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Centre of Excellence "New Visions of the European Union's Role in Global Health" (EU4GH) is conceived as an interdepartmental high-quality research and teaching hub, aiming at placing itself in the national and international panorama as a focal point of expertise and knowledge on EU studies on global health issues. Its focus will rest on the external dimension of the European Health Union and the leading role that the EU plays as a key actor in the global health scenario, in accordance with the EU Global Health Strategy and in line with the European Commission's Priority "A stronger Union in the world".The Centre will bring together experts in EU and International Law with a long track record of academic work on EU and global health law, as well as high-level officers from Italian governmental institutions operating in the field of health. It will be led by the Department of Legal Sciences of the University of Salerno and supported by the Department of Medicine, the Department of Pharmacy and the "Observatory on Human Rights: Bioethics, Health, Environment". It will avail itself of the advice and contribution offered by foreign internationally recognized experts and will closely collaborate with a large network of European, African and American academic associations, university departments and research centres.EU4GH aims to reach a broad range of beneficiaries through university courses and traineeship, webinars, open access publications and research outputs destined not only to students and academics, but also to lawyers, health professionals, public administrations, policy makers and law makers, civil servants and the civil society.
The META Group specialises in maximising research impact and solving societal challenges through innovative solutions.With over 30 years of experience, we have collaborated with more than 2,000 consortia and 500 companies across diverse sectors, including partnerships with the European Commission, regional governments, development agencies, investors, research organisations, and start-up. Our approach emphasises pioneering problem-solving, aiming to optimise the journey from idea to market. We offer a range of services including:• Knowledge Valorisation: Assisting in ensuring research results generate impact.• Access to Risk Capital: Helping talents prepare for early-stage funding.• Innovation Policy: Working at the intersection of research and policy to bring innovations to market.• Capacity and Competence Building: Offering training and capacity building to support knowledge-intensive growth.• Technical Assistance: Providing tailored solutions for researchers, entrepreneurs, and policymakers.
SSI Environmental Protection AssociationAs an environmental protection association, the Italian Speleological Society - Third Sector Organization makes a constant commitment to safeguarding the karst-speleological heritage with scientific research programs and control actions on the state of health and protection of karst and underground environments.Through studies and analyzes of compatibility in the underground and epigean karst environment, it is a partner of organizations and institutions that seek data, information and methods to add essential knowledge to the rational management of environmental and landscape resources.The Italian Speleological Society ETS has also focused its attention on the problem of water resources for some time, aware of the fact that in the near future waters of karst origin will be increasingly important for their use.Aware of the importance of this issue, bodies dedicated to environmental protection have created the Committee for the Global Water Contract.In this context, the Italian Speleological Society ETS promotes and coordinates the National Speleology Days and Let's Clean the Dark, initiatives aimed at promoting knowledge of the karst territories and raising awareness for the correct management of our country's underground water heritage.Since 11 January 2008, the Italian Speleological Society has become part of the Italian Commission for the coordination of the IYPE - International Year of Planet Earth. The Italian Speleological Society recommends to all explorers and visitors to the underground world the adoption of techniques and procedures aimed at minimizing the environmental impact of exploration or simple visits, such as the protocol to combat the spread of White Nose Syndrome , applicable to normal speleological activity.
 X23 is an European independent, multidisciplinary, private Research body founded in Italy. We catalyse pioneering projects all over EU and globally and commit to launch into real world. Born from the merger of Xóôlab and The23, X23 is providing independent analysis and support in R&D, Grow, Scale-up services.
TETIDE is a Social Promotion Association with the aim of safeguarding the underground and epigean karst environment, of encouraging the valorisation and promotion of the territory, also providing technical support for the training and professional qualification of operators and speleological guides as well as involving and orienting the institutions, social and economic forces towards legislation, programs, agreements and projects, consistent with the aims of the Association. The social activities will also be aimed at extra-regional territories with the aim of making known and disseminating the speleological activity of the Mediterranean countries, taking into consideration Speleology in all its different cultural and technical expressions, which have manifested themselves over time in a large territory. and complex as the Mediterranean basin is. The Association also intends to avail itself of the collaboration of professionals and researchers from the various disciplines involved, without neglecting the interdisciplinary nature that speleological research requires, such as: archeology and paleontology for the wealth of finds that the caves preserve and guard, the anthropology and the history of art for the historical and artistic interest expressed by the artificial cavities, as well as by the rock settlements that so characterize and unite Mediterranean cultures, underwater speleology for the presence of coastal caves that can only be explored thanks to this complex discipline, biospeleology for the richness and environmental importance of underground biodiversity and last, but not least, the geology and study of the territory for the protection of karst and karst aquifers which are the precious water reserves of our territories, too often irresponsibly vandalized by disorderly anthropization. TETIDE APS wants to promote Mediterranean Speleologies, in which speleological exploration and dissemination become communities of study, of intent, of cultures and of approaches unique to the world.
We promote and support the implementation of the UN Security Council Resolutions for “Youth, Peace and Security” and “Women, Peace and Security“, and the achievement of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda to build more inclusive and peaceful societies.
Europe Direct Abruzzo Antenna and european project management
Among the 300 best Universiy in the world (5th best in Italy) according to the ARWU Shanghai ranking, it has more than 81,000 students and about 1,900 staff, with about 160 degrees at the Bachelor or Master level and almost 40 at the PhD level.  
The Metropolitan City of Genoa (Italian: Città Metropolitana di Genova) is one of the fourteen Metropolitan cities of Italy, located in the region of Liguria. Its capital is the city of Genoa. It was first created by the reform of local authorities (Law 142/1990) and then established by the Law 56/2014. It has been operative since January 1, 2015. It counts 67 Municipalities for a total area of sq mi and a population of about 862,175 inhabitants. The Metropolitan City is headed by the Metropolitan Mayor (Sindaco metropolitano) and by the Metropolitan Council (Consiglio metropolitano).
L'Università Bocconi nasce come apertura alla modernità, come atto di fiducia nel progresso e nella sua stretta relazione con l'avanzamento della conoscenza, sempre in dialogo con il mondo esterno. Ferdinando Bocconi, precursore in Italia della grande distribuzione, decise di legare i suoi beni e il nome della sua famiglia a una prestigiosa istituzione formativa, in memoria del figlio Luigi. Leopoldo Sabbatini, autore del programma formativo, primo presidente e rettore dell'Ateneo, ricorda nei suoi scritti i meriti di Ferdinando Bocconi: l'aver impostato gli studi universitari bocconiani rispettando "l'armonia fra la scuola e la vita", e aver intuito l'importanza del ruolo della cultura e della scienza come fondamento della crescita economica e morale della nazione. Dopo un secolo dalla fondazione, i valori che hanno ispirato i fondatori dell'Università Bocconi sono rimasti intatti e continuano a vivere nelle attività dell'Ateneo. Dal 1955 l'Istituto Javotte Bocconi - Associazione Amici della Bocconi, fondazione dell'Università Bocconi è principale riferimento delle scelte strategiche e di governance dell'ateneo milanese. Dalla sua fondazione, l'Istituto sostiene economicamente l'ateneo in diverse forme e tramanda alle giovani generazioni l'impegno della famiglia Bocconi nell'esperienza educativa. Inoltre veglia affinchè tale impegno sia costantemente realizzato dal governo accademico nel modo migliore e più efficace.
The Centre was founded by a group of scholars from various Italian universities, belonging to various fields of study, such as Literature, the Arts, Law and Philosophy. We intend to work on and encourage, comparative research on various kinds of aesthetic approaches, modes of writing and artistic expressions, particularly focusing on the discourses characterising the different Modernisms, their roots and outgrowths, up to Postmodernism, while aiming at implementing an independent field of research within the Humanities. We will also ask for submissions on related topics through calls for papers.We will probe into the following items:1. comparing and contrasting the “two cultures”, i. e., science and the humanities, the different arts, and different national cultures.2. considering key problems in the main Avant-garde and Modernist movements.3. reconsidering questions posed by recent theoretical approaches as well as the relationships connecting different arts, performances, new media, as well as literature and law, literature, science and the arts.Our journal "CoSMo | Comparative Studies in Modernism" is meant to collect the various symposiums our Research Centre “Modernity / Modernism and the Arts” has held over the year.
