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EU Diplomacy & Diplomatic Skills
How to navigate the EU's diplomatic waters? Report, communicate and negotiate
EP Boot Camp
A unique one-day training on how the European Parliament really works and how to work with it.
Managing Migration in Europe: Challenge and Response
Taking stock of the tools, best practices and challenges in the field of migration and asylum in Europe
RECONNECT Kick-off Conference
International Conference on Rule of Law and Democracy in Europe
Summer School in EU Law and Policy on Immigration and Asylum
Université libre de Bruxelles - 2 to 13 July 2018
Panel Discussion – How to Position Your Organization for the 2019 European Parliamentary Elections
What challenges will the 2019 EP elections bring from an advocacy viewpoint? How should your organization position itself to ensure your issue will be on the EU institutional agenda? What is the best way to engage with outgoing and incoming MEPs?
Athenora's 15th anniversary - Debate with Arnaud Magnier on citizens' consultation on Europe
Debate on the citizen's consultation on Europe
Challenges of Radicalization to Violent Extremism for Europe and Beyond
"Breaking the ISIS Brand Counter Narrative Project – Addressing the Challenges of Radicalization to Violent Extremism for Europe and Beyond" by Anne Speckhard, Ph.D.
Association Summer Event - Meet the Experts
Are you an association professional? Do you want to meet some experts in the associations’ services field? Do you want to have a drink with your peers in a cool atmosphere?
Euraffex EP Elections Crash Course
this Crash Course is a great opportunity to understand the impact that the upcoming elections will have on you, address some misconceptions on the European Parliament, as well as provide foresight on the direction of Europe’s future.
Information Session Part time PhD Comparative, International and European Law
Information session on PhD in Comparative, European and International Law for professionals in Brussels.
Echoes of the EU - Western Balkans Summit: New beginning?
EUROPEUM Institute for European Policy would like to cordially invite you to the conference: Echoes of the EU - Western Balkans Summit: New beginning?
Launch: Open Government Network for Europe
Launch of a new network of champions working on transparency, accountability and citizen engagement across Europe.
Tick-tock: Should we salvage the Iran Deal?
UANI invites you to join the panel discussion
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
Human Trafficking and Migrant Smuggling
8th Annual International Symposium
The Future of Cyber Warfare
Cyberwarfare has transformed the definition of war. Intoday’s information warfare the protection of our citizens and our societies has become agreat challenge, as the logic of deterrence can no longer be applied.
PESCO: What role for the V4 in developing European Strategic Autonomy
A discussion regarding the role of the Visegrad Countries in the new EU initiative towards strategic autonomy PESCO
EU Masterclass: Influencing EU Decision-making
Designed for EU public affairs professionals, this seminar will focus on the practical aspects of EU decision-making, how to influence it, and what to expect legislatively (policy-wise and procedurally) between now and 2019.
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
Brussels Summit 2018 “A Future for Europe”
Panel of experts meet to shape the debate and advocate for a responsible and realistic reform of the European Union.
Brexit and External Relations
Institutional Aspects and Prospects for Future Relations
The Future of EU Finances post-Brexit
Legal Issues on Establishing the Multiannual Financial Framework post-2020
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
PRIDE - A New Platform for Drugs Trafficking Control
The PRIDE web-based system will be presented and discussed with high level national and European authorities, including EC-DG HOME, Europol, the EMCDDA, the Belgian Ministry of Justice and the Italian National Antimafia and Antiterrorism Direction.
l'Europe à la reconquête de ses citoyens ?
Bâtir l’Union européenne de demain, une Union au plus proche des citoyens, alors qu’actuellement 56% d’entre eux ne se sentent pas entendus à l’échelle européenne
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
The European Asylum System
Moving Towards a Unified, Fair and Effective Framework
EUROMED Invest Final Conference
Four years boosting Business in the Euro-Mediterranean region
The Quest for Government - Andrew Duff, Conference-Debate
Future of Europe - Lunchtime Debate organised by CIFE Brussels
Emerging Leaders Conference
This year’s theme is “Migration and Development: Human Dignity in the refugee crisis”. The conference will take place in Brussels at the European Parliament, from the 26th to the 29th of November, 2017.
