the 1930s. That is why we have come together despite our diverse political traditions - Green, radical left, liberal - in order to repair the EU. The EU needs to become a realm of shared prosperity, peace and solidarity for all Europeans. We must act quickly, before the EU disintegrates.
Future Advanced Technologies Institute is organiser of events within Future Forces Forum - a highly recognized and widely endorsed international platform for defence & security information exchange and for promotion of the allied countries and their partners
RIAD, the International Association of Legal Protection Insurance, is the only body worldwide representing the unique interests of legal protection insurers and of service providers in this field from Europe, Canada, South Africa and Japan. RIAD defends the interests and advocates the high potential of legal protection insurance as an easy, affordable and high-quality solution for access to justice and the law.
Our current Mission is to represent the Church of Scientology and all of its secular humanitarian programs at the European institutions such as the European Parliament, the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, as well as with the United Nations, and with that, contribute to a better society.Our office is centrally located in Brussels at Boulevard de Waterloo, 103, in one of the most reknowned areas of Brussels and at walking distance of the city’s European quarter.The Church has, since 1990, maintained a human rights office in Brussels, which has been transforming and evolving in different forms. This has served as a focal point for our many programs to inform the public about the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and how the Declaration’s precepts can be used to bring about a humane and peaceful society based on respect for every individual.We now have the facilities necessary to plan and forward important initiatives to benefit the large European community and abroad. To that end, our conference and meeting rooms are available to human rights and community betterment organizations for seminars, round-tables, and other events.
The Kashmir Council-EU is an independent non-governmental body. We are non-sectarian, reject violence, and seek to collaborate with other organisations which have broadly similar aims. The Council receives no funding from any political party. To get things done we rely on the dedication and energy of our staff of volunteers.   
ABOUT FEPSFEPS is the European progressive political foundation.The only progressive think tank at European level. FEPS establishes an intellectual crossroad between social democracy and the European project, putting fresh thinking at the core of its action. As a platform for ideas and dialogue, FEPS works in close collaboration with social democratic organisations, and in particular national foundations and think tanks across Europe, to tackle the challenges that Europe faces today. Close to the Party of European Socialists (PES), the S&D Group in the European Parliament, the PES Group in the Committee of the Regions, Young European Socialists and PES women, but nevertheless independent.FEPS embodies a new way of thinking on the social democratic, socialist and labour scene in Europe. Our main purpose is to nourish a fresh progressive dialogue through its research, which includes Next Left and Millennial Dialogue programmes. Activities are in person and online are available in different formats. Notably FEPS Progressive Post magazine and the European Progressive Observatory digital platform as well as further publications and events are where you can find our material.
The World Youth Alliance works to understand and speak about the idea of the human person. We work with young people around the world to build a culture that supports and nurtures the dignity of each human person. Our work can be divided into three program areas: Advocacy, Education and Culture.MissionTo promote the dignity of the person by building a global coalition of young people able to articulate, defend and live the dignity of the person in their lives and influence the communities and world in which they live.VisionA world in which the dignity of the person is the foundation for policy and program implementation; in which we understand that progress entails a commitment to the dignity of each human person and the adoption of person-centered solutions.
The European Institute for Political Initiative and Strategic Analysis (EIPISA) is a Brussels-based non-profit think tank created with the goal of providing European political leaders and society in general with the necessary tools to develop political strategies that make peace, freedom and security possible in the Middle East and North Africa.We believe that to accomplish our goals we need to take in to account three elements: Understanding to learn from past mistakes, knowledge to find the best solutions, cooperation, as it would be a mistake to ignore that a single actor cannot solve problems at an international level.EIPISA seeks to overcome prejudice, historical mistakes and misinterpretation through accurate, transparent and verified information about what is really happening in the Middle East and North Africa. We truly believe that only through reliable knowledge can we learn from past mistakes and move towards the future.We are convinced that knowledge on what is happening and what should be done in the Middle East and North Africa can only be acquired through the inclusion of all actors. EIPISA aims to include them in the dialogue and to create peace, stability and security.   EIPISA is a catalyst, a round table, a public square in which experts, scholars, journalists, politicians, European authorities, and all those interested can come together to discuss. We want every actor involved to participate in this search for a shared space, as only through the integration of all perspectives and the consideration of all points of view can we reach EIPISA’s goals. WHAT WE DOOur goal is to be a space for dialogue based on proven, neutral and transparent information presented in events (such as workshops, seminars, conferences, or discussion groups) and on our website. EIPISA wants to be a source of unbiased information for all stakeholders, particularly for European decision-makers.An interconnected, multicultural and globalised world is a reality on both sides of the Mediterranean Sea. The Region of the Middle East and North Africa has been plunged into terrible conflicts for a long time, but Europe has also suffered appalling wars with millions of victims and rose from the ashes. How? Through cooperation between European States, creating a shared space for peace, stability and security under a regional integration framework. The EU is as success story, as it has helped to overcome the tragedies of World War II. EIPISA’S ADDED VALUEWe believe we are facing a historical moment for the Middle East and North Africa and that the European Union has a role to play. The EU needs to strengthen its historical and cultural ties with its neighbours, to help create a space for peace, democracy and security and to transcend a purely economic relation. The people of the Middle East and North Africa need to be engaged with this project, making it clear that respect for differences is a part of our shared values.In a globalised world, there is no longer room for Nation-State or regional narratives. Europe is strongly linked to the Middle Eastern and North African countries and to its achievements regarding regional peace, stability and security. EIPISA is aware that in order to understand conflicts, we must look for ramifications and possible connections wherever they may appear. Only then, by understanding and analysing every conflict in context, we can work towards solutions.Unfortunately, the issues we face are not simple, but rather the result of years of controversy and hidden interests. We are convinced that cooperation between the European Union and the Middle East and North Africa will prove to be advantageous in devising roadmaps that will shape a better future. We cannot afford any more mistakes; we need to take action and build bridges for understanding, information and cooperation.EIPISA is proud to count on a multicultural team and is convinced that the issues in the Middle East and North Africa affect us all. In the words of the President of EIPISA, "We are all in the same boat, we all share the Mediterranean Sea, but our differences can enrich us. Europe and the Middle East/North Africa are multicultural de facto, so let's sit down to talk, let us help each other, and let us fight for freedom and democracy because there is no higher goal for humanity than to find common values to create World Peace.”