The Center for European Studies (CefES-DEMS) promotes research on European countries following the highest standards in economic research and with an international vocation. The Center gathers scholars from several different fields in Economics, with the objective of contributing to the empirical and theoretical debate on the European economy.
  Vista di Ancona Ancona , quale sede universitaria, è una realtà relativamente recente, conseguente ad un lungo processo di realizzazione di aspirazioni e motivazioni culturali, sociali, economiche, storiche. Ancona, già nel Medioevo sede di una Scuola di Diritto ottenne da Papa Pio V nel 1562 l'autorizzazione ad istituire uno "Studium Generale cuiuscumque Facultatis et Scientiae", con la Facoltà di Diritto Civile e Canonico e di Teologia, con la possibilità inoltre di istituire altre Facoltà. Il collegio dei dottori aveva potestà di conferire i vari gradi accademici. Ai dottori e agli studenti venivano altresì riconosciuti privilegi, prerogative, immunità propri degli altri Studi Generali, quali quelli di Bologna e Padova. Il nuovo Studium caratterizzato per un secolo da fervore di studi, subì un declino progressivo nella seconda metà del XVII secolo per l'attrazione esercitata sui giovani delle famiglie benestanti della città dai più famosi Studi di Roma e Bologna. Tale declino culminò nel 1739 con una prima chiusura dello Studium.   Rettorato Nel 1746, su delibera del Consiglio Comunale, approvata da Papa Benedetto XIV, venne nuovamente attivata la cattedra di Diritto Civile e Canonico, cattedra la cui breve vita ebbe termine con i grandi rivolgimenti politici degli anni 1797-1799. Le aspirazioni universitarie di Ancona, per lungo tempo apparentemente sopite, riemersero al termine della prima Guerra Mondiale, dapprima incerte e confuse, successivamente con contorni più precisi, inquadrata in sempre più razionale coscienza dell'intera problematica universitaria regionale. Le fasi successive, durate fino al termine degli anni 20, furono contrassegnate da proposte diverse, mai giunte alla fase di realizzazione, quali la creazione di una Confederazione universitaria regionale, con Rettorato ad Ancona, con la presenza nella stessa città del triennio clinico di medicina e di una non meglio definita Scuola Superiore di Commercio. Dall'inizio degli anni 30 il disegno di un'intesa regionale su una programmazione universitaria globale che prevedesse la realizzazione anche ad Ancona di una Università trovò illuminati e strenui propugnatori nei soci e nel presidente dell'Istituto Marchigiano di Scienze Lettere ed Arti, istituito nel capoluogo nel 1925.       Municipio Il paziente lavoro istruttivo e propositivo, interrotto dagli eventi della seconda Guerra Mondiale, venne ripreso nel dopoguerra e tra proposte, richieste, opposizioni, prese di posizione campanilistiche, silenzi e dinieghi ministeriali, si giunse nel 1969 alla istituzione della Libera Università di Ancona, nonché il relativo statuto, con l'attivazione del primo biennio della Facoltà di Ingegneria e del triennio biologico della Facoltà di Medicina e Chirurgia, da parte del  Consiglio Direttivo del Consorzio costituito costituito tra Comune, Amministrazione Provinciale, Camera di Commercio, e presieduto e stimolato dal professor Trifogli. Il consiglio Superiore della Pubblica Istruzione espresse successivamente parere favorevole, autorizzando l'attivazione della Facoltà di Ingegneria per L'Anno Accademico 1969-70 e di quella di Medicina per l'anno successivo. Era così nata ad Ancona la Libera Università, riconosciuta definitivamente come Università statale in tempi molto brevi, ed esattamente il 18 gennaio 1971.       Polo Villarey La città di Ancona divenne finalmente sede Universitaria, con due Facoltà proprie, alle quali venne in seguito aggregata anche la Facoltà di Economia e Commercio. Nell'Anno Accademico 1988-89 venne istituita la Facoltà di Agraria (corso di laurea in Scienze Agrarie) e, nell'Anno Accademico 1991- 92, la Facoltà di Scienze Matematiche Fisiche e Naturali (corso di Laurea in Biologia Generale con indirizzi in Biologia Marina ed Oceanografica ed in Biotecnologie). Sono attivi nelle cinque Facoltà  22 corsi di Laurea triennale di primo livello, 17 corsi di Laurea Specialistica biennale di secondo livello, 3 lauree Magistrali a ciclo unico, 35 scuole di specializzazione , 20 dottorati di ricerca con sede amministrativa ad Ancona o in sede distaccata a Ascoli Piceno, Fermo, Macerata, Pesaro, San Benedetto del Tronto. La popolazione studentesca, dalle iniziali 290 matricole dell'anno '69-'70 è andata progressivamente aumentando fino a superare le sedicimilacinquecento unità. Il personale dell'Ateneo è attualmente costituito da un Corpo Accademico di 545 professori e ricercatori e da 610 Collaboratori tecnici e amministrativi.       Polo Monte Dago Le attività didattica e di ricerca, all'inizio ospitate in sedi diverse, spesso inadeguate ed insufficienti, trovano attualmente una sistemazione tripolare: un polo scientifico e tecnologico in località Monte Dago, in un complesso di edifici tra i quali spicca la monumentale e prestigiosa opera progettata dall'architetto italo- americano Belluschi. Tale polo ospita la Facoltà d'Ingegneria, la Facoltà di Agraria, la Facoltà di Scienze. Nella stessa località si sta completando la struttura edilizia necessaria per soddisfare le necessità didattiche e scientifiche della nuova Facoltà biologica: un polo biologico, scientifico e sanitario in località Torrette è costituito da un complesso edilizio per le esigenze didattiche e di ricerca della Facoltà di Medicina; un polo economico , nel centro storico della città, che si identifica con la Facoltà di Economia , che ha sede nello splendido edificio restaurato dell'ottocentesca caserma Villarey. L'attività amministrativa e di coordinamento trova la sua ideale collocazione logistica, nell'Ottocentesco Palazzo in Piazza Roma, sede del Rettorato e della Direzione Amministrativa, in stretta vicinanza con altri edifici in cui trovano spazi per la loro attività i rimanenti servizi ;       Polo Torrette Il patrimonio edilizio è completato dagli insediamenti ed impianti sportivi in località Posatora, nella vasta area ex sede della Facoltà di Medicina, distrutta dalla rovinosa frana nel 1982. Nella medesima area è stato progettato un moderno orto botanico, quale completamento, insieme all'Azienda Agraria, già attiva nel vicino comune di Agugliano, delle esigenze didattico-scientifiche della Facoltà di Agraria. Si prevede inoltre, in tempi medio-lunghi, la completa ristrutturazione della ex caserma Stamira, l'ultima acquisizione dell'Università dorica e si ipotizza il suo utilizzo come foresteria per studenti e studiosi di altre Università anche non italiane, che sempre più numerosi frequentano gli Istituti e Dipartimenti nell'ambito di progetti nazionali ed internazionali di aggiornamento e ricerca. In data 18 gennaio 2003 l'Università degli Studi di Ancona ha cambiato denominazione in "Università Politecnica delle Marche".