WYA Europe, Emerging Leaders Conference 2017
The conference aims at bringing together young leaders, active members and youth advocates from across Europe to interact with policy makers, experts and leaders on current global issues.
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
Workshop on Irregular Migration & External Border Security in Europe & beyond
Jean Monnet Network Workshop
Annual Conference on European Asylum Law 2017
Reform of CEAS External dimension of crisis management Asylum-seekers with special needs
European Parliament bootcamp on how the parliament really works
March for terrorism victims and emergency services
In honour of those who lost their lives in terrorist attacks.
Counter Extremism Project (CEP) invites you to join the Building Alliances - Preventing Terror Conference
A unique two-day conference to share ideas for tackling the spread of extremism and terrorist propaganda
Young European Council 2017
YEC17: your opportunity to contribute to actionable policy making, meet with experts and decision-makers, and collaborate with peers from all across Europe
EEARTO High-Level Debate: “Cohesion Policy Post-2020: inter-regional collaboration of innovation hubs”
European Week of Regions and Cities - EARTO Session: “Cohesion Policy Post-2020: inter-regional collaboration of innovation hubs”
“Impact Delivered” and “Impact Expected”.
Towards FP9: Maximising R&I Impact to Ensure Europe's Position as Global Player
Kashmir-EU Week 2017
The Kashmir Council-EU organises an annual week-long event at the invitation of the European Parliament, to raise awareness amongst its Members of the long-running Kashmir conflict. 
3-reasoning-test course for EPSO EU competitions
One-day training on verbal, numerical and abstract reasoning.To multiply your chance of success to the EU competitions
Promoting Migrant Integration for a Powerful, Diverse and Multicultural Europe
An invaluable opportunity to discuss the current challenges of migration and integration in Europe
Our one-day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it.
Brexit: What will it mean for Belgian exports to the UK?
Uncertainty offers opportunity
The Real State of the Union
the real state of Europe and what to do about it
euraffex competition for small & medium sized NGOs
Challenges to the Rule of Law in Europe
On 12 July the European Movement International is organising a debate to explore ways forward for the rule of law in Europe.
How to lobby in a regulated environment?
ecpa2.0 Annual General Meeting
Terrorism, Issues and Perspectives
The opening speech will be given by Commissioner for the Security Union, Julian King. Check our event website to check all speakers http://eipisa.eu/events/international-conference-terrorism-issues-and-perspectives
Call to Europe VII: Democracy First!
7th iteration of FEPS annual conference
Our Future in the Age of New Transatlanticism
Three panel discussions on the transatlantic relationship
Roundtable "Brexit and Citizens' Rights: Where Do We Go From Here?'
The aim of this event is to identify the key issues of concern to citizens ahead of the Brexit negotiations and to discuss solutions with decision-makers to ensure that the rights of citizens will be upheld in any future deal between the UK and the E...
Citizen Rights and Brexit; ‘Populism’ in the EU
European Network of Ombudsmen Conference 2017
Annual Conference on European Migration Law 2017
Focus on the Reform of the EU Legal Migration System
European Parliament Boot Camp June session
Our one-day intensive training on the workings of the European Parliament: From organisation to policy making. The training focusing on the practical aspects of dealing with Parliament rather than on theory.
March For Truth Europe
4 speakers & an 'apéro' in solidarity with the US March For Truth
The Future of EU citizenship
bEUcitizen Final Conference, a project financed under the EU's FP7 26-28 April 2017, Residence Palace, Brussels
Café politique: Face à l'ultra-libéralisme et au populisme, un nouveau projet européen!
Café politique "Face à l'ultra-libéralisme et au populisme, un nouveau projet européen" avec Pascal Durand, Eurodéputé EELV et Isabelle Thomas, Eurodéputée PS. Mardi 11 avril, 18h30 à l'Horloge du Sud, Rue du trône, 141 - 1050 Ixelles
The disappearing state? Contested governance in the 21st century
BSIS International Conference 2017
PANEL: " Professions Vital for Democracy " 30th March 2017 @ European Parliament
"Working in challenging times"
The information battle: How governments in the former Soviet Union promote their agendas & attack their opponents abroad
Brussels launch event
My Europe - The Slovak Narrative
Guest speaker: Iveta Radicova, Former Prime Minister of the Slovak Republic
European Parliament Event hosted by MEP Ana Gomes: #MyEscape documentary screening
#MyEscape documentary
EU Spring School in Brussels
Do you want to visit Brussels and to learn about the European Union, visit its institutions and meet some of the EU officials? Then this EU Spring School is for you.