In essence, protocol has always been about optimising relationships by maximising personal attention and systemising logistics. Protocol enables the staging of the personal encounter. In a world where personal attention has become scarce and technology a facilitator for rules and procedures, protocol management provides us with a unique vision in which personal time is the greatest good we can give to someone. It is the modern currency of relationships. Protocol is the modern currency of relationships Protocolbureau provides support for the (further) development of a professional relationship management. Our expertise guarantees that the relationship with the most valued stakeholders is strengthened. Our vision on building relationships is described in our books Protocol to Manage Relationships Today: Modern Relationship Management Based Upon Traditional Values and Managing Authentic Relationships; Facing New Challenges in a Changing Context, published by Amsterdam University Press. This vision is also a topic at our training programmes in Amsterdam, Brussels, Doha and The Hague; learn how to use protocol to strengthen professional relationships and become the relationship management expert of your organisation.
Section du Parti Socialiste fraçais en Belgique
The European University Institute (EUI), is the leading institute in Europe dedicated to social sciences and humanities. Founded in 1972 by the six original members of the then European Communities, the EUI has earned a reputation as a transnational hub of research and higher learning. The EUI’s outstanding doctoral, postdoctoral, master and executive education programmes, combined with our vibrant community of more than 1000 scholars from over 60 countries, create an empowering, intellectual climate where students and researchers can contribute to the betterment of society.
The University of Kent's Brussels School of International Studies (BSIS) was established in 1998. BSIS is a multidisciplinary School offering master and PhD courses in politics and law, providing in-depth analysis of contemporary issues including conflict, security, development, migration, the political economy and the legal basis of a changing world order.
BEUcitizen is a 4-year multinational and multidisciplinary project financed by the European Commission that sets out to identify, investigate, discuss and ameliorate the barriers to the active use of EU citizenship rights (and knowledge of duties). Not only does this project provide for a comparative overview and classification of the various barriers to the exercise of the rights and obligations of EU citizens in the Member States and some candidate countries, but it also analyses whether and how such barriers can be overcome. Furthermore, bEUcitizen looks into the future opportunities and challenges that the EU and its Member Stated face to further develop the idea and reality of EU citizenship. 
visit.brussels is the Brussels tourism and promotion organisation. Its mission is to bolster and spread the image of the Brussels-Capital Region. The Association Bureau is an expert resource providing support to international associations in the key areas for running and developing of an organisation in Brussels.    
Halcyon group facilitates the platforms for professionals and experts from all levels of value chain to network, enjoy maximum knowledge transfer and professional exchange. We provide unique and creative solutions that meet our clients’ business expectations and objectives. We accomplish this by our strict adherence to the ethical principles of business, team work based on the implementation of progressive communications, discipline, courage and professional quality of services provided by a highly motivated team. Vision: Focused on providing the best services for maximal satisfaction of customers. Mission: To provide innovative and best value platforms for our clients so as to encourage development and improvement of business in the modern world.
AEDE-France is a non-profit organization, founded in 1957. It aims at developing quality education for all in Europe and at promoting European Literacy and Citizenship Education.
Uphold Europe is a grassroots pressure group founded in February 2016 as a response to the manifested inability of European leaders to agree on a common, sustainable and efficient solution for the European migration management crisis. 
Our aim is to participate in the emergence of an European public space. Participatory democracy, fundamental rights and European identity are our key words. We conceived EU-Logos Athéna as a communication support, professional tool and place of expression and space of exchange of information and opinions. We appeal to European citizens, to NGOs who share our objectives, as well as those inside the national and European institutions that are working to help the emerge of an inclusive and equal European democracy.
The European Centre for Public Affairs 2.0 (ecpa2.0) is a forum for young professionals to meet, discuss topics of mutual interest and share best practice in the evolving landscape of EU public affairs.  The forum was created early 2008 by several young professionals who wanted to exchange ideas and brainstorm about the future of developments and challenges of EU affairs. The aim of ecpa2.0 is to provide a platform of discussion on the public affairs practice in the European Union benefiting from the ideas of young professionals.  