The aim of the university is the ambassador of Italian language and culture in the world
JCP Srl, Italy, is a specialised Knowledge Transfer and Capacity Building company providing specialist consulting services in all spheres of international, donor-funded contracts, particularly but not limited to the field of Management of Technical Assistance Development Projects including Grant Scheme components, as well as International Cooperation and Development Communication Projects within framework contracts implemented in European Union, Southern and Eastern Neighbourhood Regions and beyond with a special emphasis on EU Funded ; Knowledge Transfer, Capacity Building and Consultancy Services are provided directly to the European Commission Staff working at Headquarters, EC staff in Delegations; Beneficiaries of EU funded projects in the Authorities of the Beneficiary Countries and Territories, following procedural guidelines, integrations and updates; Public Administrators; Cooperation and Development Authorities; Public and Private Non-profit Organisations;  Civil Society Organisations; Non-Governmental Organisations, Ministerial Staff, Project Managers, individual experts, as well as Private businesses, and Trade Associations. CP is currently implementing the EEA and Norway Global Fund for Regional Cooperation as the Fund Operator which includes the customised web-based component for the 95M€ Grant Scheme Management and Monitoring Tool (EGREG).
department focused on the study of the environment and prevention, with particular reference to the climate, territory and well-being of the economy, for a sustainable system
GAPP  is a 45 month Joint Action funded by the EU Health programme aiming at facilitating the development of a common and optimal approach to assess and authorize preparation processes in blood and tissues establishments (BEs and TEs), adapting requirements as prescribed by Article 29 of Directive 2002/98/EC and Article 28 of Directive 2004/23/EC .   This Joint Action will clearly contribute to the implementation of Union legislation in the fields of human tissues and cells, blood, providing tools and training to increase harmonisation of those MS activities that regulate the areas of blood transfusion, transplantation of tissues and cells and assisted reproduction, in strong abidance with art of Annex I of Regulation 282/2014. These are fields of healthcare that involve a considerable amount of movement of donated substances of human origin between MS and also movement of citizens between MS for treatment, particularly in the field of assisted ; Since the directives for these fields were adopted, significant technical developments have taken place and the complexity of preparation processes has greatly increased. Increasing complexity of processing can bring significant quality and functionality improvements for patients, and/or more efficient use of donations, but it can also bring increased risk, particularly as the level of complexity brings the final product towards the borderline with medicinal products. GAPP will ensure that any possible advantage or outcome is taken into account from two ongoing Public Health Programme projects focused on tissues and cells (EuroGTP II and ECCTR) incorporating a need for clinical follow-up data as part of a comprehensive process authorization. GAPP durable output is that a concept of a knowledge sharing platform on PPAs will be developed and fed in order to facilitate sharing of information among European Union, Competent Authorities and all EU CA inspectors and assessors will be trained specifically to assess and authorize preparation processes of tissues, cells, reproductive cells and blood products. Please visit GAPP website to download available documents.
University of Mediterrenean
The University of Messina was founded in 1548 and has an ancient tradition going back more than 500 ; But today it is a particularly young university that is constantly projecting itself into the future. In the most recent national evaluation of research quality, UniME was voted as having demonstrated the best ; Additionally, the number of enrolments has been constantly increasing since 2015. Furthermore, UniME currently ranks as the second Southern University for its quality of teaching. Internationalization programmes are at the centre of the UniME development ; Today the University welcomes students from 27 foreign countries as well as numerous visiting professors and visiting researchers. This is a  natural vocation for UniME because of its location. Messina, a city of 240,000 inhabitants at the centre of the Mediterranean, facing the Strait of Messina, has always been a place of meeting and interaction between diverse ; Here hospitality is an important cultural ; It is a modern city that takes its energy from the sea that surrounds ; Today, it is one of the most popular Italian cruise ship stops. The union of these elements makes studying at the University of Messina a unique ;  Facilities, services and an ample educational offering allow students to follow paths of excellence  (some of which are entirely in English) in a context where cultural enrichment and entertainment are assured. Tradition and innovation intermingle in the four different areas where the 12 departments of UniME are located: one can find libraries that contain ancient texts, and at the same time find cutting edge libraries and a sports center that takes up 135,000 square ; We never get tired of growing, so for this reason we are ready to welcome you in the very best way.
The Ministry of  Home Affairs deals with the management of all the internal problems of the country of Italy. The prefects on the terrirorio present in every province represent the internal government on the territory and therefore also all the Ministers, not only that of the Interior. The Minister of the Interior has particular expertise in safety and security, immigration, inter-institutional cooperation between different government entities and local agencies.  
The NiPS Lab (Noise in Physical Systems Laboratory) is a research group of the Physics and Geology Department of the University of Perugia (Italy). Our laboratory has a long-standing tradition in studying physical systems in the presence of noise. Our interest ranges from stochastic nonlinear dynamics modelling to thermal noise measurements, from designing nanoscale devices for ICT to probing the fundamental limits in energy ;We are interested in approaching both theoretical and experimental aspects of the research activity.
The MiRI Project (co-funded by the European Union Justice Programme 2014-2020, JUST-JCOO-AG-2018, under Grant Agreement No 831608​) aims at identifying national current practices regarding the right of the child to be informed in civil proceedings, so as to identify common best practices and create guidelines that might or should be applied in all EU Member States, also with the objective of harmonizing and integrating their national systems, both form a procedural and substantive perspective, as much as possible. The most innovative aspect of the project is the elaboration of common best practices on the child’s information in proceedings: even if the need has been highlighted by numerous studies on children’s fundamental rights in civil proceedings, a consensus on the content of such practices still seems not to have been reached in domestic MSs legislation, as the necessary pre-emptive research to find possible common grounds is still lacking. Participants: University of Genoa, Coordinator (Scientific Responsible Prof. Ilaria Queirolo); Universitat De Valencia; Institute of Private International Law Sofia; Sia Biznesa Augstskola Turiba (Latvia); Defence for Children International Italy; European Association For Family And Succession Law. Duration: – (24 months)
University of Ferrara (Unife) established in 1391 by the Marquis Alberto V d’Este, is one of the oldest universities in Italy. Unife has about 23000 undergraduate students in all areas of sciences, 596 permanent academic staff and 336 PhD ;
Established in 1965, The European House-Ambrosetti is a boutique management consultancy firm and a private think tank, with an international presence in 12 countries and partnerships around the world and operating in the following areas: 1) professional support for institutional advocacy and outreach endeavors; 2) strategic research and intelligence into major issues of strategic interest; 3) high level forum and roundtables organization, in both physical attendance and digital mode; 4) management consulting for both public and private organizations, advising on the most compelling issues relevant for the economy and business; 5) permanent professional training and orientation for top management. The Group consistently ranks 1st private Think Tank in Italy and among the prominent private Think Tanks in Europe and worldwide in the Global Go To Think Tank Report published yearly by The University of Pennsylvania. Every year The European House-Ambrosetti organizes over 320 Seminars and Forums for top executives and functional managers. Statesmen, economists, business leaders and Nobel Laureates participate annually in the Ambrosetti Forum “Intelligence on the World, Europe, and Italy” held each September at Villa d’Este on the shores of Lake Como. Since 1974, this Forum is considered as one of the most prestigious events in the international business calendar. Among the other activities we regularly conduct scenarios and industry analysis for our international clients and run Ambrosetti Club, a CEO community that counts over 300 Members and offers them the opportunity to meet up with the most outstanding international top executives, experts, entrepreneurs on strategic issues.
L’Istituto Nazionale Arte Cultura Spettacolo (INACS) si costituisce per dar vita ad un ben preciso e delineato progetto di sviluppo, promozione, diffusione e rivalutazione dell’Arte, dello Spettacolo e della Cultura italiana, partendo dalle piccole realtà locali. Dal 2009 – anno della sua fondazione – l’INACS sta lavorando per contribuire alla rinascita della città di Angri (città in cui è ubicata la sede legale) e di tutto il comprensorio dell’Agro Nocerino Sarnese, dal punto di vista artistico e culturale, e di conseguenza anche dal punto di vista commerciale, turistico, scientifico, religioso e sociale. L’Associazione nasce quando nei soci fondatori prende vita la voglia e la necessità di organizzare una serie di manifestazioni che riportino al centro del mondo tutto ciò che è “Angri e Agro Nocerino Sarnese”. Si è dato così inizio ad un programma molto ampio e variegato che, con fatica e sacrificio, è diventato un punto di riferimento per molti operatori culturali, artistici e turistici di tutto il comprensorio. Oggi questo modello – definito “Progetto Angri” – vuole essere “esportato” in tutti i comuni e le province d’Italia, rivalutando storia, origini e personaggi locali. Questo è possibile dando vita ad un network di soggetti che hanno come unico scopo la promozione del nome e la divulgazione dell’immagine del territorio di riferimento, con tutte le sue eccellenze e peculiarità. L’associazione INACS non persegue scopi di lucro ma si basa su autofinanziamenti e contributi pubblici e privati. L’Istituto è patrocinato e supportato di volta in volta nelle proprie iniziative dai più svariati enti: dai Comuni dell’Agro Nocerino Sarnese alla Provincia di Salerno, dalla Regione Campania ai Ministeri come quello della gioventù o il MiBact, dall’Università degli studi di Salento a enti vari quali ENIT, ANAS, EPT, APT, ecc…
ECMWF is the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts. We are both a research institute and a 24/7 operational service, producing global numerical weather predictions and other data for our Member and Co-operating States and the broader community. The Centre has one of the largest supercomputer facilities and meteorological data archives in the world. Other strategic activities include delivering advanced training and assisting the WMO in implementing its programmes. We operate two services from the EU’s Copernicus Earth observation programme, the Copernicus Atmosphere Monitoring Service (CAMS) and the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S). We also contribute to the Copernicus Emergency Management Service (CEMS).