Success in EU Negotiations
The Key Skills for Shaping EU Decisions in Commission Committees and Council Bodies
Europe Needs to Do More - A Way Towards Deeper Defence Integration
The Priorities of European Security and Defence Policy in 2017
European Movement Migration Event Series – Migration of skilled workers
The revision of the EU Blue Card Directive
Epso Assessment Centre Course
Course on EPSO Assessment Centre
‘Le référendum : un bon outil democratique ?’
Which choice for the citizens?
Wise & Wine" series, featuring Martin Ohridski Transparency Register
Leading the EU Transparency Register, Ohridski will share with you his vast experience in lobbying EU institutions and how to hold them accountable, while representing your interests.
Unleash the full potential of European Standards for the 21st century
Breakfast debate hosted by Marlene Mizzi MEP (S&D) in the European Parliament
EP Boot Camp February
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
European Movement Migration Event Series
Tackling the Root Causes of Migration
Bursting the Brussels Bubble
A guide through the EU Landscape
Europe, ou la crise et la lutte finales! Michel THEYS
Démantèlement de la construction européenne ou avancée de l'intégration?37th CIFE Lunchtime Debate
EU Daphne Program: How to Apply and Manage Projects
In this seminar, we will explore the program’s priorities as well as its most important features, in order to make you able to submit competitive proposals for the calls that will be open in the forthcoming months.
EU Agencies, Supervisory Authorities and National Regulatory Authorities
One day conference
FREE Master-Class on Prison Theatre as a restorative tool
The International RESTORATIVE JUSTICE WEEK will take place on 20-27 November 2016. The EFRJ is organising a series of activities bringing together arts, justice and storytelling.
Getting Serious on EU Defence?
European Federalists' debate on EU Defence Aspirations, Politics, Capabilities
Present Day Challenges of the CEE Region
The Future Perspective of the Visegrad Cooperation
IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2016
IAPP Europe Data Protection Congress 2016
Young European Council 2016
he annual conference brings together young people from all across Europe to voice their opinions, bring in innovative policy proposals and discuss these proposals with policy makers and the private sector.
Workshop: How to Use Simplified Cost Options for ESI Funds 2014-2020?
Intensive Workshop on the rules and requirements for the use of Simplified Cost Options in the new Programming Period
Youth and populism in light of the Austrian presidential election
CFEP debate about youth and populism in light of the Austrian presidential election
Unlock the EU in 3 Days
The importance of European Union politics is rapidly increasing and so does its complexity. In this vein, the course “Unlock the EU in 3 days” is a tailor-made programme that you can adjust to meet your own needs.
The Impact of Brexit on Public Affairs
How will Brexit impact public affairs?
EU Legislative Procedure in Practice
Focus on the ordinary legislative procedure Interactive exercise on the negotiation process
EP Boot Camp September 2016
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
EU Negotiations: The Six Skills to Shape EU Decisions in Commission Committees and Council Bodies
Do you really have the right skills to influence and shape EU decisions from within? Check them out and improve in our interactive European Negotiations course.
PADEMIA Workshop: The impact of referenda on parliamentary democracy
Insights from the British, Dutch and Greek recent referenda on EU matters
International Master in European Studies - XXIV edition
Postgraduate course on European policies, Institutions and funding with specific modules on funding programmes in details, proposal drafting, EU project management
EPSO Computer Based Test Course
This one-day-course is focused on the types of tests that are covered in the new competition format in the computer based test: Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning and Situational Judgment.
EPSO Computer Based Test Course 2307
This one-day-course is focused on the types of tests that are covered in the new competition format in the EPSO Computer based test: Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning and Situational Judgment.