The EFRJ aims to help establish and develop victim-offender mediation and other restorative justice practices throughout Europe. The EFRJ is a non-governmental organisation launched in 2000 and composed by individual and organizational members. Its main objectives are: Stimulating (and coordinating) research Networking, building cooperation and awareness raising amongst restorative justice practitioners, policy makers, legal practitioners (prosecutors, judges and lawyers), researchers, students Lobbying Activities include research, organisation of events (conferences, summer schools, seminars, awareness campaigns, etc.), the maintainance of our memebrship, communication and awareness.
We are a non-profit organisation based in Brussels committed to the empowerment of associations active in the social sector in Europe. Our mission is to contribute to the impact of CSOs by strengthening their capacities and facilitating their access to the resources they need to reach their goals.
FRCT - Fundo Regional para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Azores/Portugal)FRCT - Regional Fund for Science and Technology (Azores/Portugal)
New Direction - The Foundation for European Reform
The Trans European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA) is the first transeuropean research network. It consists of leading research institutes in the field of European affairs throughout Europe, with an office in Brussels. 
Today, dialogue marketing strategies (via mail, telephone, Internet and direct response) are an essential tool for companies to approach, inform and retain customers, as well as providing customer relationship services.The development of sophisticated databases, telemarketing and e-marketing has made direct marketing increasingly popular as a marketing strategy and has encouraged strong investment.Through its many activities, FEDMA is dedicated to building the business of cross-border direct marketing, both through its vast network of contacts and businesses within and beyond Europe and by representation within the institutions of the European Union.
The American Chamber of Commerce in Belgium (AmCham Belgium) is one of the largest and most influential business organizations in the country. Founded in 1948, it has more than 500 members who together strive for a more competitive and prosperous Belgium. AmCham Belgium is an independent non-profit organization. In addition to US companies in Belgium, our members include local and other international businesses operating in the country.
Civil society participation and consultation should be mainstreamed throughout the EU Strategy for Danube Region and its implementation, steering and revision processes. The EUSDR action plan set high standards in demanding participation of civil society on all levels of the Danube Strategy. The DCSF calls on all stakeholders in the EUSDR, especially those responsible for the implementation of the EUSDR to keep up with the high standards of the action plan demanding participation of civil society.
Non-political association of public affairs professionals, the largest in the world with 700 companies and 8000 individuals to advance the field of public affairs
The EU Integration Forum is a ground-breaking initiative launched by the Robert Bosch Stiftung to bring together some 80 young leaders from all 28 EU Members States and all levels of government once a year to debate the challenges facing the European Union, and to create an EU-wide network of young leaders and thinkers committed to helping shape the Union
Mission of the Europe 2020 Steering CommitteeFor decades EU policies have been developed in a strict EU framework primarily concentrated in Brussels. In spite of increasing European convergence important gaps remained between EU policy making and national policies and practices. The new Europe2020 Strategy focuses on bridging these gaps. It intends to commit Member States more closely to the EU, also in areas which until reently were exclusively national. Only effective dovetailing of the EU and national decision and policy making can reinforce the common basis and goals. This process should also include participation of society at large.In the overall perspective the EESC will give shape to the participation of national social partners and civil society in the practical implementation of the Europe2020 Strategy. It will focus on co-ownership of national societal forces in Europe2020 and on mobilising transborder networks.The mandate of the EESC Europe2020 Steering Committee is: - to coordinate and ensure consistency of the the work carried out by all the Sections, the CCMI, and the Observatories, and in the Opinions on issues related to Europe2020- to organise meetings with national ESC´s and similar organisations to prepare joint initiatives and reports focusing on Europe2020- to coordinate with EESC Members and the Communication group on a Europe2020 communication by organised civil society
The ECI Campaign is an organization exclusively working for the successful introduction and implementation of the European Citizens
The Brussels Office of Antall József Knowledge Centre represent the political, economic, and cultural philosophy of József Antall (1939 – 1993), Hungary’s first democratically-elected Prime Minister after the fall of Communism, who served from 1990 to 1993. During his tenure, Hungary went through a peaceful transition from dictatorship to democracy. PM Antall was the initiator of the Visegrád Cooperation together with Presidents Havel and Wałęsa in 1991. As soon as Hungary regained its full sovereignty, he started the EU accession talks. On 16 December 1991, he signed the Association Agreements of European Communities. On 18 July 1990, he visited for the first time the NATO Headquarters in Brussels. With this visit he paved the way for Hungary’s full membership in NATO.The Brussels Office of the Antall József Knowledge Centre is dedicated to following in the footsteps of PM József Antall, whose vision of Hungary and its place in Europe and the wider world made him a remarkable statesman. Our aims include the preservation of his pro-European and pro-Transatlantic legacy, his true belief in participatory democracy and freedom, and his commitment to safeguarding the rights of citizens, especially the liberty of citizens. PM Antall was a conservative, Christian democratic Hungarian statesman who not only talked about but also fought for human rights. He believed in further enlargement and a stable neighbourhood policy in Europe.The Brussels Office of the Antall József Knowledge Centre is dedicated to preserving the Antall heritage, and believes that it is important to learn the lessons from history and to promote future progress. 