Itaka Training is an organization founded in 2015, and it is based in Southern Italy. Itaka  was funded in order to address the issues deriving from the ongoing emergency in the area especially the reception of refugees but also the huge unemployment rate both in young and adults.The organisation is particularly sensitive to migration related issues such as the difficulties migrants face once they reach Italy, integration problems or lack of adequate assistance. Being located in the Calabria region which is one of the first landing points for migrants coming to Europe from Africa and the Middle East, the staff of the organisation has been dealing with emergency situations and with immigration related issues for a long time.Since its foundation Itaka training has been an hub that have attracted professionals from all over Europe to Calabria in order to share skills, working methods and practices in the field of migration. Itaka training has encouraged academics, teachers, managers, local authorites and practitioners from Germany, Greece, Spain, UK , Poland, Portugal, Turkey, Sweden, to come together and share best practices on social inclusion, tolerance, democracy and so on. Itaka Training has delivered several courses on topics related ot migration, asylum seeking, and social inclusion.Among its partners, they can count on big organisations such as Kings College London, UCL, Oxford Brookes University, Incoma, Inter Alia, Stand by me Lesvos and so on  with with they have been cooperating for the last few years forthe organization of several joint training event both in Calabria and across Europe.Itaka has also created a national consortium made up of organizations from local authorities, to SMEs, schools, NGOs, civil societies that aim at creating stronger, greener and sustainable communities as well as to promote rural development, digital inclusion, and tackling fake news.
ELCA is a network of EU lighting clusters, whose main objectives are to strengthen the competitiveness of the European lighting sector, in particular SMEs, in the smart and connected lighting products and services, to foster growth within the sector, deployment of energy-efficient lighting solutions and to contribute to societal benefits associated with lighting. Coordinator and partner of several EU-funded projects.
The local action group Molise verso il 2000 is a local development agency that works to support and promote sustainable rural, economical and social development, social inclusion and business and employment promotion in the Molise region in line with the objectives of the EU and of the national, regional and local government development plans. “Molise verso il 2000” main areas of interest: • sustainable rural development; • VET and employment aid; • business creation; • social inclusion; • sustainable and accessible tourism; • environmental education, RES and RUE; • innovation and technology transfer; • support for small businesses, agritourisms, crafts and marketing services; • consulting and research on economic, socio-economic and environmental surveys; • drafting and implementation of feasibility studies; • advanced services, marketing, advertising, information, communication, databases, new technologies and technological innovation, energy, environmental impact, development of training materials; • collaboration and partnership with other local groups and socio-economic actors in Europe. The LAG MOLISE have long term experience in managing EU programmes and projects.
Il Caffè Geopolitico is an Italian non-profit organization founded in 2009 with the aim of spreading understanding of geopolitics and international affairs towards the general public, Institutions and the private business sector. Composed by young professionals and analysts, it represents a meeting point to get to know and discuss complex dynamics with analytical approach but with a language accessible to all. The organization is also editor of an online magazine and specialised publications.
L-oil is a cultural association NPO with a multilanguage platform to discover and learn new cultures and languages through dedicated portals to virtually create intercultural interactions and collaborations. Lots of contents, podcast, capsule courses, workshops to facilitate the understanding of other languages and cultures sharing a borderless virtual place and creating accessible education with a global mindset. Our team of highly qualified volunteers and professionals can support those who use the platform in the desired cultural enrichment path.
ICONS is a non-profit organization whose mission is to bridge the gap between science and society through science communication, social and business innovation. ICONS supports researchers and innovators in maximising their impacts on society through impactful strategies involving citizens, scientists, investors, policy makers and the media.
The European Training Foundation is the EU agency supporting countries surrounding the European Union to reform their education, training and labour market systems. Our unique role is based on the expertise of our staff, and experience gained over nearly 25 years of working hand-in-hand with government, business, and social partners in countries in and around the EU ;Our aim is to support each country’s own process for education, training, and labour market reform, with a range of evidence-based methodologies. We have a staff of 130, led by Director Cesare Onestini, and a budget of approximately € 20 million. We are based in Villa Gualino, in Turin, Italy, which has been our home since we became operational in 1994.
Born in 1952 thanks to the collaboration between the University of Turin, the Municipality and the Province, the IUSE is a non-profit association. Its main objectives are research and teaching in fields concerning Europe as a whole and, through them, the preparation of experts and cadres of international life. IUSE is recognised by the Italian Foreign MInistry as official training insitutte for EU recruitment competitions (EPSO).  In particular, as official Documentation Center of the European Union, it carries out an important specialized information activity aimed at public and private entities. The Institute also deals with the evaluation of European policies and the measurement of the performance of Community actions, including European. The University Institute of European Studies is the only recognized Italian hub of the European Law. The IUSE is included in the Transparency Register of the European Commission. The data relating to activities and accounting data are updated annually.
Gruppo Federtrasporti brings together about 60 companies and cooperatives from the road transport sector and logistics. The Group provides to its associated members a whole set of services through its dedicated structure Federservice, from commercial agreements, to financial, insurance, training, consulting, and information services. Through its company Federtrasporti spa, it is active in the entire logistic chain, providing transport and logistic services to national and international. Philosophy of the Group Gruppo Federtrasporti has an entrepreneurship approach while valuing synergic cooperation among its members. All activities are based on the principles of safety, protection of environment and health, and codified through careful procedures certified Uni En Iso 9001, 14.001, 45001, and Sqas. At this regard, the Group performs about 1.000 hours/year of training classes, and every year more than 1300 people are trained on dozens of different issues (e.g.  security, eco-driving, innovative IT devices, working rules and conditions, hazardous goods transport, etc.).  Gruppo Federtrasporti in nutshell +5500 vehicles, 7000 trailers and semitrailers, 100.000 MQ of warehouses and 2 logistics hubs (south of Milan and south of Livorno); 18M€ total value of insurance premium managed and about 1380 people trained every year. Federtrasporti spa can provide all kind of transport and logistic services in the fields of liquid transport, solid transport, multimodal transport, waste transport and logistic services.
Non Architecture aims to find unconventional and unexplored design solutions in the field of architecture. From 2016 to 2019, Non Architecture organized a series of 10 competitions pointed at reinventing functional architectural ; In 2020, we entered a new phase structured around nine themes. Non Architecture Competitions built a Research Ecosystem with the purpose of exploring each theme from different perspectives and multiple competitions. They will all have their focus on tackling the big issues of tomorrow, by seeking nontraditional approaches in the architect’s work.
We promote and develop local identity
The University of Salerno (“UNISA”)is ideally linked to the oldest academic institution in the Old Continent: the Schola Medica Salernitana. Founded in the eighth century AD, the School reached its peak between the 10th and 13th century. In addition to medicine, its lectures included philosophy, theology and law. The School, which earned Salerno the title of Hippocratica Civitas (City of Hippocrates) after the famous Greek physician and treatise writer, was closed by royal decree in 1811 under Joachim Murat’s Napoleonic government.
Federazione Nazionale Insegnanti Centro di iniziativa per l’Europa (FENICE), Naples, Italy – a non-profit professional association founded in 1981 with a different name. During 38 years of activity, its aim has been to increase the European dimension in education, to highlight the educational and formative value of state schools, favouring and promoting initiatives which may help to meet the growing demand for education and training; to promote and plan initiatives, training projects, refresher courses, the cultural improvement of teachers as well as research and experimentation in the teaching field, it has designed and carried out more than 30 seminars and public conferences, 135 in-service courses and training courses for teachers both initial and in-service, most of which had been authorised by our local educational Authorities. It has been involved, as coordinator or partner, in 23 European projects in the field of education and training within Erasmus +, LLP and Socrates, Leonardo & Youth Programme. FENICE publishes a periodical called «Scuol@Europa» sent to 3500 researchers, professors and experts in Italy and a newsletter sent out in three languages (IT, EN, FR) all over Europe to about 7500 professors, teachers, institutions and policy makers with information on its activities in trans-national partnerships in EU Projects. It aims at promoting the products and the methods developed by trans-national partnerships to a wider audience, and to encourage the exchange of ideas and experiences. FENICE has also been the recipient of two international funding awards. FENICE’s website () includes, in 3 languages (IT-EN-FR), the details of its activities, all the issues of the newsletter and the periodical, the presentations of the European projects on foreign language learning in which it has participated as promoter or partner so acquiring a wide experience. FENICE is linked to Schools, Universities, Adult Education Services, who work with us in the projects.