Summer School Statelessness
Statelesskids Youth Congress 2016
Summer School in EU Law and Policy on Immigration and Asylum
Université libre de Bruxelles - 4 to 15 July 2016
CLEER Summer School on the Law of EU External Relations
CLEER and the T.M.C. Asser Instituut present their third intensive one-week summer school in EU External Relations Law in the European capital of Brussels
EP Boot Camp June
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
Migrants inclusion
Best practices from Southern Italy
Annual Conference on European Migration Law 2016
Managing the migration and refugee crisis: recent policy and legislative updates Focus on return
Launch - Strengthening Eastern Europe's Flank
New Direction casts the spotlight on which path European security should take ahead of the historic July NATO Summit
New Direction presents the Liberty Award to Gunnar Heinsohn
New Direction presents the Liberty Award to Gunnar Heinsohn for excellent work in furthering Polish-German relations
EPSO Computer Based Test Course 406
This one-day-course is focused on the types of tests that are covered in the new competition format in the computer based test: Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning and Situational Judgment.
EP Boot Camp May
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
1st EU Africa Advocacy Day
The A-Z of effective engagement with the European institutions
The EU Security, Migration and Borders Conference
Utilising Digital to Make a Difference
Intensive Training in Soft Diplomacy Skills
Join the ISPD for this series of fascinating seminars presented by experts on public diplomacy, negotiations skills, media, cross-cultural communication and many others!
Driving Forward Multilevel Integration for Migrants in Europe
Improving Access to Education and to the Labour Market
The European Union in international Affairs V
Call for Papers and Panels Now Open
Improving transparency in tobacco lobbying
Event organised by the European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly
Improving transparency in tobacco lobbying
Event organised by the European Ombudsman, Emily O'Reilly Wednesday, 27 April 2016, 13.30 - 15.30
Call for Candidatures: two Odysseus Prizes for publications on EU Immigration or Asylum Law
'Young Researcher Prize'  to one author aged 35 or younger for excellent published work in this area and the 'Best Publication Prize' recognises an outstanding contribution by a more experienced researcher or professor.
EP Boot Camp April
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
Intensive Trainings in Protocol Applied
Join the former Chief of Protocol of the European Commission for this series of seminars on protocol!
EPSO Computer Based Test Course 1604
This one-day-course is focused on the types of tests that are covered in the new competition format in the computer based test: Verbal, Numerical, Abstract Reasoning, Situational Judgment and Prioritising and Organising.
International Master in European Studies - XXIII edition
Postgraduate course on European policies, Institutions and funding with specific modules on funding programmes in details, proposal drafting, EU project management
Intelligence Analysis and Reporting
Transforming Your Research and Analytic Skills, Spring 2016
Social Media Intelligence
Transforming Your Research and Analytic Skills, Spring 2016
Seminar on EU Asylum and Migration policies
TEPSA is organizing a seminar on EU Asylum and Migration Policies for interested Master's students
Advanced Open Source Intelligence Seminar
Transforming Your Research and Analytic Skills, Spring 2016
EPSO Assessment Center AD
Trainday Course on the EPSO Assessment Centre offers you the chance to do an in-depth simulation exactly as in the real EPSO exam.
Intelligence & Cybersecurity Seminar Series
Transforming Your Research and Analytic Skills, Spring 2016
Open Source Intelligence Seminar
Transforming Your Research and Analytic Skills, Spring 2016.
EPSO Computer Based Test
This one-day course is opened to all the persons that want to get their dream job by working for the EU institutions. It is focused on Verbal, Numerical, Abstract, SJT
EP Boot Camp March
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
Intensive Training in Protocol Basics
An up-to-date knowledge of the main practices and procedures of protocol today
EP Boot Camp February
Our one day intensive training on how the European Parliament really works - and how to work with it
IAPP GDPR Comprehensive 2016
Preparing for and Implementing the EU General Data Protection Regulation*Offering both Live and Virtual attendance.
EPSO Assessment Center
Trainday Course on the EPSO Assessment Centre offers you the chance to do an in-depth simulation exactly as in the real EPSO exam.
Conférence - Comment être citoyen européen aujourd'hui?
Conférence - débat avec Paul Löwenthal
Data Protection and Ethics
Bridging the gap in the data-driven world
Insights in measuring EU performance in international institutions
IES Autumn Lecture Series
Group Exercise Simulation
This seminar is focused on simulating the group exercise.The session is addressed to those who already have an idea about what happens in the group exercise and are interested to practice, to simulate and to get as much feedback as possible.
EPSO Assessment Center
Trainday Course on the EPSO Assessment Centre offers you the chance to do an in-depth simulation exactly as in the real EPSO exam.