We are an independent NGO based in Brussels focusing on the young generation. Young people, researchers, euro bubble workers, experts, academic professionals who are dealing with European Affairs We are debating about the future of Europe and the European Integration through free and easy dialogues about our common future where every opinion matters. We examine the role of EU institutions and the possible impact of their policies and analyze the institutional balance between the decision-making bodies in the European integration. 
Young European Leadership (YEL) is an international nonprofit and nonpartisan organization dedicated to empowering young leaders and future decision makers from Europe and beyond. Through engaging events, YEL aims to inspire these leaders from all backgrounds to shape the future of Europe, fostering innovative solutions to local and global challenges. YEL is composed by Young Europeans who seek to jointly work on shaping their generation
Brussels MEU organises a yearly conference where 200 young leaders from around Europe get together and simulate the decision making process of the European Union. During the simulation, students will gain a better insight in EU legislation making, while getting to know the city of Brussels, making international friends and also improving on their public speaking and negotiation skills. Brussels MEU 2015 will take place from the 16th till the 21st of March. We are now ready for your applications. Hurry up and apply!
CNR-IRCrES (Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth) was set up in 1956 with the acronym of CERIS and it is now the main institute of CNR specialised socio-economic analysis. During this long history its activities and competencies evolved and enriched, following the needs of the society: 1960s: economics of firms and management 1970s: industrial organization 1980s: economics of innovation and policy 1990s: local development 2000s: science institutions and policies, energy economics and environment 2010s agro systems with growing weight of social and political aspects Now attention to the historical-cultural dimension This process resulted in a stratification of competencies and favoured a strong attitude towards multidisciplinary and demand driven approach to research. The methodological approach is characterised by: a micro-economic approach with support from other disciplines such as sociology, political science, economic history, psychology, anthropology quantitative methodologies (econometric models) and data sources (e.g.. balance sheets, labour market data-bases) supported by qualitative techniques (interviews, questionnaires, case studies) New methods: econometric models applied to social enquiries, action research, focus groups, composite indicators, simulation, counterfactual evaluation…. The main fields of the on-going research are organized along 3 main research areas:  Evolution of the industrial system in Italy and Europe  Organization and sustainability of large social systems in modern societies  Socio-economic analysis of environmental issues and 2 cross-cutting research approaches:  Assessment of technological innovation  Evaluation of public policies
The oldest university from Eastern Romania.Universitatea
Founded in 1991 at the Peace Palace in The Hague, UNPO is a unique international organization built entirely by its Members. These Members are composed of indigenous peoples, minority groups and occupied or unrecognized territories. Although the aspirations of UNPO Members differ greatly, they are all united by one shared condition
Pro Europa is passionate about the UK
European Professionals Network (EPN) is a Brussels-based civil society initiative that was set up in 2009. EPN acknowledges that people in professional life not only need to increase their competences but also equally be keen on their personal and social empowerment by actively participating in the society they live. We believe that values such as democratic participation, active citizenship and constructive engagement are extremely important. EPN tries to realise these objectives of awareness-raising on European matters through seminars, conferences and workshops.
The Academy of European Law (ERA) enables judges, lawyers in private practice, business and public administration, academics and others who encounter legal issues in their work to gain a wider and deeper knowledge of the diverse aspects of European law. Through conferences, seminars, study visits, language courses, training projects and publications, it serves as an interface between the European legal profession and the decision-making centres of Brussels, Luxembourg and Strasbourg.
Established in 2010, the EU-Korea Institute (EKI) is the first Brussels-based EU think-tank specialising in EU-Korea relations.At EKI, we aim to provide the diverse EU and Korean general public, institutions, governments, business executives, journalists, NGOs, students and other interested parties, with the opportunity to better understand EU Korea relations and the policy choices facing them.EKI is leading one of the four European Commission co-funded projects to promote
UM Campus Brussels aims to function as a Maastricht University establishment in Brussels where individuals and groups can work, meet colleagues, exchange experiences, and organise events. To do so UM Campus Brussels provides a wide range of facilities for both internal and external parties interested in developing new opportunities in Brussels or to expand existing operations in the capital of Europe. UM Campus Brussels also hosts courses for professionals and offers unique part-time PhD programmes. Visit our website to learn more about these opportunities.
RSA Europe was born on 28 June 2017 when the Regional Studies Association created a non-profit Foundation  (Fondation privée/Stichting) in Belgium. The full official title is the Regional Studies Association European Foundation, but for ease this is shortened to RSA Europe. RSA Europe is registered under Belgian law. The Trustees and Directors of the Regional Studies Association made the decision to become the Founder of a charitable foundation in Europe in order to better serve RSA’s European membership and the regional studies and regional science academic, policy and practice community in Europe.
The Centre for Social Innovation (ZSI) is a scientific institute, founded 1990 as a not-for profit association under Austrian law. Institutes, private companies, public and international organisations are invited to support ZSI activities aiming at research and promotion of social innovations.Innovations are socially relevant. Alongside with the economic relevance of innovations in technology social innovations shall receive equally high attention in the public, politics and research.Acting as a social-profit organisation, ZSI conducts research on the social embedding of all manner of innovation, and contributes to the designing of innovation processes and social change.ZSI is an independent institution, acting globally by deployment of innovative research, education, advisory services and co-ordination of networks, to support socially appreciated forms of innovations, develop, research and disseminate social innovations, analyse, promote and evaluate scientific collaboration, strengthen an open and solidly united society, and thereby help to implement the visionary prospect of a better world.