Iris Scientific Group is involved in refining and vitalizing the knowledge of Science and Technology to evaluate the past, consider present and create a new structure of applied science in future. We offer an outstanding delegate experience and extraordinary meetings with passionate experts.
La nostra associazione è nata nel 1991 per dare voce alla community nazionale dei meeting professionals, quale Capitolo italiano della community internazionale MPI ;Formazione, Supporto e Networking gli assi portanti della nostra attività al servizio dei soci italiani. Il nostro scopo è tutelare e valorizzare la professione dei soci sia attraverso la formazione, l'aggiornamento e la certificazione professionale, sia grazie alle connessioni con i colleghi del settore e lo scambio di informazioni e buone pratiche. Alla nostra Community appartengono i professionisti che pianificano, organizzano e gestiscono eventi e convegni o che collaborano alla loro realizzazione o che forniscono strutture e servizi a livello nazionale e internazionale, ma anche studenti interessati alla meeting industry e che si candidano ad essere futuri ;
ARCI IS A WIDE NETWORK of local associations present trough Italian territory and it involves more than one million of ; Women and men that chose freely to engage themselves in promotion of emancipation, self-organization and participation. WE ARE HEIRS of an ancient mutual aid tradition and of a long association history made by popular and antifascism movements that have contributed to make and consolidate Italian democracy based on Constitution Chart. WE WORK TO PROMOTE the right of making free association, voluntary work, and empowerment of third sector and of civic economy, subsidiary and full realization of participative democracy.
Our research addresses the greatest challenges facing us in the future: people need health, energy, well-functioning political and social systems and an intact environment. These are complex questions, and we are seeking the answers in the interaction between many different disciplines. In so doing, our research work embraces three major themes: regions fit for living in, diversity as a life-enhancing feature, a healthy society.​
EIEE’s mission is to improve environmental, energy, and natural resource decisions through impartial economic research and policy engagement. The Institute is committed to being a central focal point for research insights and policy solutions within Europe, and connecting that work internationally.EIEE’s economic and environmental research aims to facilitate the transition to a sustainable, inclusive society. The focus is on issues surrounding but not limited to climate change, including a wide range of environmental, energy, natural resource and societal issues. Topics include how to evaluate strategies and policies to stabilize climate change, eliminate energy poverty, improve air and water quality, study human migration and green innovation.EIEE’s researchers and faculty members span many disciplines, from economics, to applied math, operations research, environmental sciences.EIEE’s founders, Resources for the Future (RFF) and Euro Mediterranean Center on Climate Change (CMCC) are institutes of excellence in environmental economics and climate science.EIEE endeavors to promote collaboration between the Founders and with the wider research and stakeholder communities through mechanisms such as joint projects, events, summer schools, communication, engagement with decision makers and exchange of experts.
WeWorld GVC is an independent Italian organization emerged from the union between GVC NGO (constituted in Bologna in 1971) and WeWorld (founded in Milano in 1999), with the aim of increasing the impact of Development Cooperation and Humanitarian Aid projects in 29 countries, including Italy. We work to promote recognition and respect of the fundamental rights of every human being, fighting poverty, injustice and generating sustainable and durable socio-economic growth models. We strive for a better world where everyone, especially women and children, have equal opportunities and rights, access to resources, to health, to education and to dignified work. A world in which the environment is a common good to be respected and preserved; in which war, violence and exploitation are banned. We feel called upon to increase our capabilities of providing support, in a global context characterized by economic and environmental crises, conflicts and inequalities, in which Humanitarian Aid and Development Cooperation are more linked than ever.
PLANET project "Planning and Operational Tools for Optimising Energy Flows and Synergies Between Energy Networks" is a research and innovation project. It aims at facilitating the full integration of renewable energy in the electricity grid, and the integration of electricity, gas and heat networks to allow full decarbonisation of the whole energy system. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 773839. The three-year project started in Nov 2017 and is coordinated by Politecnico di Torino. The other European partners are CERTH, FGH , Hypertech, Iren, ITM Power, Links/ISMB, Sorea, VaasaETT and VTT.
SINERGIE was founded in 2001 with the aim to foster knowledge and skills development in the field of education and RTD, in particular for the following sectors: ICT, Energy, Environment, Safety and Security, Health, Social Sciences. It is a VET provider accredited by the Emilia Romagna Region for the management and delivery of higher, vocational, continuous and distance training. As a Research Center for development and innovation, Sinergie is recognized by the MIUR (Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research) and is also member of the European Digital Skills and Job Coalition.  SINERGIE’s experience is focused on the following areas: TRAINING: Sinegie has a wide experience in vocational education and training provision for different kind of target groups (students, practitioners, employed and unemployed people). The main sectors covered by the training delivered  are: energy management, sustainability, environmental consultancy, green economy, sustainable building, eco-design, environmental impact assessment, waste management, water management, environmental management. INNOVATION AND EUROPEAN PROJECTS: Sinergie promotes innovation, research and development at local, national and European level supporting enterprises and organization in applying for funding opportunities, Partner research, project submission, project management, technical and financial reporting, quality management, dissemination, communication. ICT: Sinergie owns and runs an e-learning platform, which is also used by Sinergie in training course. The platform was developed using LCMS (Learning Content Management System) Moodle, able to satisfy the main needs in distance learning. SOCIO-ECONOMIC AND ENVIRONMENTAL ANALYSIS is offered by the company using a holistic and integrated approach. The main businesses are: corporate social responsibility, support for environmental product declaration, assessment of environmental, social and economical impacts using LCA.
Lombardy Green Chemistry Association-LGCA is the reference point for the Lombard bioeconomy both at national and European level. LGCA is open to all Lombard stakeholders interested in the development of the bioeconomy and aims to: To create favourable conditions for the development of bioeconomy at regional level; To become the reference point and the interlocutor of regional and national authorities for the definition and implementation of policies to support innovation in the bioeconomy field; To establish a meeting and planning place for all Lombard subjects interested in the subject. The Association intends to dialogue with Europe to make visible the Lombardy's resources and expertise in the field of bioeconomy, to promote new business, collaboration and growth opportunities. In Italy, LGCA is a member of the National Technological Cluster of Green Chemistry-SPRING). In Europe, LGCA is an associate member of Vanguard Initiative Asbl, as it coordinates with the Lombardy Region the pilot "Bioeconomy" and participates in EUSALP-European Macro-regional Strategy for the Alpine Region.
Consorzio Italbiotec is the largest Italian non-profit organisation for the development of biotechnologies. It brings together research, development and innovation leaders active in the life science, bio-economy and agro-food sectors. Thirteen universities, the National Research Council and more than forty SMEs and large companies, are Italbiotec's shareholders. Consorzio Italbiotec offers advanced fundraising, technology transfer, communication and training services to enhance innovation and competitiveness of industrial ;
The Global Campus of Human Rights is a unique network of one hundred participating universities around the world, coordinated by the European Inter-University Centre for Human Rights and Democratisation (EIUC), seeking to advance human rights and democracy through regional and global cooperation for education and research. This global network, co-funded by the European Union, is promoted through seven Regional Programmes which are based in Venice for Europe, in Sarajevo/Bologna for South East Europe, in Yerevan for the Caucasus, in Pretoria for Africa, in Bangkok for Asia-Pacific, in Buenos Aires for Latin America and the Caribbean, and in Beirut for the Arab World.
Lazio Connect is a private Cluster of Aerospace company in the Lazio region in Italy. In june 2004, the Lazio region, the ministry of economy and finance and ministery of the educations signed a memorandum of understanding for the establishment of the Lazio aerospace technical district (dta). the lazio region has entrusted Lazio innova with the coordinating work task. As part of the DTA promotion activities, on july 22, 2009, the Lazio connect association was established, a collaborative technical-legal platform supporting the Lazio innovation system, between businesses, industrial consortiums, technological parks and universities AND RESEARCH ORGANIZATIONS IN AEROSPACE. The Lazio Connect mission is to eliminate the collaboration barriers to the life cycle of an entrepreneurial project in order to gain access to additional market.