The EU-Ukraine Business Council is an independent CEO-level forum for European and Ukrainian business leaders that is set up as a non-profit making organisation in order to promote trade and investment between the EU and Ukraine, to assist companies to develop business opportunities, to promote dialogue between governments and companies to help solve market access difficulties and overcome regulatory obstacles both for Ukrainian businesses in the EU and EU businesses in Ukraine.
The Stockholm Environment Institute is an international non-profit research organization that has worked with environment and development issues from local to global policy levels for a quarter of a century. SEI works to shift policy and practice towards sustainability. We are an international nonprofit research organization that has worked with environment and development issues from local to global policy levels for a quarter of a century. SEI bridges science and policy to find robust responses to the challenges of sustainability. SEI’s vision is a sustainable future for all. Our mission is “to support decision-making and induce change towards sustainable development around the world by providing integrative knowledge that bridges science and policy in the field of environment and development”. To deliver on our mission, we work across issues like climate change, energy systems, water resources, air quality, land-use, sanitation, food security, and trade, and we approach these issues from a range of perspectives from the natural and social sciences. We combine scientific research with policy analysis, connecting our work to decision-makers and civil society in global governance, national public policy, regional cooperation, local planning, and the private sector. We generate and share knowledge that catalyses action, and always take a highly collaborative approach: stakeholder involvement is at the heart of our efforts to build capacity, strengthen institutions, and equip partners for the long term. Making scientific knowledge accessible is a priority. We publish our own series of open-access reports and briefs, alongside articles in leading academic journals, and work creatively through a range of media to ensure that our research is available to those that need it. We convene seminars and conferences that bring together decision-makers, academics, and practitioners to debate key issues and share knowledge, and engage in and inform policy processes, development action, and business practice worldwide. We are committed to transparency and believe that full disclosure of our finances and funding builds trust in our work. Sida is our most substantial donor, but we also receive broad support from development agencies, governments, NGOs, universities, businesses, and financial institutions. SEI is International – SEI is distributed across nine locations around the world, works locally, regionally and globally, and has a diverse international staff. Trusted – both policy-makers and the academic community recognize SEI as an independent and non-partisan institute. Credible – SEI’s research is objective, and supported by a rigorous system of internal and external peer review. Integrated – only joined-up research can solve joined-up problems. SEI places a strong emphasis on making connections across the natural, physical, and social sciences, allowing us to approach sustainability challenges from new angles and offer robust and insightful policy advice.
L'Institut Européen des Relations Internationales (IERI) de Bruxelles est un centre indépendant de recherches, de formation et de débats sur les grands dossiers internationaux qui s'articule autour de trois axes :- l'analyse des stratégies politiques et militaires avec une attention particulière pour la Politique
Norwegian Refugee Council is a non-governmental organisation providing humanitarian services to displaced people worldwide. NRC works in more than twenty countries, delivering shelter, food security, education, water and sanitation, and counseling and legal assistance. NRC promotes and protects the rights of people who have been forced to flee their countries, or their homes within their countries. It is the only Norwegian organisation that specialises in international efforts aimed at this target group. The majority of our approximately 3000 staff members are national employees in NRC
DOREA is the largest training provider of Erasmus+ courses in Cyprus, based in Limassol, and in the last 5 years alone DOREA has delivered more than 50 courses under LLP & Grundtvig IST (the predecessors of Erasmus+) and about 60 courses around Europe (Cyprus, Greece, Spain, Italy, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Lithuania, Ireland, United Kingdom) under Erasmus+ programme. DOREA courses combine the most effective and fastest-growing models of applied psychology such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Transactional Analysis (AT), Enneagram and Gestalt among others.  We pride ourselves in making a real difference in professional and personal lives of the participants of our courses. We use active learning methods in order to maximize benefits for the students and enable them to start using the new skills straight ahead.  DOREA also provides personal development courses that help adult learners develop and express their potential and gain practical skills that help to cope with life challenges and restore life balance. We offer lectures and workshops on topics such as emotional intelligence, creative thinking skills, self awareness and self acceptance, interpersonal communication, stress management, body-mind connection, finding life purpose, NLP, Enneagram among others.  
Understanding EU law is essential for anyone dealing with the transposition, application and enforcement of rules and legislation in national administrations and legal systems.EIPA's European Centre for Judges and Lawyers in Luxembourg (ECJL) provides services in the fields of European law and the administration and quality of justice for those working in the European legal professions, as well as for civil servants, corporate counsels, academics and others with an interest in EU legislation and law.
UNITEE is the only organization representing entrepreneurs and professionals with a migrant background, whom we refer to as « New Europeans »: people who live in Europe but have connections with more than just the country where they live. Through its 6 national federations and 77 associations, UNITEE represents more than 15 000 entrepreneurs and business professionals across 23 European countries and from all the major sectors of the European economy.