Cenetri targets in Open Accessing the research to a maximum extent, for which it chose different ways of creating awareness that includes, but not limited to its journals, conferences, and workshops. The overtaking of Print publications by Online or e-publishing was a milestone and now the Open Access that overtook various other means of publishing, is considered as another great milestone in the field of publishing. We aim to create a vast platform of scientists, researchers and readers, for which we are also planning to make use of the social media. It is well-known fact that, in this current era, social media has nothing that it cannot do, and so, Cenetri wishes to reach the various communities of the society, create an awareness on the ongoing research in various fields, to these communities through the social media, which will be faster, user-friendly and broader. Our main objective is to make “Science on hands”.
ISES is a non-profit organization founded on 2008 to spread European culture in Italy getting closer public agencies, businesses and the third sector to the EU institutions through the development of funded projects following their whole bureaucratic, administrative and managerial path in accordance with the rules laid down by the European Commission. ISES writes, coordinates and manages projects in partnership with Italian and European universities and research centers, associations and public and private bodies, so to disseminate in Italy the added value created by the exchange of good practices and innovative methodologies developed by European projects. Since, 2011 ISES staff is supporting the Italian Competition Authority and since 2012, collaborates with the Anti-Fraud Coordination Service (Italian ) in the management of its European projects.ISES, with its members, develops projects with high social and cultural values for the territorial growth by participating in EU and national call for proposals. The projects presented by our Association, both as a main applicant/coordinator and as co-beneficiary partners, range from public health to culture, from education to social justice and R&D, participating in the calls launched by the Directorates General of the European Commission.ISES has a strong partnership with more than 50 bodies in Europe that operate in all economic sectors.
The association of social promotion Petit Pas was founded in Trani (BT) - Puglia - Italy, in 2015.The association is non partisan and aims to develop social initiatives, inspired by democracy, equality and pluralism.Petit pas aims at the development of education, training and entrepreneurship of young people, women, migrants and the disabled in Puglia (IT) and abroad. To achieve these aims Petit pas has an ongoing collaboration with the leading universities, schools, associations, NGO’s and research organizations in Puglia for the development of projects, trainings and educational material.Petit pas pursues these objectives through the use of public places and infrastructure and the provision of specific services by supporting:• Youth empowerment• The social and cultural rehabilitation• The social and labor integration of people• Active and collective participation• The dissemination of information• The historical, artistic and architectural heritage• Changing lifestyles in harmony with the natural environment and a sustainable future• The ecological restructuring of society and economy• The fight against crime• Individual freedoms• The relationship between health and well-being• Promote Sport Values• organic and quality farming• New sustainable technologies• The rights of future generations• The fight against poverty• The restoration of terrestrial ecosystems• culture and art dissemination The association will pursue these goals and objectives using knowledge and soft and specific skills of its members, taking every opportunity to increase the social, cultural and technological.Added value of the association is the network of local partners.Integrated seamlessly into our territory, we collaborate with: schools, universities, companies, cooperatives, associations, vocational training institutions, public institutions and amateur sports associations.
Founded in Milan in 1921 by Father Agostino Gemelli, Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is Europe's most important Catholic university. It is also the only university in Italy with campuses all over the country: in Milan, Piacenza, Cremona, Brescia and Rome – which is also home to the Agostino Gemelli General Hospital. Academic excellence, a commitment to charting the frontiers of research, and high standards of services are the strengths of an institution long recognised for its openness to innovation and change. Università Cattolica holds a place in European tradition as a seat of cultural development; the strong and essential focus on a comprehensive, unifying building of knowledge facilitates an understanding and interpretation of the complexities of life today. The university’s mission translates into the offer of an education focused on development of the person as a whole. Based on these ideals and this commitment, Università Cattolica has educated many of the individuals in past and present positions of leadership in Italy. The thousands of graduates since the institution's foundation include eminent scholars, politicians, lawyers, educators, intellectuals, entrepreneurs, professionals, journalists, writers, publishers, and Church leaders. And there are so many other graduates, some better known than others, who have contributed to building Università Cattolica's reputation in Italy and around the world.
OUR VISIONWe see in the future a new and better way of being citizens, workers, and especially human beings, built over time with the will and efforts of all the people who inhabits this land we call Europe.If we walk in the same direction, we’ll all meet there.OUR MISSIONEUTOPIA will facilitate and support its members to identify, investigate and seize the many opportunities (educational, work, business, financial, etc.) promoted by the European Commission.
Cooperativa sociale Camelot is an Italian cooperative placed in Ferrara, active since 1999. Camelot provides services in education, intercultural dialogue and social inclusion, in order to support community regeneration and to improve people's health and well-being. Thanks to an expert and young team with specific know-how, Camelot provide high-quality professional services and innovation through a constant research for best practices. Main areas of operation: - Integration: integrated services for immigration; hosting, protection and integration for asylum seekers and refugees; social mediation; intercultural mediation and courses in civic education and the Italian language. - Education: nursery schools, breakfast clubs, after-school activities, summer schools, summer recreation centers, meeting places for young people (games rooms and multimedia centers), environmental sustainability workshop. - Support for vulnerability: support, respite care and socialization for people who are not self-sufficient, due to age, disability or specific health conditions. - Work and inclusion: training, work experience/job placement, assistance, rehabilitative treatment plans.
Achieving food security for all is at the heart of FAO's efforts – to make sure people have regular access to enough high-quality food to lead active, healthy lives. Our three main goals are: the eradication of hunger, food insecurity and malnutrition; the elimination of poverty and the driving forward of economic and social progress for all; and, the sustainable management and utilization of natural resources, including land, water, air, climate and genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations.FAO’s Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia – located in Budapest, Hungary – provides and coordinates FAO policy and technical assistance to Member Countries in the Region. The Regional Office is also responsible for preparing the biennial FAO Regional Conference for Europe, where Member Countries establish priorities for FAO’s work in the region.
Pixel is an international education and training institution based in Florence (Italy), having as its main aim the provision of support to internationalization and European Cooperation. In the past 18 years, Pixel successfully planned and managed over 85 projects funded by the European Commission.The main target groups Pixel work with are: Higher Education Institutions, Schools, VET Organizations, Adult Education Institutions, Public Authorities (Ministries, Regional bodies), Research centres, Cultural institutions, Hospitals etc. based all over the world.Pixel was established in Florence (Italy) in 1999 and has significant experience in the following areas:  Direct submission as coordinator or partner of European Projects. In the past 18 years, Pixel successfully coordinated and managed over 85 European projects. The European programmes that funded the projects in which Pixel was involved are: Socrates ODL; Socrates Minerva, Socrates Grundtvig, Socrates Lingua, eLearning, Leonardo da Vinci, Lifelong Learning - Sub Programmes: Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo da Vinci, Grundtvig and KA1, KA2, KA3, KA4 Transversal Programmes, Justice Programme, Safer Internet Programme, Erasmus+ Programme - KA2-Strategic Partnerships. The European projects in which Pixel was involved focused on the following subject areas: Innovation in Education; Language Teaching and Learning; Research; Science Education; History Education and Research; Fine Arts; Promotion of Employment and Entrepreneurship; Social Inclusion; Health; Safety, Justice and Human Rights; Support and Innovation Services for SMEs. Many among the European projects coordinated by Pixel were given an "Excellent" rating and identified as "Best Practice" by the European Commission. Pixel also coordinated and managed over 30 projects funded by the European Social Fund. These projects focused on: in-company training; training for youth to support their access to the labor market; equal opportunities. Organization of international education and training initiatives Pixel organizes and delivers international in-service training courses on different topics such as: European cooperation, new technologies for education, innovative educational methodologies, language learning etc. Some of these courses have been delivered in over 40 editions so far. An average of 300 participants, from all over Europe, attend Pixel international courses every year. The international courses organized are addressed to: university lecturers, researchers, public officers, school directors, administrative staff, trainers etc. Since 2011, Pixel also organizes the international Master on European Project Planning and Management that has now reached its 6th edition. Organization of international conferences in the field of education Pixel organizes international conferences. Three of them are organized on a yearly basis. The first one is entitled: The Future of Education and it is held in Florence, every year, in June. The second international conference is entitled: ICT for language Learning and it is held in Florence, yearly, in November. The third international conference is entitled: New Perspectives in higher Education and it is held in Florence, yearly, in March. About 250 participants attend each of the events representing over 50 countries in the five continents.  Pixel has developed international partnerships with over 500 organizations worldwide. Pixel's transnational partners are: Higher Education Institutions, Schools, VET Organizations, Adult Education Institutions, Public Authorities (Ministries, Regional bodies), Research centres, Cultural institutions Hospitals etc. based all over the world.Pixel is engaged in a constant improvement in the quality of the services performed. Pixel obtained quality certification according to UNI EN ISO 9001. Pixel is accredited by the Italian Ministry of Education and by the Tuscany Regional Government.
The European University Institute (EUI), is the leading institute in Europe dedicated to social sciences and humanities. Founded in 1972 by the six original members of the then European Communities, the EUI has earned a reputation as a transnational hub of research and higher learning. The EUI’s outstanding doctoral, postdoctoral, master and executive education programmes, combined with our vibrant community of more than 1000 scholars from over 60 countries, create an empowering, intellectual climate where students and researchers can contribute to the betterment of society.
ARCHES is a private, non-profit organization specialized in knowledge management and multi-stakeholder networking. Our mission is to actively contribute to the advancement of knowledge, and provide support for the development and implementation of EU policies for research and innovation. In line with the Europe 2020 Strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth, our Centre aims above all at the creation of knowledge by establishing collaborations with universities and research organizations and by supporting the training of young scientists. ARCHES also acts as an intelligent interface able to connect the global research community with industry and with policy makers at all levels. Acting as a boundaryless organization along the entire research and innovation chain, ARCHES creates the conditions to achieve the speed, flexibility and integration needed to survive and thrive in today’s globally competitive environment. In 2009, ARCHES co-founded Knowledge4Innovation (K4I), the leading innovation platform within the environment of the EU Institutions. In 2015 it signed a co-operation agreement with Fraunhofer MOEZ (now IMW), the 'Fraunhofer Centre for International Management and Knowledge Economy'​ to successfully make use of global opportunities in the field of science, technology and innovation, with a specific focus on India.
Promoting collaboration, story-making and training based on digital technologies
The Mediterranean Institute for International Studies is a center of scientific research and specialist training in the field of legal, political, economic, historical, philosophical, social, comparative, and international studies.  I.ME.SI deals with scientific research through the publication of essays, dossiers, and specialized articles. In the same disciplines, it organizes training courses and specialisation Masters. IMESI has a comprehensive approach in the field of protection of human rights, security and defence policy, migrations, conflict prevention and development. 
Sapienza University, which was founded in 1303 by Pope Boniface VIII in Rome, is one of the oldest universities in the world and a top performer in international university rankings. The future of Sapienza is firmly rooted in its rich past and the academic and research excellence of its community. Sapienza’s mission is to catalyse the development of a knowledge society by promoting research, education and international cooperation. The 115,000 students enrolled at Sapienza can choose from over 250 degree programmes (Bachelors, Masters and PhDs) and 200 specialisation courses, while the “Scuola Superiore di Studi Avanzati” runs honours programmes and free tuition for its best students. Sapienza has 11 Faculties, 63 Departments and various research centres that drive high levels of excellence in archaeology, physics and astrophysics, as well as humanities and cultural heritage, environmental studies, nano technology, cellular and gene therapy, design and aerospace. Moreover, students enjoy 59 libraries (two of which are open 24 hours/day), 20 museums, the Ciao/Hello Orientation Office, the SORT Faculty Orientation Offices and an Office for Disabled Students. Throughout the course of the year, Sapienza organises a myriad of cultural, social and sporting activities to encourage students to enjoy life on campus. These include the Sapienza MuSa orchestras, choirs and ensembles; the Theatron - Ancient Theatre Group; Sapienza web radio and wide range of sports facilities. Sapienza’s large student population includes over 30,000 students from outside of the Rome area, ca. 7000 foreign students and 3000 students on mobility programmes. Thanks to its extensive network of universities from around the world, Sapienza provides its students with a wide range of international opportunities, including double-title degrees, scholarships for writing theses abroad, apprenticeships and stages in European and non-European countries, and international doctorates.
The purpose of AEON International Multidisciplinary Conference on Social Sciences and Arts is to create opportunities for academicians scientists, researchers and research scholars to meet and discuss their studies and results in all areas of interest in the social sciences and arts. It is the primary forum for interdisciplinary practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, concerns, and practical challenges encountered, and the solutions adopted in the fields of Social Sciences and Arts. This event will provide a face-to-face opportunity for delegates to exchange ideas, and experiences. They can also establish business or research relationships, and make global partnerships for future collaboration on projects. All papers submitted to the conference will be peer-reviewed by the program/technical committees of the Conference. Every approved article will be included in the hard copy publication of the conference proceedings. It will also be submitted for evaluation and indexation to all major databases such as Ebsco, Google Scholar, ProQuest, Scopus, Thomson, CrossRef, British Library, Zetoc and many more.
A cutting-edge food community that attains inspiration and transforms it into concrete action.The Future Food Ecosystem aspires to build a more equitable world, starting from where our souls and lives are rooted. It provides tools to strengthen and advance the food system to the next level, connecting the worldwide food innovation scene, transpiring from the Emilia-Romagna region.
ECSDEV is an international, cross-disciplinary center covering all aspects of the environmental impacts of socio-economic development, founded in Rome on February 10, 2010.The definition of sustainable development follows the Brundtland Commission (1987) as: "development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs"
Fondazione Eni Enrico Mattei (FEEM) is a nonprofit, nonpartisan research institution devoted to the study of sustainable development and global governance. Officially recognized by the President of the Italian Republic in 1989 and in full operation since 1990, FEEM has grown to become a leading research centre, providing timely and objective analysis on a wide range of environmental, energy and global economic issues.FEEM
Europe HOpes has the main aim of disseminating information on the actions and the policies of the European Union among the european citizens, and specifically among young people. The Association intends to promote an active citizenship at local, national, european and international levels.It wants to create awareness about fundamental rights and letting the citizens aware of the legislative procedures, favoring a direct contact with the policy makers.
The Centre is born from the experience and the social and educative work of Danilo Dolci and his collaborators that started in western Sicily ever since 1952. The association stems from the demand of providing the local communities with a structure committed in the practical resolution of the problems arising from constant meetings with the people. It is developed and set up as a creative space of popular auto-analysis and planning from the bottom, in maieutic collaboration with the local population and it is aimed at promoting the economic and social development of the territory. After Danilo Dolci's death in 1997 the Centre for Creative Development was named after him to follow his path towards justice, non violence and peace.
Excemed - Excellence in Medical Education is a leading global provider of high-impact continuing medical education (CME). It's specialist areas include: Reproductive Medicine, Oncology, Neurology, Endocrinology and Metabolism and Cardiometabolic Medicine.Our aim for every programme, every employee and volunteer, every speaker and partner is to work towards the same vision: medical education is the key to better care and better outcomes for patients everywhere.With public resources under pressure we believe that the private and philanthropic sectors will play an ever increasing role in the provision of high-impact continuing medical education. Our contribution is to drive excellence in medical education, enhancing the knowledge and skills of healthcare professionals and enabling their patients to benefit from improved health. A brighter future for patients through better medical education!