PubAffairs Bruxelles is a cross-sectorial network of professionals working in the fields of public and regulatory affairs correlated to the European Union.PubAffairs Bruxelles aims at creating an open platform foster debate, information exchange and the development of ideas among its members, establishing a diverse community which encompasses young stagiaires, as well as experienced lobbyists.
The European Centre for International Affairs (ECIA) is a Brussels-based independent, non-profit, policy think tank. Our core mission is to provide innovative analyses of global issues from a European perspective. Policymakers today are faced with the challenge of a complex and globalized politics in which resource, human and societal issues are inextricable. ECIA
The AJC Transatlantic Institute is a Think tank operating in Brussels since 2004. It aims to strengthen the transatlantic bond and fosters dialogue between the US and the EU in the fields of global security, Middle East peace, and human rights. It combines public education programming with media work to help decision makers formulate the policies best suited to protect European and US security and advance pluralism and democracy in the world.
The Austrian Institute for Law and Policy acts according to the following principle:Science for the humane society, for the knowledge about our law and for a prudent and responsible legislation.Legal Policy deals always with the question how a future law should be conditioned. Even when science cannot take away the decision from politics, it can support politics in making the right and just propositions (decisions). By this however legal policy should not be exhausted in its endeavours, but should tackle the principle dimension of ethics of law.The Austrian Institute for Law and Policy in Salzburg is hitherto the sole such Institute in Austria. Such an Institute for Legal Policy deserves the special commitment of politics. The problem concerning a degrading acceptance in the law, the decreasing knowledge about the law and the lacking involvement of the citizens, infringes the capacity of parliamentary democracy.Strategies that improve the relationship between decision makers (in legislation) and the citizens have to be developed. Therefore, legal policy and legal information policy as they are performed by the Austrian Institute for Law and Policy are tools to improve the current situation.
An independent, non-governmental, privately-organised institution representing the interest of national and international companies doing business in Europe (50 countries), improving the business environment they are active in.Objectives
The Austrian Study Center for Peace and Conflict Resolution (ASPR) is situated in the medieval town of Stadtschlaining/Austria.It was founded in 1982 as an independent, non-profit and non-partisan organisation. It aims to contribute to the promotion of peace and peaceful conflict transformation and to the dissemination of practical ideas for peace. In order to carry out these tasks, the ASPR conducts and evaluates research in line with its objectives, engages in training and education, and conucts scientific courses. For these and other efforts, the ASPR was awarded the UN "Peace Messenger" status in 1987, and, together with the EPU, the UNESCO-Price for Peace Education 1995.
youris.com is an independent non-profit media agency promoting leading-edge European innovation via TV media and the web. youris.com designs and implements media communication strategies for large research organisations and EU-funded projects and is able to establish permanent links between research communities and the media. The youris.com web platform is one of main primary information sources for European science and technology. youris.com produces and distributes to European TV channels original video news releases and articles featuring most prominent leading-edge S&T innovation of European research.
Transparency International EU is part of the global anti-corruption movement, Transparency International, which includes over 100 chapters around the world. Since 2008, Transparency International EU has functioned as a regional liaison office for the global movement and as such it works closely with the Transparency International Secretariat in Berlin, Germany. Transparency International EU leads the movement’s EU advocacy, in close cooperation with national chapters worldwide, but particularly with the 24 national chapters in EU Member States. Transparency International EU’s mission is to prevent corruption and promote integrity, transparency and accountability in EU institutions, policies and legislation.  
Founded in 1987 under the auspices of the Council of Europe, the European Forum for Urban Security (Efus) is the only European network of local and regional authorities dedicated to urban security. Bringing together 250 local and regional authorities in 16 countries, this network aims to strengthen crime reduction policies and to promote the role of the local level in national and European policies.
The PES Group in the Committee of the Regions (CoR) is a political group bringing together social-democrats and socialists who are representatives from local and regional authorities in the EU.
The Fundación Comunidad Valenciana-Región Europea strengthens the participation of the Valencian Region in the European Union’s policies and actions. It also promotes a better knowledge of these actions and policies. The Fundación Comunidad Valenciana-Región Europea is a non-profit foundation with an indefinite duration under the protection of the Generalitat Valenciana, the Valencian Regional Government, according to the current legislation.
The Group of the Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats is the second-largest in the European Parliament. It fights for social justice, with more and better jobs, a clear social dimension to EU policy, environment protection including action on climate change and a strong EU that gives a lead to the rest of the world. The Group has led efforts to reform financial markets and relaunch the global economy. We campaign tirelessly for real equality between men and women in Europe. The Group is led by Martin Schulz.
The EFC is an international association of foundations and corporate funders dedicated to:•Creating an enabling legal and fiscal environment for foundations •Documenting the foundation landscape •Strengthening the infrastructure of the sector •Promoting collaboration, both among foundations and between foundations and other actorsEstablished in 1989, the Centre is an independent international not-for-profit association under Belgian law. Ultimate authority vests in the EFC Annual General Assembly of Members, with governance entrusted to an elected Governing Council, supported by a Management Committee. Membership of the Centre implies commitment to the EFC brand.