CNR-IRCrES (Research Institute on Sustainable Economic Growth) was set up in 1956 with the acronym of CERIS and it is now the main institute of CNR specialised socio-economic analysis. During this long history its activities and competencies evolved and enriched, following the needs of the society: 1960s: economics of firms and management 1970s: industrial organization 1980s: economics of innovation and policy 1990s: local development 2000s: science institutions and policies, energy economics and environment 2010s agro systems with growing weight of social and political aspects Now attention to the historical-cultural dimension This process resulted in a stratification of competencies and favoured a strong attitude towards multidisciplinary and demand driven approach to research. The methodological approach is characterised by: a micro-economic approach with support from other disciplines such as sociology, political science, economic history, psychology, anthropology quantitative methodologies (econometric models) and data sources (e.g.. balance sheets, labour market data-bases) supported by qualitative techniques (interviews, questionnaires, case studies) New methods: econometric models applied to social enquiries, action research, focus groups, composite indicators, simulation, counterfactual evaluation…. The main fields of the on-going research are organized along 3 main research areas:  Evolution of the industrial system in Italy and Europe  Organization and sustainability of large social systems in modern societies  Socio-economic analysis of environmental issues and 2 cross-cutting research approaches:  Assessment of technological innovation  Evaluation of public policies
LUISS is an independent university that evolved out of an earlier Roman institution, the Pro Deo, between 1974 and 1978. At its four faculties of Economics and Finance, Business and Management, Law, and Political Science, LUISS offers an innovative and sophisticated educational approach.What distinguishes LUISS is its privileged relationship with the business world.Over 200 companies, multinationals, and public and private institutions collaborate with the University, offering its degree candidates and new graduates their first real opportunities to step foot in the business world.The LUISS Placement & Career Education Office provides students with multiple opportunities to meet people in the business world and learn with them. This orientation and educational service facilitates the placement of degree candidates and new graduates in the business world with internships and training at companies and at public and private institutions. It also sets up recurring meetings and presentations with major multinationals, investment banks, and public and private organizations and institutions.
The Italian Association for the Study of Pain is a multidisciplinary professional organisation in the field of pain research and medicine, founded in 1976, as Italian Chapter of the International Associatio for the Studfy of Pain, IASP. The Association is affiliated with the European Pain Federation, EFIC.
Althesys is an independent professional firm, specialised in strategic advisory and in the research in the environment, energy, utilities and infrastructure industry. It assists companies, institutions and public bodies in developing knowledge and in defining strategies in an original and pragmatic way. Analysis and planning are conducted applying sound methodologies.Althesys provides strategic consulting and creates knowledge in key sectors as environment, energy, utilities and infrastructures.The projects, experience and studies of over twenty-five years of academic and professional activity of our consultants working with companies, institutions and public bodies have given birth to a structure of high quality. Unique competences in strategic sectors enhance our advisory services, strong but flexible, tailored to the needs of each client, providing focused assistance on economic research and strategic and financial planning.Althesys
The european startup initiative (esi) is a nonprofit project facilitating interaction among startups, accelerators and decision-makers across the European Union. By gathering and amplifying the voices of entrepreneurship enthusiasts from all over the 28 member states, esi stimulates thoughts about how to make Europe an easy place for startups.
For more than 20 years HSM has been selecting, producing and distributing the best business content across many platforms: world- class events, print media, a 24-hour TV channel... WOBI unifies these diverse channels. We seek out the most innovative, influential and inspirational ideas shaping the business world and spread them around the globe
CESGI is a non-profit Pisa- based organisation, mainly engaged the analysis of European policies regarding the areas of research, innovation and post-graduate training. Our association brings its experience and knowledge at the disposal of public and private organisations, research institutes and enterprises in order to suppport their involvement in the procesess of the euroean funding programmes .
Our organisation is the event organizer of all Technical Conferences: all the best conferences in Italy.In the past we have organized the follow conferences:Windows Developer Conference Windows Server ConferenceSharePoint & Office Conference SQL Server & Business Intelligence Conference Unified Communications & Collaborations ConferenceVirtualization & Private Cloud ConferenceSharePoint Future
The University of Macerata (UniMC), specialised in socio
l'Università Ambrosiana è un'Università dedicata alla innovazione e alla implementazione della qualità della didattica. l'Università ha l'eccellenza internazionale per la formazione dei medici dei docenti secondo il paradigma della Medicina centrata sulla persona e per la formazione alla Adolescentologia e alla medicina dell'adolescenza.Al momento attuale l'attività formativa è sviluppata, secondo procedure di qualità nell'ambito post-universitario.l'Università ha dpti in Medicina centrata sulla persona, (Scuola Medica di Milano)Archeologia e Scienze storia dell'Aernautica militare.Attualmente sono presenti centri di ricerca dpti e corsi ancora unici al mondo:qualiDpt in Adolescentologia e Medicna dell'dolescenzaPerson Centered Medicine Reserch CenterPhd in Medical education
Department of Physics, University of Perugia.Teachers and Researchers of the Department of Physics, collaborate with researchers of 'INFN and CNR in the most advanced areas of fundamental and applied physics. Astrophysics and Cosmology, Theoretical Physics, Elementary Particle Physics and Condensed Matter Physics are just some of the areas of research in the Department.
The Turin School of Regulation (TSR) is a network initiative promoted by Fondazione per l'Ambiente focusing on aspects of regulation and governance of public services and bridging the gap between the academic research and the local decision-makers.
MIMOS (Italian Modelling & Simulation Association) has been created in 2000 by a group of Italian operators in the modelling, simulation, and virtual reality fields, which agreed on the opportunity to exchange experiences, increasing the knowledge and the information dissemination. It is achieved by means of internet, papers, workshops, and meetings, facilitating knowledge among Industry, University and Institutions, giving the opportunity to cooperate and transfer technological issues, and by partnership with the most relevant international Associations in the sector.
 Reseracher at the Complex System Institute of the National Research Council (ISC-CNR)
ERNAPE is an association of networks organised by areas. Each network is autonomous. In October 1993, with financial support from the European Commission, a group of researchers working in the field of parents in education in different parts of Europe met in Glasgow to discuss how to increase contact across Europe, to exchange knowledge of research developments in Europe and to stimulate research about parents in education at all levels, including intercultural European research.The group decided to establish ERNAPE (European Research Network About Parents in Education) and to organise this research network by language areas, rather than by countries. Research communication tends to be language-related. There are organisation reasons for this arrangement too. One is that it enables representation on the ERNAPE committee without having a huge (and expensive) committee representing every country. Another is that it encourages area research networks to exist in the field of parents in education without being dependent on ERNAPE. Some areas now have operating networks. In other areas they are still being developed. Thus, ERNAPE is gradually growing as area networks grow. It is our hope that ERNAPE will provide a means to assist these networks to interact.
An international research centre, whose generalpublications are distributed in Internetand whose cutting-edge policy solutions can be implemented in real contexts. We provide technical assistance to policymakers, project design and execution, seminars and training.Among the field of expertise, climate change mitigation and adaptation (including NAMAs), as explained at http://www.economicswebinstitute.org/innopolicymitigation.htm.
Non profit organization concerned with research and training in medical genetics, and particularly support for institutes of research and diagnosis and for graduates from developing countries.
CSP is the Information Society Technologies innovation and research centre for Piedmont
Advancement of sustainability based research with interdisciplinary interests in human geography, environmental studies and interdisciplinary societal studies.
Piemonte Agency is the unique, free reference point for companies wishing to locate in Piemonte. The inward investment team can advise you on every aspect of starting and running a business in Piemonte, providing assistance at every stage of the project. Piemonte Agency has also been charged from the Region to manage the Regional Investment Contract, an innovative instrument created and implemented by the Region to encourage the arrival and development in Piemonte of new investments.
The mission of Toscana Life Sciences (TLS) Foundation is to support research activities in the field of Life Sciences and, in particular, to foster the development of projects, from basic research to industrial application. TLS is especially committed to projects and activities aimed at discovering and developing orphan drugs, as well as improving existing therapies for rare and neglected diseases.
The newly founded Department of Life Sciences of Trieste University originates from the fusion of four departments, the Department of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Macromolecular Chemistry, the Department of Biology, the Department of Physiology and Pathology and the Department of Biomedical Sciences.The Department of Life Sciences collaborates with over fifty foreign institutions, both academic and industrial, with several leading National Research Laboratories and Universities, and companies.
Environmental Protection Agency in the Italian region of Lombardy.Representation in Bruxelles.
Italian Agency for International Economic Cooperation, with geographical specialization on eastern European Countries (see www.informest.it official website)
CESIE is a European centre of studies and initiatives, established in 2001, inspired by the work and theories of the sociologist Danilo Dolci (1924-1997).Our MISSION is to promote growth through innovative and participative educational approaches.Our VISION: The world to become only one creature.Our objectives:- To improve lifelong education in Europe through transnational projects involving local communities.- To promote sustainable development of neighboring regions and beyond through training and education.- To foster progress and innovation in Higher Education and Research.- To support learning mobility for people at all ages, across borders and sectors. - To stimulate local growth by adapting international good practices and methods.