VoteWatch Europe is an independent organisation set up to promote better debates and greater transparency in EU decision-making, by providing easy access to, and analysis of, the votes and other activities of the European Parliament (EP) and the EU Council of Ministers (Council). VoteWatch uses the EU Institutions' own attendance, voting and activity data - available through their websites - to give a full overview of MEP and Member State activities.Using sophisticated statistical methods developed by political scientists from the London School of Economics and New York University, the website covers the activities of Parliament and Council since 2009. (Parliament statistics dating back to 2004 are also available on the website). Information on the EP is updated daily following each voting session. Council votes are updated as and when voting data is made available by the Council secretariat. Follow us on Twitter if you are interested in receiving immediate updates.VoteWatch Europe is supported by Burson-Marsteller, the Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust, the Open Society Foundations and White&Case.
To serve clients worldwide, by connecting them with the information needed to drive innovative organizational improvements in the face of daunting challenge. Leveraging advances in remote conference technology to provide information based business events that bring the information to the user, rather than the end-user to the information.To provide intelligent business information to our clients, bestowing them with a sustainable competitive advantage over the long term. To objectively analyze market trends and work with our channel partners to give them the information they need in a timely and effective manner.
Ile-de-France Europe is the official representation of the Ile-de-France Region and provinces to the EU
EARTO is the European trade association representing over 350 Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) from across Europe.It promotes and defends their interests by monitoring European research and innovation policy and making representations.It organises seminars, working groups, conferences and other activities to help its members to meet, exchange good professional practice and develop joint projects.It assists its members to better employ the funding and other opportunities provided by European research and innovation policy.
The Brussels School of Governance (BSoG) carries out interdisciplinary research, organises fully accredited higher education programmes and delivers a broad range of academic services in various policy-relevant fields, including energy & environment, security & diplomacy, migration & diversity, and digitalisation & democracy. The School is an alliance between the Institute for European Studies (Vrije Universiteit Brussel), which has a long-standing reputation in postgraduate education & research, and Vesalius College, which has a solid undergraduate & graduate education offering.
The EUROPEAN MOVEMENT is an international organisation open to all political, economic, social and cultural trends in civil society. Its objective is to "contribute to the establishment of a united, federal Europe founded on the principles of peace, democracy, liberty, solidarity, and respect for basic human rights. It seeks to provide a structure to encourage and facilitate the active participation of citizens and civil society organisations in the development of a united Europe.
The South Asia Democratic Forum (SADF) was created in Brussels in the beginning of 2011 as a dialogue platform between public and private institutions of the European Union and the members of the South Asia Association for Regional Co-operation on issues that the SAARC “Charter of Democracy” defines as crucial for democracy building.
The International School of Protocol and Diplomacy is Europe's leading academic institution solely dedicated to studies in these fields. We combine the fields of protocol, diplomacy and cross cultural relations in order to bring students and participants a unique range of study programmes designed and developed by academics from a multi-cultural perspective.ISPD is an organisation born out of the need for an academic institution that prepares and certifies professionals in the field of international procedures and relations.We have taken all of our programmes on a step further by combining them with cross cultural communication, thus preparing our students to go global with an ability to interact with several cultures.Our students and alumni have had the opportunity to listen to, learn from and be challenged by leading experts from the fields of International relations, procedures and conventions such as the former European Union Ambassador to the Holy See, the former Chief of Royal Protocol of Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands, the former Chief of Protocol of the European Commission, the Head of Information at the International Criminal Court, the former Belgian Ambassador to China, and the Head of Protocol of the European Parliament.Last academic year, 2013-2014, was marked by an important milestone that we are very proud of: the ISPD passed the Qfor standard certification with 92% quality average in all of the 8 instruments of the quality evaluation, attributed
For the past several years we have been intensively researching and teaching in the following fields:E-LearningKnowledge ManagementDecision Support SystemsSkill- / Competence ManagementThis broad range of topics leads to synergistic effects, affording creative and innovative results indicated by numerous publications – national and international. The faculty’s fields of activities are reflected in  many R&D projects. Together with national and international partners, we build a bridge between theory and praxis, university and business.
The Union of European Federalists (UEF) is a nongovernmental and supranational organisation dedicated to the promotion of a democratic and federal Europe. The aim of the European Federalists is to bring together citizens who desire to work for the federal unity of Europe, to act as a catalyst of democratic forces in Europe and to stimulate public debate on the political content of the 'European project'.
The European Monitoring Centre for Drugs and Drug Addiction (EMCDDA) is the leading authority on illicit drugs in the European Union. The Lisbon-based agency provides independent, scientific evidence and analysis on all aspects of this constantly changing threat to individual lives and wider society. Its work contributes to EU and national policies to protect Europe’s citizens from drug-related harms. Inaugurated in Lisbon in 1995, it is one of the EU’s decentralised agencies.
Mental Health Europe - Santé Mentale Europe is a European non-governmental organisation committed to the promotion of positive mental health, the prevention of mental distress, the improvement of care, advocacy for social inclusion and the protection of human rights for (ex)users of mental health services, their families and carers.
The British Chamber of Commerce in Belgium (BCCB) offers : • A vast network of contacts in the right places enabling you to increase your client reach • Influence policy where it matters by providing access to key policy and decision makers within Belgium and in the EU institutions • Help to develop your business by offering networking and corporate hospitality opportunities
The EIB is the long-term financing institution of the European Union and its mission is to help implement the EU's policy objectives by financing sound business projects. The Bank operates on a "not for profit maximising" basis and borrows on the capital markets to finance these projects. It works in the framework of a rolling three-year operational plan, approved by its Board of Directors and updated every year.Our Mission is to further the objectives of the European Union by making long-term finance available for sound investment.
We are a training company based in Brussels that provides one-day courses mainly for EU Institutions competitions.We provide training for both the Computer Based Test and for the Assessment Center phase of EPSO competitions and our methods are applicable right-away. We see our trainings as problem-solving processes and we believe it is always easier to learn from the experiences of others than having to go through everything on your own. Each course is split into a theoretical and a practical part. In the first part participants will benefit from the advice, tips and tricks of our trainers who took the EPSO tests before. The practical part will make you understand exactly what you have to do on that day. Our easy to follow courses bring you just that
The Institute of International & European Affairs (IIEA) was established in Dublin in 1991. It provides an independent forum in Ireland and a centre for research on European affairs. The IIEA Brussels Branch provides the Brussels community with a forum to discuss the challenges facing Europe and the world. Located at the heart of the European Union, the IIEA Brussels Branch puts members face to face with the leading players behind major developments in the European Union and the international sphere. We work closely with the Institute in Ireland in terms of its work programme, publications and expertise. We organise regular debates with speakers from the EU institutions, Permanent Representations and Governments as well as academics and journalists. There is usually one event per month from September to June.
The Academic Network for Legal Studies on Immigration and Asylum in Europe has been created with the financial support of the Odysseus programme of the European Commission. It was initiated in 1999 by Philippe De Bruycker, Professor at the Institute for European Studies of the Université Libre de Bruxelles (U.L.B.). It brings together specialists on Aliens Law from the Member States of the European Union. Its mission is, on the one hand, to carry out legal research and to offer expert opinions, either on its own initiative or on request, on the other hand, to exchange and diffuse as widely as possible legal analysis in the field of Immigration and Asylum Law in Europe. The national laws of each Member State of the European Union in a comparative perspective as well as European Law are taken into consideration. The works include research reports and scientific congresses, the results of which are published, as well as training sessions and educational programmes.
The Institute for European Studies is an autonomous department of the Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB). It was created in 2001 through an initiative taken by the Flemish Government. It teaches advanced Master programmes, and focuses on interdisciplinary research in European Studies, more specifically on the role of the EU in an international setting. Within this scope, it provides academic services to scholars, policy makers and the general public.The Educational Development Unit of the Institute for European Studies is involved in a wide range of activities in the areas of teaching, training, e-learning and research. The unit is lead by Prof. Dr. Amelia Hadfield and is supported by the Researchers Alexandra Mihai and Alina Christova as well as the interns Jelena Vasic and Paul Brooks.
The Institute was established in 1995 as an independent academic organization with the mission to become a forum where academics and researchers from all over the world could meet in Athens and exchange ideas on their research and consider the future developments of their fields of study. Our mission is to make ATHENS a place where academics and researchers from all over the world meet to discuss the developments of their discipline and present their work. To serve this purpose, conferences are organized along the lines of well established and well defined scientific disciplines.  In addition, interdisciplinary conferences are also organized because they serve the mission statement of the Institute. Since 1995, ATINER has organized close to 150 annual international conferences and has published over 100 books. Academically, the Institute is organized into four research divisions and nineteen research units. Each research unit organizes at least one annual conference and undertakes various small and large research projects.
The European Academy for Taxes, Economy & Law offers expertise in the core areas of common European law and regulations: EU Funding, Taxes, State Aid, Energy & the Environment, IT, Internal Affairs and Internal Security.With the aid of European and National experts this knowledge transfer proceeds via different information channels, especially by publications and high class events designed as congresses, conferences, seminars and workshops. In-house Conference Managers research, analyse, check, filter and evaluate market information and conceive out of it practice-oriented expert meetings independently.The European Knowledge Network connects management and staff from all areas of civil service and the European economy to strengthen the network of expertise at large and to simplify their daily workload. EUROPE UNITED BY KNOWLEDGE.
Cagintua e.V. engages in Democratic dialogue, integration work and Cultural exchange. We work with many other organisations in the state of Brandenburg in Germany to carry our our projects. Some of our past successful projects include:What can we do as refugees to make Africa a better place to live and not to flee? Network and Dialogue against Discrimination. The police, the city and the migrants, Project DEMVOTE, Students and migrants cultural exchange. For details about our project and to learn more about this organisation please visite the organisation website.
The Maastricht Graduate School of Governance was founded in September 2004 by the University Board of Maastricht University. The official opening of the School took place on the 1st of October 2005. The School is a unique initiative that blends innovative master and PhD programmes, integrates and strengthens research in Governance and valorises research and teaching experience through contractual training and research activities.
SOLIDAR is a European network of 60 Civil Society Organisations working to advance social justice in Europe and worldwide. With 60 member organisations based in 27 countries (22 of which are EU countries), member organisations are national NGOs in Europe, as well as some non-EU and EU-wide organisations, working in one or more of our fields of activity. The network is brought together by its shared values of solidarity, equality and participation.